
Function Hide-WUUpdate
        Get list of available updates meeting the criteria and try to hide/unhide it.
        Use Hide-WUUpdate to get list of available updates meeting specific criteria. In next step script try to hide (or unhide) updates.
        There are two types of filtering update: Pre search criteria, Post search criteria.
        - Pre search works on server side, like example: ( IsInstalled = 0 and IsHidden = 0 and CategoryIds contains '0fa1201d-4330-4fa8-8ae9-b877473b6441' )
        - Post search work on client side after downloading the pre-filtered list of updates, like example $KBArticleID -match $Update.KBArticleIDs
        Status list:
        D - IsDownloaded, I - IsInstalled, M - IsMandatory, H - IsHidden, U - IsUninstallable, B - IsBeta
    .PARAMETER UpdateType
        Pre search criteria. Finds updates of a specific type, such as 'Driver' and 'Software'. Default value contains all updates.
        Pre search criteria. Finds updates of a specific UUID (or sets of UUIDs), such as '12345678-9abc-def0-1234-56789abcdef0'.
    .PARAMETER RevisionNumber
        Pre search criteria. Finds updates of a specific RevisionNumber, such as '100'. This criterion must be combined with the UpdateID param.
    .PARAMETER CategoryIDs
        Pre search criteria. Finds updates that belong to a specified category (or sets of UUIDs), such as '0fa1201d-4330-4fa8-8ae9-b877473b6441'.
    .PARAMETER IsInstalled
        Pre search criteria. Finds updates that are installed on the destination computer.
    .PARAMETER IsHidden
        Pre search criteria. Finds updates that are marked as hidden on the destination computer.
    .PARAMETER IsNotHidden
        Pre search criteria. Finds updates that are not marked as hidden on the destination computer. Overwrite IsHidden param.
    .PARAMETER Criteria
        Pre search criteria. Set own string that specifies the search criteria.
    .PARAMETER ShowSearchCriteria
        Show choosen search criteria. Only works for pre search criteria.
    .PARAMETER Category
        Post search criteria. Finds updates that contain a specified category name (or sets of categories name), such as 'Updates', 'Security Updates', 'Critical Updates', etc...
        Post search criteria. Finds updates that contain a KBArticleID (or sets of KBArticleIDs), such as 'KB982861'.
    .PARAMETER Title
        Post search criteria. Finds updates that match part of title, such as ''
    .PARAMETER NotCategory
        Post search criteria. Finds updates that not contain a specified category name (or sets of categories name), such as 'Updates', 'Security Updates', 'Critical Updates', etc...
        Post search criteria. Finds updates that not contain a KBArticleID (or sets of KBArticleIDs), such as 'KB982861'.
    .PARAMETER NotTitle
        Post search criteria. Finds updates that not match part of title.
    .PARAMETER IgnoreUserInput
        Post search criteria. Finds updates that the installation or uninstallation of an update can't prompt for user input.
    .PARAMETER IgnoreRebootRequired
        Post search criteria. Finds updates that specifies the restart behavior that not occurs when you install or uninstall the update.
    .PARAMETER ServiceID
        Set ServiceIS to change the default source of Windows Updates. It overwrite ServerSelection parameter value.
    .PARAMETER WindowsUpdate
        Set Windows Update Server as source. Default update config are taken from computer policy.
    .PARAMETER MicrosoftUpdate
        Set Microsoft Update Server as source. Default update config are taken from computer policy.
    .PARAMETER HideStatus
        Status used in script. Default is $True = hide update.
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
        Specify the name of the computer to the remote connection.
    .PARAMETER Debuger
        Debug mode.
        Get list of available updates from Microsoft Update Server and hide it.
        PS C:\> Hide-WUList -MicrosoftUpdate
        Are you sure you want to perform this action?
        Performing the operation "Hide Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool x64 - December 2013 (KB890830)?" on target
        [Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"): Y
        ComputerName Status KB Size Title
        ------------ ------ -- ---- -----
        TEST D--H-- KB890830 8 MB Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool x64 - December 2013 (KB890830)
        Unhide update
        PS C:\> Hide-WUUpdate -Title 'Windows Malicious*' -HideStatus:$false
        Are you sure you want to perform this action?
        Performing the operation "Unhide Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool x64 - December 2013 (KB890830)?" on target
        [Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"): Y
        ComputerName Status KB Size Title
        ------------ ------ -- ---- -----
        TEST D----- KB890830 8 MB Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool x64 - December 2013 (KB890830)
        Author: Michal Gajda
        Blog : http://commandlinegeeks.com/

        #Pre search criteria
        [ValidateSet("Driver", "Software")]
        [String]$UpdateType = "",
        #Post search criteria
        #Connection options
        [Switch]$HideStatus = $true,
        #Mode options

