
[int] $Script:SaveCounter = 0
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    AirForceBlue                     = 93, 138, 168
    Akaroa                           = 195, 176, 145
    AlbescentWhite                   = 227, 218, 201
    AliceBlue                        = 240, 248, 255
    Alizarin                         = 227, 38, 54
    Allports                         = 18, 97, 128
    Almond                           = 239, 222, 205
    AlmondFrost                      = 159, 129, 112
    Amaranth                         = 229, 43, 80
    Amazon                           = 59, 122, 87
    Amber                            = 255, 191, 0
    Amethyst                         = 153, 102, 204
    AmethystSmoke                    = 156, 138, 164
    AntiqueWhite                     = 250, 235, 215
    Apple                            = 102, 180, 71
    AppleBlossom                     = 176, 92, 82
    Apricot                          = 251, 206, 177
    Aqua                             = 0, 255, 255
    Aquamarine                       = 127, 255, 212
    Armygreen                        = 75, 83, 32
    Arsenic                          = 59, 68, 75
    Astral                           = 54, 117, 136
    Atlantis                         = 164, 198, 57
    Atomic                           = 65, 74, 76
    AtomicTangerine                  = 255, 153, 102
    Axolotl                          = 99, 119, 91
    Azure                            = 240, 255, 255
    Bahia                            = 176, 191, 26
    BakersChocolate                  = 93, 58, 26
    BaliHai                          = 124, 152, 171
    BananaMania                      = 250, 231, 181
    BattleshipGrey                   = 85, 93, 80
    BayOfMany                        = 35, 48, 103
    Beige                            = 245, 245, 220
    Bermuda                          = 136, 216, 192
    Bilbao                           = 42, 128, 0
    BilobaFlower                     = 181, 126, 220
    Bismark                          = 83, 104, 114
    Bisque                           = 255, 228, 196
    Bistre                           = 61, 43, 31
    Bittersweet                      = 254, 111, 94
    Black                            = 0, 0, 0
    BlackPearl                       = 31, 38, 42
    BlackRose                        = 85, 31, 47
    BlackRussian                     = 23, 24, 43
    BlanchedAlmond                   = 255, 235, 205
    BlizzardBlue                     = 172, 229, 238
    Blue                             = 0, 0, 255
    BlueDiamond                      = 77, 26, 127
    BlueMarguerite                   = 115, 102, 189
    BlueSmoke                        = 115, 130, 118
    BlueViolet                       = 138, 43, 226
    Blush                            = 169, 92, 104
    BokaraGrey                       = 22, 17, 13
    Bole                             = 121, 68, 59
    BondiBlue                        = 0, 147, 175
    Bordeaux                         = 88, 17, 26
    Bossanova                        = 86, 60, 92
    Boulder                          = 114, 116, 114
    Bouquet                          = 183, 132, 167
    Bourbon                          = 170, 108, 57
    Brass                            = 181, 166, 66
    BrickRed                         = 199, 44, 72
    BrightGreen                      = 102, 255, 0
    BrightRed                        = 146, 43, 62
    BrightTurquoise                  = 8, 232, 222
    BrilliantRose                    = 243, 100, 162
    BrinkPink                        = 250, 110, 121
    BritishRacingGreen               = 0, 66, 37
    Bronze                           = 205, 127, 50
    Brown                            = 165, 42, 42
    BrownPod                         = 57, 24, 2
    BuddhaGold                       = 202, 169, 6
    Buff                             = 240, 220, 130
    Burgundy                         = 128, 0, 32
    BurlyWood                        = 222, 184, 135
    BurntOrange                      = 255, 117, 56
    BurntSienna                      = 233, 116, 81
    BurntUmber                       = 138, 51, 36
    ButteredRum                      = 156, 124, 56
    CadetBlue                        = 95, 158, 160
    California                       = 224, 141, 60
    CamouflageGreen                  = 120, 134, 107
    Canary                           = 255, 255, 153
    CanCan                           = 217, 134, 149
    CannonPink                       = 145, 78, 117
    CaputMortuum                     = 89, 39, 32
    Caramel                          = 255, 213, 154
    Cararra                          = 237, 230, 214
    Cardinal                         = 179, 33, 52
    CardinGreen                      = 18, 53, 36
    CareysPink                       = 217, 152, 160
    CaribbeanGreen                   = 0, 222, 164
    Carmine                          = 175, 0, 42
    CarnationPink                    = 255, 166, 201
    CarrotOrange                     = 242, 142, 28
    Cascade                          = 141, 163, 153
    CatskillWhite                    = 226, 229, 222
    Cedar                            = 67, 48, 46
    Celadon                          = 172, 225, 175
    Celeste                          = 207, 207, 196
    Cello                            = 55, 79, 107
    Cement                           = 138, 121, 93
    Cerise                           = 222, 49, 99
    Cerulean                         = 0, 123, 167
    CeruleanBlue                     = 42, 82, 190
    Chantilly                        = 239, 187, 204
    Chardonnay                       = 255, 200, 124
    Charlotte                        = 167, 216, 222
    Charm                            = 208, 116, 139
    Chartreuse                       = 127, 255, 0
    ChartreuseYellow                 = 223, 255, 0
    ChelseaCucumber                  = 135, 169, 107
    Cherub                           = 246, 214, 222
    Chestnut                         = 185, 78, 72
    ChileanFire                      = 226, 88, 34
    Chinook                          = 150, 200, 162
    Chocolate                        = 210, 105, 30
    Christi                          = 125, 183, 0
    Christine                        = 181, 101, 30
    Cinnabar                         = 235, 76, 66
    Citron                           = 159, 169, 31
    Citrus                           = 141, 182, 0
    Claret                           = 95, 25, 51
    ClassicRose                      = 251, 204, 231
    ClayCreek                        = 145, 129, 81
    Clinker                          = 75, 54, 33
    Clover                           = 74, 93, 35
    Cobalt                           = 0, 71, 171
    CocoaBrown                       = 44, 22, 8
    Cola                             = 60, 48, 36
    ColumbiaBlue                     = 166, 231, 255
    CongoBrown                       = 103, 76, 71
    Conifer                          = 178, 236, 93
    Copper                           = 218, 138, 103
    CopperRose                       = 153, 102, 102
    Coral                            = 255, 127, 80
    CoralRed                         = 255, 64, 64
    CoralTree                        = 173, 111, 105
    Coriander                        = 188, 184, 138
    Corn                             = 251, 236, 93
    CornField                        = 250, 240, 190
    Cornflower                       = 147, 204, 234
    CornflowerBlue                   = 100, 149, 237
    Cornsilk                         = 255, 248, 220
    Cosmic                           = 132, 63, 91
    Cosmos                           = 255, 204, 203
    CostaDelSol                      = 102, 93, 30
    CottonCandy                      = 255, 188, 217
    Crail                            = 164, 90, 82
    Cranberry                        = 205, 96, 126
    Cream                            = 255, 255, 204
    CreamCan                         = 242, 198, 73
    Crimson                          = 220, 20, 60
    Crusta                           = 232, 142, 90
    Cumulus                          = 255, 255, 191
