

Invoke-ZoomRestMethod is used to make API calls to Zoom.

Invoke-ZoomRestMethod adds additional functionality to Invoke-RestMethod. It will automatically add the
correct headers to the invocation as they pertain to Zoom, based on the API key and secret provided to the
cmdlet. It also does some error handling, including retrying the call if there have been too many requests.

Invoke-ZoomRestMethod can be used to make API calls that don't have a cmdlet associated with the call
within PSZoom. See below.

Get billing information.
$accountId = 123456789
$request = [System.UriBuilder]"$accountId/billing"
Invoke-ZoomRestMethod -Uri $request.Uri -Method GET


function Invoke-ZoomRestMethod {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')]
    param (
        [secureString]$Token = $PSZoomToken,
    $params = @{
        AllowUnencryptedAuthentication  = 'AllowUnencryptedAuthentication'
        Authentication                  = 'Authentication'
        Body                            = 'Body'
        Certificate                     = 'Certificate'
        CertificateThumbprint           = 'CertificateThumbprint'
        ContentType                     = 'ContentType'
        Credential                      = 'Credential'
        DisableKeepAlive                = 'DisableKeepAlive'
        FollowRelLink                   = 'FollowRelLink'
        Form                            = 'Form'
        Headers                         = 'Headers'
        InFile                          = 'InFile'
        MaximumFollowRelLink            = 'MaximumFollowRelLink'
        MaximumRedirection              = 'MaximumRedirection'
        MaximumRetryCount               = 'MaximumRetryCount'
        Method                          = 'Method'
        OutFile                         = 'OutFile'
        PassThru                        = 'PassThru'
        PreserveAuthorizationOnRedirect = 'PreserveAuthorizationOnRedirect'
        Proxy                           = 'Proxy'
        ProxyCredential                 = 'ProxyCredential'
        ProxyUseDefaultCredentials      = 'ProxyUseDefaultCredentials'
        ResponseHeadersVariable         = 'ResponseHeadersVariable'
        Resume                          = 'Resume'
        RetryIntervalSec                = 'RetryIntervalSec'
        SessionVariable                 = 'SessionVariable'
        SkipCertificateCheck            = 'SkipCertificateCheck'
        SkipHeaderValidatio             = 'SkipHeaderValidation'
        SkipHttpErrorCheck              = 'SkipHttpErrorCheck'
        SslProtocol                     = 'SslProtocol'
        StatusCodeVariable              = 'StatusCodeVariable'
        TimeoutSec                      = 'TimeoutSec'
        Token                           = 'Token'
        TransferEncoding                = 'TransferEncoding'
        Uri                             = 'Uri'
        UseBasicParsing                 = 'UseBasicParsing'
        UseDefaultCredentials           = 'UseDefaultCredentials'
        UserAgent                       = 'UserAgent'
        WebSession                      = 'WebSession'

    function Remove-NonPsBoundParameters {
        param (
            $Parameters = $PSBoundParameters
        process {
            $NewObj = @{}
            foreach ($Key in $Obj.Keys) {
                if ($Parameters.ContainsKey($Obj.$Key) -or -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Obj.Key)) {
                    $Newobj.Add($Key, (get-variable $Obj.$Key).value)
            return $NewObj

    $params = Remove-NonPsBoundParameters($params)
    if (-not $Token) {
        Write-Host "No token found. Use Connect-PSZoom to get a global token then try running the command again.`n"
    } else {
        $params.Headers = (New-ZoomHeaders -Token $Token)
        Write-Verbose $params.Headers

    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($params.ContentType)) {
        $params.ContentType = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'

    try {
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod @params
    catch {
        if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) {
            $errorStreamReader = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($_.exception.Response.GetResponseStream())
            $errorDetails = ConvertFrom-Json ($errorStreamReader.ReadToEnd())
        else {
            $errorDetails = ConvertFrom-Json $_.errorDetails -AsHashtable

        $exception = $_.exception
        $targetObject = $_.targetObject
        $errorCode = $exception.message.split(':')[1] -replace '[^0-9]*'
        $category = switch ($errorCode) {
            300 { 'InvalidOperation' }
            400 { 'InvalidOperation' }
            401 { 'AuthenticationError' }
            404 { 'InvalidOperation' }
            409 { 'ResourceExists' }
            429 { 'LimitsExceeded' }
            Default { 'InvalidOperation' }
        Write-Error -Message "$($exception.message) $($errorDetails.message)" -ErrorId $errorCode `
            -CategoryReason $errorDetails.message -TargetName $targetObject.requestUri `
            -CategoryActivity $targetObject.method -Category $category

        #Rate limiting logic
        if ($errorCode -eq 429) {
            # Max retry count: 5
            if ($script:RetryCount -lt 5) {
                Write-Warning 'Error 429. Too many requests encountered. This is usually because of rate limiting. Retrying in 1 second.'
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
                Invoke-ZoomRestMethod @params
    if ($response) {
        Write-Output $response