
function Add-WordPageCount {
        [PageNumberFormat] $PageNumberFormat = [PageNumberFormat]::normal,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Footers] $Footer,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Headers] $Header,
        [Alignment] $Alignment,
        [ValidateSet('All', 'First', 'Even', 'Odd')][string] $Type = 'All',
        [ValidateSet('Both', 'PageCountOnly', 'PageNumberOnly')][string] $Option = 'Both',
        [string] $TextBefore,
        [string] $TextMiddle,
        [string] $TextAfter,
        [bool] $Supress
    $Paragraphs = New-GenericList
    if ($Footer -or $Header -or $Paragraph) {
        if ($null -eq $Paragraph) {

            if ($Type -eq 'All') {
                $Types = 'First', 'Even', 'Odd'
                foreach ($T in $Types) {
                    if ($Footer) {
                    if ($Header) {
            } else {
                if ($Footer) {
                if ($Header) {
        } else {
        foreach ($CurrentParagraph in $Paragraphs) {
            $CurrentParagraph = Add-WordText -Paragraph $CurrentParagraph -Text $TextBefore -AppendToExistingParagraph -Alignment $Alignment

            if ($Option -eq 'Both' -or $Option -eq 'PageNumberOnly') {
            $CurrentParagraph = Add-WordText -Paragraph $CurrentParagraph -Text $TextMiddle -AppendToExistingParagraph
            if ($Option -eq 'Both' -or $Option -eq 'PageCountOnly') {
            $CurrentParagraph = Add-WordText -Paragraph $CurrentParagraph -Text $TextAfter -AppendToExistingParagraph

            #$CurrentParagraph = Set-WordTextAlignment -Paragraph $CurrentParagraph
        if ($Supress) { return } else {return $Paragraphs }
    } else {
        Write-Warning -Message 'Add-WordPageCount - Footer or Header or Paragraph is required.'
Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
    public enum Alignment {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
    public enum AutoFit {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
    public enum BarDirection {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
    public enum BarGrouping {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum BasicShapes {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum BlockArrowShapes {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum BorderSize {

/// <summary>
/// Table Cell Border styles
/// source:
/// </summary>

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum BorderStyle {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum CalloutShapes {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum CapsStyle {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum ChartLegendPosition {

/// <summary>
/// Specifies the possible ways to display blanks.
/// ST_DispBlanksAs (Display Blanks As)
/// </summary>

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum DisplayBlanksAs {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum ContainerType {

/// <summary>
/// Custom property types.
/// </summary>

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum CustomPropertyType {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum Direction {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum DocumentTypes {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum EditRestrictions {

/// <summary>
/// Paragraph edit types
/// </summary>

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum EditType {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum EquationShapes {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum FlowchartShapes {

    // The following headings appear in the same list in Word but they do not work in the same way (they are character based headings not paragraph based headings)
    // NoSpacing
    // Title Subtitle
    // Quote IntenseQuote
    // Emphasis IntenseEmphasis
    // Strong
    // ListParagraph
    // SubtleReference IntenseReference
    // BookTitle

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum HeadingType {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum Highlight {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum HorizontalBorderPosition {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
    public enum InsertWhere {

/// <summary>
/// Specifies the kind of grouping for a column, line, or area chart.
/// grouping (Grouping)
/// </summary>

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum Grouping {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum LineSpacingType {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum LineSpacingTypeAuto {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum ListItemType {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum MatchFormattingOptions {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum Misc {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum Orientation {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum PageNumberFormat {

function New-WordBlock {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory = $true)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument,
        ### TOC GLOBAL
        [nullable[bool]] $TocGlobalDefinition,
        [string] $TocGlobalTitle,
        [int] $TocGlobalRightTabPos,
        [TableOfContentsSwitches[]] $TocGlobalSwitches,

        ### TOC
        [nullable[bool]] $TocEnable,
        [string] $TocText,
        [int] $TocListLevel,
        [nullable[ListItemType]] $TocListItemType,
        [nullable[HeadingType]] $TocHeadingType,

        ### Paragraphs/PageBreaks
        [int] $EmptyParagraphsBefore,
        [int] $EmptyParagraphsAfter,
        [int] $PageBreaksBefore,
        [int] $PageBreaksAfter,

        ### Text Data
        [string] $Text,
        [string] $TextNoData,
        [nullable[Alignment][]] $TextAlignment = [Alignment]::Both,

        ### Table Data
        [Object] $TableData,
        [nullable[TableDesign]] $TableDesign = [TableDesign]::None,
        [nullable[int]] $TableMaximumColumns = 5,
        [nullable[bool]] $TableTitleMerge,
        [string] $TableTitleText,
        [nullable[Alignment]] $TableTitleAlignment = 'center',
        [nullable[System.Drawing.Color]] $TableTitleColor = 'Black',
        [switch] $TableTranspose,
        [float[]] $TableColumnWidths,

        ### List Data
        [Object] $ListData,
        [nullable[ListItemType]] $ListType,
        [string] $ListTextEmpty,

        ### List Builder
        [string[]] $ListBuilderContent,
        [ListItemType[]] $ListBuilderType,
        [int[]] $ListBuilderLevel,

        ### String Based Data - for functions that return String type data
        [Object] $TextBasedData,
        [nullable[Alignment][]] $TextBasedDataAlignment = [Alignment]::Both,

        ### Chart Data
        [nullable[bool]] $ChartEnable,
        [string] $ChartTitle,
        [ChartLegendPosition] $ChartLegendPosition = [ChartLegendPosition]::Bottom,
        [bool] $ChartLegendOverlay
    $WordDocument | New-WordBlockPageBreak -PageBreaks $PageBreaksBefore

    if ($TocGlobalDefinition) {
        Add-WordToc -WordDocument $WordDocument -Title $TocGlobalTitle -Switches $TocGlobalSwitches -RightTabPos $TocGlobalRightTabPos -Supress $True

    if ($TocEnable) {
        $TOC = $WordDocument | Add-WordTocItem -Text $TocText -ListLevel $TocListLevel -ListItemType $TocListItemType -HeadingType $TocHeadingType

    $WordDocument | New-WordBlockParagraph -EmptyParagraphs $EmptyParagraphsBefore

    if ($Text) {
        if ($TableData -or $ListData -or  ($ChartEnable -and ($ChartKeys.Count -gt 0) -or ($ChartValues.Count -gt 0) ) -or $ListBuilderContent -or (-not $TextNoData)) {
            $Paragraph = Add-WordText -WordDocument $WordDocument -Paragraph $Paragraph -Text $Text -Alignment $TextAlignment
        } else {
            if ($TextNoData) {
                $Paragraph = Add-WordText -WordDocument $WordDocument -Paragraph $Paragraph -Text $TextNoData -Alignment $TextAlignment
    if ($TableData -and $TableDesign) {
        if ($TableMaximumColumns -eq $null) { $TableMaximumColumns = 5 }
        if ($TableColumnWidths) {
            $Table = Add-WordTable -WordDocument $WordDocument -Paragraph $Paragraph -DataTable $TableData -AutoFit Window -Design $TableDesign -DoNotAddTitle:$TableTitleMerge -MaximumColumns $TableMaximumColumns -Transpose:$TableTranspose -ColumnWidth $TableColumnWidths
        } else {
            $Table = Add-WordTable -WordDocument $WordDocument -Paragraph $Paragraph -DataTable $TableData -AutoFit Window -Design $TableDesign -DoNotAddTitle:$TableTitleMerge -MaximumColumns $TableMaximumColumns -Transpose:$TableTranspose
        if ($TableTitleMerge) {
            $Table = Set-WordTableRowMergeCells -Table $Table -RowNr 0 -MergeAll  # -ColumnNrStart 0 -ColumnNrEnd 1
            if ($TableTitleText -ne $null) {
                $TableParagraph = Get-WordTableRow -Table $Table -RowNr 0 -ColumnNr 0
                $TableParagraph = Set-WordText -Paragraph $TableParagraph -Text $TableTitleText -Alignment $TableTitleAlignment -Color $TableTitleColor
    if ($ListData) {
        if ((Get-ObjectCount $ListData) -gt 0) {
            Write-Verbose 'New-WordBlock - Adding ListData'
            $List = Add-WordList -WordDocument $WordDocument -ListType $ListType -Paragraph $Paragraph -ListData $ListData #-Verbose
        } else {
            Write-Verbose 'New-WordBlock - Adding ListData - Empty List'
            $Paragraph = Add-WordText -WordDocument $WordDocument -Paragraph $Paragraph -Text $ListTextEmpty

    if ($ListBuilderContent) {
        $ListDomainInformation = $null
        for ($a = 0; $a -lt $ListBuilderContent.Count; $a++) {
            $ListDomainInformation = $ListDomainInformation | New-WordListItem -WordDocument $WordDocument -ListLevel $ListBuilderLevel[$a] -ListItemType $ListBuilderType[$a] -ListValue $ListBuilderContent[$a]
        $Paragraph = Add-WordListItem -WordDocument $WordDocument -Paragraph $Paragraph -List $ListDomainInformation #-Supress $true

    ### SIMPLE TEXT PROCESSING - if source is bunch of text this is the way to go
    if ($TextBasedData) {
        $Paragraph = Add-WordText -WordDocument $WordDocument -Paragraph $Paragraph -Text $TextBasedData -Alignment $TextBasedDataAlignment

    if ($ChartEnable) {
        $WordDocument | New-WordBlockParagraph -EmptyParagraphs 1
        if (($ChartKeys.Count -eq 0) -or ($ChartValues.Count -eq 0)) {
            # If chart had no values or keys it would create an empty chart and prevent saving of document in Word
            # Handling this case with TextNoData above
        } else {
            Add-WordPieChart -WordDocument $WordDocument -ChartName $ChartTitle -Names $ChartKeys -Values $ChartValues -ChartLegendPosition $ChartLegendPosition -ChartLegendOverlay $ChartLegendOverlay
    $WordDocument | New-WordBlockParagraph -EmptyParagraphs $EmptyParagraphsAfter

    $WordDocument | New-WordBlockPageBreak -PageBreaks $PageBreaksAfter
function New-WordBlockTable {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory = $true)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument,
        # [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)]$Paragraph,
        [bool] $TocEnable,
        [string] $TocText,
        [int] $TocListLevel,
        [ListItemType] $TocListItemType,
        [HeadingType] $TocHeadingType,

        [int] $EmptyParagraphsBefore,
        [int] $EmptyParagraphsAfter,
        [int] $PageBreaksBefore,
        [int] $PageBreaksAfter,
        [string] $Text,

        [Object] $TableData,
        [nullable[TableDesign]] $TableDesign,
        [int] $TableMaximumColumns = 5,
        [nullable[bool]] $TableTitleMerge,
        [string] $TableTitleText,
        [nullable[Alignment]] $TableTitleAlignment = 'center',
        [nullable[System.Drawing.Color]] $TableTitleColor = 'Black',
        [switch] $TableTranspose,
        [nullable[bool]] $ChartEnable,
        [string] $ChartTitle,
        [ChartLegendPosition] $ChartLegendPosition = [ChartLegendPosition]::Bottom,
        [bool] $ChartLegendOverlay
        # [bool] $Supress

    $WordDocument | New-WordBlockPageBreak -PageBreaks $PageBreaksBefore
    if ($TocEnable) {
        $TOC = $WordDocument | Add-WordTocItem -Text $TocText -ListLevel $TocListLevel -ListItemType $TocListItemType -HeadingType $TocHeadingType
    $WordDocument | New-WordBlockParagraph -EmptyParagraphs $EmptyParagraphsBefore
    $Paragraph = Add-WordText -WordDocument $WordDocument -Paragraph $Paragraph -Text $Text

    if ($TableData) {
        $Table = Add-WordTable -WordDocument $WordDocument -Paragraph $Paragraph -DataTable $TableData -AutoFit Window -Design $TableDesign -DoNotAddTitle:$TableTitleMerge -MaximumColumns $TableMaximumColumns -Transpose:$TableTranspose
        if ($TableTitleMerge) {
            $Table = Set-WordTableRowMergeCells -Table $Table -RowNr 0 -MergeAll  # -ColumnNrStart 0 -ColumnNrEnd 1
            if ($TableTitleText -ne $null) {
                $TableParagraph = Get-WordTableRow -Table $Table -RowNr 0 -ColumnNr 0
                $TableParagraph = Set-WordText -Paragraph $TableParagraph -Text $TableTitleText -Alignment $TableTitleAlignment -Color $TableTitleColor
    if ($ChartEnable) {
        $WordDocument | New-WordBlockParagraph -EmptyParagraphs 1
        Add-WordPieChart -WordDocument $WordDocument -ChartName $ChartTitle -Names $ChartKeys -Values $ChartValues -ChartLegendPosition $ChartLegendPosition -ChartLegendOverlay $ChartLegendOverlay
    $WordDocument | New-WordBlockParagraph -EmptyParagraphs $EmptyParagraphsAfter
    $WordDocument | New-WordBlockPageBreak -PageBreaks $PageBreaksAfter
    #if ($Supress) { return } else { return $WordDocument }
function New-WordBlockList {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory = $true)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument,
        # [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)]$Paragraph,
        [bool] $TocEnable,
        [string] $TocText,
        [int] $TocListLevel,
        [ListItemType] $TocListItemType,
        [HeadingType] $TocHeadingType,
        [int] $EmptyParagraphsBefore,
        [int] $EmptyParagraphsAfter,
        [string] $Text,
        [string] $TextListEmpty,

        [Object] $ListData,
        [ListItemType] $ListType
        # [bool] $Supress
    if ($TocEnable) {
        $TOC = $WordDocument | Add-WordTocItem -Text $TocText -ListLevel $TocListLevel -ListItemType $TocListItemType -HeadingType $TocHeadingType
    $WordDocument | New-WordBlockParagraph -EmptyParagraphs $EmptyParagraphsBefore
    $Paragraph = Add-WordText -WordDocument $WordDocument -Paragraph $Paragraph -Text $Text
    if ((Get-ObjectCount $ListData) -gt 0) {
        $List = Add-WordList -WordDocument $WordDocument -ListType $ListType -Paragraph $Paragraph -ListData $ListData #-Verbose
    } else {
        $Paragraph = Add-WordText -WordDocument $WordDocument -Paragraph $Paragraph -Text $TextListEmpty
    $WordDocument |New-WordBlockParagraph -EmptyParagraphs $EmptyParagraphsAfter
    #if ($Supress) { return } else { return $WordDocument }
function New-WordBlockParagraph {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory = $true)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument,
        [int] $EmptyParagraphs
        # [bool] $Supress
    $i = 0
    While ($i -lt $EmptyParagraphs) {
        Write-Verbose "New-WordBlockList - EmptyParagraphs $i"
        $Paragraph = Add-WordParagraph -WordDocument $WordDocument
    #if ($Supress) { return } else { return $WordDocument }
function New-WordBlockPageBreak {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory = $true)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument,
        [int] $PageBreaks,
        [bool] $Supress
    $i = 0
    While ($i -lt $PageBreaks) {
        Write-Verbose "New-WordBlockPageBreak - PageBreak $i"
        $WordDocument | Add-WordPageBreak -Supress $True
function Add-WordBookmark {
    param (

function Add-WordPieChart {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [string] $ChartName,
        [string[]] $Names,
        [int[]] $Values,
        [ChartLegendPosition] $ChartLegendPosition = [ChartLegendPosition]::Left,
        [bool] $ChartLegendOverlay = $false,
        [switch] $NoLegend

    $Series = Add-WordChartSeries -ChartName $ChartName -Names $Names -Values $Values

    [Xceed.Words.NET.PieChart] $chart = New-Object -TypeName Xceed.Words.NET.PieChart
    if (-not $NoLegend) {
        $chart.AddLegend($ChartLegendPosition, $ChartLegendOverlay)

    if ($Paragraph -eq $null) {
    } else {
        $WordDocument.InsertChartAfterParagraph($chart, $paragraph)


function Add-WordLineChart {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [string] $ChartName,
        [string[]] $Names,
        [int[]] $Values,
        [Xceed.Words.NET.Series[]] $ChartSeries,
        [ChartLegendPosition] $ChartLegendPosition = [ChartLegendPosition]::Left,
        [bool] $ChartLegendOverlay = $false,
        [switch] $NoLegend

    if ($ChartSeries -eq $null) {
        $ChartSeries = Add-WordChartSeries -ChartName $ChartName -Names $Names -Values $Values

