
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
using namespace System.Drawing
using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Numerics

class SizeTransformAttribute : ArgumentTransformationAttribute {
    static [hashtable] $StandardSizes = @{
        '720p'  = [Size]::new(1280, 720)
        '1080p' = [Size]::new(1920, 1080)
        '4K'    = [Size]::new(4096, 2160)

    [object] Transform([EngineIntrinsics]$engineIntrinsics, [object] $inputData) {
        $Size = switch ($inputData) {
            { $_ -is [Size] } {
            { $_ -is [SizeF] } {
            { $_ -is [int] -or $_ -is [double] } {
                [Size]::new($_, $_)
            { $_ -in [SizeTransformAttribute]::StandardSizes.Keys } {
            { $_ -is [string] } {
                if ($_ -match '^(?<Width>[\d\.,]+)x(?<Height>[\d\.,]+)(px)?$') {
                    [Size]::new($Matches['Width'], $Matches['Height'])

                if ($_ -match '^(?<Size>[\d\.,]+)(px)?$') {
                    [Size]::new($Matches['Size'], $Matches['Size'])
            default {
                throw [ArgumentTransformationMetadataException]::new("Unable to convert entered value $inputData to a valid Size.")

        $Area = $Size.Height * $Size.Width
        if ($Area -ge 100 * 100 -and $Area -le 20000 * 20000) {
            return $Size
        else {
            throw [ArgumentTransformationMetadataException]::new(
                "Specified size $inputData is either too small to use for an image size, or would exceed GDI+ limitations."

function New-WordCloud {
    Creates a word cloud from the input text.
    Measures the frequency of use of each word, taking into account plural and similar forms, and creates an image
    with each word's visual size corresponding to the frequency of occurrence in the input text.
    .PARAMETER InputString
    The string data to examine and create the word cloud image from.
    The output path of the word cloud.
    .PARAMETER ColorSet
    Define a set of colors to use when rendering the word cloud. Any set of [System.Drawing.KnownColor] values will be
    .PARAMETER MaxColors
    Limit the maximum number of colors from either the standard or custom set that will be used. A random selection of
    this many colors will be used to render the word cloud.
    .PARAMETER FontFamily
    Specify the font family as a string or [FontFamily] value. System.Drawing supports primarily TrueType fonts.
    .PARAMETER FontStyle
    Specify the font style to use for the word cloud.
    .PARAMETER ImageSize
    Specify the image size to use in pixels. The image dimensions can be any value between 500 and 20,000px. Any of the
    following size specifier formats are permitted:
    - Any valid [System.Drawing.Size] object
    - Any valid [System.Drawing.SizeF] object
    - 1000x1000
    - 1000x1000px
    - 1000
    - 1000px
    - 720p (Creates an image of size 1280x720px)
    - 1080p (Creates an image of size 1920x1080px)
    - 4K (Creates an image of size 4096x2160px)
    4096x2160 will be used by default. Note that the minimum image resolution is 10,000 pixels (100 x 100px), and the
    maximum resolution is 400,000,000 pixels (20,000 x 20,000px, 400MP).
    .PARAMETER DistanceStep
    The number of pixels to increment per radial sweep. Higher values will make the operation quicker, but may reduce
    the effectiveness of the packing algorithm. Lower values will take longer, but will generally ensure a more
    tightly-packed word cloud.
    .PARAMETER RadialGranularity
    The number of radial points at each distance step to check during a single sweep. This value is scaled as the radius
    expands to retain some consistency in the overall step distance as the distance from the center increases.
    .PARAMETER BackgroundColor
    Set the background color of the image. Colors with similar names to the background color are automatically excluded
    from being selected. Specify $null to render the word cloud on a transparent background.
    .PARAMETER Monochrome
    Use only shades of grey to create the word cloud.
    .PARAMETER OutputFormat
    Specify the output image file format to use.
    .PARAMETER MaxWords
    Specify the maximum number of words to include in the word cloud. 100 is default. If there are fewer unique words
    than the maximum amount, all unique words will be rendered.
    Get-Content .\Words.txt | New-WordCloud -Path .\WordCloud.png
    Generates a word cloud from the words in the specified file, and saves it to the specified image file.
    Only the top 100 most frequent words will be included in the word cloud by default; typically, words that fall under
    this ranking end up being impossible to render cleanly except on very high resolutions.
    The word cloud will be rendered according to the image size; landscape or portrait configurations will result in
    ovoid clouds, whereas square images will result mainly in circular clouds.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'SelectColors')]
    [Alias('wordcloud', 'wcloud')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [Alias('InputString', 'InputObject', 'String', 'Words', 'Document', 'Page')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1)]
        [Alias('OutFile', 'ExportPath', 'ImagePath')]
            { Test-Path -IsValid $_ -PathType Leaf }