    Cupid                            = 246, 173, 198
    CuriousBlue                      = 40, 135, 200
    Cyan                             = 0, 255, 255
    Cyprus                           = 6, 78, 64
    DaisyBush                        = 85, 53, 146
    Dandelion                        = 250, 218, 94
    Danube                           = 96, 130, 182
    DarkBlue                         = 0, 0, 139
    DarkBrown                        = 101, 67, 33
    DarkCerulean                     = 8, 69, 126
    DarkChestnut                     = 152, 105, 96
    DarkCoral                        = 201, 90, 73
    DarkCyan                         = 0, 139, 139
    DarkGoldenrod                    = 184, 134, 11
    DarkGray                         = 169, 169, 169
    DarkGreen                        = 0, 100, 0
    DarkGreenCopper                  = 73, 121, 107
    DarkGrey                         = 169, 169, 169
    DarkKhaki                        = 189, 183, 107
    DarkMagenta                      = 139, 0, 139
    DarkOliveGreen                   = 85, 107, 47
    DarkOrange                       = 255, 140, 0
    DarkOrchid                       = 153, 50, 204
    DarkPastelGreen                  = 3, 192, 60
    DarkPink                         = 222, 93, 131
    DarkPurple                       = 150, 61, 127
    DarkRed                          = 139, 0, 0
    DarkSalmon                       = 233, 150, 122
    DarkSeaGreen                     = 143, 188, 143
    DarkSlateBlue                    = 72, 61, 139
    DarkSlateGray                    = 47, 79, 79
    DarkSlateGrey                    = 47, 79, 79
    DarkSpringGreen                  = 23, 114, 69
    DarkTangerine                    = 255, 170, 29
    DarkTurquoise                    = 0, 206, 209
    DarkViolet                       = 148, 0, 211
    DarkWood                         = 130, 102, 68
    DeepBlush                        = 245, 105, 145
    DeepCerise                       = 224, 33, 138
    DeepKoamaru                      = 51, 51, 102
    DeepLilac                        = 153, 85, 187
    DeepMagenta                      = 204, 0, 204
    DeepPink                         = 255, 20, 147
    DeepSea                          = 14, 124, 97
    DeepSkyBlue                      = 0, 191, 255
    DeepTeal                         = 24, 69, 59
    Denim                            = 36, 107, 206
    DesertSand                       = 237, 201, 175
    DimGray                          = 105, 105, 105
    DimGrey                          = 105, 105, 105
    DodgerBlue                       = 30, 144, 255
    Dolly                            = 242, 242, 122
    Downy                            = 95, 201, 191
    DutchWhite                       = 239, 223, 187
    EastBay                          = 76, 81, 109
    EastSide                         = 178, 132, 190
    EchoBlue                         = 169, 178, 195
    Ecru                             = 194, 178, 128
    Eggplant                         = 162, 0, 109
    EgyptianBlue                     = 16, 52, 166
    ElectricBlue                     = 125, 249, 255
    ElectricIndigo                   = 111, 0, 255
    ElectricLime                     = 208, 255, 20
    ElectricPurple                   = 191, 0, 255
    Elm                              = 47, 132, 124
    Emerald                          = 80, 200, 120
    Eminence                         = 108, 48, 130
    Endeavour                        = 46, 88, 148
    EnergyYellow                     = 245, 224, 80
    Espresso                         = 74, 44, 42
    Eucalyptus                       = 26, 162, 96
    Falcon                           = 126, 94, 96
    Fallow                           = 204, 153, 102
    FaluRed                          = 128, 24, 24
    Feldgrau                         = 77, 93, 83
    Feldspar                         = 205, 149, 117
    Fern                             = 113, 188, 120
    FernGreen                        = 79, 121, 66
    Festival                         = 236, 213, 64
    Finn                             = 97, 64, 81
    FireBrick                        = 178, 34, 34
    FireBush                         = 222, 143, 78
    FireEngineRed                    = 211, 33, 45
    Flamingo                         = 233, 92, 75
    Flax                             = 238, 220, 130
    FloralWhite                      = 255, 250, 240
    ForestGreen                      = 34, 139, 34
    Frangipani                       = 250, 214, 165
    FreeSpeechAquamarine             = 0, 168, 119
    FreeSpeechRed                    = 204, 0, 0
    FrenchLilac                      = 230, 168, 215
    FrenchRose                       = 232, 83, 149
    FriarGrey                        = 135, 134, 129
    Froly                            = 228, 113, 122
    Fuchsia                          = 255, 0, 255
    FuchsiaPink                      = 255, 119, 255
    Gainsboro                        = 220, 220, 220
    Gallery                          = 219, 215, 210
    Galliano                         = 204, 160, 29
    Gamboge                          = 204, 153, 0
    Ghost                            = 196, 195, 208
    GhostWhite                       = 248, 248, 255
    Gin                              = 216, 228, 188
    GinFizz                          = 247, 231, 206
    Givry                            = 230, 208, 171
    Glacier                          = 115, 169, 194
    Gold                             = 255, 215, 0
    GoldDrop                         = 213, 108, 43
    GoldenBrown                      = 150, 113, 23
    GoldenFizz                       = 240, 225, 48
    GoldenGlow                       = 248, 222, 126
    GoldenPoppy                      = 252, 194, 0
    Goldenrod                        = 218, 165, 32
    GoldenSand                       = 233, 214, 107
    GoldenYellow                     = 253, 238, 0
    GoldTips                         = 225, 189, 39
    GordonsGreen                     = 37, 53, 41
    Gorse                            = 255, 225, 53
    Gossamer                         = 49, 145, 119
    GrannySmithApple                 = 168, 228, 160
    Gray                             = 128, 128, 128
    GrayAsparagus                    = 70, 89, 69
    Green                            = 0, 128, 0
    GreenLeaf                        = 76, 114, 29
    GreenVogue                       = 38, 67, 72
    GreenYellow                      = 173, 255, 47
    Grey                             = 128, 128, 128
    GreyAsparagus                    = 70, 89, 69
    GuardsmanRed                     = 157, 41, 51
    GumLeaf                          = 178, 190, 181
    Gunmetal                         = 42, 52, 57
    Hacienda                         = 155, 135, 12
    HalfAndHalf                      = 232, 228, 201
    HalfBaked                        = 95, 138, 139
    HalfColonialWhite                = 246, 234, 190
    HalfPearlLusta                   = 240, 234, 214
    HanPurple                        = 63, 0, 255
    Harlequin                        = 74, 255, 0
    HarleyDavidsonOrange             = 194, 59, 34
    Heather                          = 174, 198, 207
    Heliotrope                       = 223, 115, 255
    Hemp                             = 161, 122, 116
    Highball                         = 134, 126, 54
    HippiePink                       = 171, 75, 82
    Hoki                             = 110, 127, 128
    HollywoodCerise                  = 244, 0, 161
    Honeydew                         = 240, 255, 240
    Hopbush                          = 207, 113, 175
    HorsesNeck                       = 108, 84, 30
    HotPink                          = 255, 105, 180
    HummingBird                      = 201, 255, 229
    HunterGreen                      = 53, 94, 59
    Illusion                         = 244, 152, 173
    InchWorm                         = 202, 224, 13
    IndianRed                        = 205, 92, 92
    Indigo                           = 75, 0, 130
    InternationalKleinBlue           = 0, 24, 168
    InternationalOrange              = 255, 79, 0
