
Get members for a group.
Get members for a group.
Prerequisite: Pro, Business, or Education account
The ID of the group as returned from "Get-ZoomGroups".
The number of records returned within a single API call. Default value is 30. Maximum value is 300.
.PARAMETER NextPageToken
Token to return next page of results when greater than PageSize as returned from this function.
(Zoom is depricating use of PageNumber so not going to implement that.)
The Api Key.
The Api Secret.
Zoom response as an object.
Return first 30 members of Group.
Get-ZoomGroupMembers -GroupId 24e50639b5bb4fab9c3c
Return first 100 members of Group.
Get-ZoomGroupMembers -GroupId 24e50639b5bb4fab9c3c -PageSize 100
Return the 50 members of Group from the specipide page of results.
Get-ZoomGroupMembers -GroupId 24e50639b5bb4fab9c3c -PageSize 50 -NextPageToken kwJNZhamVutyOKA7TZYmIWKbgkacbfU0UU2

function Get-ZoomGroupMembers  {
    param (
            Mandatory = $True, 
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True, 
            Position = 0
        [Alias('group_id', 'group', 'id')]


        [ValidateRange(1, 300)]
        [int]$PageSize = 30,

        [String]$NextPageToken = ""

    begin {
        #Generate Headers and JWT (JSON Web Token)
        $Headers = New-ZoomHeaders -ApiKey $ApiKey -ApiSecret $ApiSecret

    process {
        $request = [System.UriBuilder]"$GroupId/members"
        $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString([String]::Empty)
        $query.Add('page_size', $PageSize)
        $query.Add('next_page_token', $NextPageToken)
        $request.Query = $query.ToString()
        $response = Invoke-ZoomRestMethod -Uri $request.Uri -Headers ([ref]$Headers) -Method GET -ApiKey $ApiKey -ApiSecret $ApiSecret

        Write-Output $response