
Combine all Zoom pages

Page through all Zoom API results

.PARAMETER ZoomCommand
The PSZoom command you want to run

.PARAMETER ZoomCommandSplat
A PSCustomObject splat of the command parameters

Get all meetings from today that have ended.
$ZoomCommand = "Get-ZoomMeetings"
$ZoomCommandSplat = @{
    From = $From
    To = $To
    Type = "Past"
    PageSize = 300
Join-ZoomPages -ZoomCommand $ZoomCommand -ZoomCommandSplat $ZoomCommandSplat

API response results

function Join-ZoomPages {
    Param (
            Position = 0
            Position = 1
    $InitialReport = &$ZoomCommand @ZoomCommandSplat
    # Find relevent member
    foreach ($member in (Get-Member -InputObject $InitialReport -MemberType "NoteProperty").Name) {
        if ($InitialReport.$member.count -gt 1) {
    $CombinedReport = $InitialReport.$member
    $NextPageToken = $InitialReport.next_page_token

    if ($InitialReport.page_count -gt 1) {
        for ($i = 1; $i -lt $InitialReport.page_count; $i++){
            try {
                $nextReport = &$ZoomCommand @ZoomCommandSplat -erroraction stop
            } catch {
                # HTTP 429 is "Too Many Requests"
                # break
                if ($error[0] -match '429') {
                    $RetryPeriod = 30
                    #If header provides timer interval
                    if ('X-Rate-Limit-Reset' -in $error[0].Exception.Response.Headers)
                        $RetryPeriod = $error.Exception.Response.Headers.GetValues('X-Rate-Limit-Reset')
                        if ($RetryPeriod -is [string[]])
                            $RetryPeriod = [int]$RetryPeriod[0]
                    # Write Response error
                    Write-Verbose "Sleeping $RetryPeriod seconds due to HTTP 429 response"
                    Start-Sleep -Seconds $RetryPeriod
                    $nextReport = &$ZoomCommand @ZoomCommandSplat
                } else {
                    Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception -Message "API call failed: $error"
            $CombinedReport += $nextReport.$member
            $nextPageToken = $nextReport.next_page_token
    Write-Output $CombinedReport