

Retrieve a report containing past webinar participants.

Retrieve a report containing past webinar participants

The number of records returned within a single API call.

.PARAMETER NextPageToken
The next page token is used to paginate through large result sets. A next page token will be returned whenever the set
of available results exceeds the current page size. The expiration period for this token is 15 minutes.

The Api Key.

The Api Secret.

Get-ZoomWebinarParticipantsReport 1234567890

Export to CSV the participants from all webinars of a particular name from a given user. Does not take into account webinars with over 300 participants.
$Ids = ((Get-ZoomWebinarsFromUser -PageSize 300).webinars | where-object topic -eq 'Training').id
$Ids | foreach-object {
    (Get-ZoomWebinarParticipantsReport $_ -PageSize 300).participants
} | Export-Csv techtalkparticipants.csv

A hastable with the Zoom API response.


function Get-ZoomWebinarParticipantsReport {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
            Mandatory = $True, 
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True,
            ParameterSetName = 'Default',
            Position = 0

        [int]$PageSize = 30,




    begin {
        #Generate Headers and JWT (JSON Web Token)
        $Headers = New-ZoomHeaders -ApiKey $ApiKey -ApiSecret $ApiSecret

    process {
        foreach ($id in $WebinarId) {
            $Request = [System.UriBuilder]"$WebinarId/participants"
            $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString([String]::Empty)  
            $query.Add('page_size', $PageSize)

            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NextPageToken')) {
                $Query.add('next_page_token', $NextPageToken)

            $Request.Query = $query.ToString()

            $response = Invoke-ZoomRestMethod -Uri $request.Uri -Headers ([ref]$Headers) -Method GET -ApiKey $ApiKey -ApiSecret $ApiSecret
            Write-Output $response