    [Xceed.Words.NET.LineChart] $chart = New-Object -TypeName Xceed.Words.NET.LineChart
    if (-not $NoLegend) {
        $chart.AddLegend($ChartLegendPosition, $ChartLegendOverlay)
    foreach ($series in $ChartSeries) {
    if ($Paragraph -eq $null) {
    } else {
        $WordDocument.InsertChartAfterParagraph($chart, $paragraph)

function Add-WordBarChart {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [string] $ChartName,
        [string[]] $Names,
        [int[]] $Values,
        [Xceed.Words.NET.Series[]] $ChartSeries,
        [ChartLegendPosition] $ChartLegendPosition = [ChartLegendPosition]::Left,
        [bool] $ChartLegendOverlay = $false,
        [BarGrouping] $BarGrouping = [BarGrouping]::Standard,
        [BarDirection] $BarDirection = [BarDirection]::Bar,
        [int] $BarGapWidth = 200,
        [switch] $NoLegend

    if ($ChartSeries -eq $null) {
        $ChartSeries = Add-WordChartSeries -ChartName $ChartName -Names $Names -Values $Values

    [Xceed.Words.NET.BarChart] $chart = New-Object -TypeName Xceed.Words.NET.BarChart
    $chart.BarDirection = $BarDirection
    $chart.BarGrouping = $BarGrouping
    $chart.GapWidth = $BarGapWidth
    if (-not $NoLegend) {
        $chart.AddLegend($ChartLegendPosition, $ChartLegendOverlay)
    foreach ($series in $ChartSeries) {
    if ($Paragraph -eq $null) {
    } else {
        $WordDocument.InsertChartAfterParagraph($chart, $paragraph)
function Add-WordChartSeries {
    param (
        [string] $ChartName = 'Legend',
        [string[]] $Names,
        [int[]] $Values

    $rNames = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List[string]"
    $rValues = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List[int]"
    foreach ($name in $names) {
    foreach ($value in $values) {

    [Xceed.Words.NET.Series] $series = New-Object -TypeName Xceed.Words.NET.Series -ArgumentList $ChartName
    $Series.Bind($rNames, $rValues)
    return $Series
function Add-WordCustomProperty {
    param (
        [string] $Name,
        [string] $Value,
        [bool] $Supress
    $CustomProperty = New-Object -TypeName Xceed.Words.NET.CustomProperty -ArgumentList $Name, $Value
    $Data = $WordDocument.AddCustomProperty($CustomProperty)
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Data }

function Get-WordCustomProperty {
    param (
        [string] $Name
    if ($Property -eq $null) {
        $Data = $WordDocument.CustomProperties.Values
    } else {
        $Data = $WordDocument.CustomProperties.$Name.Value
    return $Data
function Add-WordEquation {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument,
        [string] $Equation,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    $Output = $WordDocument.InsertEquation($Equation)

    if ($Supress -eq $false) { return $Output } else { return }
function Add-WordFooter {
    param (
        [nullable[bool]] $DifferentFirstPage,
        [nullable[bool]] $DifferentOddAndEvenPages,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($DifferentOddAndEvenPages -ne $null ) { $WordDocument.DifferentFirstPage = $DifferentFirstPage }
    if ($DifferentOddAndEvenPages -ne $null ) { $WordDocument.DifferentOddAndEvenPages = $DifferentOddAndEvenPages }

    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $WordDocument.Footers }

function Add-WordHeader {
    param (
        [nullable[bool]] $DifferentFirstPage,
        [nullable[bool]] $DifferentOddAndEvenPages,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($DifferentOddAndEvenPages -ne $null ) { $WordDocument.DifferentFirstPage = $DifferentFirstPage }
    if ($DifferentOddAndEvenPages -ne $null ) { $WordDocument.DifferentOddAndEvenPages = $DifferentOddAndEvenPages }
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $WordDocument.Headers }

function Get-WordHeader {
    param (
        [ValidateSet('All', 'First', 'Even', 'Odd')][string] $Type = 'All',
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Type -eq 'All') {
    } else {

function Get-WordFooter {
    param (
        [ValidateSet('All', 'First', 'Even', 'Odd')][string] $Type = 'All',
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Type -eq 'All') {
    } else {

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns a collection of Headers in this Document.
    /// A document typically contains three Headers.
    /// A default one (odd), one for the first page and one for even pages.
    /// </summary>
    /// <example>
    /// <code>
    /// // Create a document.
    /// using (DocX document = DocX.Create(@"Test.docx"))
    /// {
    /// // Add header support to this document.
    /// document.AddHeaders();
    /// // Get a collection of all headers in this document.
    /// Headers headers = document.Headers;
    /// // The header used for the first page of this document.
    /// Header first = headers.first;
    /// // The header used for odd pages of this document.
    /// Header odd = headers.odd;
    /// // The header used for even pages of this document.
    /// Header even = headers.even;
    /// }
    /// </code>
    /// </example>
        /// <summary>
    /// Returns a collection of Footers in this Document.
    /// A document typically contains three Footers.
    /// A default one (odd), one for the first page and one for even pages.
    /// </summary>
    /// <example>
    /// <code>
    /// // Create a document.
    /// using (DocX document = DocX.Create(@"Test.docx"))
    /// {
    /// // Add footer support to this document.
    /// document.AddFooters();
    /// // Get a collection of all footers in this document.
    /// Footers footers = document.Footers;
    /// // The footer used for the first page of this document.
    /// Footer first = footers.first;
    /// // The footer used for odd pages of this document.
    /// Footer odd = footers.odd;
    /// // The footer used for even pages of this document.
    /// Footer even = footers.even;
    /// }
    /// </code>
    /// </example>
    /// <summary>
    /// Should the Document use different Headers and Footers for odd and even pages?
    /// </summary>
    /// <example>
    /// <code>
    /// // Create a document.
    /// using (DocX document = DocX.Create(@"Test.docx"))
    /// {
    /// // Add header support to this document.
    /// document.AddHeaders();
    /// // Get a collection of all headers in this document.
    /// Headers headers = document.Headers;
    /// // The header used for odd pages of this document.
    /// Header odd = headers.odd;
    /// // The header used for even pages of this document.
    /// Header even = headers.even;
    /// // Force the document to use a different header for odd and even pages.
    /// document.DifferentOddAndEvenPages = true;
    /// // Content can be added to the Headers in the same manor that it would be added to the main document.
    /// Paragraph p1 = odd.InsertParagraph();
    /// p1.Append("This is the odd pages header.");
    /// Paragraph p2 = even.InsertParagraph();
    /// p2.Append("This is the even pages header.");
    /// // Save all changes to this document.
    /// document.Save();
    /// }// Release this document from memory.
    /// </code>
    /// </example>
        /// <summary>
    /// Should the Document use an independent Header and Footer for the first page?
    /// </summary>
    /// <example>
    /// // Create a document.
    /// using (DocX document = DocX.Create(@"Test.docx"))
    /// {
    /// // Add header support to this document.
    /// document.AddHeaders();
    /// // The header used for the first page of this document.
    /// Header first = document.Headers.first;
    /// // Force the document to use a different header for first page.
    /// document.DifferentFirstPage = true;
    /// // Content can be added to the Headers in the same manor that it would be added to the main document.
    /// Paragraph p = first.InsertParagraph();
    /// p.Append("This is the first pages header.");
    /// // Save all changes to this document.
    /// document.Save();
    /// }// Release this document from memory.
    /// </example>

      using( DocX document = DocX.Create( HyperlinkSample.HyperlinkSampleOutputDirectory + @"Hyperlinks.docx" ) )
        // Add a title
        document.InsertParagraph( "Insert/Remove Hyperlinks" ).FontSize( 15d ).SpacingAfter( 50d ).Alignment =;
        // Add an Hyperlink into this document.
        var h = document.AddHyperlink( "google", new Uri( "" ) );
        // Add a paragraph.
        var p = document.InsertParagraph( "The hyperlink has been inserted in this paragraph." );
        // insert an hyperlink at specific index in this paragraph.
        p.InsertHyperlink( h, 4 );
        p.SpacingAfter( 40d );
        // Get the first hyperlink in the document.
        var hyperlink = document.Hyperlinks.FirstOrDefault();
        if( hyperlink != null )
          // Modify its text and Uri.
          hyperlink.Text = "xceed";
          hyperlink.Uri = new Uri( "" );
        // Add an Hyperlink to this document.
        var h2 = document.AddHyperlink( "xceed", new Uri( "" ) );
        // Add a paragraph.
        var p2 = document.InsertParagraph( "A formatted hyperlink has been added at the end of this paragraph: " );
        // Append an hyperlink to a paragraph.
        p2.AppendHyperlink( h2 ).Color( Color.Blue ).UnderlineStyle( UnderlineStyle.singleLine );
        p2.Append( "." ).SpacingAfter( 40d );
        // Add an Hyperlink to this document.
        var h3 = document.AddHyperlink( "microsoft", new Uri( "" ) );
        // Add a paragraph
        var p3 = document.InsertParagraph( "The hyperlink from this paragraph has been removed. " );
        // Append an hyperlink to a paragraph.
        p3.AppendHyperlink( h3 ).Color( Color.Green ).UnderlineStyle( UnderlineStyle.singleLine ).Italic();
        // Remove the first hyperlink of paragraph 3.
        p3.RemoveHyperlink( 0 );
        Console.WriteLine( "\tCreated: Hyperlinks.docx\n" );

function Add-WordHyperLink {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument,
        [string] $UrlText,
        [string] $UrlLink,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    $Url = New-Object -TypeName Uri -ArgumentList $UrlLink

    return $WordDocument.AddHyperlink( $UrlText, $Url )
function Set-WordHyperLink {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)] [Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)] [Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [Xceed.Words.NET.DocXElement] $Value,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    $Data = $Paragraph.InsertHyperlink($Value)

    if ($Supress -eq $false) { return $Data } else { return }

    public static void AddPicture()
      Console.WriteLine( "\tAddPicture()" );
      // Create a document.
      using( DocX document = DocX.Create( ImageSample.ImageSampleOutputDirectory + @"AddPicture.docx" ) )
        // Add a title
        document.InsertParagraph( "Adding Pictures" ).FontSize( 15d ).SpacingAfter( 50d ).Alignment =;
        // Add a simple image from disk.
        var image = document.AddImage( ImageSample.ImageSampleResourcesDirectory + @"balloon.jpg" );
        var picture = image.CreatePicture( 150, 150 );
        var p = document.InsertParagraph( "Here is a simple picture added from disk:" );
        p.AppendPicture( picture );
        p.SpacingAfter( 30 );
        // Add a rotated image from disk.
        var rotatedPicture = image.CreatePicture( 150, 150 );
        rotatedPicture.Rotation = 25;
        var p2 = document.InsertParagraph( "Here is the same picture added from disk, but rotated:" );
        p2.AppendPicture( rotatedPicture );
        p2.SpacingAfter( 30 );
        // Add a simple image from a stream
        var streamImage = document.AddImage( new FileStream( ImageSample.ImageSampleResourcesDirectory + @"balloon.jpg", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read ) );
        var pictureStream = streamImage.CreatePicture( 150, 150 );
        var p3 = document.InsertParagraph( "Here is the same picture added from a stream:" );
        p3.AppendPicture( pictureStream );
        Console.WriteLine( "\tCreated: AddPicture.docx\n" );
    /// <summary>
    /// Copy a picture from a paragraph.
    /// </summary>
    public static void CopyPicture()
      Console.WriteLine( "\tCopyPicture()" );
      // Create a document.
      using( DocX document = DocX.Create( ImageSample.ImageSampleOutputDirectory + @"CopyPicture.docx" ) )
        // Add a title
        document.InsertParagraph( "Copying Pictures" ).FontSize( 15d ).SpacingAfter( 50d ).Alignment =;
        // Add a paragraph containing an image.
        var image = document.AddImage( ImageSample.ImageSampleResourcesDirectory + @"balloon.jpg" );
        var picture = image.CreatePicture( 100, 100 );
        var p = document.InsertParagraph( "This is the first paragraph. " );
        p.AppendPicture( picture );
        p.AppendLine("It contains an image added from disk.");
        p.SpacingAfter( 50 );
        // Add a second paragraph containing no image.
        var p2 = document.InsertParagraph( "This is the second paragraph. " );
        p2.AppendLine( "It contains a copy of the image located in the first paragraph." ).AppendLine();
        // Extract the first Picture from the first Paragraph.
        var firstPicture = p.Pictures.FirstOrDefault();
        if( firstPicture != null )
          // copy it at the end of the second paragraph.
          p2.AppendPicture( firstPicture );
        Console.WriteLine( "\tCreated: CopyPicture.docx\n" );
    /// <summary>
    /// Modify an image from a document by writing text into it.
    /// </summary>
    public static void ModifyImage()
      Console.WriteLine( "\tModifyImage()" );
      // Open the document Input.docx.
      using( DocX document = DocX.Load( ImageSample.ImageSampleResourcesDirectory + @"Input.docx" ) )
        // Add a title
        document.InsertParagraph( 0, "Modifying Image by adding text/circle into the following image", false ).FontSize( 15d ).SpacingAfter( 50d ).Alignment =;
        // Get the first image in the document.
        var image = document.Images.FirstOrDefault();
        if( image != null )
          // Create a bitmap from the image.
          var bitmap = new Bitmap( image.GetStream( FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite ) );
          // Get the graphic from the bitmap to be able to draw in it.
          var graphic = Graphics.FromImage( bitmap );
          if( graphic != null )
            // Draw a string with a specific font, font size and color at (0,10) from top left of the image.
            graphic.DrawString( "@copyright", new System.Drawing.Font( "Arial Bold", 12 ), Brushes.Red, new PointF( 0f, 10f ) );
            // Draw a blue circle of 10x10 at (30, 5) from the top left of the image.
            graphic.FillEllipse( Brushes.Blue, 30, 5, 10, 10 );
            // Save this Bitmap back into the document using a Create\Write stream.
            bitmap.Save( image.GetStream( FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write ), ImageFormat.Png );
        document.SaveAs( ImageSample.ImageSampleOutputDirectory + @"ModifyImage.docx" );
        Console.WriteLine( "\tCreated: ModifyImage.docx\n" );

function Add-WordImage {

function Add-WordLine {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [HorizontalBorderPosition] $HorizontalBorderPosition = [HorizontalBorderPosition]::Bottom,
        [ValidateSet('single', 'double', 'triple')] $LineType = 'single',
        [nullable[int]] $LineSize = 6,
        [nullable[int]] $LineSpace = 1,
        [string] $LineColor = 'black',
        [bool] $Supress
    if ($Paragraph -eq $null) {
        $Paragraph = Add-WordParagraph -WordDocument $WordDocument -Supress $False
    $Paragraph = $Paragraph.InsertHorizontalLine($HorizontalBorderPosition, $LineType, $LineSize, $LineSpace, $LineColor );
    if ($Supress) { return } else { $Paragraph }
function Add-WordList {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container] $WordDocument,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [ListItemType]$ListType = [ListItemType]::Bulleted,
        [alias('DataTable')][object] $ListData = $null,
        [InsertWhere] $InsertWhere = [InsertWhere]::AfterSelf,
        $BehaviourOption = 0,
        $ListLevels = @(),
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    $List = $null
    if ($ListData -eq $null) { return }

