

Invite a contact using the Zoom Rooms Client.

Invite a contact using the Zoom Rooms Client.

The ID of the room that is joining the meeting.

Callee's user id or list of callees' user ids, the maximum size of the callee list is 10 items.
For example ["kYAJ5yMfTCe0npL2_w3agw","jAXKRO6yRZWkdkZxbUuI_Q"]

A string specifying the version of the JSON-RPC protocol. Default is 2.0.

JSON object that looks like:
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "room_id": "63UtYMhSQZaBRPCNRXrD8A",
    "send_at": "2017-09-15T01:26:05Z"
  "id": "49cf01a4-517e-4a49-b4d6-07237c38b749"


Invite a Zoom user to a room's active meeting:
New-ZoomRoomInvite -roomid dEaS6ZJZTOCBKL1oeyc9rA -callee 'abc123456789'

Invite all the skywalkers to a room's active meeting:
New-ZoomRoomInvite -roomid abc -callee (Get-ZoomUsers -AllPages | where-object last_name -like '*skywalker*').id

Send an invite to everyone in the 'DarkSide' group:
New-ZoomRoomInvite -roomid abc -callee (Get-ZoomUsers -AllPages | where-object group -like (Get-ZoomGroups | where-object name -like '*DarkSide*').id).id


function New-ZoomRoomInvite {
    param (
            Mandatory = $True, 
            ValueFromPipeline = $True, 
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True,
            Position = 0
        [Alias('zr_id', 'roomids')]

            Mandatory = $True, 
            ValueFromPipeline = $True, 
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True,
            Position = 1

        [string]$JsonRPC = '2.0',

        [string]$Method = 'restart'

    process {
        $Request = [System.UriBuilder]"https://api.$ZoomURI/v2/rooms/$RoomId/zrclient"  

        $requestBody = @{
            'jsonrpc' = $JsonRpc
            'method'  = $Method
            'callee'  = $callee
        $requestBody = ConvertTo-Json $requestBody -Depth 2
        $response = Invoke-ZoomRestMethod -Uri $request.Uri -Body $RequestBody -Method POST

        Write-Output $response