    IrisBlue                         = 28, 169, 201
    IrishCoffee                      = 102, 66, 40
    IronsideGrey                     = 113, 112, 110
    IslamicGreen                     = 0, 144, 0
    Ivory                            = 255, 255, 240
    Jacarta                          = 61, 50, 93
    JackoBean                        = 65, 54, 40
    JacksonsPurple                   = 46, 45, 136
    Jade                             = 0, 171, 102
    JapaneseLaurel                   = 47, 117, 50
    Jazz                             = 93, 43, 44
    JazzberryJam                     = 165, 11, 94
    JellyBean                        = 68, 121, 142
    JetStream                        = 187, 208, 201
    Jewel                            = 0, 107, 60
    Jon                              = 79, 58, 60
    JordyBlue                        = 124, 185, 232
    Jumbo                            = 132, 132, 130
    JungleGreen                      = 41, 171, 135
    KaitokeGreen                     = 30, 77, 43
    Karry                            = 255, 221, 202
    KellyGreen                       = 70, 203, 24
    Keppel                           = 93, 164, 147
    Khaki                            = 240, 230, 140
    Killarney                        = 77, 140, 87
    KingfisherDaisy                  = 85, 27, 140
    Kobi                             = 230, 143, 172
    LaPalma                          = 60, 141, 13
    LaserLemon                       = 252, 247, 94
    Laurel                           = 103, 146, 103
    Lavender                         = 230, 230, 250
    LavenderBlue                     = 204, 204, 255
    LavenderBlush                    = 255, 240, 245
    LavenderPink                     = 251, 174, 210
    LavenderRose                     = 251, 160, 227
    LawnGreen                        = 124, 252, 0
    LemonChiffon                     = 255, 250, 205
    LightBlue                        = 173, 216, 230
    LightCoral                       = 240, 128, 128
    LightCyan                        = 224, 255, 255
    LightGoldenrodYellow             = 250, 250, 210
    LightGray                        = 211, 211, 211
    LightGreen                       = 144, 238, 144
    LightGrey                        = 211, 211, 211
    LightPink                        = 255, 182, 193
    LightSalmon                      = 255, 160, 122
    LightSeaGreen                    = 32, 178, 170
    LightSkyBlue                     = 135, 206, 250
    LightSlateGray                   = 119, 136, 153
    LightSlateGrey                   = 119, 136, 153
    LightSteelBlue                   = 176, 196, 222
    LightYellow                      = 255, 255, 224
    Lilac                            = 204, 153, 204
    Lime                             = 0, 255, 0
    LimeGreen                        = 50, 205, 50
    Limerick                         = 139, 190, 27
    Linen                            = 250, 240, 230
    Lipstick                         = 159, 43, 104
    Liver                            = 83, 75, 79
    Lochinvar                        = 86, 136, 125
    Lochmara                         = 38, 97, 156
    Lola                             = 179, 158, 181
    LondonHue                        = 170, 152, 169
    Lotus                            = 124, 72, 72
    LuckyPoint                       = 29, 41, 81
    MacaroniAndCheese                = 255, 189, 136
    Madang                           = 193, 249, 162
    Madras                           = 81, 65, 0
    Magenta                          = 255, 0, 255
    MagicMint                        = 170, 240, 209
    Magnolia                         = 248, 244, 255
    Mahogany                         = 215, 59, 62
    Maire                            = 27, 24, 17
    Maize                            = 230, 190, 138
    Malachite                        = 11, 218, 81
    Malibu                           = 93, 173, 236
    Malta                            = 169, 154, 134
    Manatee                          = 140, 146, 172
    Mandalay                         = 176, 121, 57
    MandarianOrange                  = 146, 39, 36
    Mandy                            = 191, 79, 81
    Manhattan                        = 229, 170, 112
    Mantis                           = 125, 194, 66
    Manz                             = 217, 230, 80
    MardiGras                        = 48, 25, 52
    Mariner                          = 57, 86, 156
    Maroon                           = 128, 0, 0
    Matterhorn                       = 85, 85, 85
    Mauve                            = 244, 187, 255
    Mauvelous                        = 255, 145, 175
    MauveTaupe                       = 143, 89, 115
    MayaBlue                         = 119, 181, 254
    McKenzie                         = 129, 97, 60
    MediumAquamarine                 = 102, 205, 170
    MediumBlue                       = 0, 0, 205
    MediumCarmine                    = 175, 64, 53
    MediumOrchid                     = 186, 85, 211
    MediumPurple                     = 147, 112, 219
    MediumRedViolet                  = 189, 51, 164
    MediumSeaGreen                   = 60, 179, 113
    MediumSlateBlue                  = 123, 104, 238
    MediumSpringGreen                = 0, 250, 154
    MediumTurquoise                  = 72, 209, 204
    MediumVioletRed                  = 199, 21, 133
    MediumWood                       = 166, 123, 91
    Melon                            = 253, 188, 180
    Merlot                           = 112, 54, 66
    MetallicGold                     = 211, 175, 55
    Meteor                           = 184, 115, 51
    MidnightBlue                     = 25, 25, 112
    MidnightExpress                  = 0, 20, 64
    Mikado                           = 60, 52, 31
    MilanoRed                        = 168, 55, 49
    Ming                             = 54, 116, 125
    MintCream                        = 245, 255, 250
    MintGreen                        = 152, 255, 152
    Mischka                          = 168, 169, 173
    MistyRose                        = 255, 228, 225
    Moccasin                         = 255, 228, 181
    Mojo                             = 149, 69, 53
    MonaLisa                         = 255, 153, 153
    Mongoose                         = 179, 139, 109
    Montana                          = 53, 56, 57
    MoodyBlue                        = 116, 108, 192
    MoonYellow                       = 245, 199, 26
    MossGreen                        = 173, 223, 173
    MountainMeadow                   = 28, 172, 120
    MountainMist                     = 161, 157, 148
    MountbattenPink                  = 153, 122, 141
    Mulberry                         = 211, 65, 157
    Mustard                          = 255, 219, 88
    Myrtle                           = 25, 89, 5
    MySin                            = 255, 179, 71
    NavajoWhite                      = 255, 222, 173
    Navy                             = 0, 0, 128
    NavyBlue                         = 2, 71, 254
    NeonCarrot                       = 255, 153, 51
    NeonPink                         = 255, 92, 205
    Nepal                            = 145, 163, 176
    Nero                             = 20, 20, 20
    NewMidnightBlue                  = 0, 0, 156
    Niagara                          = 58, 176, 158
    NightRider                       = 59, 47, 47
    Nobel                            = 152, 152, 152
    Norway                           = 169, 186, 157
    Nugget                           = 183, 135, 39
    OceanGreen                       = 95, 167, 120
    Ochre                            = 202, 115, 9
    OldCopper                        = 111, 78, 55
    OldGold                          = 207, 181, 59
    OldLace                          = 253, 245, 230
    OldLavender                      = 121, 104, 120
    OldRose                          = 195, 33, 72
    Olive                            = 128, 128, 0
    OliveDrab                        = 107, 142, 35
    OliveGreen                       = 181, 179, 92
    Olivetone                        = 110, 110, 48
    Olivine                          = 154, 185, 115