    $Type = Get-ObjectType $ListData #-Verbose
    if ($Type.ObjectTypeName -match 'bool|byte|char|datetime|decimal|double|ExcelHyperLink|float|int|long|sbyte|short|string|timespan|uint|ulong|URI|ushort') {
        $ObjectType = $Type.ObjectTypeName
    } elseif ($Type.ObjectTypeInsiderName -ne '') {
        $ObjectType = $Type.ObjectTypeInsiderName
    } else {
        $ObjectType = $Type.ObjectTypeName

    if ($ObjectType -notmatch 'bool|byte|char|datetime|decimal|double|ExcelHyperLink|float|int|long|sbyte|short|string|timespan|uint|ulong|URI|ushort' -and
        $ObjectType -ne 'PSCustomObject' -and $ObjectType -ne 'Hashtable' -and $ObjectType -ne 'OrderedDictionary') {
        $ListData = Convert-ObjectToProcess -DataTable $ListData
        $Type = Get-ObjectType $ListData
        if ($Type.ObjectTypeInsiderName -ne '') { $ObjectType = $Type.ObjectTypeInsiderName } else { $ObjectType = $Type.ObjectTypeName}
        Write-Verbose "Add-WordList - Outside Object BaseName: $($ListData.GetType().BaseType) Name: $($ListData.GetType().Name)"
        Write-Verbose "Add-WordList - Insider Object Name: $ObjectType"

    if ($ObjectType -match 'bool|byte|char|datetime|decimal|double|ExcelHyperLink|float|int|long|sbyte|short|string|timespan|uint|ulong|URI|ushort') {
        Write-Verbose 'Add-WordList - Option 1 - Detected singular type inside array'
        $Counter = 0;
        foreach ($Value in $ListData) {
            if ($ListLevels -eq $null) {
                $List = New-WordListItem -WordDocument $WordDocument -List $List -ListType $ListType -ListValue $Value -ListLevel 0
                Write-Verbose "AddList - ListItemType Name: $($List.GetType().Name) - BaseType: $($List.GetType().BaseType)"
            } else {
                $List = New-WordListItem -WordDocument $WordDocument -List $List -ListType $ListType -ListValue $Value -ListLevel $ListLevels[$Counter]
    } elseif ($ObjectType -eq 'Hashtable' -or $ObjectType -eq 'OrderedDictionary') {
        Write-Verbose "Add-WordList - Option 2 - Detected $ObjectType"
        foreach ($Object in $ListData) {
            foreach ($O in $Object.GetEnumerator()) {
                $TextMain = $($O.Name)
                $TextSub = $($O.Value)
                $List = Format-WordListItem -WordDocument $WordDocument -List $List -ListType $ListType -TextMain $TextMain -TextSub $TextSub -BehaviourOption $BehaviourOption

    } elseif ($ObjectType -eq 'PSCustomObject') {
        Write-Verbose "Add-WordList - Option 3 - Detected $ObjectType"
        foreach ($Object in $ListData) {
            $Titles = Get-ObjectTitles -Object $Object
            foreach ($Text in $Titles) {
                $TextMain = $Text
                $TextSub = $($Object.$Text)
                $List = Format-WordListItem -WordDocument $WordDocument -List $List -ListType $ListType -TextMain $TextMain -TextSub $TextSub -BehaviourOption $BehaviourOption
    } else {
        throw "$ObjectType is not supported - report for support with explanation what you need it to look like"
    $Data = Add-WordListItem -WordDocument $WordDocument -List $List -Paragraph $Paragraph -Supress $Supress

    if ($supress -eq $false) {
        return $data
    } else {

function Set-WordList {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container] $WordDocument,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $List,
        [int] $ParagraphNumber = 0,
        [alias ("C")] [nullable[System.Drawing.Color]]$Color,
        [alias ("S")] [nullable[double]] $FontSize,
        [alias ("FontName")] [string] $FontFamily,
        [alias ("B")] [nullable[bool]] $Bold,
        [alias ("I")] [nullable[bool]] $Italic,
        [alias ("U")] [nullable[UnderlineStyle]] $UnderlineStyle,
        [alias ('UC')] [nullable[System.Drawing.Color]]$UnderlineColor,
        [alias ("SA")] [nullable[double]] $SpacingAfter,
        [alias ("SB")] [nullable[double]] $SpacingBefore,
        [alias ("SP")] [nullable[double]] $Spacing,
        [alias ("H")] [nullable[highlight]] $Highlight,
        [alias ("CA")] [nullable[CapsStyle]] $CapsStyle,
        [alias ("ST")] [nullable[StrikeThrough]] $StrikeThrough,
        [alias ("HT")] [nullable[HeadingType]] $HeadingType,
        [nullable[int]] $PercentageScale , # "Value must be one of the following: 200, 150, 100, 90, 80, 66, 50 or 33"
        [nullable[Misc]] $Misc ,
        [string] $Language ,
        [nullable[int]]$Kerning , # "Value must be one of the following: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48 or 72"
        [nullable[bool]]$Hidden ,
        [nullable[int]]$Position , # "Value must be in the range -1585 - 1585"
        [nullable[single]] $IndentationFirstLine ,
        [nullable[single]] $IndentationHanging ,
        [nullable[Alignment]] $Alignment ,
        [nullable[Direction]] $DirectionFormatting,
        [nullable[ShadingType]] $ShadingType,
        [nullable[Script]] $Script,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    foreach ($Data in $List.Items) {
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextColor -Color $Color -Supress $false
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextFontSize -FontSize $FontSize -Supress $false
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextFontFamily -FontFamily $FontFamily -Supress $false
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextBold -Bold $Bold -Supress $false
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextItalic -Italic $Italic -Supress $false
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextUnderlineColor -UnderlineColor $UnderlineColor -Supress $false
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextUnderlineStyle -UnderlineStyle $UnderlineStyle -Supress $false
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextSpacingAfter -SpacingAfter $SpacingAfter -Supress $false
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextSpacingBefore -SpacingBefore $SpacingBefore -Supress $false
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextSpacing -Spacing $Spacing -Supress $false
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextHighlight -Highlight $Highlight -Supress $false
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextCapsStyle -CapsStyle $CapsStyle -Supress $false
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextStrikeThrough -StrikeThrough $StrikeThrough -Supress $false
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextPercentageScale -PercentageScale $PercentageScale -Supress $false
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextSpacing -Spacing $Spacing -Supress $false
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextLanguage -Language $Language -Supress $false
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextKerning -Kerning $Kerning -Supress $false
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextMisc -Misc $Misc -Supress $false
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextPosition -Position $Position -Supress $false
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextHidden -Hidden $Hidden -Supress $false
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextShadingType -ShadingColor $ShadingColor -ShadingType $ShadingType -Supress $false
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextScript -Script $Script -Supress $false
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextHeadingType -HeadingType $HeadingType -Supress $false
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextIndentationFirstLine -IndentationFirstLine $IndentationFirstLine -Supress $false
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextIndentationHanging -IndentationHanging $IndentationHanging -Supress $false
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextAlignment -Alignment $Alignment -Supress $false
        $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextDirection -Direction $Direction -Supress $false
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $List }

function Format-WordListItem {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container] $WordDocument,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $List,
        [ListItemType]$ListType = [ListItemType]::Bulleted,

    if ($BehaviourOption -eq 0) {
        Write-Verbose "Add-WordList - This is Name: $($TextMain) With Value $TextSub - Proposed Text: $TextMain and $TextSub on separate line "
        $List = New-WordListItem -WordDocument $WordDocument -List $List -ListLevel 0 -ListItemType $ListType -ListValue $TextMain
        foreach ($TextValue in $TextSub) {
            $List = New-WordListItem -WordDocument $WordDocument -List $List -ListLevel 1 -ListItemType $ListType -ListValue $TextValue
    } elseif ($BehaviourOption -eq 1) {
        $TextSub = $TextSub -Join ", "
        $Value = "$TextMain - $TextSub"
        Write-Verbose "Add-WordList - This is Name: $($TextMain) With Value $TextSub - Proposed Text: $Value "
        $List = New-WordListItem -WordDocument $WordDocument -List $List -ListLevel 0 -ListItemType $ListType -ListValue $Value
    return $List

function Add-WordListItem {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container] $WordDocument,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $List,
        [Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [InsertWhere] $InsertWhere = [InsertWhere]::AfterSelf,
        [bool] $Supress
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null) {
        if ($InsertWhere -eq [InsertWhere]::AfterSelf) {
            $data = $Paragraph.InsertListAfterSelf($List)
        } elseif ($InsertWhere -eq [InsertWhere]::AfterSelf) {
            $data = $Paragraph.InsertListBeforeSelf($List)
    } else {
        $data = $WordDocument.InsertList($List)
    Write-Verbose "Add-WordListItem - Return Type Name: $($Data.GetType().Name) - BaseType: $($Data.GetType().BaseType)"
    if ($Supress) { return } else { $data }

function New-WordListItem {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container] $WordDocument,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $List,
        [alias('Level')] [ValidateRange(0, 8)] [int] $ListLevel,
        [alias('ListType')][ListItemType] $ListItemType = [ListItemType]::Bulleted,
        [alias('Value', 'ListValue')]$Text,
        [nullable[int]] $StartNumber,
        [bool]$TrackChanges = $false,
        [bool]$ContinueNumbering = $false,
        [bool]$Supress = $false
    if ($List -eq $null) {
        $List = $WordDocument.AddList($Text, $ListLevel, $ListItemType, $StartNumber, $TrackChanges, $ContinueNumbering)
        $Paragraph = $List.Items[$List.Items.Count - 1]
    } else {
        $List = $WordDocument.AddListItem($List, $Text, $ListLevel, $ListItemType, $StartNumber, $TrackChanges, $ContinueNumbering)
        $Paragraph = $List.Items[$List.Items.Count - 1]
    Write-Verbose "Add-WordListItem - ListType Value: $Text Name: $($List.GetType().Name) - BaseType: $($List.GetType().BaseType)"
    return $List

function Get-WordListItemParagraph {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $List,
        [nullable[int]] $Item,
        [switch] $LastItem
    if ($List -ne $null) {
        $Count = $List.Items.Count
        Write-Verbose "Get-WordListItemParagraph - List Count $Count"
        if ($LastItem) {
            Write-Verbose "Get-WordListItemParagraph - Last Element $($Count-1)"
            $Paragraph = $List.Items[$Count - 1]
        } else {
            if ($null -ne $Item -and $Item -le $Count) {
                Write-Verbose "Get-WordListItemParagraph - Returning paragraph for Item Nr: $Item"
                $Paragraph = $List.Items[$Item]
    return $Paragraph

function Convert-ListToHeadings {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container] $WordDocument,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $List,
        [alias ("HT")] [HeadingType] $HeadingType = [HeadingType]::Heading1,
        [bool] $Supress
    $ParagraphsWithHeadings = New-ArrayList
    Write-Verbose "Convert-ListToHeadings - NumID: $($List.NumID)"
    $Paragraphs = Get-WordParagraphForList -WordDocument $WordDocument -ListID $List.NumID
    Write-Verbose "Convert-ListToHeadings - List Elements Count: $($Paragraphs.Count)"
    foreach ($p in $Paragraphs) {
        Write-Verbose "Convert-ListToHeadings - Loop: $HeadingType"
        $p.StyleName = $HeadingType
        Add-ToArray -List $ParagraphsWithHeadings -Element $p
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $ParagraphsWithHeadings }
function New-WordDocument {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][alias('Path')][string] $FilePath = ''
    $Word = [Xceed.Words.NET.DocX]
    $WordDocument = $Word::Create($FilePath)
    $WordDocument | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name FilePath -Value $FilePath
    return $WordDocument

function Get-WordDocument {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][alias('Path')][string] $FilePath
    $Word = [Xceed.Words.NET.DocX]
    if ($FilePath -ne '') {
        if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $FilePath) {
            try {
                $WordDocument = $Word::Load($FilePath)
                $WordDocument | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name FilePath -Value $FilePath
            } catch {
                $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Warning "Get-WordDocument - Document: $FilePath Error: $ErrorMessage"
        } else {
            Write-Warning "Get-WordDocument - Document doesn't exists in path $FilePath. Terminating loading word from file."
    return $WordDocument

function Merge-WordDocument {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][alias('Path')][string] $FilePath1,
        [alias('Append')][string] $FilePath2,
        [string] $FileOutput,
        [switch] $OpenDocument,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    $WordDocument1 = Get-WordDocument -FilePath $FilePath1
    $WordDocument2 = Get-WordDocument -FilePath $FilePath2

    $WordDocument1.InsertDocument($WordDocument2, $true)

    $FilePathOutput = Save-WordDocument -WordDocument $WordDocument1 -FilePath $FileOutput -OpenDocument:$OpenDocument
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $FilePathOutput }

function Save-WordDocument {
    param (
        [alias('Document')][parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory = $false)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument,
        [alias('Path')][string] $FilePath,
        [string] $Language,
        [switch] $KillWord,
        [switch] $OpenDocument,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Language) {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Save-WordDocument - Setting Language to $Language"
        $Paragraphs = Get-WordParagraphs -WordDocument $WordDocument
        foreach ($p in $Paragraphs) {
            Set-WordParagraph -Paragraph $p -Language $Language -Supress $True
    if (($KillWord) -and ($FilePath)) {
        $FileName = Split-Path $FilePath -leaf
        #$Process = get-process | Where { $_.MainWindowTitle -like "$FileName*"} | Select-Object id, name, mainwindowtitle | Sort-Object mainwindowtitle
        Write-Verbose -Message "Save-WordDocument - Killing Microsoft Word with text $FileName"
        $Process = Stop-Process -Name "$FileName*" -Confirm:$false -PassThru
        Write-Verbose -Message "Save-WordDocument - Killed Microsoft Word: $FileName"

    ### Saving PART
    if (-not $FilePath) {
        try {
            $FilePath = $WordDocument.FilePath
            Write-Verbose -Message "Save-WordDocument - Saving document (Save: $FilePath)"
            $Data = $WordDocument.Save()
        } catch {
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
            if ($ErrorMessage -like "*The process cannot access the file*because it is being used by another process.*") {
                $FilePath = "$($([System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()).Split('.')[0]).docx"
                Write-Warning -Message "Couldn't save file as it was in use. Trying different name $FilePath"
                $Data = $WordDocument.SaveAs($FilePath)
    } else {
        try {
            Write-Verbose "Save-WordDocument - Saving document (Save AS: $FilePath)"
            $Data = $WordDocument.SaveAs($FilePath)
        } catch {
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
            if ($ErrorMessage -like "*The process cannot access the file*because it is being used by another process.*") {
                $FilePath = "$($([System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()).Split('.')[0]).docx"
                Write-Warning -Message "Couldn't save file as it was in use. Trying different name $FilePath"
                $Data = $WordDocument.SaveAs($FilePath)
    ### Saving PART

    If ($OpenDocument) {
        if (($FilePath -ne '') -and (Test-Path -LiteralPath $FilePath)) {
            Invoke-Item -Path $FilePath
        } else {
            Write-Warning -Message "Couldn't open file as it doesn't exists - $FilePath"
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $FilePath }
Pay version of Xceed 1.5 support this:
In Section, setting the page orientation individually for the different sections will now be supported.
In Section, the following properties can now be set to configure each section of the Document: Headers, Footers, DifferentFirstPage, MarginTop, MarginBottom, MarginLeft, MarginRight, MarginHeader, MarginFooter, MirrorMargins, PageWidth, PageHeight, PageBorders, PageLayout.
In Section, the SectionBreakType property will now correctly get/set the Xml and therefore contain the desired value.
Free version (currently at 1.1 of Xceed) doesn't yet. Therefore orientation, page margins etc can only be applied globally.

function Set-WordPageSettings {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument,
        [nullable[single]] $MarginLeft,
        [nullable[single]] $MarginRight,
        [nullable[single]] $MarginTop,
        [nullable[single]] $MarginBottom,
        [nullable[single]] $PageWidth,
        [nullable[single]] $PageHeight,
        [alias ("PageLayout")][nullable[Orientation]] $Orientation

    Set-WordMargins -WordDocument $WordDocument -MarginLeft $MarginLeft -MarginRight $MarginRight -MarginTop $MarginTop -MarginBottom $Mar
    Set-WordPageSize -WordDocument $WordDocument -PageWidth $PageWidth -PageHeight $PageHeight
    Set-WordOrientation -WordDocument $WordDocument -Orientation $Orientation

function Get-WordPageSettings {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument

    $Object = [ordered]@{
        MarginLeft   = $WordDocument.MarginLeft
        MarginRight  = $WordDocument.MarginRight
        MarginTop    = $WordDocument.MarginTop
        MarginBottom = $WordDocument.MarginBottom
        PageWidth    = $WordDocument.PageWidth
        PageHeight   = $WordDocument.PageHeight
        Orientation  = $WordDocument.PageLayout.Orientation
    return $Object

function Set-WordOrientation {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument,
        [alias ("PageLayout")][nullable[Orientation]] $Orientation
    if ($Orientation -ne $null) { $WordDocument.PageLayout.Orientation = $Orientation }
function Set-WordMargins {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument,
        [nullable[single]] $MarginLeft,
        [nullable[single]] $MarginRight,
        [nullable[single]] $MarginTop,
        [nullable[single]] $MarginBottom

    if ($MarginLeft -ne $null) { $WordDocument.MarginLeft = $MarginLeft }
    if ($MarginRight -ne $null) {$WordDocument.MarginRight = $MarginRight }
    if ($MarginTop -ne $null) {$WordDocument.MarginTop = $MarginTop }
    if ($MarginBottom -ne $null) {$WordDocument.MarginBottom = $MarginBottom }
function Set-WordPageSize {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument,
        [nullable[single]] $PageWidth,
        [nullable[single]] $PageHeight
    if ($PageWidth -ne $null) {$WordDocument.PageWidth = $PageWidth }
    if ($PageHeight -ne $null) {$WordDocument.PageHeight = $PageHeight }
# Paragraph InsertParagraph()
# Paragraph InsertParagraph( int index, string text, bool trackChanges )
# Paragraph InsertParagraph( Paragraph p )
# Paragraph InsertParagraph( int index, Paragraph p )
# Paragraph InsertParagraph( int index, string text, bool trackChanges, Formatting formatting )
# Paragraph InsertParagraph( string text )
# Paragraph InsertParagraph( string text, bool trackChanges )
# Paragraph InsertParagraph( string text, bool trackChanges, Formatting formatting )

function Add-WordText {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Footer] $Footer,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Header] $Header,
        [alias ("T")] [String[]]$Text,
        [alias ("C")] [System.Drawing.Color[]]$Color = @(),
        [alias ("S")] [double[]] $FontSize = @(),
        [alias ("FontName")] [string[]] $FontFamily = @(),
        [alias ("B")] [nullable[bool][]] $Bold = @(),
        [alias ("I")] [nullable[bool][]] $Italic = @(),
        [alias ("U")] [UnderlineStyle[]] $UnderlineStyle = @(),
        [alias ('UC')] [System.Drawing.Color[]]$UnderlineColor = @(),
        [alias ("SA")] [double[]] $SpacingAfter = @(),
        [alias ("SB")] [double[]] $SpacingBefore = @(),
        [alias ("SP")] [double[]] $Spacing = @(),
        [alias ("H")] [highlight[]] $Highlight = @(),
        [alias ("CA")] [CapsStyle[]] $CapsStyle = @(),
        [alias ("ST")] [StrikeThrough[]] $StrikeThrough = @(),
        [alias ("HT")] [HeadingType[]] $HeadingType = @(),
        [int[]] $PercentageScale = @(), # "Value must be one of the following: 200, 150, 100, 90, 80, 66, 50 or 33"
        [Misc[]] $Misc = @(),
        [string[]] $Language = @(),
        [int[]]$Kerning = @(), # "Value must be one of the following: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48 or 72"
        [nullable[bool][]]$Hidden = @(),
        [int[]]$Position = @(), # "Value must be in the range -1585 - 1585"
        [nullable[bool][]]$NewLine = @(),
        # [switch] $KeepLinesTogether, # not done
        # [switch] $KeepWithNextParagraph, # not done
        [single[]] $IndentationFirstLine = @(),
        [single[]] $IndentationHanging = @(),
        [Alignment[]] $Alignment = @(),
        [Direction[]] $Direction = @(),
        [ShadingType[]] $ShadingType = @(),
        [System.Drawing.Color[]]$ShadingColor = @(),
        [Script[]] $Script = @(),
        [Switch] $ContinueFormatting,
        [alias ("Append")][Switch] $AppendToExistingParagraph,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Alignment -eq $null) { $Alignment = @() }
    if ($Text.Count -eq 0) { return }

    if ($Footer -or $Header) {
        if ($Paragraph -ne $null) {
            if (-not $AppendToExistingParagraph) {
                if ($Header) {
                    $NewParagraph = $Header.InsertParagraph()
                } else {
                    $NewParagraph = $Footer.InsertParagraph()
                $Paragraph = $Paragraph.InsertParagraphAfterSelf($NewParagraph)
        } else {
            if ($WordDocument -ne $null) {
                if ($Header) {
                    $Paragraph = $Header.InsertParagraph()
                } else {
                    $Paragraph = $Footer.InsertParagraph()
            } else {
                throw 'Both Paragraph and WordDocument are null'
    } else {
        if ($Paragraph -ne $null) {
            if (-not $AppendToExistingParagraph) {
                $NewParagraph = $WordDocument.InsertParagraph()
                $Paragraph = $Paragraph.InsertParagraphAfterSelf($NewParagraph)
        } else {
            if ($WordDocument -ne $null) {
                $Paragraph = $WordDocument.InsertParagraph()
            } else {
                throw 'Both Paragraph and WordDocument are null'
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Text.Length; $i++) {
        if ($NewLine[$i] -ne $null -and $NewLine[$i] -eq $true) {
            if ($i -gt 0) {
                if ($Paragraph -ne $null) {
                    $Paragraph = $Paragraph.InsertParagraphAfterSelf($Paragraph)
                } else {
                    $Paragraph = $WordDocument.InsertParagraph()
            $Paragraph = $Paragraph.Append($Text[$i])
        } else {
            $Paragraph = $Paragraph.Append($Text[$i])

        if ($ContinueFormatting -eq $true) {
            Write-Verbose "Add-WordText - ContinueFormatting: $ContinueFormatting Text Count: $($Text.Count)"
            $Formatting = Set-WordContinueFormatting -Count $Text.Count `
                -Color $Color `
                -FontSize $FontSize `
                -FontFamily $FontFamily `
                -Bold $Bold `
                -Italic $Italic `
                -UnderlineStyle $UnderlineStyle `
                -UnderlineColor $UnderlineColor `
                -SpacingAfter $SpacingAfter `
                -SpacingBefore $SpacingBefore `
                -Spacing $Spacing `
                -Highlight $Highlight `
                -CapsStyle $CapsStyle `
                -StrikeThrough $StrikeThrough `
                -HeadingType $HeadingType `
                -PercentageScale $PercentageScale `
                -Misc $Misc `
                -Language $Language `
                -Kerning $Kerning `
                -Hidden $Hidden `
                -Position $Position `
                -IndentationFirstLine $IndentationFirstLine `
                -IndentationHanging $IndentationHanging `
                -Alignment $Alignment `
                -ShadingType $ShadingType `
                -Script $Script

            $Color = $Formatting[0]
            $FontSize = $Formatting[1]
            $FontFamily = $Formatting[2]
            $Bold = $Formatting[3]
            $Italic = $Formatting[4]
            $UnderlineStyle = $Formatting[5]
            $UnderlineColor = $Formatting[6]
            $SpacingAfter = $Formatting[7]
            $SpacingBefore = $Formatting[8]
            $Spacing = $Formatting[9]
            $Highlight = $Formatting[10]
            $CapsStyle = $Formatting[11]
            $StrikeThrough = $Formatting[12]
            $HeadingType = $Formatting[13]
            $PercentageScale = $Formatting[14]
            $Misc = $Formatting[15]
            $Language = $Formatting[16]
            $Kerning = $Formatting[17]
            $Hidden = $Formatting[18]
            $Position = $Formatting[19]
            $IndentationFirstLine = $Formatting[20]
            $IndentationHanging = $Formatting[21]
            $Alignment = $Formatting[22]
            #$DirectionFormatting = $Formatting[23]
            $ShadingType = $Formatting[24]
            $Script = $Formatting[25]

        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextColor -Color $Color[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextFontSize -FontSize $FontSize[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextFontFamily -FontFamily $FontFamily[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextBold -Bold $Bold[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextItalic -Italic $Italic[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextUnderlineColor -UnderlineColor $UnderlineColor[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextUnderlineStyle -UnderlineStyle $UnderlineStyle[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextSpacingAfter -SpacingAfter $SpacingAfter[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextSpacingBefore -SpacingBefore $SpacingBefore[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextSpacing -Spacing $Spacing[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextHighlight -Highlight $Highlight[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextCapsStyle -CapsStyle $CapsStyle[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextStrikeThrough -StrikeThrough $StrikeThrough[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextPercentageScale -PercentageScale $PercentageScale[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextSpacing -Spacing $Spacing[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextLanguage -Language $Language[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextKerning -Kerning $Kerning[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextMisc -Misc $Misc[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextPosition -Position $Position[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextHidden -Hidden $Hidden[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextShadingType -ShadingColor $ShadingColor[$i] -ShadingType $ShadingType[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextScript -Script $Script[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextHeadingType -HeadingType $HeadingType[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextIndentationFirstLine -IndentationFirstLine $IndentationFirstLine[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextIndentationHanging -IndentationHanging $IndentationHanging[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextAlignment -Alignment $Alignment[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph | Set-WordTextDirection -Direction $Direction[$i] -Supress $false

    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }

function Set-WordText {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter[]] $Paragraph,
        [AllowNull()][string[]] $Text = @(),
        [alias ("C")] [System.Drawing.Color[]]$Color = @(),
        [alias ("S")] [double[]] $FontSize = @(),
        [alias ("FontName")] [string[]] $FontFamily = @(),
        [alias ("B")] [nullable[bool][]] $Bold = @(),
        [alias ("I")] [nullable[bool][]] $Italic = @(),
        [alias ("U")] [UnderlineStyle[]] $UnderlineStyle = @(),
        [alias ('UC')] [System.Drawing.Color[]]$UnderlineColor = @(),
        [alias ("SA")] [double[]] $SpacingAfter = @(),
        [alias ("SB")] [double[]] $SpacingBefore = @(),
        [alias ("SP")] [double[]] $Spacing = @(),
        [alias ("H")] [highlight[]] $Highlight = @(),
        [alias ("CA")] [CapsStyle[]] $CapsStyle = @(),
        [alias ("ST")] [StrikeThrough[]] $StrikeThrough = @(),
        [alias ("HT")] [HeadingType[]] $HeadingType = @(),
        [int[]] $PercentageScale = @(), # "Value must be one of the following: 200, 150, 100, 90, 80, 66, 50 or 33"
        [Misc[]] $Misc = @(),
        [string[]] $Language = @(),
        [int[]]$Kerning = @(), # "Value must be one of the following: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48 or 72"
        [nullable[bool][]] $Hidden = @(),
        [int[]]$Position = @(), # "Value must be in the range -1585 - 1585"
        [nullable[bool][]] $NewLine = @(),
        [switch] $KeepLinesTogether,
        [switch] $KeepWithNextParagraph,
        [single[]] $IndentationFirstLine = @(),
        [single[]] $IndentationHanging = @(),
        [nullable[Alignment][]] $Alignment = @(),
        [Direction[]] $Direction = @(),
        [ShadingType[]] $ShadingType = @(),
        [System.Drawing.Color[]]$ShadingColor = @(),
        [Script[]] $Script = @(),
        [alias ("AppendText")][Switch] $Append,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Alignment -eq $null) { $Alignment = @() }

    Write-Verbose "Set-WordText - Paragraph Count: $($Paragraph.Count)"
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Paragraph.Count; $i++) {
        Write-Verbose "Set-WordText - Loop: $($i)"
        Write-Verbose "Set-WordText - $($Paragraph[$i])"
        Write-Verbose "Set-WordText - $($Paragraph[$i].Text)"
        if ($null -eq $Paragraph[$i]) {
            Write-Verbose 'Set-WordText - Paragraph is null'
        } else {
            Write-Verbose 'Set-WordText - Paragraph is not null'
        if ($null -eq $Color[$i]) {
            Write-Verbose 'Set-WordText - Color is null'
        } else {
            Write-Verbose 'Set-WordText - Color is not null'
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextText -Text $Text[$i] -Append:$Append -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextColor -Color $Color[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextFontSize -FontSize $FontSize[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextFontFamily -FontFamily $FontFamily[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextBold -Bold $Bold[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextItalic -Italic $Italic[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextUnderlineColor -UnderlineColor $UnderlineColor[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextUnderlineStyle -UnderlineStyle $UnderlineStyle[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextSpacingAfter -SpacingAfter $SpacingAfter[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextSpacingBefore -SpacingBefore $SpacingBefore[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextSpacing -Spacing $Spacing[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextHighlight -Highlight $Highlight[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextCapsStyle -CapsStyle $CapsStyle[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextStrikeThrough -StrikeThrough $StrikeThrough[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextPercentageScale -PercentageScale $PercentageScale[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextSpacing -Spacing $Spacing[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextLanguage -Language $Language[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextKerning -Kerning $Kerning[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextMisc -Misc $Misc[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextPosition -Position $Position[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextHidden -Hidden $Hidden[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextShadingType -ShadingColor $ShadingColor[$i] -ShadingType $ShadingType[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextScript -Script $Script[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextHeadingType -HeadingType $HeadingType[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextIndentationFirstLine -IndentationFirstLine $IndentationFirstLine[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextIndentationHanging -IndentationHanging $IndentationHanging[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextAlignment -Alignment $Alignment[$i] -Supress $false
        $Paragraph[$i] = $Paragraph[$i] | Set-WordTextDirection -Direction $Direction[$i] -Supress $false
function Remove-WordText {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [int] $Index = 0,
        [int] $Count = $($Paragraph.Text.Length),
        [bool] $TrackChanges,
        [bool] $RemoveEmptyParagraph,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null) {
        Write-Verbose "Remove-WordText - Current text $($Paragraph.Text) "
        Write-Verbose "Remove-WordText - Removing from $Index to $Count - Paragraph Text Count: $($Paragraph.Text.Length)"
        if ($Count -ne 0) {
            $Paragraph.RemoveText($Index, $Count, $TrackChanges, $RemoveEmptyParagraph)
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }

function Set-WordTextText {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [alias ("S")][AllowNull()] $Text,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null) {
        if ($Text -ne $null) {
            if ($Text -isnot [String]) { throw 'Invalid argument for parameter -Text.' }
            if ($Append -ne $true) { $Paragraph = Remove-WordText -Paragraph $Paragraph }
            Write-Verbose "Set-WordTextText - Appending Value $Text"
            $Paragraph = $Paragraph.Append($Text)
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }

function Set-WordTextFontSize {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [alias ("S")] [nullable[double]] $FontSize,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null -and $FontSize -ne $null) {
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph.FontSize($FontSize)
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }

function Set-WordTextColor {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [alias ("C")] [nullable[System.Drawing.Color]] $Color,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null -and $Color -ne $null) {
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph.Color($Color)
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }

function Set-WordTextBold {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [nullable[bool]] $Bold,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null -and $Bold -ne $null -and $Bold -eq $true) {
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph.Bold()
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }

function Set-WordTextItalic {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [nullable[bool]] $Italic,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null -and $Italic -ne $null -and $Italic -eq $true) {
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph.Italic()
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }

function Set-WordTextFontFamily {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [string] $FontFamily,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null -and $FontFamily -ne $null -and $FontFamily -ne '') {
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph.Font($FontFamily)
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }

function Set-WordTextUnderlineStyle {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [nullable[UnderlineStyle]] $UnderlineStyle,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null -and $UnderlineStyle -ne $null) {
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph.UnderlineStyle($UnderlineStyle)
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }

function Set-WordTextUnderlineColor {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [nullable[System.Drawing.Color]] $UnderlineColor,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null -and $UnderlineColor -ne $null) {
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph.UnderlineColor($UnderlineColor)
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }

function Set-WordTextSpacingAfter {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [nullable[double]] $SpacingAfter,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null -and $SpacingAfter -ne $null) {
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph.SpacingAfter($SpacingAfter)
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }

function Set-WordTextSpacingBefore {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [nullable[double]] $SpacingBefore,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null -and $SpacingBefore -ne $null) {
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph.SpacingBefore($SpacingBefore)
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }

function Set-WordTextSpacing {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [nullable[double]] $Spacing,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null -and $Spacing -ne $null) {
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph.Spacing($Spacing)
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }

function Set-WordTextHighlight {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [nullable[Highlight]] $Highlight,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null -and $Highlight -ne $null) {
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph.Highlight($Highlight)
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }

function Set-WordTextCapsStyle {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [nullable[CapsStyle]] $CapsStyle,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null -and $CapsStyle -ne $null) {
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph.CapsStyle($CapsStyle)
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }

function Set-WordTextStrikeThrough {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [nullable[StrikeThrough]] $StrikeThrough,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null -and $StrikeThrough -ne $null) {
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph.StrikeThrough($StrikeThrough)
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }
function Set-WordTextShadingType {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [nullable[ShadingType]] $ShadingType,
        [nullable[System.Drawing.Color]] $ShadingColor,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null -and $ShadingType -ne $null -and $ShadingColor -ne $null) {
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph.Shading($ShadingColor, $ShadingType)
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }

function Set-WordTextPercentageScale {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null -and $PercentageScale -ne $null) {
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph.PercentageScale($PercentageScale)
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }

function Set-WordTextLanguage {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null -and $Language -ne $null -and $Language -ne '') {
        $Culture = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultureInfo($Language)
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph.Culture($Culture)
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }

function Set-WordTextKerning {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [nullable[int]] $Kerning,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null -and $Kerning -ne $null) {
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph.Kerning($Kerning)
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }

function Set-WordTextMisc {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [nullable[Misc]] $Misc,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null -and $Misc -ne $null) {
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph.Misc($Misc)
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }

function Set-WordTextPosition {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null -and $Position -ne $null) {
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph.Position($Position)
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }

function Set-WordTextHidden {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [nullable[bool]] $Hidden,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null -and $Hidden -ne $null) {
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph.Hidden($Hidden)
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }

function Set-WordTextHeadingType {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [nullable[HeadingType]] $HeadingType,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null -and $HeadingType -ne $null) {
        #$StyleName = [string] "$HeadingType"
        Write-Verbose "Set-WordTextHeadingType - Setting StyleName to $StyleName"
        $Paragraph.StyleName = $HeadingType
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }
function Set-WordTextIndentationFirstLine {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [nullable[single]] $IndentationFirstLine,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null -and $IndentationFirstLine -ne $null) {
        $Paragraph.IndentationFirstLine = $IndentationFirstLine
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }
function Set-WordTextAlignment {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [nullable[Alignment]] $Alignment,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null -and $Alignment -ne $null) {
        $Paragraph.Alignment = $Alignment
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }
function Set-WordTextIndentationHanging {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [nullable[single]] $IndentationHanging,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null -and $IndentationHanging -ne $null) {
        $Paragraph.IndentationHanging = $IndentationHanging
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }

function Set-WordTextDirection {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [nullable[Direction]] $Direction,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null -and $Direction -ne $null) {
        $Paragraph.Direction = $Direction
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }
function Set-WordTextScript {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [nullable[Script]] $Script,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null -and $Script -ne $null) {
        $Paragraph = $Paragraph.Script($Script)
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }

function Remove-WordParagraph {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [bool] $TrackChanges
ParentContainer : None
ListItemType : Bulleted
Pictures : {}
Hyperlinks : {}
StyleName : Normal
DocumentProperties : {}
Direction : RightToLeft
IndentationFirstLine : 0
IndentationHanging : 0
IndentationBefore : 0
IndentationAfter : 0
Alignment : left
Text : Like me like i do
MagicText : {Xceed.Words.NET.FormattedText}
FollowingTable :
LineSpacing : 22
LineSpacingBefore : 15
LineSpacingAfter : 10
ParagraphNumberProperties :
IsListItem : False
IndentLevel :
IsKeepWithNext : False
Xml : <w:p xmlns:w="">
                                <w:spacing w:before="300" />
                                <w:bidi />
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                                  <w:lang w:val="pl-PL" />
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                                  <w:szCs w:val="42"></w:szCs>
                                <w:t>Like me like i do</w:t>
PackagePart : System.IO.Packaging.ZipPackagePart

#$Formatting = [Xceed.Words.NET.Formatting]

Function Add-WordParagraph {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument,
        [alias('Paragraph', 'Table', 'List')][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $WordObject,
        [alias('Insert')][InsertWhere] $InsertWhere = [InsertWhere]::AfterSelf,
        #[bool] $TrackChanges,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    $NewParagraph = $WordDocument.InsertParagraph()
    if ($WordObject -ne $null) {
        if ($InsertWhere -eq [InsertWhere]::AfterSelf) {
            $NewParagraph = $WordObject.InsertParagraphAfterSelf($NewParagraph)
        } elseif ($InsertWhere -eq [InsertWhere]::BeforeSelf) {
            $NewParagraph = $WordObject.InsertParagraphBeforeSelf($NewParagraph)
    if ($Supress -eq $true) { return } else { return $NewParagraph }

function Add-WordPageBreak {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][alias('Paragraph', 'Table', 'List')][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $WordObject,
        [alias('Insert')][InsertWhere] $InsertWhere = [InsertWhere]::AfterSelf,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    $RemovalRequired = $false
    if ($WordObject -eq $null) {
        Write-Verbose "Add-WordPageBreak - Adding temporary paragraph"
        $RemovalRequired = $True
        $WordObject = $WordDocument.InsertParagraph()
    if ($InsertWhere -eq [InsertWhere]::AfterSelf) {
    } else {
    if ($RemovalRequired) {
        Write-Verbose "Add-WordPageBreak - Removing paragraph that was added temporary"
        Remove-WordParagraph -Paragraph $WordObject
    if ($Supress -eq $true) { return } else { return $WordObject }

Function Set-WordParagraph {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [Alignment] $Alignment,
        [Direction] $Direction,
        [string] $Language,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -ne $null) {
        #Write-Verbose "Set-WordParagraph - Paragraph is not null"
        if ($Alignment -ne $null) {
            Write-Verbose "Set-WordParagraph - Setting Alignment to $Alignment"
            $Paragraph.Alignment = $Alignment
        if ($Direction -ne $null) {
            Write-Verbose "Set-WordParagraph - Setting Direction to $Direction"
            $Paragraph.Direction = $Direction
        if ($Language -ne $null) {
            $Culture = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultureInfo($Language)
            $Paragraph = $Paragraph.Culture($Culture)
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }
function Get-WordParagraphForList {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container] $WordDocument,
        [int] $ListID
    $IDs = @()
    foreach ($p in $WordDocument.Paragraphs) {
        if ($p.ParagraphNumberProperties -ne $null) {
            $ListNumber = $p.ParagraphNumberProperties.LastNode.LastAttribute.Value
            if ($ListNumber -eq $ListID) {
                $IDs += $p
    return $Ids
function Get-WordParagraphs {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container] $WordDocument
    $Paragraphs = @()
    foreach ($p in $WordDocument.Paragraphs) {
        #Write-Verbose "Get-WordParagraphs - $p"
        $Paragraphs += $p
    return $Paragraphs
function Add-WordPicture {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [Xceed.Words.NET.DocXElement] $Picture,
        [alias('FileImagePath')][string] $ImagePath,
        [Alignment] $Alignment,
        [int] $Rotation,
        [switch] $FlipHorizontal,
        [switch] $FlipVertical,
        [int] $ImageWidth,
        [int] $ImageHeight,
        [string] $Description,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Paragraph)) {
        $Paragraph = Add-WordParagraph -WordDocument $WordDocument -Supress $false
    if ($null -eq $Picture) {
        if ($ImagePath -ne '' -and (Test-Path($ImagePath))) {
            $Image = $WordDocument.AddImage($ImagePath)
            $Picture = $Image.CreatePicture()
        } else {
            Write-Warning "Add-WordPicture - Path to ImagePath ($ImagePath) was incorrect. Aborting."
    if ($Rotation -ne 0) { $Picture.Rotation = $Rotation }
    if ($FlipHorizontal -ne $false) { $Picture.FlipHorizontal = $FlipHorizontal }
    if ($FlipVertical -ne $false) { $Picture.FlipVertical = $FlipVertical }
    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Description)) { $Picture.Description = $Description }
    if ($ImageWidth -ne 0) { $Picture.Width = $ImageWidth }
    if ($ImageHeight -ne 0) { $Picture.Height = $ImageHeight }
    $Data = $Paragraph.AppendPicture($Picture)
    if ($Alignment) {
        $Data = Set-WordTextAlignment -Paragraph $Data -Alignment $Alignment
    if ($Supress) { return $Data } else { return }

function Get-WordPicture {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [switch] $ListParagraphs,
        [switch] $ListPictures,
        [nullable[int]] $PictureID
    if ($ListParagraphs -eq $true -and $ListPictures -eq $true) {
        throw 'Only one option is possible at time (-ListParagraphs or -ListPictures)'
    if ($ListParagraphs) {
        $List = New-ArrayList
        $Paragraphs = $WordDocument.Paragraphs
        foreach ($p in $Paragraphs) {
            if ($p.Pictures -ne $null) {
                Add-ToArray -List $List -Element $p
        return $List
    if ($ListPictures) {
        return $WordDocument.Pictures
    if ($PictureID -ne $null) {
        return $WordDocument.Pictures[$PictureID]

function Remove-WordPicture {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [int] $PictureID,
        [bool] $Supress
    if ($Paragraph.Pictures[$PictureID] -ne $null) {
    if ($supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph}

function Set-WordPicture {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [Xceed.Words.NET.DocXElement] $Picture,
        [string] $ImagePath,
        [int] $Rotation,
        [switch] $FlipHorizontal,
        [switch] $FlipVertical,
        [int] $ImageWidth,
        [int] $ImageHeight,
        [string] $Description,
        [int] $PictureID,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    $Paragraph = Remove-WordPicture -WordDocument $WordDocument -Paragraph $Paragraph -PictureID $PictureID -Supress $Supress
    $data = Add-WordPicture -WordDocument $WordDocument -Paragraph $Paragraph `
        -Picture $Picture `
        -ImagePath $ImagePath -ImageWidth $ImageWidth -ImageHeight $ImageHeight `
        -Rotation $Rotation -FlipHorizontal:$FlipHorizontal -FlipVertical:$FlipVertical -Supress $Supress

    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $data }
function Add-WordProtection {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument,
        [EditRestrictions] $EditRestrictions,
        [string] $Password
    if ($Password -eq $null) {
    } else {
        $WordDocument.AddPasswordProtection($EditRestrictions, $Password)

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns true if any editing restrictions are imposed on this document.
    /// </summary>
    /// <example>
    /// <code>
    /// // Create a new document.
    /// using (DocX document = DocX.Create(@"Test.docx"))
    /// {
    /// if(document.isProtected)
    /// Console.WriteLine("Protected");
    /// else
    /// Console.WriteLine("Not protected");
    /// // Save the document.
    /// document.Save();
    /// }
    /// </code>
    /// </example>
    /// <seealso cref="AddProtection(EditRestrictions)"/>
    /// <seealso cref="RemoveProtection"/>
    /// <seealso cref="GetProtectionType"/>

function Add-WordSection {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container] $WordDocument,
        [switch] $PageBreak,
        [bool] $Supress
    if ($PageBreak) {
        $Data = $WordDocument.InsertSectionPageBreak()
    } else {
        $Data = $WordDocument.InsertSection()
    if ($Supress -eq $true) { return } else {return $Data}

function Get-WordSection {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container] $WordDocument
    return $WordDocument.Sections
function Add-WordTable {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container] $WordDocument,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)]$DataTable,
        [AutoFit] $AutoFit,
        [TableDesign] $Design,
        [Direction] $Direction,
        [switch] $BreakPageAfterTable,
        [switch] $BreakPageBeforeTable,
        [nullable[bool]] $BreakAcrossPages,
        [nullable[int]] $MaximumColumns,
        [string[]]$Titles = @('Name', 'Value'),
        [switch] $DoNotAddTitle,
        [alias ("ColummnWidth")][float[]] $ColumnWidth = @(),
        [nullable[float]] $TableWidth = $null,
        [bool] $Percentage,
        [alias ("C")] [System.Drawing.Color[]]$Color = @(),
        [alias ("S")] [double[]] $FontSize = @(),
        [alias ("FontName")] [string[]] $FontFamily = @(),
        [alias ("B")] [nullable[bool][]] $Bold = @(),
        [alias ("I")] [nullable[bool][]] $Italic = @(),
        [alias ("U")] [UnderlineStyle[]] $UnderlineStyle = @(),
        [alias ('UC')] [System.Drawing.Color[]]$UnderlineColor = @(),
        [alias ("SA")] [double[]] $SpacingAfter = @(),
        [alias ("SB")] [double[]] $SpacingBefore = @(),
        [alias ("SP")] [double[]] $Spacing = @(),
        [alias ("H")] [highlight[]] $Highlight = @(),
        [alias ("CA")] [CapsStyle[]] $CapsStyle = @(),
        [alias ("ST")] [StrikeThrough[]] $StrikeThrough = @(),
        [alias ("HT")] [HeadingType[]] $HeadingType = @(),
        [int[]] $PercentageScale = @(), # "Value must be one of the following: 200, 150, 100, 90, 80, 66, 50 or 33"
        [Misc[]] $Misc = @(),
        [string[]] $Language = @(),
        [int[]]$Kerning = @(), # "Value must be one of the following: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48 or 72"
        [nullable[bool][]]$Hidden = @(),
        [int[]]$Position = @(), # "Value must be in the range -1585 - 1585"
        [single[]] $IndentationFirstLine = @(),
        [single[]] $IndentationHanging = @(),
        [Alignment[]] $Alignment = @(),
        [Direction[]] $DirectionFormatting = @(),
        [ShadingType[]] $ShadingType = @(),
        [Script[]] $Script = @(),
        [nullable[bool][]] $NewLine = @(),
        [switch] $KeepLinesTogether,
        [switch] $KeepWithNextParagraph,
        [switch] $ContinueFormatting,
        [alias('Rotate', 'RotateData', 'TransposeColumnsRows', 'TransposeData')][switch] $Transpose,
        [string[]] $ExcludeProperty,
        [switch] $NoAliasOrScriptProperties,
        [switch] $DisplayPropertySet,
        [bool] $Supress = $false,
        [switch] $VerboseColor
    Begin {
        [int] $Run = 0
        [int] $RowNr = 0
        if ($MaximumColumns -eq $null) { $MaximumColumns = 5 }
    Process {
        if ($Run -eq 0) {
            if ($Transpose) { $DataTable = Format-TransposeTable -Object $DataTable }
            $Data = Format-PSTable $DataTable -ExcludeProperty $ExcludeProperty -NoAliasOrScriptProperties:$NoAliasOrScriptProperties -DisplayPropertySet:$DisplayPropertySet
            $WorksheetHeaders = $Data[0] # Saving Header information for later use
            $NumberRows = $Data.Count
            $NumberColumns = if ($Data[0].Count -ge $MaximumColumns) { $MaximumColumns } else { $Data[0].Count }

            ### Add Table or Add To TABLE
            if ($Table -eq $null) {
                $Table = New-WordTable -WordDocument $WordDocument -Paragraph $Paragraph -NrRows $NumberRows -NrColumns $NumberColumns -Supress $false
            } else {
                Add-WordTableRow -Table $Table -Count $NumberRows -Supress $True
            #Write-Verbose "Add-WordTable - Run: $Run NumberRows: $NumberRows NumberColumns: $NumberColumns"
        } else {
            $Data = Format-PSTable $DataTable -SkipTitle -NoAliasOrScriptProperties:$NoAliasOrScriptProperties -DisplayPropertySet:$DisplayPropertySet -OverwriteHeaders $WorksheetHeaders
            $NumberRows = $Data.Count
            $NumberColumns = if ($Data[0].Count -ge $MaximumColumns) { $MaximumColumns } else { $Data[0].Count }

            ### Add Table or Add To TABLE
            if ($Table -eq $null) {
                $Table = New-WordTable -WordDocument $WordDocument -Paragraph $Paragraph -NrRows $NumberRows -NrColumns $NumberColumns -Supress $false
            } else {