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SelectColors')]
        $ColorSet = [KnownColor].GetEnumNames(),


                param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams)
                $FontLibrary = [FontFamily]::Families.Name.Where{-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)}

                if (!$WordToComplete) {
                    return $FontLibrary -replace '(?="|`|\$)', '`' -replace '^|$', '"'
                else {
                    return $FontLibrary.Where{$_ -match "^$([regex]::Escape($WordToComplete))"} -replace '(?="|`|\$)', '`' -replace '^|$', '"'
        $FontFamily = [FontFamily]::new('Consolas'),

        $FontStyle = [FontStyle]::Regular,

                param($Command, $Parameter, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParams)

                $Values = @('720p', '1080p', '4K', '640x1146', '480x800')

                if ($WordToComplete) {
                    return $Values.Where{$_ -match "^$WordToComplete"}
                else {
                    return $Values
        $ImageSize = [Size]::new(4096, 2160),

        [ValidateRange(1, 500)]
        $DistanceStep = 5,

        [ValidateRange(1, 50)]
        $RadialGranularity = 15,

        $BackgroundColor = [KnownColor]::Black,

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Monochrome')]
        [Alias('Greyscale', 'Grayscale')]

        [Alias('ImageFormat', 'Format')]
        [ValidateSet("Bmp", "Emf", "Exif", "Gif", "Jpeg", "Png", "Tiff", "Wmf")]
        $OutputFormat = "Png",

        [ValidateRange(10, 500)]
        $MaxUniqueWords = 100
    begin {
        $ExcludedWords = @(
            'a', 'all', 'also', 'am', 'an', 'and', 'any', 'are', 'as',
            'at', 'be', 'but', 'by', 'can', 'can''t',
            'cannot', 'com', 'could', 'couldn''t', 'did', 'didn''t', 'do', 'does', 'doesn''t', 'doing', 'don''t', 'down',
            'each', 'else', 'ever', 'few', 'for', 'from', 'get', 'had', 'hadn''t', 'has', 'hasn''t',
            'have', 'haven''t', 'having', 'he', 'he''d', 'he''ll', 'he''s', 'her', 'here', 'here''s', 'hers',
            'herself', 'him', 'himself', 'his', 'how', 'how''s', 'http', 'i', 'i''d', 'i''ll', 'i''m', 'i''ve', 'if',
            'in', 'into', 'is', 'isn''t', 'it', 'it''s', 'its', 'just', 'k', 'let''s', 'like', 'me', 'more', 'most',
            'mustn''t', 'my', 'myself', 'no', 'nor', 'not', 'of', 'off', 'on', 'once', 'only', 'or', 'other',
            'ought', 'our', 'ours', 'ourselves', 'out', 'over', 'own', 'r', 'same', 'shall', 'shan''t', 'she', 'she''d',
            'she''ll', 'she''s', 'since', 'so', 'some', 'such', 'than', 'that', 'that''s', 'the',
            'their', 'theirs', 'them', 'then', 'there', 'there''s', 'these', 'they', 'they''d',
            'they''ll', 'they''re', 'they''ve', 'this', 'those', 'through', 'to', 'too', 'under', 'until', 'up', 'very', 'was',
            'wasn''t', 'we', 'we''d', 'we''ll', 'we''re', 'we''ve', 'were', 'weren''t', 'what', 'what''s', 'when', 'when''s',
            'where', 'where''s', 'which', 'while', 'who', 'who''s', 'whom', 'why', 'why''s', 'with', 'won''t', 'would',
            'wouldn''t', 'www', 'you', 'you''d', 'you''ll', 'you''re', 'you''ve', 'your', 'yours', 'yourself', 'yourselves'
        ) -join '|'
        $SplitChars = " `n.,`"?!{}[]:()`“`”™" -as [char[]]
        $ColorIndex = 0
        $RadialDistance = 0