    Onahau                           = 196, 216, 226
    Opal                             = 168, 195, 188
    Orange                           = 255, 165, 0
    OrangePeel                       = 251, 153, 2
    OrangeRed                        = 255, 69, 0
    Orchid                           = 218, 112, 214
    OuterSpace                       = 45, 56, 58
    OutrageousOrange                 = 254, 90, 29
    Oxley                            = 95, 167, 119
    PacificBlue                      = 0, 136, 220
    Padua                            = 128, 193, 151
    PalatinatePurple                 = 112, 41, 99
    PaleBrown                        = 160, 120, 90
    PaleChestnut                     = 221, 173, 175
    PaleCornflowerBlue               = 188, 212, 230
    PaleGoldenrod                    = 238, 232, 170
    PaleGreen                        = 152, 251, 152
    PaleMagenta                      = 249, 132, 239
    PalePink                         = 250, 218, 221
    PaleSlate                        = 201, 192, 187
    PaleTaupe                        = 188, 152, 126
    PaleTurquoise                    = 175, 238, 238
    PaleVioletRed                    = 219, 112, 147
    PalmLeaf                         = 53, 66, 48
    Panache                          = 233, 255, 219
    PapayaWhip                       = 255, 239, 213
    ParisDaisy                       = 255, 244, 79
    Parsley                          = 48, 96, 48
    PastelGreen                      = 119, 221, 119
    PattensBlue                      = 219, 233, 244
    Peach                            = 255, 203, 164
    PeachOrange                      = 255, 204, 153
    PeachPuff                        = 255, 218, 185
    PeachYellow                      = 250, 223, 173
    Pear                             = 209, 226, 49
    PearlLusta                       = 234, 224, 200
    Pelorous                         = 42, 143, 189
    Perano                           = 172, 172, 230
    Periwinkle                       = 197, 203, 225
    PersianBlue                      = 34, 67, 182
    PersianGreen                     = 0, 166, 147
    PersianIndigo                    = 51, 0, 102
    PersianPink                      = 247, 127, 190
    PersianRed                       = 192, 54, 44
    PersianRose                      = 233, 54, 167
    Persimmon                        = 236, 88, 0
    Peru                             = 205, 133, 63
    Pesto                            = 128, 117, 50
    PictonBlue                       = 102, 153, 204
    PigmentGreen                     = 0, 173, 67
    PigPink                          = 255, 218, 233
    PineGreen                        = 1, 121, 111
    PineTree                         = 42, 47, 35
    Pink                             = 255, 192, 203
    PinkFlare                        = 191, 175, 178
    PinkLace                         = 240, 211, 220
    PinkSwan                         = 179, 179, 179
    Plum                             = 221, 160, 221
    Pohutukawa                       = 102, 12, 33
    PoloBlue                         = 119, 158, 203
    Pompadour                        = 129, 20, 83
    Portage                          = 146, 161, 207
    PotPourri                        = 241, 221, 207
    PottersClay                      = 132, 86, 60
    PowderBlue                       = 176, 224, 230
    Prim                             = 228, 196, 207
    PrussianBlue                     = 0, 58, 108
    PsychedelicPurple                = 223, 0, 255
    Puce                             = 204, 136, 153
    Pueblo                           = 108, 46, 31
    PuertoRico                       = 67, 179, 174
    Pumpkin                          = 255, 99, 28
    Purple                           = 128, 0, 128
    PurpleMountainsMajesty           = 150, 123, 182
    PurpleTaupe                      = 93, 57, 84
    QuarterSpanishWhite              = 230, 224, 212
    Quartz                           = 220, 208, 255
    Quincy                           = 106, 84, 69
    RacingGreen                      = 26, 36, 33
    RadicalRed                       = 255, 32, 82
    Rajah                            = 251, 171, 96
    RawUmber                         = 123, 63, 0
    RazzleDazzleRose                 = 254, 78, 218
    Razzmatazz                       = 215, 10, 83
    Red                              = 255, 0, 0
    RedBerry                         = 132, 22, 23
    RedDamask                        = 203, 109, 81
    RedOxide                         = 99, 15, 15
    RedRobin                         = 128, 64, 64
    RichBlue                         = 84, 90, 167
    Riptide                          = 141, 217, 204
    RobinsEggBlue                    = 0, 204, 204
    RobRoy                           = 225, 169, 95
    RockSpray                        = 171, 56, 31
    RomanCoffee                      = 131, 105, 83
    RoseBud                          = 246, 164, 148
    RoseBudCherry                    = 135, 50, 96
    RoseTaupe                        = 144, 93, 93
    RosyBrown                        = 188, 143, 143
    Rouge                            = 176, 48, 96
    RoyalBlue                        = 65, 105, 225
    RoyalHeath                       = 168, 81, 110
    RoyalPurple                      = 102, 51, 152
    Ruby                             = 215, 24, 104
    Russet                           = 128, 70, 27
    Rust                             = 192, 64, 0
    RusticRed                        = 72, 6, 7
    Saddle                           = 99, 81, 71
    SaddleBrown                      = 139, 69, 19
    SafetyOrange                     = 255, 102, 0
    Saffron                          = 244, 196, 48
    Sage                             = 143, 151, 121
    Sail                             = 161, 202, 241
    Salem                            = 0, 133, 67
    Salmon                           = 250, 128, 114
    SandyBeach                       = 253, 213, 177
    SandyBrown                       = 244, 164, 96
    Sangria                          = 134, 1, 17
    SanguineBrown                    = 115, 54, 53
    SanMarino                        = 80, 114, 167
    SanteFe                          = 175, 110, 77
    Sapphire                         = 6, 42, 120
    Saratoga                         = 84, 90, 44
    Scampi                           = 102, 102, 153
    Scarlet                          = 255, 36, 0
    ScarletGum                       = 67, 28, 83
    SchoolBusYellow                  = 255, 216, 0
    Schooner                         = 139, 134, 128
    ScreaminGreen                    = 102, 255, 102
    Scrub                            = 59, 60, 54
    SeaBuckthorn                     = 249, 146, 69
    SeaGreen                         = 46, 139, 87
    Seagull                          = 140, 190, 214
    SealBrown                        = 61, 12, 2
    Seance                           = 96, 47, 107
    SeaPink                          = 215, 131, 127
    SeaShell                         = 255, 245, 238
    Selago                           = 250, 230, 250
    SelectiveYellow                  = 242, 180, 0
    SemiSweetChocolate               = 107, 68, 35
    Sepia                            = 150, 90, 62
    Serenade                         = 255, 233, 209
    Shadow                           = 133, 109, 77
    Shakespeare                      = 114, 160, 193
    Shalimar                         = 252, 255, 164
    Shamrock                         = 68, 215, 168
    ShamrockGreen                    = 0, 153, 102
    SherpaBlue                       = 0, 75, 73
    SherwoodGreen                    = 27, 77, 62
    Shilo                            = 222, 165, 164
    ShipCove                         = 119, 139, 165
    Shocking                         = 241, 156, 187
    ShockingPink                     = 255, 29, 206
    ShuttleGrey                      = 84, 98, 111
    Sidecar                          = 238, 224, 177
    Sienna                           = 160, 82, 45
    Silk                             = 190, 164, 147
    Silver                           = 192, 192, 192