                Add-WordTableRow -Table $Table -Count $NumberRows -Supress $True
            #Write-Verbose "Add-WordTable - Run: $Run NumberRows: $NumberRows NumberColumns: $NumberColumns"
        ### Add titles
     ### Prepare Number of ROWS/COLUMNS
        $pattern = 'string|bool|byte|char|decimal|double|float|int|long|sbyte|short|uint|ulong|ushort'
        $Titles = ($DataTable | Get-Member | Where-Object { $_.MemberType -like "*Property" -and $_.Definition -match $pattern }) | Select-Object Name
        $NumberColumns = if ($Titles.Count -ge $MaximumColumns) { $MaximumColumns } else { $Titles.Count }
        $NumberRows = $DataTable.Count
        Write-Verbose 'Add-WordTable - Option 4'
        Write-Verbose "Add-WordTable - Column Count $($NumberColumns) Rows Count $NumberRows "
    if (-not $DoNotAddTitle) {
        Add-WordTableTitle -Title $Titles `
            -Table $Table `
            -MaximumColumns $MaximumColumns `
            -Color $Color[0] `
            -FontSize $FontSize[0] `
            -FontFamily $FontFamily[0] `
            -Bold $Bold[0] `
            -Italic $Italic[0] `
            -UnderlineStyle $UnderlineStyle[0] `
            -UnderlineColor $UnderlineColor[0] `
            -SpacingAfter $SpacingAfter[0] `
            -SpacingBefore $SpacingBefore[0] `
            -Spacing $Spacing[0] `
            -Highlight $Highlight[0] `
            -CapsStyle $CapsStyle[0] `
            -StrikeThrough $StrikeThrough[0] `
            -HeadingType $HeadingType[0] `
            -PercentageScale $PercentageScale[0] `
            -Misc $Misc[0] `
            -Language $Language[0] `
            -Kerning $Kerning[0] `
            -Hidden $Hidden[0] `
            -Position $Position[0] `
            -IndentationFirstLine $IndentationFirstLine[0] `
            -IndentationHanging $IndentationHanging[0] `
            -Alignment $Alignment[0] `
            -DirectionFormatting $DirectionFormatting[0] `
            -ShadingType $ShadingType[0] `
            -Script $Script[0] -Supress $True

        ### Continue formatting
        if ($ContinueFormatting -eq $true) {
            $Formatting = Set-WordContinueFormatting -Count $NumberRows `
                -Color $Color `
                -FontSize $FontSize `
                -FontFamily $FontFamily `
                -Bold $Bold `
                -Italic $Italic `
                -UnderlineStyle $UnderlineStyle `
                -UnderlineColor $UnderlineColor `
                -SpacingAfter $SpacingAfter `
                -SpacingBefore $SpacingBefore `
                -Spacing $Spacing `
                -Highlight $Highlight `
                -CapsStyle $CapsStyle `
                -StrikeThrough $StrikeThrough `
                -HeadingType $HeadingType `
                -PercentageScale $PercentageScale `
                -Misc $Misc `
                -Language $Language `
                -Kerning $Kerning `
                -Hidden $Hidden `
                -Position $Position `
                -IndentationFirstLine $IndentationFirstLine `
                -IndentationHanging $IndentationHanging `
                -Alignment $Alignment `
                -DirectionFormatting $DirectionFormatting `
                -ShadingType $ShadingType `
                -Script $Script

            $Color = $Formatting[0]
            $FontSize = $Formatting[1]
            $FontFamily = $Formatting[2]
            $Bold = $Formatting[3]
            $Italic = $Formatting[4]
            $UnderlineStyle = $Formatting[5]
            $UnderlineColor = $Formatting[6]
            $SpacingAfter = $Formatting[7]
            $SpacingBefore = $Formatting[8]
            $Spacing = $Formatting[9]
            $Highlight = $Formatting[10]
            $CapsStyle = $Formatting[11]
            $StrikeThrough = $Formatting[12]
            $HeadingType = $Formatting[13]
            $PercentageScale = $Formatting[14]
            $Misc = $Formatting[15]
            $Language = $Formatting[16]
            $Kerning = $Formatting[17]
            $Hidden = $Formatting[18]
            $Position = $Formatting[19]
            $IndentationFirstLine = $Formatting[20]
            $IndentationHanging = $Formatting[21]
            $Alignment = $Formatting[22]
            $DirectionFormatting = $Formatting[23]
            $ShadingType = $Formatting[24]
            $Script = $Formatting[25]
        ### Build data in Table

        # $RowNr = 0
        #Write-Color "[i] Presenting table after conversion" -Color Yellow
        foreach ($Row in $Data) {
            $ColumnNr = 0
            foreach ($Column in $Row) {
                if ($VerboseColor) {
                    Write-Color 'Row: ', $RowNr, ' Column: ', $ColumnNr, " Data: ", $Column -Color White, Yellow, White, Green
                Write-Verbose "Row: $RowNr Column: $ColumnNr Data: $Column"
                $Data = Add-WordTableCellValue -Table $Table -Row $RowNr -Column $ColumnNr -Value $Column `
                    -Color $Color[$RowNr] `
                    -FontSize $FontSize[$RowNr] `
                    -FontFamily $FontFamily[$RowNr] `
                    -Bold $Bold[$RowNr] `
                    -Italic $Italic[$RowNr] `
                    -UnderlineStyle $UnderlineStyle[$RowNr]`
                    -UnderlineColor $UnderlineColor[$RowNr]`
                    -SpacingAfter $SpacingAfter[$RowNr] `
                    -SpacingBefore $SpacingBefore[$RowNr] `
                    -Spacing $Spacing[$RowNr] `
                    -Highlight $Highlight[$RowNr] `
                    -CapsStyle $CapsStyle[$RowNr] `
                    -StrikeThrough $StrikeThrough[$RowNr] `
                    -HeadingType $HeadingType[$RowNr] `
                    -PercentageScale $PercentageScale[$RowNr] `
                    -Misc $Misc[$RowNr] `
                    -Language $Language[$RowNr]`
                    -Kerning $Kerning[$RowNr]`
                    -Hidden $Hidden[$RowNr]`
                    -Position $Position[$RowNr]`
                    -IndentationFirstLine $IndentationFirstLine[$RowNr]`
                    -IndentationHanging $IndentationHanging[$RowNr]`
                    -Alignment $Alignment[$RowNr]`
                    -DirectionFormatting $DirectionFormatting[$RowNr] `
                    -ShadingType $ShadingType[$RowNr]`
                    -Script $Script[$RowNr]
                if ($ColumnNr -eq $($MaximumColumns - 1)) { break; } # prevents display of more columns then there is space, choose carefully

    End {
        ### Apply formatting to table

        $Table | Set-WordTableColumnWidth -Width $ColumnWidth -TotalWidth $TableWidth -Percentage $Percentage -Supress $True

        $Table | Set-WordTable -Direction $Direction `
            -AutoFit $AutoFit `
            -Design $Design `
            -BreakPageAfterTable:$BreakPageAfterTable `
            -BreakPageBeforeTable:$BreakPageBeforeTable `
            -BreakAcrossPages $BreakAcrossPages -Supress $True

        ### return data
        if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Table }

function Set-WordContinueFormatting {
        [int] $Count,
        [alias ("C")] [System.Drawing.Color[]]$Color = @(),
        [alias ("S")] [double[]] $FontSize = @(),
        [alias ("FontName")] [string[]] $FontFamily = @(),
        [alias ("B")] [nullable[bool][]] $Bold = @(),
        [alias ("I")] [nullable[bool][]] $Italic = @(),
        [alias ("U")] [UnderlineStyle[]] $UnderlineStyle = @(),
        [alias ('UC')] [System.Drawing.Color[]]$UnderlineColor = @(),
        [alias ("SA")] [double[]] $SpacingAfter = @(),
        [alias ("SB")] [double[]] $SpacingBefore = @(),
        [alias ("SP")] [double[]] $Spacing = @(),
        [alias ("H")] [highlight[]] $Highlight = @(),
        [alias ("CA")] [CapsStyle[]] $CapsStyle = @(),
        [alias ("ST")] [StrikeThrough[]] $StrikeThrough = @(),
        [alias ("HT")] [HeadingType[]] $HeadingType = @(),
        [int[]] $PercentageScale = @(), # "Value must be one of the following: 200, 150, 100, 90, 80, 66, 50 or 33"
        [Misc[]] $Misc = @(),
        [string[]] $Language = @(),
        [int[]]$Kerning = @(), # "Value must be one of the following: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48 or 72"
        [nullable[bool][]]$Hidden = @(),
        [int[]]$Position = @(), # "Value must be in the range -1585 - 1585"
        [single[]] $IndentationFirstLine = @(),
        [single[]] $IndentationHanging = @(),
        [Alignment[]] $Alignment = @(),
        [Direction[]] $DirectionFormatting = @(),
        [ShadingType[]] $ShadingType = @(),
        [Script[]] $Script = @()
    for ($RowNr = 0; $RowNr -lt $Count; $RowNr++) {
        Write-Verbose "Set-WordContinueFormatting - RowNr: $RowNr / $Count"
        if ($null -eq $Color[$RowNr] -and $null -ne $Color[$RowNr - 1]) { $Color += $Color[$RowNr - 1] }
        if ($null -eq $FontSize[$RowNr] -and $null -ne $FontSize[$RowNr - 1]) {  $FontSize += $FontSize[$RowNr - 1]  }
        if ($null -eq $FontFamily[$RowNr] -and $null -ne $FontFamily[$RowNr - 1]) { $FontFamily += $FontFamily[$RowNr - 1] }
        if ($null -eq $Bold[$RowNr] -and $null -ne $Bold[$RowNr - 1]) {$Bold += $Bold[$RowNr - 1] }
        if ($null -eq $Italic[$RowNr] -and $null -ne $Italic[$RowNr - 1]) { $Italic += $Italic[$RowNr - 1] }
        if ($null -eq $SpacingAfter[$RowNr] -and $null -ne $SpacingAfter[$RowNr - 1]) { $SpacingAfter += $SpacingAfter[$RowNr - 1] }
        if ($null -eq $SpacingBefore[$RowNr] -and $null -ne $SpacingBefore[$RowNr - 1]) { $SpacingBefore += $SpacingBefore[$RowNr - 1] }
        if ($null -eq $Spacing[$RowNr] -and $null -ne $Spacing[$RowNr - 1]) { $Spacing += $Spacing[$RowNr - 1] }
        if ($null -eq $Highlight[$RowNr] -and $null -ne $Highlight[$RowNr - 1]) { $Highlight += $Highlight[$RowNr - 1] }
        if ($null -eq $CapsStyle[$RowNr] -and $null -ne $CapsStyle[$RowNr - 1]) { $CapsStyle += $CapsStyle[$RowNr - 1] }
        if ($null -eq $StrikeThrough[$RowNr] -and $null -ne $StrikeThrough[$RowNr - 1]) { $StrikeThrough += $StrikeThrough[$RowNr - 1] }
        if ($null -eq $HeadingType[$RowNr] -and $null -ne $HeadingType[$RowNr - 1]) { $HeadingType += $HeadingType[$RowNr - 1] }
        if ($null -eq $PercentageScale[$RowNr] -and $null -ne $PercentageScale[$RowNr - 1]) { $PercentageScale += $PercentageScale[$RowNr - 1] }
        if ($null -eq $Misc[$RowNr] -and $null -ne $Misc[$RowNr - 1]) { $Misc += $Misc[$RowNr - 1] }
        if ($null -eq $Language[$RowNr] -and $null -ne $Language[$RowNr - 1]) { $Language += $Language[$RowNr - 1] }
        if ($null -eq $Kerning[$RowNr] -and $null -ne $Kerning[$RowNr - 1]) { $Kerning += $Kerning[$RowNr - 1] }
        if ($null -eq $Hidden[$RowNr] -and $null -ne $Hidden[$RowNr - 1]) { $Hidden += $Hidden[$RowNr - 1] }
        if ($null -eq $Position[$RowNr] -and $null -ne $Position[$RowNr - 1]) { $Position += $Position[$RowNr - 1] }
        if ($null -eq $IndentationFirstLine[$RowNr] -and $null -ne $IndentationFirstLine[$RowNr - 1]) { $IndentationFirstLine += $IndentationFirstLine[$RowNr - 1] }
        if ($null -eq $IndentationHanging[$RowNr] -and $null -ne $IndentationHanging[$RowNr - 1]) { $IndentationHanging += $IndentationHanging[$RowNr - 1] }
        if ($null -eq $Alignment[$RowNr] -and $null -ne $Alignment[$RowNr - 1]) { $Alignment += $Alignment[$RowNr - 1] }
        if ($null -eq $DirectionFormatting[$RowNr] -and $null -ne $DirectionFormatting[$RowNr - 1]) { $DirectionFormatting += $DirectionFormatting[$RowNr - 1] }
        if ($null -eq $ShadingType[$RowNr] -and $null -ne $ShadingType[$RowNr - 1]) { $ShadingType += $ShadingType[$RowNr - 1] }
        if ($null -eq $Script[$RowNr] -and $null -ne $Script[$RowNr - 1]) { $Script += $Script[$RowNr - 1] }
    Write-Verbose "Set-WordContinueFormatting - Alignment: $Alignment"
    return @(

function Remove-WordTable {
    param (
        [Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table
    if ($Table -ne $null) {

function New-WordTable {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container] $WordDocument,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [int] $NrRows,
        [int] $NrColumns,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    Write-Verbose "New-WordTable - Paragraph $Paragraph"
    Write-Verbose "New-WordTable - NrRows $NrRows NrColumns $NrColumns Supress $supress"
    if ($Paragraph -eq $null) {
        $WordTable = $WordDocument.InsertTable($NrRows, $NrColumns)
    } else {
        $TableDefinition = $WordDocument.AddTable($NrRows, $NrColumns)
        $WordTable = $Paragraph.InsertTableAfterSelf($TableDefinition)
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $WordTable }
function Get-WordTable {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container] $WordDocument,
        [switch] $ListTables,
        [switch] $LastTable,
        [nullable[int]] $TableID
    if ($LastTable) {
        $Tables = $WordDocument.Tables
        $Table = $Tables[$Tables.Count - 1]
        return $Table
    if ($ListTables) {
        return  $WordDocument.Tables
    if ($TableID -ne $null) {
        return $WordDocument.Tables[$TableID]
function Copy-WordTable {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container] $WordDocument,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,

public Table AddTable( int rowCount, int columnCount )
public new Table InsertTable( int rowCount, int columnCount )
public new Table InsertTable( int index, Table t )

function Add-WordTableColumn {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [int] $Count = 1,
        [nullable[int]] $Index,
        [ValidateSet('Left', 'Right')] $Direction = 'Left'
    if ($Direction -eq 'Left') { $ColumnSide = $false} else { $ColumnSide = $true}

    if ($Table -ne $null) {
        if ($Index -ne $null) {
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Count; $i++) {
                $Table.InsertColumn($Index + $i, $ColumnSide)
        } else {
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Count; $i++) {
function Remove-WordTableColumn {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [int] $Count = 1,
        [nullable[int]] $Index
    if ($Table -ne $null) {
        if ($Index -ne $null) {
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Count; $i++) {
                $Table.RemoveColumn($Index + $i)
        } else {
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Count; $i++) {

function Set-WordTableColumnWidthByIndex {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [nullable[int]] $Index,
        [nullable[double]] $Width
    if ($Table -ne $null -and $Index -ne $null -and $Width -ne $null) {
        $Table.SetColumnWidth($Index, $Width)

