
Function Install-CumulocityBinary {
Install the Cumulocity cli binary (c8y) so it is accessible from everywhere in consoles (assuming /usr/local/bin is in the $PATH variable)


On Linux/MacOS, this installs the cumulocity binary to /usr/local/bin
On Windows this will throw a warning

Install-CumulocityBinary -InstallPath /usr/bin

Install the Cumulocity binary to /usr/bin


            Position = 0
        [string] $InstallPath

    $binary = Get-CumulocityBinary

    if (!$binary -or !(Test-Path $binary)) {
        Write-Error "Could not find c8y binary"

    if ($IsMacOS -or $IsLinux) {
        if (!$InstallPath) {
            $InstallPath = "/usr/local/bin"
        $TargetBinary = "c8y"
        Write-Verbose "Changing execution rights for the binary [$binary]"
        & chmod +x $binary

        if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
            Write-Warning "Failed to change binary to executable mode. Try running 'chmod +x $InstallPath/$TargetBinary' manually"
    else {
        if (!$InstallPath) {
            if ($env:HOME) {
                $InstallPath = $env:HOME
        $TargetBinary = "c8y.exe"

    if (!$InstallPath) {
        Write-Warning "InstallPath is empty. Please specify a target install path by using the -InstallPath parameter"

    Write-Verbose "Copying binary to [$InstallPath/$TargetBinary]"

    try {
        Copy-Item -Path $binary -Destination "$InstallPath/$TargetBinary" -ErrorAction Stop
    } catch {
        Write-Warning "Failed to copy file. $_"
        Write-Warning "`nPlease run the following command manually `n`n`tsudo cp `"$binary`" `"$InstallPath/$TargetBinary`""

    if ($env:PATH -notlike "*${InstallPath}*") {
        Write-Warning "The Cumulocity binary has been installed in [$InstallPath] however it is not in your `$PATH variable. This means it will not be accessible from any where in the console. Please add [$InstallPath] to your `$PATH variable"