    SilverChalice                    = 175, 177, 174
    SilverTree                       = 102, 201, 146
    SkyBlue                          = 135, 206, 235
    SlateBlue                        = 106, 90, 205
    SlateGray                        = 112, 128, 144
    SlateGrey                        = 112, 128, 144
    Smalt                            = 0, 48, 143
    SmaltBlue                        = 74, 100, 108
    Snow                             = 255, 250, 250
    SoftAmber                        = 209, 190, 168
    Solitude                         = 235, 236, 240
    Sorbus                           = 233, 105, 44
    Spectra                          = 53, 101, 77
    SpicyMix                         = 136, 101, 78
    Spray                            = 126, 212, 230
    SpringBud                        = 150, 255, 0
    SpringGreen                      = 0, 255, 127
    SpringSun                        = 236, 235, 189
    SpunPearl                        = 170, 169, 173
    Stack                            = 130, 142, 132
    SteelBlue                        = 70, 130, 180
    Stiletto                         = 137, 63, 69
    Strikemaster                     = 145, 92, 131
    StTropaz                         = 50, 82, 123
    Studio                           = 115, 79, 150
    Sulu                             = 201, 220, 135
    SummerSky                        = 33, 171, 205
    Sun                              = 237, 135, 45
    Sundance                         = 197, 179, 88
    Sunflower                        = 228, 208, 10
    Sunglow                          = 255, 204, 51
    SunsetOrange                     = 253, 82, 64
    SurfieGreen                      = 0, 116, 116
    Sushi                            = 111, 153, 64
    SuvaGrey                         = 140, 140, 140
    Swamp                            = 35, 43, 43
    SweetCorn                        = 253, 219, 109
    SweetPink                        = 243, 153, 152
    Tacao                            = 236, 177, 118
    TahitiGold                       = 235, 97, 35
    Tan                              = 210, 180, 140
    Tangaroa                         = 0, 28, 61
    Tangerine                        = 228, 132, 0
    TangerineYellow                  = 253, 204, 13
    Tapestry                         = 183, 110, 121
    Taupe                            = 72, 60, 50
    TaupeGrey                        = 139, 133, 137
    TawnyPort                        = 102, 66, 77
    TaxBreak                         = 79, 102, 106
    TeaGreen                         = 208, 240, 192
    Teak                             = 176, 141, 87
    Teal                             = 0, 128, 128
    TeaRose                          = 255, 133, 207
    Temptress                        = 60, 20, 33
    Tenne                            = 200, 101, 0
    TerraCotta                       = 226, 114, 91
    Thistle                          = 216, 191, 216
    TickleMePink                     = 245, 111, 161
    Tidal                            = 232, 244, 140
    TitanWhite                       = 214, 202, 221
    Toast                            = 165, 113, 100
    Tomato                           = 255, 99, 71
    TorchRed                         = 255, 3, 62
    ToryBlue                         = 54, 81, 148
    Tradewind                        = 110, 174, 161
    TrendyPink                       = 133, 96, 136
    TropicalRainForest               = 0, 127, 102
    TrueV                            = 139, 114, 190
    TulipTree                        = 229, 183, 59
    Tumbleweed                       = 222, 170, 136
    Turbo                            = 255, 195, 36
    TurkishRose                      = 152, 119, 123
    Turquoise                        = 64, 224, 208
    TurquoiseBlue                    = 118, 215, 234
    Tuscany                          = 175, 89, 62
    TwilightBlue                     = 253, 255, 245
    Twine                            = 186, 135, 89
    TyrianPurple                     = 102, 2, 60
    Ultramarine                      = 10, 17, 149
    UltraPink                        = 255, 111, 255
    Valencia                         = 222, 82, 70
    VanCleef                         = 84, 61, 55
    VanillaIce                       = 229, 204, 201
    VenetianRed                      = 209, 0, 28
    Venus                            = 138, 127, 128
    Vermilion                        = 251, 79, 20
    VeryLightGrey                    = 207, 207, 207
    VidaLoca                         = 94, 140, 49
    Viking                           = 71, 171, 204
    Viola                            = 180, 131, 149
    ViolentViolet                    = 50, 23, 77
    Violet                           = 238, 130, 238
    VioletRed                        = 255, 57, 136
    Viridian                         = 64, 130, 109
    VistaBlue                        = 159, 226, 191
    VividViolet                      = 127, 62, 152
    WaikawaGrey                      = 83, 104, 149
    Wasabi                           = 150, 165, 60
    Watercourse                      = 0, 106, 78
    Wedgewood                        = 67, 107, 149
    WellRead                         = 147, 61, 65
    Wewak                            = 255, 152, 153
    Wheat                            = 245, 222, 179
    Whiskey                          = 217, 154, 108
    WhiskeySour                      = 217, 144, 88
    White                            = 255, 255, 255
    WhiteSmoke                       = 245, 245, 245
    WildRice                         = 228, 217, 111
    WildSand                         = 229, 228, 226
    WildStrawberry                   = 252, 65, 154
    WildWatermelon                   = 255, 84, 112
    WildWillow                       = 172, 191, 96
    Windsor                          = 76, 40, 130
    Wisteria                         = 191, 148, 228
    Wistful                          = 162, 162, 208
    Yellow                           = 255, 255, 0
    YellowGreen                      = 154, 205, 50
    YellowOrange                     = 255, 174, 66
    YourPink                         = 244, 194, 194
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        [Switch] $FreezeFirstColumn,
        [Switch] $FreezeTopRowFirstColumn,
        [alias('Name', 'WorksheetName')][string] $ExcelWorksheetName,
        [alias('Rotate', 'RotateData', 'TransposeColumnsRows', 'TransposeData')][switch] $Transpose,
        [ValidateSet("ASC", "DESC", "NONE")][string] $TransposeSort = 'NONE',
        [switch] $PreScanHeaders,
        [alias('TableStyles')][nullable[OfficeOpenXml.Table.TableStyles]] $TableStyle,
        [string] $TableName,
        [string] $TabColor,
        [bool] $Supress)
    Begin {
        $FirstRun = $True
        $RowNr = if ($null -ne $StartRow -and $StartRow -ne 0) { $StartRow } else { 1 }
        $ColumnNr = if ($null -ne $StartColumn -and $StartColumn -ne 0) { $StartColumn } else { 1 }
        if ($null -ne $ExcelWorksheet) { Write-Verbose "Add-ExcelWorkSheetData - ExcelWorksheet given. Continuing..." } else {
            if ($ExcelDocument) {
                $ExcelWorkSheet = Add-ExcelWorkSheet -ExcelDocument $ExcelDocument -Name $ExcelWorksheetName -Option $Option
                Write-Verbose "Add-ExcelWorkSheetData - ExcelWorksheet $($ExcelWorkSheet.Name)"
            } else { Write-Warning 'Add-ExcelWorksheetData - ExcelDocument and ExcelWorksheet not given. No data will be added...' }
        if ($AutoFilter -and $TableStyle) { Write-Warning 'Add-ExcelWorksheetData - Using AutoFilter and TableStyle is not supported at same time. TableStyle will be skipped.' }
    Process {
        if ($DataTable.Count -gt 0) {
            if ($FirstRun) {
                $FirstRun = $false
                if ($Transpose) { $DataTable = Format-TransposeTable -Object $DataTable -Sort $TransposeSort }
                $Data = Format-PSTable -Object $DataTable -ExcludeProperty $ExcludeProperty -PreScanHeaders:$PreScanHeaders
                $WorksheetHeaders = $Data[0]
                if ($NoHeader) { $Data.RemoveAt(0) }