            $DebugPreference = "Continue"
        } #End If $PSBoundParameters['Debuger']
        $User = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
        $Role = (New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $user).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator)

            Write-Warning "To perform some operations you must run an elevated Windows PowerShell console."    
        } #End If !$Role

        Write-Debug "STAGE 0: Prepare environment"
        # Start STAGE 0: Prepare environment #
        Write-Debug "Check if ComputerName in set"
        If($ComputerName -eq $null)
            Write-Debug "Set ComputerName to localhost"
            [String[]]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME
        } #End If $ComputerName -eq $null
        # End STAGE 0: Prepare environment #
        $UpdateCollection = @()
        Foreach($Computer in $ComputerName)
            If(Test-Connection -ComputerName $Computer -Quiet)
                Write-Debug "STAGE 1: Get updates list"
                # Start STAGE 1: Get updates list #

                If($Computer -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME)
                    Write-Debug "Create Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager object"
                    $objServiceManager = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager" #Support local instance only
                    Write-Debug "Create Microsoft.Update.Session object for $Computer"
                    $objSession = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.Session" #Support local instance only
                } #End If $Computer -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME
                    Write-Debug "Create Microsoft.Update.Session object for $Computer"
                    $objSession =  [activator]::CreateInstance([type]::GetTypeFromProgID("Microsoft.Update.Session",$Computer))
                } #End Else $Computer -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME
                Write-Debug "Create Microsoft.Update.Session.Searcher object for $Computer"
                $objSearcher = $objSession.CreateUpdateSearcher()

                    Write-Debug "Set source of updates to Windows Update"
                    $objSearcher.ServerSelection = 2
                    $serviceName = "Windows Update"
                } #End If $WindowsUpdate
                    Write-Debug "Set source of updates to Microsoft Update"
                    $serviceName = $null
                    Foreach ($objService in $objServiceManager.Services) 
                        If($objService.Name -eq "Microsoft Update")
                            $objSearcher.ServerSelection = 3
                            $objSearcher.ServiceID = $objService.ServiceID
                            $serviceName = $objService.Name
                        }#End If $objService.Name -eq "Microsoft Update"
                    }#End ForEach $objService in $objServiceManager.Services
                    If(-not $serviceName)
                        Write-Warning "Can't find registered service Microsoft Update. Use Get-WUServiceManager to get registered service."
                    }#Enf If -not $serviceName
                } #End Else $WindowsUpdate If $MicrosoftUpdate
                ElseIf($Computer -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME) #Support local instance only
                    Foreach ($objService in $objServiceManager.Services) 
                            If($objService.ServiceID -eq $ServiceID)
                                $objSearcher.ServiceID = $ServiceID
                                $objSearcher.ServerSelection = 3
                                $serviceName = $objService.Name
                            } #End If $objService.ServiceID -eq $ServiceID
                        } #End If $ServiceID
                            If($objService.IsDefaultAUService -eq $True)
                                $serviceName = $objService.Name
                            } #End If $objService.IsDefaultAUService -eq $True
                        } #End Else $ServiceID
                    } #End Foreach $objService in $objServiceManager.Services
                } #End Else $MicrosoftUpdate If $Computer -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME
                    $objSearcher.ServiceID = $ServiceID
                    $objSearcher.ServerSelection = 3
                    $serviceName = $ServiceID
                Else #End Else $Computer -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME If $ServiceID
                    $serviceName = "default (for $Computer) Windows Update"
                } #End Else $ServiceID
                Write-Debug "Set source of updates to $serviceName"
                Write-Verbose "Connecting to $serviceName server. Please wait..."
                    $search = ""
                        $search = $Criteria
                    } #End If $Criteria
                            $search = "IsInstalled = 1"
                            Write-Debug "Set pre search criteria: IsInstalled = 1"
                        } #End If $IsInstalled
                            $search = "IsInstalled = 0"    
                            Write-Debug "Set pre search criteria: IsInstalled = 0"
                        } #End Else $IsInstalled
                        If($UpdateType -ne "")
                            Write-Debug "Set pre search criteria: Type = $UpdateType"
                            $search += " and Type = '$UpdateType'"
                        } #End If $UpdateType -ne ""
                            Write-Debug "Set pre search criteria: UpdateID = '$([string]::join(", ", $UpdateID))'"
                            $tmp = $search
                            $search = ""
                            $LoopCount = 0
                            Foreach($ID in $UpdateID)
                                If($LoopCount -gt 0)
                                    $search += " or "
                                } #End If $LoopCount -gt 0
                                    Write-Debug "Set pre search criteria: RevisionNumber = '$RevisionNumber'"    
                                    $search += "($tmp and UpdateID = '$ID' and RevisionNumber = $RevisionNumber)"
                                } #End If $RevisionNumber
                                    $search += "($tmp and UpdateID = '$ID')"
                                } #End Else $RevisionNumber
                            } #End Foreach $ID in $UpdateID
                        } #End If $UpdateID

