
    This PowerShell script can generate report according to your defined parameters and monitor for changes that happen on users and groups in Active Directory.
    This PowerShell script can generate report according to your defined parameters and monitor for changes that happen on users and groups in Active Directory.
    It can tell you:
    - When and who changed the group membership of any group within your Active Directory Domain
    - When and who changed the user data including Password, UserPrincipalName, SamAccountName, and so on…
    - When and who changed passwords
    - When and who locked out account and where did it happen
    Version: 1.00
    Author: Przemyslaw Klys <przemyslaw.klys at>
    Creation Date: 23.03.2018
    Modifcation Date: 27.05.2018
    - DirectoryPattern = $true # adds to reports path Hourly \ Monthly \ Quarterly \ Custom ("C:\Support\Reports\Hourly")
    - Fixes for reports
    Newest version of the script is always available at:
    Examples of usage can be found at

# Default value / overwritten if set in config
$script:WriteParameters = @{
    ShowTime   = $true
    LogFile    = ""
    TimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
$script:TimeToGenerateReports = [ordered]@{
    Reports = [ordered] @{
        UserChanges            = @{
            Total = $null
        UserStatus             = @{
            Total = $null
        UserLockouts           = @{
            Total = $null
        UserLogon              = @{
            Total = $null
        UserLogonKerberos      = @{
            Total = $null
        GroupMembershipChanges = @{
            Total = $null
        GroupCreateDelete      = @{
            Total = $null
        GroupPolicyChanges     = @{
            Total = $null
        LogsClearedSecurity    = @{
            Total = $null
        LogsClearedOther       = @{
            Total = $null
        EventsReboots          = @{
            Total = $null
        EventLogSize           = @{
            Total = $null
        ServersData            = @{
            Total = $null

function Start-ADReporting () {
    param (
    Set-DisplayParameters -ReportOptions $ReportOptions

    Test-Prerequisite $EmailParameters $FormattingParameters $ReportOptions $ReportTimes $ReportDefinitions
    if ($ReportOptions.JustTestPrerequisite -ne $null -and $ReportOptions.JustTestPrerequisite -eq $true) {

