

Retrieve the ID, Room Name, Device Type, App Version, App Target Version Device System, Status.

Retrieve the ID, Room Name, Device Type, App Version, App Target Version Device System, Status.

The Unique Identifier of the zoom room. This can be retrived from (List-ZoomRooms).id

        "id": "3923ZF49-E16E-48C5-8E3D-247406D7F059",
        "room_name": "My Zoom Room1",
        "device_type": "Controller",
        "app_version": "5.1.2 (112.0821)",
        "device_system": "iPad 13.6.1",
        "status": "Offline"
        "id": "o-rZ1K-hTeCpaL7mJN9Ngg-0",
        "room_name": "My Zoom Room1",
        "device_type": "Zoom Rooms Computer",
        "app_version": "5.1.1 (1624.0806)",
        "app_target_version": "5.1.2 (1697.0821)",
        "device_system": "Win 10",
        "status": "Offline"


Get-ZoomRoomDevices -RoomID 'V5-1Nno-Sf-gtHn_k-GaRw'


function Get-ZoomRoomDevices {
    param (
        # The status of the Zoom Room
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

    process {
        $request = [System.UriBuilder]"$($RoomID)/devices"

        try {
            $response = Invoke-ZoomRestMethod -Uri $request.Uri -Headers $headers -Method GET
        catch {
            Write-Error -Message "$($_.Exception.Message)" -ErrorId $_.Exception.Code -Category InvalidOperation
        Write-Output $response.devices