        $WordList = [List[string]]::new()
        $WordHeightTable = @{}
        $WordSizeTable = @{}

        $ExportFormat = $OutputFormat | Get-ImageFormat

        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Monochrome') {
            $MinSaturation = 0
        else {
            $MinSaturation = 0.5

        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MaxColors')) {
            $MaxColors = [int]::MaxValue

        $PathList = foreach ($FilePath in $Path) {
            if ($FilePath -notmatch "\.$OutputFormat$") {
                $FilePath += $OutputFormat
            if (-not (Test-Path -Path $FilePath)) {
                (New-Item -ItemType File -Path $FilePath).FullName
            else {
                (Get-Item -Path $FilePath).FullName

        $ColorList = $ColorSet |
            Sort-Object {Get-Random} |
            Select-Object -First $MaxColors |
            ForEach-Object {
            if (-not $Monochrome) {
            else {
                [int]$Brightness = [Color]::FromKnownColor($_).GetBrightness() * 255
                [Color]::FromArgb($Brightness, $Brightness, $Brightness)
        } |
            Where-Object {
            if ($BackgroundColor) {
                $_.Name -notmatch $BackgroundColor -and
                $_.GetSaturation() -ge $MinSaturation
            else {
                $_.GetSaturation() -ge $MinSaturation
        } |
            Sort-Object -Descending {
            $Value = $_.GetBrightness()
            $Random = (-$Value..$Value | Get-Random) / (1 - $_.GetSaturation())
            $Value + $Random
    process {
            $Text.Split($SplitChars, [StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries).Where{
                $_ -notmatch "^($ExcludedWords)s?$|^[^a-z]+$|[^a-z0-9'_-]" -and $_.Length -gt 1
            } -replace "^'|'$" -as [string[]]
    end {
        # Count occurrence of each word
        switch ($WordList) {
            { $WordHeightTable[($_ -replace 's$')] } {
                $WordHeightTable[($_ -replace 's$')] ++
            { $WordHeightTable["${_}s"] } {
                $WordHeightTable[$_] = $WordHeightTable["${_}s"] + 1
            default {
                $WordHeightTable[$_] ++

        $SortedWordList = $WordHeightTable.GetEnumerator().Name |
            Sort-Object -Descending { $WordHeightTable[$_] } |
            Select-Object -First $MaxUniqueWords

        $HighestFrequency, $AverageFrequency = $SortedWordList |
            ForEach-Object { $WordHeightTable[$_] } |
            Measure-Object -Average -Maximum |
            ForEach-Object {$_.Maximum, $_.Average}

        $FontScale = ($ImageSize.Height + $ImageSize.Width) / ($AverageFrequency * $SortedWordList.Count)

        try {
            # Create a graphics object to measure the text's width and height.
            $DummyImage = [Bitmap]::new(1, 1)
            $Graphics = [Graphics]::FromImage($DummyImage)

            foreach ($Word in $SortedWordList) {
                $WordHeightTable[$Word] = [Math]::Round($WordHeightTable[$Word] * $FontScale)
                if ($WordHeightTable[$Word] -lt 8) { continue }

                $Font = [Font]::new(

                $WordSizeTable[$Word] = $Graphics.MeasureString($Word, $Font)

            $WordHeightTable | Out-String | Write-Debug
        catch {
        finally {
            if ($Graphics) {
            if ($DummyImage) {

        $MaxSideLength = [Math]::Max($ImageSize.Width, $ImageSize.Height)
        $GCD = Get-GreatestCommonDivisor -Numerator $MaxSideLength -Denominator ([Math]::Min($ImageSize.Width, $ImageSize.Height))
        $AspectRatio = $ImageSize.Width / $ImageSize.Height
        $CentrePoint = [PointF]::new($ImageSize.Width / 2, $ImageSize.Height / 2)