                $ArrRowNr = 0
                foreach ($RowData in $Data) {
                    $ArrColumnNr = 0
                    $ColumnNr = $StartColumn
                    foreach ($Value in $RowData) {
                        Add-ExcelWorkSheetCell -ExcelWorksheet $ExcelWorksheet -CellRow $RowNr -CellColumn $ColumnNr -CellValue $Value
            } else {
                if ($Transpose) { $DataTable = Format-TransposeTable -Object $DataTable -Sort $TransposeSort }
                $Data = Format-PSTable -Object $DataTable -SkipTitle -ExcludeProperty $ExcludeProperty -OverwriteHeaders $WorksheetHeaders -PreScanHeaders:$PreScanHeaders
                $ArrRowNr = 0
                foreach ($RowData in $Data) {
                    $ArrColumnNr = 0
                    $ColumnNr = $StartColumn
                    foreach ($Value in $RowData) {
                        Add-ExcelWorkSheetCell -ExcelWorksheet $ExcelWorksheet -CellRow $RowNr -CellColumn $ColumnNr -CellValue $Value
                        $ColumnNr++; $ArrColumnNr++
                    $RowNr++; $ArrRowNr++
    End {
        if ($null -ne $ExcelWorksheet) {
            if ($AutoFit) { Set-ExcelWorksheetAutoFit -ExcelWorksheet $ExcelWorksheet }
            if ($AutoFilter) { Set-ExcelWorksheetAutoFilter -ExcelWorksheet $ExcelWorksheet -DataRange $ExcelWorksheet.Dimension -AutoFilter $AutoFilter }
            if ($FreezeTopRow -or $FreezeFirstColumn -or $FreezeTopRowFirstColumn -or $FreezePane) { Set-ExcelWorkSheetFreezePane -ExcelWorksheet $ExcelWorksheet -FreezeTopRow:$FreezeTopRow -FreezeFirstColumn:$FreezeFirstColumn -FreezeTopRowFirstColumn:$FreezeTopRowFirstColumn -FreezePane $FreezePane }
            if ($TableStyle) { Set-ExcelWorkSheetTableStyle -ExcelWorksheet $ExcelWorksheet -TableStyle $TableStyle -DataRange $ExcelWorksheet.Dimension -TableName $TableName }
            if ($TabColor) { $ExcelWorksheet.TabColor = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $TabColor }
            if ($Supress) { return } else { return $ExcelWorkSheet }
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Add-ExcelWorksheetData -ParameterName TabColor -ScriptBlock { $Script:RGBColors.Keys }
function ConvertFrom-Excel {
    param([alias('Excel', 'Path')][string] $FilePath,
        [alias('WorksheetName', 'Name')][string] $ExcelWorksheetName)
    if (Test-Path $FilePath) {
        $ExcelDocument = Get-ExcelDocument -Path $FilePath
        if ($ExcelWorksheetName) {
            $ExcelWorksheet = Get-ExcelWorkSheet -ExcelDocument $ExcelDocument -Name $ExcelWorksheetName
            if ($ExcelWorksheet) {
                $Data = Get-ExcelWorkSheetData -ExcelDocument $ExcelDocument -ExcelWorkSheet $ExcelWorksheet
                return $Data
            } else { Write-Warning "ConvertFrom-Excel - Worksheet with name $ExcelWorksheetName doesn't exists. Conversion terminated." }
    } else { Write-Warning "ConvertFrom-Excel - File $FilePath doesn't exists. Conversion terminated." }
function ConvertTo-Excel {
    param([alias("path")][string] $FilePath,
        [OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage] $Excel,
        [alias('Name', 'WorksheetName')][string] $ExcelWorkSheetName,
        [alias("TargetData")][Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)][Array] $DataTable,
        [ValidateSet("Replace", "Skip", "Rename")][string] $Option = 'Replace',
        [switch] $AutoFilter,
        [alias("Autosize")][switch] $AutoFit,
        [Switch] $FreezeTopRow,
        [Switch] $FreezeFirstColumn,
        [Switch] $FreezeTopRowFirstColumn,
        [alias('Rotate', 'RotateData', 'TransposeColumnsRows', 'TransposeData')][switch] $Transpose,
        [ValidateSet("ASC", "DESC", "NONE")][string] $TransposeSort = 'NONE',
        [alias('TableStyles')][nullable[OfficeOpenXml.Table.TableStyles]] $TableStyle,
        [string] $TableName,
        [switch] $OpenWorkBook,
        [switch] $PreScanHeaders)
    Begin {
        $Fail = $false
        $Data = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]::new()
        if ($FilePath -like '*.xlsx') {
            if (Test-Path $FilePath) {
                $Excel = Get-ExcelDocument -Path $FilePath
                Write-Verbose "ConvertTo-Excel - Excel exists, Excel is loaded from file"
        } else {
            $Fail = $true
            Write-Warning "ConvertTo-Excel - Excel path not given or incorrect (no .xlsx file format)"
        if ($null -eq $Excel) {
            Write-Verbose "ConvertTo-Excel - Excel is null, creating new Excel"
            $Excel = New-ExcelDocument
    Process {
        if ($Fail) { return }
        foreach ($_ in $DataTable) { $Data.Add($_) }
    End {
        if ($Fail) { return }
        Add-ExcelWorksheetData -DataTable $Data -ExcelDocument $Excel -AutoFit:$AutoFit -AutoFilter:$AutoFilter -ExcelWorksheetName $ExcelWorkSheetName -FreezeTopRow:$FreezeTopRow -FreezeFirstColumn:$FreezeFirstColumn -FreezeTopRowFirstColumn:$FreezeTopRowFirstColumn -FreezePane $FreezePane -Transpose:$Transpose -TransposeSort $TransposeSort -Option $Option -TableStyle $TableStyle -TableName $TableName -PreScanHeaders:$PreScanHeaders -Supress $true
        Save-ExcelDocument -ExcelDocument $Excel -FilePath $FilePath -OpenWorkBook:$OpenWorkBook
function Find-ExcelDocumentText {
    param([string] $FilePath,
        [string] $FilePathTarget,
        [string] $Find,
        [switch] $Replace,
        [string] $ReplaceWith,
        [switch] $Regex,
        [switch] $OpenWorkBook,
        [bool] $Supress)
    $Excel = Get-ExcelDocument -Path $FilePath
    if ($Excel) {
        $Addresses = @()
        $ExcelWorksheets = $Excel.Workbook.Worksheets
        foreach ($WorkSheet in $ExcelWorksheets) {
            $StartRow = $WorkSheet.Dimension.Start.Row
            $StartColumn = $WorkSheet.Dimension.Start.Column
            $EndRow = $WorkSheet.Dimension.End.Row + 1
            $EndColumn = $WorkSheet.Dimension.End.Column + 1
            for ($Row = $StartRow; $Row -le $EndRow; $Row++) {
                for ($Column = $StartColumn; $Column -le $EndColumn; $Column++) {
                    $Value = $Worksheet.Cells[$Column, $Row].Value
                    if ($Value -like "*$Find*") {
                        if ($Replace) { if ($Regex) { $Worksheet.Cells[$Column, $Row].Value = $Value -Replace $Find, $ReplaceWith } else { $Worksheet.Cells[$Column, $Row].Value = $Value.Replace($Find, $ReplaceWith) } }
                        $Addresses += $WorkSheet.Cells[$Column, $Row].FullAddress
        if ($Replace) { Save-ExcelDocument -ExcelDocument $Excel -FilePath $FilePathTarget -OpenWorkBook:$OpenWorkBook }
        if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Addresses }
function Get-ExcelDocument {
    param([alias("FilePath")][string] $Path)
    $Script:SaveCounter = 0
    if (Test-Path $Path) {
        $Excel = New-Object -TypeName OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage -ArgumentList $Path
        return $Excel
    } else { return }
function Get-ExcelProperties {
    param([OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage] $ExcelDocument)
    if ($ExcelDocument) {
        $Properties = [ordered] @{ }
        foreach ($Key in $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Properties.PsObject.Properties.Name | where { $_ -notlike '*Xml' }) { $Properties.$Key = $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Properties.$Key }
        return $Properties
function Get-ExcelTranslateFromR1C1 {
        [int]$Column = 1)
    $Range = [OfficeOpenXml.ExcelAddress]::TranslateFromR1C1("R[$Row]C[$Column]", 0, 0)
    return $Range
function Get-ExcelTranslateToR1C1 {
    param([string] $Value)
    if ($Value -eq '') { return } else {
        $Range = [OfficeOpenXml.ExcelAddress]::TranslateToR1C1($Value, 0, 0)
        return $Range
function Get-ExcelWorkSheet {
    param ([OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage] $ExcelDocument,
        [string] $Name,
        [nullable[int]] $Index,
        [switch] $All)
    if ($ExcelDocument) {
        if ($Name -and $Index) {
            Write-Warning 'Get-ExcelWorkSheet - Only $Name or $Index of Worksheet can be used.'