                            Write-Debug "Set pre search criteria: CategoryIDs = '$([string]::join(", ", $CategoryIDs))'"
                            $tmp = $search
                            $search = ""
                            $LoopCount =0
                            Foreach($ID in $CategoryIDs)
                                If($LoopCount -gt 0)
                                    $search += " or "
                                } #End If $LoopCount -gt 0
                                $search += "($tmp and CategoryIDs contains '$ID')"
                            } #End Foreach $ID in $CategoryIDs
                        } #End If $CategoryIDs
                            Write-Debug "Set pre search criteria: IsHidden = 0"
                            $search += " and IsHidden = 0"    
                        } #End If $IsNotHidden
                            Write-Debug "Set pre search criteria: IsHidden = 1"
                            $search += " and IsHidden = 1"    
                        } #End ElseIf $IsHidden

                        #Don't know why every update have RebootRequired=false which is not always true
                            Write-Debug "Set pre search criteria: RebootRequired = 0"
                            $search += " and RebootRequired = 0"    
                        } #End If $IgnoreRebootRequired
                    } #End Else $Criteria
                    Write-Debug "Search criteria is: $search"
                        Write-Output $search
                    } #End If $ShowSearchCriteria
                    $objResults = $objSearcher.Search($search)
                } #End Try
                    If($_ -match "HRESULT: 0x80072EE2")
                        Write-Warning "Probably you don't have connection to Windows Update server"
                    } #End If $_ -match "HRESULT: 0x80072EE2"
                } #End Catch

                $NumberOfUpdate = 1
                $PreFoundUpdatesToDownload = $objResults.Updates.count
                Write-Verbose "Found [$PreFoundUpdatesToDownload] Updates in pre search criteria"                
                If($PreFoundUpdatesToDownload -eq 0)
                } #End If $PreFoundUpdatesToDownload -eq 0
                Foreach($Update in $objResults.Updates)
                    $UpdateAccess = $true
                    Write-Progress -Activity "Post search updates for $Computer" -Status "[$NumberOfUpdate/$PreFoundUpdatesToDownload] $($Update.Title) $size" -PercentComplete ([int]($NumberOfUpdate/$PreFoundUpdatesToDownload * 100))
                    Write-Debug "Set post search criteria: $($Update.Title)"
                    If($Category -ne "")
                        $UpdateCategories = $Update.Categories | Select-Object Name
                        Write-Debug "Set post search criteria: Categories = '$([string]::join(", ", $Category))'"    
                        Foreach($Cat in $Category)
                            If(!($UpdateCategories -match $Cat))
                                Write-Debug "UpdateAccess: false"
                                $UpdateAccess = $false
                            } #End If !($UpdateCategories -match $Cat)
                                $UpdateAccess = $true
                            } #End Else !($UpdateCategories -match $Cat)
                        } #End Foreach $Cat in $Category
                    } #End If $Category -ne ""

                    If($NotCategory -ne "" -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true)
                        $UpdateCategories = $Update.Categories | Select-Object Name
                        Write-Debug "Set post search criteria: NotCategories = '$([string]::join(", ", $NotCategory))'"    
                        Foreach($Cat in $NotCategory)
                            If($UpdateCategories -match $Cat)
                                Write-Debug "UpdateAccess: false"
                                $UpdateAccess = $false
                            } #End If $UpdateCategories -match $Cat
                        } #End Foreach $Cat in $NotCategory
                    } #End If $NotCategory -ne "" -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true
                    If($KBArticleID -ne $null -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true)
                        Write-Debug "Set post search criteria: KBArticleIDs = '$([string]::join(", ", $KBArticleID))'"
                        If(!($KBArticleID -match $Update.KBArticleIDs -and "" -ne $Update.KBArticleIDs))
                            Write-Debug "UpdateAccess: false"
                            $UpdateAccess = $false
                        } #End If !($KBArticleID -match $Update.KBArticleIDs)
                    } #End If $KBArticleID -ne $null -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true

                    If($NotKBArticleID -ne $null -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true)
                        Write-Debug "Set post search criteria: NotKBArticleIDs = '$([string]::join(", ", $NotKBArticleID))'"
                        If($NotKBArticleID -match $Update.KBArticleIDs -and "" -ne $Update.KBArticleIDs)
                            Write-Debug "UpdateAccess: false"
                            $UpdateAccess = $false
                        } #End If$NotKBArticleID -match $Update.KBArticleIDs -and "" -ne $Update.KBArticleIDs
                    } #End If $NotKBArticleID -ne $null -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true
                    If($Title -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true)
                        Write-Debug "Set post search criteria: Title = '$Title'"
                        If($Update.Title -notmatch $Title)
                            Write-Debug "UpdateAccess: false"
                            $UpdateAccess = $false
                        } #End If $Update.Title -notmatch $Title
                    } #End If $Title -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true