function Set-WordTableColumnWidth {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [float[]] $Width = @(),
        [nullable[float]] $TotalWidth = $null,
        [bool] $Percentage,
        [bool] $Supress
    if ($Table -ne $null -and $Width -ne $null) {
        if ($Percentage) {
            Write-Verbose "Set-WordTableColumnWidth - Option A - Width: $([string] $Width) - Percentage: $Percentage - TotalWidth: $TotalWidth "
            $Table.SetWidthsPercentage($Width, $TotalWidth)
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "Set-WordTableColumnWidth - Option B - Width: $([string] $Width) - Percentage: $Percentage - TotalWidth: $TotalWidth "
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Table }
    // <summary>
    // Gets or Sets this Cells vertical alignment.
    // </summary>
    // <example>
    // Creates a table with 3 cells and sets the vertical alignment of each to 1 of the 3 available options.
    // <code>
    // Create a new document.
    //using(DocX document = DocX.Create("Test.docx"))
    // // Insert a Table into this document.
    // Table t = document.InsertTable(3, 1);
    // // Set the design of the Table such that we can easily identify cell boundaries.
    // t.Design = TableDesign.TableGrid;
    // // Set the height of the row bigger than default.
    // // We need to be able to see the difference in vertical cell alignment options.
    // t.Rows[0].Height = 100;
    // // Set the vertical alignment of cell0 to top.
    // Cell c0 = t.Rows[0].Cells[0];
    // c0.InsertParagraph("VerticalAlignment.Top");
    // c0.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
    // // Set the vertical alignment of cell1 to center.
    // Cell c1 = t.Rows[0].Cells[1];
    // c1.InsertParagraph("VerticalAlignment.Center");
    // c1.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
    // // Set the vertical alignment of cell2 to bottom.
    // Cell c2 = t.Rows[0].Cells[2];
    // c2.InsertParagraph("VerticalAlignment.Bottom");
    // c2.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
    // // Save the document.
    // document.Save();
    // </code>
    // </example>
        /// <summary>
    /// LeftMargin in pixels.
    /// </summary>
    /// <example>
    /// <code>
    /// // Create a new document.
    ///using (DocX document = DocX.Create("Test.docx"))
    /// // Insert table into this document.
    /// Table t = document.InsertTable(3, 3);
    /// t.Design = TableDesign.TableGrid;
    /// // Get the center cell.
    /// Cell center = t.Rows[1].Cells[1];
    /// // Insert some text so that we can see the effect of the Margins.
    /// center.Paragraphs[0].Append("Center Cell");
    /// // Set the center cells Left, Margin to 10.
    /// center.MarginLeft = 25;
    /// // Save the document.
    /// document.Save();
    /// </code>
    /// </example>
    /// <summary>
    /// RightMargin in pixels.
    /// </summary>
    /// <example>
    /// <code>
    /// // Create a new document.
    ///using (DocX document = DocX.Create("Test.docx"))
    /// // Insert table into this document.
    /// Table t = document.InsertTable(3, 3);
    /// t.Design = TableDesign.TableGrid;
    /// // Get the center cell.
    /// Cell center = t.Rows[1].Cells[1];
    /// // Insert some text so that we can see the effect of the Margins.
    /// center.Paragraphs[0].Append("Center Cell");
    /// // Set the center cells Right, Margin to 10.
    /// center.MarginRight = 25;
    /// // Save the document.
    /// document.Save();
    /// </code>
    /// </example>
    /// <summary>
    /// Merge cells in given column starting with startRow and ending with endRow.
    /// </summary>
    public void MergeCellsInColumn( int columnIndex, int startRow, int endRow )
        /// <summary>
    /// Remove this Table from this document.
    /// </summary>
    /// <example>
    /// Remove the first Table from this document.
    /// <code>
    /// // Load a document into memory.
    /// using (DocX document = DocX.Load(@"Test.docx"))
    /// {
    /// // Get the first Table in this document.
    /// Table t = d.Tables[0];
    /// // Remove this Table.
    /// t.Remove();
    /// // Save all changes made to the document.
    /// document.Save();
    /// } // Release this document from memory.
    /// </code>
    /// </example>
        /// <summary>
    /// Merge cells starting with startIndex and ending with endIndex.
    /// </summary>
    public void MergeCells( int startIndex, int endIndex )

function Add-WordTableRow {
    param (
        [Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [int] $Count = 1,
        [nullable[int]] $Index,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    $List = New-ArrayList
    if ($Table -ne $null) {
        if ($Index -ne $null) {
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Count; $i++) {
                #Write-Verbose 'Add-WordTableRow - Adding new row'
                Add-ToArray -List $List -Element $($Table.InsertRow($Index + $i))
        } else {
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Count; $i++) {
                #Write-Verbose 'Add-WordTableRow - Adding new row'
                Add-ToArray -List $List -Elemen $($Table.InsertRow())
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $List }
function Remove-WordTableRow {
    param (
        [Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [int] $Count = 1,
        [nullable[int]] $Index,
        [bool] $Supress
    if ($Table -ne $null) {
        if ($Index -ne $null) {
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Count; $i++) {
                $Table.RemoveRow($Index + $i)
        } else {
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Count; $i++) {
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Table}
function Copy-WordTableRow {
    param (
        [Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [nullable[int]] $Index
    if ($Table -ne $null) {
        if ($Index -eq $null) {
        } else {
            $Table.InsertRow($Row, $Index)
function Get-WordTableRow {
    param (
        [Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [int] $RowNr,
        [int] $ColumnNr,
        [int] $ParagraphNr,
        [switch] $RowsCount

    if ($Table -ne $null) {
        if ($RowsCount) {
            # returns INT - Row count number
            return $Table.Rows.Count
        # returns Paragraph of a Table Row
        return $Table.Rows[$RowNr].Cells[$ColumnNr].Paragraphs[$ParagraphNr]

function Set-WordTableRowMergeCells {
        [Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [nullable[int]] $RowNr,
        [nullable[int]] $ColumnNrStart,
        [nullable[int]] $ColumnNrEnd,
        [switch] $MergeAll,
        [switch] $TrackChanges,
        [switch] $TextMerge, # Merges Text, otherwise leaves only text from 1st column
        [string] $Separator = ' ',
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Table) {
        if ($MergeAll -and $RowNr -ne $null) {
            $CellsCount = $Table.Rows[$RowNr].Cells.Count
            $Table.Rows[$RowNr].MergeCells(0, $CellsCount)
            for ($paragraph = 1; $paragraph -le $Table.Rows[$RowNr].Paragraphs.Count; $paragraph++) {
        } elseif ($RowNr -ne $null -and $ColumnNrStart -ne $null -and $ColumnNrEnd -ne $null) {
            $CurrentParagraphCount = $Table.Rows[$RowNr].Cells[$ColumnNrStart].Paragraphs.Count
            $Table.Rows[$RowNr].MergeCells($ColumnNrStart, $ColumnNrEnd)
            if ($TextMerge) {
                [string] $Texts = foreach ($Paragraph in $Table.Rows[$RowNr].Cells[$ColumnNrStart].Paragraphs | Select-Object -Skip ($CurrentParagraphCount - 1)) {
                } -join $Separator
            # Removes Paragraphs from merged columns - Leaves only 1st column Text
            foreach ($Paragraph in $Table.Rows[$RowNr].Cells[$ColumnNrStart].Paragraphs | Select-Object -Skip $CurrentParagraphCount) {
            if ($TextMerge) {
                Set-WordTextText -Paragraph $Table.Rows[$RowNr].Cells[$ColumnNrStart].Paragraphs[$CurrentParagraphCount - 1] -Text $Texts -Supress $True
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Table }

function Set-WordTableCell {
    param (
        [Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [nullable[int]] $RowNr,
        [nullable[int]] $ColumnNr,
        [System.Drawing.Color] $FillColor,
        [System.Drawing.Color] $ShadingColor,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    $Table = Set-WordTableCellFillColor -Table $Table -RowNr $RowNr -ColumnNr $ColumnNr -FillColor $FillColor -Supress $false
    $Table = Set-WordTableCellShadingColor  -Table $Table -RowNr $RowNr -ColumnNr $ColumnNr -ShadingColor $ShadingColor -Supress $false
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Table }

function Set-WordTableCellFillColor {
    param (
        [Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [nullable[int]] $RowNr,
        [nullable[int]] $ColumnNr,
        [nullable[System.Drawing.Color]] $FillColor,
        [bool] $Supress = $false

    if ($Table -ne $null -and $RowNr -ne $null -and $ColumnNr -ne $null -and $FillColor -ne $null) {
        $Cell = $Table.Rows[$RowNr].Cells[$ColumnNr]
        $Cell.FillColor = $FillColor
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Table }
function Set-WordTableCellShadingColor {
    param (
        [Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [nullable[int]] $RowNr,
        [nullable[int]] $ColumnNr,
        [nullable[System.Drawing.Color]] $ShadingColor,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Table -ne $null -and $RowNr -ne $null -and $ColumnNr -ne $null -and $ShadingColor -ne $null) {
        $Cell = $Table.Rows[$RowNr].Cells[$ColumnNr]
        $Cell.Shading = $ShadingColor
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Table }

function Get-ColorFromARGB {
        [int] $A,
        [int] $R,
        [int] $G,
        [int] $B
    return [system.drawing.color]::FromArgb($A, $R, $G, $B)

Paragraphs : {Normal}
VerticalAlignment : Center
Shading : Color [White]
Width : 115,5
MarginLeft : NaN
MarginRight : NaN
MarginTop : NaN
MarginBottom : NaN
FillColor : Color [Empty]
TextDirection : right
GridSpan : 2
ParagraphsDeepSearch : {Normal}
Sections : {}
Tables : {}
Hyperlinks : {}
Pictures : {}
Lists : {0}
Xml : <w:tc xmlns:w="">
                           <w:tcW w:w="2310" w:type="pct" />
                           <w:gridSpan w:val="2"></w:gridSpan>
                             <w:jc w:val="center" />
                               <w:color w:val="0000FF"></w:color>
                             <w:t>Forest Summary</w:t>
PackagePart : System.IO.Packaging.ZipPackagePart

    /// <summary>
    /// Insert a row at the end of this table.
    /// </summary>
    /// <example>
    /// <code>
    /// // Load a document.
    /// using (DocX document = DocX.Load(@"C:\Example\Test.docx"))
    /// {
    /// // Get the first table in this document.
    /// Table table = document.Tables[0];
    /// // Insert a new row at the end of this table.
    /// Row row = table.InsertRow();
    /// // Loop through each cell in this new row.
    /// foreach (Cell c in row.Cells)
    /// {
    /// // Set the text of each new cell to "Hello".
    /// c.Paragraphs[0].InsertText("Hello", false);
    /// }
    /// // Save the document to a new file.
    /// document.SaveAs(@"C:\Example\Test2.docx");
    /// }// Release this document from memory.
    /// </code>
    /// </example>
    /// <returns>A new row.</returns>
        public Row InsertRow()
      return this.InsertRow( this.RowCount );
    /// <summary>
    /// Insert a copy of a row at the end of this table.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>A new row.</returns>
    public Row InsertRow( Row row, bool keepFormatting = false )
      return this.InsertRow( row, this.RowCount, keepFormatting );
    /// <summary>
    /// Insert a column to the right of a Table.
    /// </summary>
    /// <example>
    /// <code>
    /// // Load a document.
    /// using (DocX document = DocX.Load(@"C:\Example\Test.docx"))
    /// {
    /// // Get the first Table in this document.
    /// Table table = document.Tables[0];
    /// // Insert a new column to this right of this table.
    /// table.InsertColumn();
    /// // Set the new columns text to "Row no."
    /// table.Rows[0].Cells[table.ColumnCount - 1].Paragraph.InsertText("Row no.", false);
    /// // Loop through each row in the table.
    /// for (int i = 1; i &lt; table.Rows.Count; i++)
    /// {
    /// // The current row.
    /// Row row = table.Rows[i];
    /// // The cell in this row that belongs to the new column.
    /// Cell cell = row.Cells[table.ColumnCount - 1];
    /// // The first Paragraph that this cell houses.
    /// Paragraph p = cell.Paragraphs[0];
    /// // Insert this rows index.
    /// p.InsertText(i.ToString(), false);
    /// }
    /// document.Save();
    /// }// Release this document from memory.
    /// </code>
    /// </example>
    /// <summary>
    /// Deletes a cell in a row and shift the others to the left.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="rowIndex">index of the row where a cell will be removed.</param>
    /// <param name="celIndex">index of the cell to remove in the row.</param>
    public void DeleteAndShiftCellsLeft( int rowIndex, int celIndex )

function New-WordTableBorder {
    param (
        [BorderStyle] $BorderStyle,
        [BorderSize] $BorderSize,
        [int] $BorderSpace,
        [System.Drawing.Color] $BorderColor

    $Border = New-Object -TypeName Xceed.Words.NET.Border -ArgumentList $BorderStyle, $BorderSize, $BorderSpace, $BorderColor
    return $Border

function Set-WordTableBorder {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [nullable[TableBorderType]] $TableBorderType,
        [bool] $Supress
    if ($Table -ne $null -and $TableBorderType -ne $null -and $Border -ne $null) {
        $Table.SetBorder($TableBorderType, $Border)
    if ($Supress) { return } else { $Table }
function Set-WordTableAutoFit {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [nullable[AutoFit]] $AutoFit
    if ($Table -ne $null -and $AutoFit -ne $null) {
        Write-Verbose "Set-WordTabelAutofit - Setting Table Autofit to: $AutoFit"
        $Table.AutoFit = $AutoFit
    return $Table

function Set-WordTableDesign {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [nullable[TableDesign]] $Design
    if ($Table -ne $null -and $Design -ne $null) {
        $Table.Design = $Design
    return $Table

function Set-WordTableDirection {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [nullable[Direction]] $Direction
    if ($Table -ne $null -and $Direction -ne $null) {
    return $Table

function Set-WordTablePageBreak {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [switch] $AfterTable,
        [switch] $BeforeTable,
        [nullable[bool]] $BreakAcrossPages
    if ($Table -ne $null) {
        if ($BeforeTable) {
        if ($AfterTable) {
        if ($BreakAcrossPages -ne $null) {
            $Table.BreakAcrossPages = $BreakAcrossPages
    return $Table

function Set-WordTable {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [nullable[TableBorderType]] $TableBorderType,
        [nullable[AutoFit]] $AutoFit,
        [nullable[TableDesign]] $Design,
        [nullable[Direction]] $Direction,
        [switch] $BreakPageAfterTable,
        [switch] $BreakPageBeforeTable,
        [nullable[bool]] $BreakAcrossPages,
        [bool] $Supress
    if ($Table -ne $null) {
        $Table = $table | Set-WordTableDesign -Design $Design
        $Table = $table | Set-WordTableDirection -Direction $Direction
        $Table = $table | Set-WordTableBorder -TableBorderType $TableBorderType -Border $Border
        $Table = $table | Set-WordTablePageBreak -AfterTable:$BreakPageAfterTable -BeforeTable:$BreakPageBeforeTable -BreakAcrossPages $BreakAcrossPages
        $Table = $table | Set-WordTableAutoFit -AutoFit $AutoFit
    if ($Supress) { return } Else { return $Table}
function Add-WordTableTitle {
        [Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [int] $MaximumColumns,
        [alias ("C")] [nullable[System.Drawing.Color]]$Color,
        [alias ("S")] [nullable[double]] $FontSize,
        [alias ("FontName")] [string] $FontFamily,
        [alias ("B")] [nullable[bool]] $Bold,
        [alias ("I")] [nullable[bool]] $Italic,
        [alias ("U")] [nullable[UnderlineStyle]] $UnderlineStyle,
        [alias ('UC')] [nullable[System.Drawing.Color]]$UnderlineColor,
        [alias ("SA")] [nullable[double]] $SpacingAfter,
        [alias ("SB")] [nullable[double]] $SpacingBefore ,
        [alias ("SP")] [nullable[double]] $Spacing ,
        [alias ("H")] [nullable[highlight]] $Highlight ,
        [alias ("CA")] [nullable[CapsStyle]] $CapsStyle ,
        [alias ("ST")] [nullable[StrikeThrough]] $StrikeThrough ,
        [alias ("HT")] [nullable[HeadingType]] $HeadingType ,
        [nullable[int]] $PercentageScale , # "Value must be one of the following: 200, 150, 100, 90, 80, 66, 50 or 33"
        [nullable[Misc]] $Misc ,
        [string] $Language ,
        [nullable[int]]$Kerning , # "Value must be one of the following: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48 or 72"
        [nullable[bool]]$Hidden ,
        [nullable[int]]$Position , # "Value must be in the range -1585 - 1585"
        [nullable[single]] $IndentationFirstLine ,
        [nullable[single]] $IndentationHanging ,
        [nullable[Alignment]] $Alignment ,
        [nullable[Direction]] $DirectionFormatting ,
        [nullable[ShadingType]] $ShadingType ,
        [nullable[Script]] $Script ,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    Write-Verbose "Add-WordTableTitle - Title Count $($Titles.Count) Supress $Supress"