    # Report Per Hour
    if ($ReportTimes.PastHour -eq $true) {
        $DatesPastHour = Find-DatesPastHour
        if ($DatesPastHour -ne $null) {
            Start-Report -Dates $DatesPastHour -EmailParameters $EmailParameters -FormattingParameters $FormattingParameters -ReportOptions $ReportOptions -ReportDefinitions $ReportDefinitions
    if ($ReportTimes.CurrentHour -eq $true) {
        $DatesCurrentHour = Find-DatesCurrentHour
        if ($DatesCurrentHour -ne $null) {
            Start-Report -Dates $DatesCurrentHour -EmailParameters $EmailParameters -FormattingParameters $FormattingParameters -ReportOptions $ReportOptions -ReportDefinitions $ReportDefinitions
    # Report Per Day
    if ($ReportTimes.PastDay -eq $true) {
        $DatesDayPrevious = Find-DatesDayPrevious
        if ($DatesDayPrevious -ne $null) {
            Start-Report -Dates $DatesDayPrevious -EmailParameters $EmailParameters -FormattingParameters $FormattingParameters -ReportOptions $ReportOptions -ReportDefinitions $ReportDefinitions
    if ($ReportTimes.CurrentDay -eq $true) {
        $DatesDayToday = Find-DatesDayToday
        if ($DatesDayToday -ne $null) {
            Start-Report -Dates $DatesDayToday -EmailParameters $EmailParameters -FormattingParameters $FormattingParameters -ReportOptions $ReportOptions -ReportDefinitions $ReportDefinitions
    # Report Per Week
    if ($ReportTimes.OnDay.Enabled -eq $true) {
        foreach ($Day in $ReportTimes.OnDay.Days) {
            $DatesReportOnDay = Find-DatesPastWeek $Day
            if ($DatesReportOnDay -ne $null) {
                Start-Report -Dates $DatesReportOnDay -EmailParameters $EmailParameters -FormattingParameters $FormattingParameters -ReportOptions $ReportOptions -ReportDefinitions $ReportDefinitions
    # Report Per Month
    if ($ReportTimes.PastMonth.Enabled -eq $true -or $ReportTimes.PastMonth.Force -eq $true) {
        $DatesMonthPrevious = Find-DatesMonthPast -Force $ReportTimes.PastMonth.Force     # Find-DatesMonthPast runs only on 1st of the month unless -Force is used
        if ($DatesMonthPrevious -ne $null) {
            Start-Report -Dates $DatesMonthPrevious -EmailParameters $EmailParameters -FormattingParameters $FormattingParameters -ReportOptions $ReportOptions -ReportDefinitions $ReportDefinitions
    if ($ReportTimes.CurrentMonth -eq $true) {
        $DatesMonthCurrent = Find-DatesMonthCurrent
        if ($DatesMonthCurrent -ne $null) {
            Start-Report -Dates $DatesMonthCurrent -EmailParameters $EmailParameters -FormattingParameters $FormattingParameters -ReportOptions $ReportOptions -ReportDefinitions $ReportDefinitions
    # Report Per Quarter
    if ($ReportTimes.PastQuarter.Enabled -eq $true -or $ReportTimes.PastQuarter.Force -eq $true) {
        $DatesQuarterLast = Find-DatesQuarterLast -Force $ReportTimes.PastQuarter.Force  # Find-DatesMonthPast runs only on 1st of the quarter unless -Force is used
        if ($DatesQuarterLast -ne $null) {
            Start-Report -Dates $DatesQuarterLast -EmailParameters $EmailParameters -FormattingParameters $FormattingParameters -ReportOptions $ReportOptions -ReportDefinitions $ReportDefinitions
    if ($ReportTimes.CurrentQuarter -eq $true) {
        $DatesQuarterCurrent = Find-DatesQuarterCurrent
        if ($DatesQuarterCurrent -ne $null) {
            Start-Report -Dates $DatesQuarterCurrent -EmailParameters $EmailParameters -FormattingParameters $FormattingParameters -ReportOptions $ReportOptions -ReportDefinitions $ReportDefinitions
    # Report Custom
    if ($ReportTimes.CurrentDayMinusDayX.Enabled -eq $true) {
        $DatesCurrentDayMinusDayX = Find-DatesCurrentDayMinusDayX $ReportTimes.CurrentDayMinusDayX.Days
        if ($DatesCurrentDayMinusDayX -ne $null) {
            Start-Report -Dates $DatesCurrentDayMinusDayX -EmailParameters $EmailParameters -FormattingParameters $FormattingParameters -ReportOptions $ReportOptions -ReportDefinitions $ReportDefinitions
    if ($ReportTimes.CurrentDayMinuxDaysX.Enabled -eq $true) {
        $DatesCurrentDayMinusDaysX = Find-DatesCurrentDayMinuxDaysX $ReportTimes.CurrentDayMinuxDaysX.Days
        if ($DatesCurrentDayMinusDaysX -ne $null) {
            Start-Report -Dates $DatesCurrentDayMinusDaysX -EmailParameters $EmailParameters -FormattingParameters $FormattingParameters -ReportOptions $ReportOptions -ReportDefinitions $ReportDefinitions
    if ($ReportTimes.CustomDate.Enabled -eq $true) {
        $DatesCustom = @{
            DateFrom = $ReportTimes.CustomDate.DateFrom
            DateTo   = $ReportTimes.CustomDate.DateTo
        if ($DatesCustom -ne $null) {
            Start-Report -Dates $DatesCustom -EmailParameters $EmailParameters -FormattingParameters $FormattingParameters -ReportOptions $ReportOptions -ReportDefinitions $ReportDefinitions