                    If($NotTitle -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true)
                        Write-Debug "Set post search criteria: NotTitle = '$NotTitle'"
                        If($Update.Title -match $NotTitle)
                            Write-Debug "UpdateAccess: false"
                            $UpdateAccess = $false
                        } #End If $Update.Title -notmatch $NotTitle
                    } #End If $NotTitle -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true
                    If($IgnoreUserInput -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true)
                        Write-Debug "Set post search criteria: CanRequestUserInput"
                        If($Update.InstallationBehavior.CanRequestUserInput -eq $true)
                            Write-Debug "UpdateAccess: false"
                            $UpdateAccess = $false
                        } #End If $Update.InstallationBehavior.CanRequestUserInput -eq $true
                    } #End If $IgnoreUserInput -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true

                    If($IgnoreRebootRequired -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true) 
                        Write-Debug "Set post search criteria: RebootBehavior"
                        If($Update.InstallationBehavior.RebootBehavior -ne 0)
                            Write-Debug "UpdateAccess: false"
                            $UpdateAccess = $false
                        } #End If $Update.InstallationBehavior.RebootBehavior -ne 0
                    } #End If $IgnoreRebootRequired -and $UpdateAccess -eq $true

                    If($UpdateAccess -eq $true)
                        Write-Debug "Convert size"
                            {[System.Math]::Round($_/1KB,0) -lt 1024} { $size = [String]([System.Math]::Round($_/1KB,0))+" KB"; break }
                            {[System.Math]::Round($_/1MB,0) -lt 1024} { $size = [String]([System.Math]::Round($_/1MB,0))+" MB"; break }  
                            {[System.Math]::Round($_/1GB,0) -lt 1024} { $size = [String]([System.Math]::Round($_/1GB,0))+" GB"; break }    
                            {[System.Math]::Round($_/1TB,0) -lt 1024} { $size = [String]([System.Math]::Round($_/1TB,0))+" TB"; break }
                            default { $size = $_+"B" }
                        } #End Switch
                        Write-Debug "Convert KBArticleIDs"
                        If($Update.KBArticleIDs -ne "")    
                            $KB = "KB"+$Update.KBArticleIDs
                        } #End If $Update.KBArticleIDs -ne ""
                            $KB = ""
                        } #End Else $Update.KBArticleIDs -ne ""
                        if($Update.IsHidden -ne $HideStatus)
                                $StatusName = "Hide"
                            } #$HideStatus
                                $StatusName = "Unhide"
                            } #Else $HideStatus
                            If($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Computer,"$StatusName $($Update.Title)?")) 
                                    $Update.IsHidden = $HideStatus
                                    Write-Warning "You haven't privileges to make this. Try start an eleated Windows PowerShell console."
                            } #$pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($Computer,"Hide $($Update.Title)?")
                        } #End $Update.IsHidden -ne $HideStatus
                        $Status = ""
                        If($Update.IsDownloaded)    {$Status += "D"} else {$status += "-"}
                        If($Update.IsInstalled)     {$Status += "I"} else {$status += "-"}
                        If($Update.IsMandatory)     {$Status += "M"} else {$status += "-"}
                        If($Update.IsHidden)        {$Status += "H"} else {$status += "-"}
                        If($Update.IsUninstallable) {$Status += "U"} else {$status += "-"}
                        If($Update.IsBeta)          {$Status += "B"} else {$status += "-"} 
                        Add-Member -InputObject $Update -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ComputerName -Value $Computer
                        Add-Member -InputObject $Update -MemberType NoteProperty -Name KB -Value $KB
                        Add-Member -InputObject $Update -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Size -Value $size
                        Add-Member -InputObject $Update -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Status -Value $Status
                        $UpdateCollection += $Update
                    } #End If $UpdateAccess -eq $true
                } #End Foreach $Update in $objResults.Updates
                Write-Progress -Activity "Post search updates for $Computer" -Status "Completed" -Completed
                $FoundUpdatesToDownload = $UpdateCollection.count
                Write-Verbose "Found [$FoundUpdatesToDownload] Updates in post search criteria"
                # End STAGE 1: Get updates list #
            } #End If Test-Connection -ComputerName $Computer -Quiet
        } #End Foreach $Computer in $ComputerName

        Return $UpdateCollection
    } #End Process
} #In The End :)