    for ($a = 0; $a -lt $Titles.Count; $a++) {
        if ($Titles[$a] -is [string]) {
            $ColumnName = $Titles[$a]
        } else {
            $ColumnName = $Titles[$a].Name
        Write-Verbose "Add-WordTableTitle - Column Name: $ColumnName Supress $Supress"
        Write-Verbose "Add-WordTableTitle - Bold $Bold"
        Add-WordTableCellValue -Table $Table `
            -Row 0 `
            -Column $a `
            -Value $ColumnName `
            -Color $Color -FontSize $FontSize -FontFamily $FontFamily -Bold $Bold -Italic $Italic `
            -UnderlineStyle $UnderlineStyle -UnderlineColor $UnderlineColor -SpacingAfter $SpacingAfter -SpacingBefore $SpacingBefore -Spacing $Spacing `
            -Highlight $Highlight -CapsStyle $CapsStyle -StrikeThrough $StrikeThrough -HeadingType $HeadingType -PercentageScale $PercentageScale `
            -Misc $Misc -Language $Language -Kerning $Kerning -Hidden $Hidden -Position $Position -IndentationFirstLine $IndentationFirstLine `
            -IndentationHanging $IndentationHanging -Alignment $Alignment -DirectionFormatting $DirectionFormatting -ShadingType $ShadingType -Script $Script `
            -Supress $Supress
        if ($a -eq $($MaximumColumns - 1)) {
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Table }
function Add-WordTableCellValue {
        [Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Table,
        [int] $Row,
        [int] $Column,
        [Object] $Value,
        [int] $ParagraphNumber = 0,
        [alias ("C")] [nullable[System.Drawing.Color]]$Color,
        [alias ("S")] [nullable[double]] $FontSize,
        [alias ("FontName")] [string] $FontFamily,
        [alias ("B")] [nullable[bool]] $Bold,
        [alias ("I")] [nullable[bool]] $Italic,
        [alias ("U")] [nullable[UnderlineStyle]] $UnderlineStyle,
        [alias ('UC')] [nullable[System.Drawing.Color]]$UnderlineColor,
        [alias ("SA")] [nullable[double]] $SpacingAfter,
        [alias ("SB")] [nullable[double]] $SpacingBefore,
        [alias ("SP")] [nullable[double]] $Spacing,
        [alias ("H")] [nullable[highlight]] $Highlight,
        [alias ("CA")] [nullable[CapsStyle]] $CapsStyle,
        [alias ("ST")] [nullable[StrikeThrough]] $StrikeThrough,
        [alias ("HT")] [nullable[HeadingType]] $HeadingType,
        [nullable[int]] $PercentageScale , # "Value must be one of the following: 200, 150, 100, 90, 80, 66, 50 or 33"
        [nullable[Misc]] $Misc ,
        [string] $Language ,
        [nullable[int]]$Kerning , # "Value must be one of the following: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48 or 72"
        [nullable[bool]]$Hidden ,
        [nullable[int]]$Position , # "Value must be in the range -1585 - 1585"
        [nullable[single]] $IndentationFirstLine ,
        [nullable[single]] $IndentationHanging ,
        [nullable[Alignment]] $Alignment ,
        [nullable[Direction]] $DirectionFormatting,
        [nullable[ShadingType]] $ShadingType,
        [nullable[Script]] $Script,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    Write-Verbose "Add-WordTableCellValue - Row: $Row Column $Column Value $Value Supress: $Supress"
    try {
        $Data = $Table.Rows[$Row].Cells[$Column].Paragraphs[$ParagraphNumber].Append("$Value")
    } catch {
        $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
        Write-Warning "Add-WordTableCellValue - Failed adding value $Value with error: $ErrorMessage"
    $Data = Set-WordText -Paragraph $Data -Color $Color -FontSize $FontSize -FontFamily $FontFamily -Italic $Italic `
        -UnderlineStyle $UnderlineStyle -UnderlineColor $UnderlineColor -SpacingAfter $SpacingAfter -SpacingBefore $SpacingBefore -Spacing $Spacing `
        -Highlight $Highlight -CapsStyle $CapsStyle -StrikeThrough $StrikeThrough -HeadingType $HeadingType -PercentageScale $PercentageScale `
        -Misc $Misc -Language $Language -Kerning $Kerning -Position $Position -IndentationFirstLine $IndentationFirstLine `
        -IndentationHanging $IndentationHanging -Alignment $Alignment -Direction $DirectionFormatting -ShadingType $ShadingType -Script $Script -Supress $Supress `
        -Hidden $Hidden # -Bold $Bold

    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextColor -Color $Color -Supress $false
    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextFontSize -FontSize $FontSize -Supress $false
    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextFontFamily -FontFamily $FontFamily -Supress $false
    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextBold -Bold $Bold -Supress $false
    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextItalic -Italic $Italic -Supress $false
    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextUnderlineColor -UnderlineColor $UnderlineColor -Supress $false
    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextUnderlineStyle -UnderlineStyle $UnderlineStyle -Supress $false
    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextSpacingAfter -SpacingAfter $SpacingAfter -Supress $false
    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextSpacingBefore -SpacingBefore $SpacingBefore -Supress $false
    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextSpacing -Spacing $Spacing -Supress $false
    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextHighlight -Highlight $Highlight -Supress $false
    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextCapsStyle -CapsStyle $CapsStyle -Supress $false
    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextStrikeThrough -StrikeThrough $StrikeThrough -Supress $false
    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextPercentageScale -PercentageScale $PercentageScale -Supress $false
    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextSpacing -Spacing $Spacing -Supress $false
    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextLanguage -Language $Language -Supress $false
    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextKerning -Kerning $Kerning -Supress $false
    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextMisc -Misc $Misc -Supress $false
    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextPosition -Position $Position -Supress $false
    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextHidden -Hidden $Hidden -Supress $false
    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextShadingType -ShadingColor $ShadingColor -ShadingType $ShadingType -Supress $false
    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextScript -Script $Script -Supress $false
    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextHeadingType -HeadingType $HeadingType -Supress $false
    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextIndentationFirstLine -IndentationFirstLine $IndentationFirstLine -Supress $false
    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextIndentationHanging -IndentationHanging $IndentationHanging -Supress $false
    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextAlignment -Alignment $Alignment -Supress $false
    $Data = $Data | Set-WordTextDirection -Direction $Direction -Supress $false
    if ($Supress -eq $true) { return } else { return $Data }

function Convert-ObjectToProcess {
    param (
    $ObjectType = $DataTable.GetType().Name
    Write-Verbose "Convert-ObjectToProcess - GetType Before Conversion: $ObjectType"
    if ($($DataTable.GetType().BaseType.Name) -eq 'Array' -and $($DataTable.GetType().Name) -eq 'Object[]') {
        Write-Verbose 'Convert-ObjectToProcess - Converting Array of Objects'
        #if ($DataTable.Count -gt 1) {
        $DataTable = $DataTable.ForEach( {[PSCustomObject]$_})


    $ObjectType = $DataTable.GetType().Name
    Write-Verbose "Convert-ObjectToProcess - Table row count: $(Get-ObjectCount $DataTable)"
    Write-Verbose "Convert-ObjectToProcess - Object Type: $ObjectType"
    Write-Verbose "Convert-ObjectToProcess - BaseType.Name: $($DataTable.GetType().BaseType.Name)"
    Write-Verbose "Convert-ObjectToProcess - GetType Before Final Conversion: $ObjectType"
    If ($ObjectType -eq 'Hashtable' -or $ObjectType -eq 'OrderedDictionary' -or $ObjectType -eq 'PSCustomObject') {
        Write-Verbose 'Convert-ObjectToProcess - Skipping select for Hashtable / OrderedDictionary / PSCustomObject'
    } else {
        #if ($ObjectType -eq 'PSCustomObject') {
        # Write-Verbose 'Convert-ObjectToProcess - Skipping all objects'
        #$DataTable = [rray] ($DataTable | Select-Object *)
        #} else {

        if ($ObjectType -eq 'Collection`1' -and $(Get-ObjectCount $DataTable) -eq 1) {
            Write-Verbose 'Convert-ObjectToProcess - Selecting all objects, returning array'
            $DataTable = [array] ($DataTable | Select-Object *)
        } else {
            Write-Verbose 'Convert-ObjectToProcess - Selecting all objects'
            $DataTable = ($DataTable | Select-Object *)

    $ObjectType = $DataTable.GetType().Name

    Write-Verbose "Convert-ObjectToProcess - GetType After Conversion: $ObjectType"
    return , $DataTable
function Add-WordTabStopPosition {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument,
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [single] $HorizontalPosition,
        [TabStopPositionLeader] $TabStopPositionLeader,
        [Alignment] $Alignment,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($Paragraph -eq $null) {
        $Paragraph = Add-WordParagraph -WordDocument $WordDocument -Supress $False
    $data = $Paragraph.InsertTabStopPosition($Alignment, $HorizontalPosition, $TabStopPositionLeader)

    if ($Supress) { return } else { $data }
function Add-WordTOC {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container] $WordDocument,
        [alias ('BeforeParagraph')][parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.InsertBeforeOrAfter] $Paragraph,
        [string] $Title = 'Table of contents',
        [TableOfContentsSwitches[]] $Switches = @(),
        [alias ('Heading', 'HeadingType')][HeadingType] $HeaderStyle = [HeadingType]::Heading1,
        [int] $MaxIncludeLevel = 3,
        [int] $RightTabPos = $null,
        [bool] $Supress = $false
    if ($WordDocument -ne $null) {
        #public TableOfContents InsertTableOfContents( string title, TableOfContentsSwitches switches, string headerStyle = null, int maxIncludeLevel = 3, int? rightTabPos = null )
        #public TableOfContents InsertTableOfContents( Paragraph reference, string title, TableOfContentsSwitches switches, string headerStyle = null, int maxIncludeLevel = 3, int? rightTabPos = null )

        $TableOfContentSwitch = 0
        foreach ($S in $switches) {
            $TableOfContentSwitch += $s -As [Int]
        Write-Verbose $TableOfContentSwitch

        #if ($Title -eq $null -or $Title -eq '') {
        # $Toc = $WordDocument.InsertDefaultTableOfContents()
        # if ($Supress -eq $false) { return $Toc } else { return }
        if ($Paragraph -eq $null) {
            $toc = $WordDocument.InsertTableOfContents($Title, $TableOfContentSwitch, $HeaderStyle, $MaxIncludeLevel, $RightTabPos)
        } else {
            $toc = $WordDocument.InsertTableOfContents($Paragraph, $Title, $TableOfContentSwitch, $HeaderStyle, $MaxIncludeLevel, $RightTabPos)
    if ($Supress -eq $false) { return $Toc } else { return }

function Add-WordTocItem {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)][Xceed.Words.NET.Container] $WordDocument,
        [alias('Level')] [ValidateRange(0, 8)] [int] $ListLevel,
        [alias('ListType')][ListItemType] $ListItemType = [ListItemType]::Bulleted,
        [alias('Value', 'ListValue')]$Text,
        [alias ("HT")] [HeadingType] $HeadingType = [HeadingType]::Heading1,
        [nullable[int]] $StartNumber,
        [bool]$TrackChanges = $false,
        [bool]$ContinueNumbering = $true,
        [bool]$Supress = $false
    $List = New-WordListItem -WordDocument $WordDocument -List $null -Text $Text -ListItemType $ListItemType -ContinueNumbering $ContinueNumbering -ListLevel $ListLevel -StartNumber $StartNumber -TrackChanges $TrackChanges
    $List = Add-WordListItem -WordDocument $WordDocument -List $List
    $Paragraph = Convert-ListToHeadings -WordDocument $WordDocument -List $List -HeadingType $HeadingType
    if ($Supress) { return } else { return $Paragraph }
Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum RectangleShapes {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum RunTextType {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum Script {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum SectionBreakType {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum ShadingType {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum StarAndBannerShapes {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum StrikeThrough {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum TableCellBorderType {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum TableBorderType {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum TableCellMarginType {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
/// <summary>
/// Designs\Styles that can be applied to a table.
/// </summary>
public enum TableDesign

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum TableOfContentsSwitches
  None = 0 << 0,
  A = 1 << 0,
  B = 1 << 1,
  C = 1 << 2,
  D = 1 << 3,
  F = 1 << 4,
  H = 1 << 5,
  L = 1 << 6,
  N = 1 << 7,
  O = 1 << 8,
  P = 1 << 9,
  S = 1 << 10,
  T = 1 << 11,
  U = 1 << 12,
  W = 1 << 13,
  X = 1 << 14,
  Z = 1 << 15

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum TabStopPositionLeader {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum TextDirection {

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum UnderlineStyle {
    none = 0,
    singleLine = 1,
    words = 2,
    doubleLine = 3,
    dotted = 4,
    thick = 6,
    dash = 7,
    dotDash = 9,
    dotDotDash = 10,
    wave = 11,
    dottedHeavy = 20,
    dashedHeavy = 23,
    dashDotHeavy = 25,
    dashDotDotHeavy = 26,
    dashLongHeavy = 27,
    dashLong = 39,
    wavyDouble = 43,
    wavyHeavy = 55

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum VerticalAlignment {

Add-Type -Path $PSScriptRoot\Lib\Default\Xceed.Words.NET.dll

Export-ModuleMember `
    -Function @('','Add-WordBarChart','Add-WordBookmark','Add-WordChartSeries','Add-WordCustomProperty','Add-WordEquation','Add-WordFooter','Add-WordHeader','Add-WordHyperLink','Add-WordImage','Add-WordLine','Add-WordLineChart','Add-WordList','Add-WordListItem','Add-WordPageBreak','Add-WordPageCount','Add-WordParagraph','Add-WordPicture','Add-WordPieChart','Add-WordProtection','Add-WordSection','Add-WordTable','Add-WordTableCellValue','Add-WordTableColumn','Add-WordTableRow','Add-WordTableTitle','Add-WordTabStopPosition','Add-WordText','Add-WordTOC','Add-WordTocItem','Convert-ListToHeadings','Convert-ObjectToProcess','Copy-WordTable','Copy-WordTableRow','Format-WordListItem','Get-ColorFromARGB','Get-WordCustomProperty','Get-WordDocument','Get-WordFooter','Get-WordHeader','Get-WordListItemParagraph','Get-WordPageSettings','Get-WordParagraphForList','Get-WordParagraphs','Get-WordPicture','Get-WordSection','Get-WordTable','Get-WordTableRow','Merge-WordDocument','New-WordBlock','New-WordBlockList','New-WordBlockPageBreak','New-WordBlockParagraph','New-WordBlockTable','New-WordDocument','New-WordListItem','New-WordTable','New-WordTableBorder','Remove-WordParagraph','Remove-WordPicture','Remove-WordTable','Remove-WordTableColumn','Remove-WordTableRow','Remove-WordText','Save-WordDocument','Set-WordContinueFormatting','Set-WordHyperLink','Set-WordList','Set-WordMargins','Set-WordOrientation','Set-WordPageSettings','Set-WordPageSize','Set-WordParagraph','Set-WordPicture','Set-WordTable','Set-WordTableAutoFit','Set-WordTableBorder','Set-WordTableCell','Set-WordTableCellFillColor','Set-WordTableCellShadingColor','Set-WordTableColumnWidth','Set-WordTableColumnWidthByIndex','Set-WordTableDesign','Set-WordTableDirection','Set-WordTablePageBreak','Set-WordTableRowMergeCells','Set-WordText','Set-WordTextAlignment','Set-WordTextBold','Set-WordTextCapsStyle','Set-WordTextColor','Set-WordTextDirection','Set-WordTextFontFamily','Set-WordTextFontSize','Set-WordTextHeadingType','Set-WordTextHidden','Set-WordTextHighlight','Set-WordTextIndentationFirstLine','Set-WordTextIndentationHanging','Set-WordTextItalic','Set-WordTextKerning','Set-WordTextLanguage','Set-WordTextMisc','Set-WordTextPercentageScale','Set-WordTextPosition','Set-WordTextScript','Set-WordTextShadingType','Set-WordTextSpacing','Set-WordTextSpacingAfter','Set-WordTextSpacingBefore','Set-WordTextStrikeThrough','Set-WordTextText','Set-WordTextUnderlineColor','Set-WordTextUnderlineStyle') `
    -Alias @('Add-WordPageNumber')