            ExportFormat     = $ExportFormat
            UniqueWords      = $WordHeightTable.GetEnumerator().Name.Count
            HighestFrequency = $HighestFrequency
            AverageFrequency = $AverageFrequency
            MaxFontSize      = $HighestFrequency * $FontScale
            ImageSize        = $ImageSize
            ImageCentre      = $CentrePoint
            AspectRatio      = "$($ImageSize.Width / $GCD) : $($ImageSize.Height / $GCD)"
            FontFamily       = $FontFamily
        } | Format-List | Out-String | Write-Verbose

        try {
            $WordCloudImage = [Bitmap]::new($ImageSize.Width, $ImageSize.Height)
            [Graphics]$DrawingSurface = [Graphics]::FromImage($WordCloudImage)

            if ($BackgroundColor) {
            $DrawingSurface.SmoothingMode = [Drawing2D.SmoothingMode]::AntiAlias
            $DrawingSurface.TextRenderingHint = [Text.TextRenderingHint]::AntiAlias

            $RectangleList = [List[RectangleF]]::new()
            $RadialScanCount = 0
            $Jitter = [Random]::new()
            :words foreach ($Word in $SortedWordList) {
                if (-not $WordSizeTable[$Word]) { continue }

                $Font = [Font]::new(

                $RadialScanCount /= 3
                $WordRectangle = $null
                do {
                    if ( $RadialDistance -gt ($MaxSideLength / 2) ) {
                        $RadialDistance = $MaxSideLength / $DistanceStep / 25
                        continue words

                    $AngleIncrement = 360 / ( ($RadialDistance + 1) * $RadialGranularity / 10 )
                    switch ([int]$RadialScanCount -band 7) {
                        0 { $Start = 0; $End = 360 }
                        1 { $Start = -90; $End = 270 }
                        2 { $Start = -180; $End = 180 }
                        3 { $Start = -270; $End = 90  }
                        4 { $Start = 360; $End = 0; $AngleIncrement *= -1 }
                        5 { $Start = 270; $End = -90; $AngleIncrement *= -1 }
                        6 { $Start = 180; $End = -180; $AngleIncrement *= -1 }
                        7 { $Start = 90; $End = -270; $AngleIncrement *= -1 }

                    $IsColliding = $false
                    for (
                        $Angle = $Start;
                        $( if ($Start -lt $End) {$Angle -le $End} else {$End -le $Angle} );
                        $Angle += $AngleIncrement
                    ) {
                        $Radians = Convert-ToRadians -Degrees $Angle
                        $Complex = [Complex]::FromPolarCoordinates($RadialDistance, $Radians)

                        if ($WordHeightTable[$Word] -ne $HighestFrequency * $FontScale -and $AspectRatio -lt 1) {
                            $OffsetX = $WordSizeTable[$Word].Width * $Jitter.NextDouble()
                            $OffsetY = $WordSizeTable[$Word].Height * $Jitter.NextDouble()
                        $DrawLocation = [PointF]::new(
                            $Complex.Real * $AspectRatio + $CentrePoint.X - $OffsetX,
                            $Complex.Imaginary + $CentrePoint.Y - $OffsetY

                        $WordRectangle = [RectangleF]::new([PointF]$DrawLocation, [SizeF]$WordSizeTable[$Word])

                        foreach ($Rectangle in $RectangleList) {
                            $IsColliding = (
                                $WordRectangle.IntersectsWith($Rectangle) -or
                                $WordRectangle.Top -lt 0 -or
                                $WordRectangle.Left -lt 0 -or
                                $WordRectangle.Bottom -gt $ImageSize.Height -or
                                $WordRectangle.Right -gt $ImageSize.Width

                            if ($IsColliding) {

                        if (!$IsColliding) {

                    if ($IsColliding) {
                        $RadialDistance += $DistanceStep
                } while ($IsColliding)

                $Color = $ColorList[$ColorIndex]

                if ($ColorIndex -ge $ColorList.Count) {
                    $ColorIndex = 0

                Write-Debug "Writing $Word with font $Font in $Color at $DrawLocation"
                $DrawingSurface.DrawString($Word, $Font, [SolidBrush]::new($Color), $DrawLocation)

                $RadialDistance -= $DistanceStep * ($RadialScanCount / 2)

            foreach ($FilePath in $PathList) {
                $WordCloudImage.Save($FilePath, $ExportFormat)
        catch {
        finally {