        if ($All) { $Data = $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Worksheets } elseif ($Name -or $Index -ne $null) {
            if ($Name) { $Data = $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Worksheets | where { $_.Name -eq $Name } }
            if ($Index -ne $null) {
                if ($PSEdition -ne 'Core') { $Index = $Index + 1 }
                Write-Verbose "Get-ExcelWorkSheet - Index: $Index"
                $Data = $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Worksheets[$Index]
    return $Data
function Get-ExcelWorkSheetCell {
    param([OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet] $ExcelWorksheet,
        [int] $CellRow,
        [int] $CellColumn,
        [bool] $Supress)
    if ($ExcelWorksheet) { $Data = $ExcelWorksheet.Cells[$CellRow, $CellColumn].Value }
    return $Data
function Get-ExcelWorkSheetData {
    param([OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage] $ExcelDocument,
        [OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet] $ExcelWorkSheet)
    $Dimensions = $ExcelWorkSheet.Dimension
    $CellRow = 1
    $ExcelDataArray = @()
    $Headers = @()
    for ($CellColumn = 1; $CellColumn -lt $Dimensions.Columns + 1; $CellColumn++) {
        $Heading = $ExcelWorkSheet.Cells[$CellRow, $CellColumn].Value
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Heading)) { $Heading = $ExcelWorkSheet.Cells[$CellRow, $CellColumn].Address }
        $Headers += $Heading
    Write-Verbose "Get-ExcelWorkSheetData - Headers: $($Headers -join ',')"
    for ($CellRow = 2; $CellRow -lt $Dimensions.Rows + 1; $CellRow++) {
        $ExcelData = [PsCustomObject] @{ }
        for ($CellColumn = 1; $CellColumn -lt $Dimensions.Columns + 1; $CellColumn++) {
            $ValueContent = $ExcelWorkSheet.Cells[$CellRow, $CellColumn].Value
            $ColumnName = $Headers[$CellColumn - 1]
            Add-Member -InputObject $ExcelData -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $ColumnName -Value $ValueContent
            $ExcelData.$ColumnName = $ValueContent
        $ExcelDataArray += $ExcelData
    return $ExcelDataArray
function New-ExcelDocument {
    $Script:SaveCounter = 0
    $Excel = New-Object -TypeName OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage
    return $Excel
function Remove-ExcelWorksheet {
    param ([alias('ExcelWorkbook')][OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage] $ExcelDocument,
        [OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet] $ExcelWorksheet)
    if ($ExcelDocument -and $ExcelWorksheet) { $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Worksheets.Delete($ExcelWorksheet) }
function Save-ExcelDocument {
    param ([parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)][Alias('Document', 'Excel', 'Package')] $ExcelDocument,
        [string] $FilePath,
        [alias('Show', 'Open')][switch] $OpenWorkBook)
    if (-not $ExcelDocument -or $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Worksheets.Count -eq 0) {
        Write-Warning "Save-ExcelDocument - Saving workbook $FilePath was terminated. No worksheets/data exists."
    if ($Script:SaveCounter -gt 5) {
        Write-Warning "Save-ExcelDocument - Couldnt save Excel. Terminating.."
    try {
        Write-Verbose "Save-ExcelDocument - Saving workbook $FilePath"
        $Script:SaveCounter = 0
    } catch {
        $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
        if ($ErrorMessage -like "*The process cannot access the file*because it is being used by another process.*" -or
            $ErrorMessage -like "*Error saving file*") {
            $FilePath = Get-FileName -Temporary -Extension 'xlsx'
            Write-Warning "Save-ExcelDocument - Couldn't save file as it was in use or otherwise. Trying different name $FilePath"
            $ExcelDocument.File = $FilePath
            Save-ExcelDocument -ExcelDocument $ExcelDocument -FilePath $FilePath -OpenWorkBook:$OpenWorkBook
        } else { Write-Warning "Save-ExcelDocument - Error: $ErrorMessage" }
    if ($OpenWorkBook) { if (Test-Path $FilePath) { Invoke-Item -Path $FilePath } else { Write-Warning "Save-ExcelDocument - File $FilePath doesn't exists. Can't open Excel document." } }
function Set-ExcelProperties {
    param([OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage] $ExcelDocument,
        [string] $Title,
        [string] $Subject,
        [string] $Author,
        [string] $Comments,
        [string] $Keywords,
        [string] $LastModifiedBy,
        [string] $LastPrinted,
        [nullable[DateTime]] $Created,
        [string] $Category,
        [string] $Status,
        [string] $Application,
        [string] $HyperlinkBase,
        [string] $AppVersion,
        [string] $Company,
        [string] $Manager,
        [nullable[DateTime]] $Modified,
        [nullable[bool]] $LinksUpToDate,
        [nullable[bool]] $HyperlinksChanged,
        [nullable[bool]] $ScaleCrop,
        [nullable[bool]] $SharedDoc)
    if ($Title) { $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Properties.Title = $Title }
    if ($Subject) { $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Properties.Subject = $Subject }
    if ($Author) { $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Properties.Author = $Author }
    if ($Comments) { $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Properties.Comments = $Comments }
    if ($Keywords) { $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Properties.Keywords = $Keywords }
    if ($LastModifiedBy) { $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Properties.LastModifiedBy = $LastModifiedBy }
    if ($LastPrinted) { $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Properties.LastPrinted = $LastPrinted }
    if ($Created) { $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Properties.Created = $Created }
    if ($Category) { $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Properties.Category = $Category }
    if ($Status) { $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Properties.Status = $Status }
    if ($Application) { $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Properties.Application = $Application }
    if ($HyperlinkBase) { if ($HyperlinkBase -like '*://*') { $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Properties.HyperlinkBase = $HyperlinkBase } else { Write-Warning "Set-ExcelProperties - Hyperlinkbase is not an URL (doesn't contain ://)" } }
    if ($AppVersion) { $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Properties.AppVersion = $AppVersion }
    if ($Company) { $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Properties.Company = $Company }
    if ($Manager) { $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Properties.Manager = $Manager }
    if ($Modified) { $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Properties.Modified = $Modified }
    if ($LinksUpToDate -ne $null) { $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Properties.LinksUpToDate = $LinksUpToDate }
    if ($HyperlinksChanged -ne $null) { $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Properties.HyperlinksChanged = $HyperlinksChanged }
    if ($ScaleCrop -ne $null) { $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Properties.ScaleCrop = $ScaleCrop }
    if ($SharedDoc -ne $null) { $ExcelDocument.Workbook.Properties.SharedDoc = $SharedDoc }
function Set-ExcelWorksheetAutoFilter {
    param ([OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet] $ExcelWorksheet,
        [string] $DataRange,
        [bool] $AutoFilter)
    if ($ExcelWorksheet) {
        if (-not $DataRange) { $DataRange = $ExcelWorksheet.Dimension }
        try { $ExcelWorksheet.Cells[$DataRange].AutoFilter = $AutoFilter } catch {
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
            Write-Warning "Set-ExcelWorksheetAutoFilter - Failed AutoFilter with error message: $ErrorMessage"
function Set-ExcelWorksheetAutoFit {
    param ([OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet] $ExcelWorksheet)
    if ($ExcelWorksheet) {
        Write-Verbose "Set-ExcelWorksheetAutoFit - Columns Count: $($ExcelWorksheet.Dimension.Columns)"
        if ($ExcelWorksheet.Dimension.Columns -gt 0) {
            try { $ExcelWorksheet.Cells.AutoFitColumns() } catch {
                $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
                Write-Warning "Set-ExcelWorksheetAutoFit - Failed AutoFit with error message: $ErrorMessage"
function Set-ExcelWorkSheetCellStyleFont {
    param([OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet] $ExcelWorksheet,
        [int] $CellRow,
        [int] $CellColumn,
        [nullable[bool]] $Bold,
        [string] $Name,
        [nullable[int]] $Size,
    if (-not $ExcelWorksheet) { return }
    if ($Bold) { $ExcelWorksheet.Cells[$CellRow, $CellColumn].Style.Font.Bold = $Bold }
    if ($Color) { $ExcelWorksheet.Cells[$CellRow, $CellColumn].Style.Font.Color = $Color }
    if ($Family) { $ExcelWorksheet.Cells[$CellRow, $CellColumn].Style.Font.Family = $Family }
    if ($Italic) { $ExcelWorksheet.Cells[$CellRow, $CellColumn].Style.Font.Italic = $Italic }
    if ($Name) { $ExcelWorksheet.Cells[$CellRow, $CellColumn].Style.Font.Name = $Name }
    if ($Scheme) { $ExcelWorksheet.Cells[$CellRow, $CellColumn].Style.Font.Scheme = $Scheme }
    if ($Size) { $ExcelWorksheet.Cells[$CellRow, $CellColumn].Style.Font.Size = $Size }
    if ($Strike) { $ExcelWorksheet.Cells[$CellRow, $CellColumn].Style.Font.Strike = $Strike }
    if ($UnderLineType) { $ExcelWorksheet.Cells[$CellRow, $CellColumn].Style.Font.UnderLineType = $UnderLineType }
    if ($VerticalAlign) { $ExcelWorksheet.Cells[$CellRow, $CellColumn].Style.Font.VerticalAlign = $VerticalAlign }
function Set-ExcelWorkSheetFreezePane {
    param([OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet] $ExcelWorksheet,
        [Switch] $FreezeTopRow,
        [Switch] $FreezeFirstColumn,
        [Switch] $FreezeTopRowFirstColumn,
    try {
        if ($ExcelWorksheet -ne $null) {
            if ($FreezeTopRowFirstColumn) {
                Write-Verbose 'Set-ExcelWorkSheetFreezePane - Processing freezing panes FreezeTopRowFirstColumn'
                $ExcelWorksheet.View.FreezePanes(2, 2)
            } elseif ($FreezeTopRow -and $FreezeFirstColumn) {
                Write-Verbose 'Set-ExcelWorkSheetFreezePane - Processing freezing panes FreezeTopRow and FreezeFirstColumn'
                $ExcelWorksheet.View.FreezePanes(2, 2)
            } elseif ($FreezeTopRow) {
                Write-Verbose 'Set-ExcelWorkSheetFreezePane - Processing freezing panes FreezeTopRow'
                $ExcelWorksheet.View.FreezePanes(2, 1)
            } elseif ($FreezeFirstColumn) {
                Write-Verbose 'Set-ExcelWorkSheetFreezePane - Processing freezing panes FreezeFirstColumn'
                $ExcelWorksheet.View.FreezePanes(1, 2)
            if ($FreezePane) {
                Write-Verbose 'Set-ExcelWorkSheetFreezePane - Processing freezing panes FreezePane'
                if ($FreezePane.Count -eq 2) { if ($FreezePane -notcontains 0) { if ($FreezePane[1] -gt 1) { $ExcelWorksheet.View.FreezePanes($FreezePane[0], $FreezePane[1]) } } }
    } catch {
        $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
        Write-Warning "Set-ExcelWorkSheetFreezePane - Worksheet: $($ExcelWorksheet.Name) error: $ErrorMessage"
function Set-ExcelWorkSheetTableStyle {
    param([OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet] $ExcelWorksheet,
        [string] $DataRange,
        [alias('TableStyles')][nullable[OfficeOpenXml.Table.TableStyles]] $TableStyle,
        [string] $TableName = $(Get-RandomStringName -LettersOnly -Size 5 -ToLower))
    try {
        if ($null -ne $ExcelWorksheet) {
            if ($ExcelWorksheet.AutoFilterAddress) { return }
            if (-not $DataRange) { $DataRange = $ExcelWorksheet.Dimension }
            if ($null -ne $TableStyle) {
                Write-Verbose "Set-ExcelWorkSheetTableStyle - Setting style to $TableStyle"
                $ExcelWorkSheetTables = $ExcelWorksheet.Tables.Add($DataRange, $TableName)
                $ExcelWorkSheetTables.TableStyle = $TableStyle
    } catch {
        $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
        Write-Warning "Set-ExcelWorkSheetTableStyle - Worksheet: $($ExcelWorksheet.Name) error: $ErrorMessage"
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Export-ModuleMember -Function @('Add-ExcelWorkSheet', 'Add-ExcelWorkSheetCell', 'Add-ExcelWorksheetData', 'ConvertFrom-Excel', 'ConvertTo-Excel', 'Find-ExcelDocumentText', 'Get-ExcelDocument', 'Get-ExcelProperties', 'Get-ExcelTranslateFromR1C1', 'Get-ExcelTranslateToR1C1', 'Get-ExcelWorkSheet', 'Get-ExcelWorkSheetCell', 'Get-ExcelWorkSheetData', 'New-ExcelDocument', 'Remove-ExcelWorksheet', 'Save-ExcelDocument', 'Set-ExcelProperties', 'Set-ExcelWorksheetAutoFilter', 'Set-ExcelWorksheetAutoFit', 'Set-ExcelWorkSheetCellStyleFont', 'Set-ExcelWorkSheetFreezePane', 'Set-ExcelWorkSheetTableStyle') -Alias @('Set-ExcelTranslateFromR1C1', 'Set-ExcelTranslateToR1C1')