
Function Expand-Source {
Expand a list of source ids.

1. Look for a property
2. Look for a deviceId property
3. Look for a id property
4. Check if the given is a string or int and is integer like

.PARAMETER InputObject
List of ids

Expand-Source 12345

Normalize a list of ids

"12345", "56789" | Expand-Source

Normalize a list of ids


        [object[]] $InputObject

    Process {
        [array] $AllIds = foreach ($iObject in $InputObject)
            $currentID = $iObject

            if ($null -ne $ {
                $currentID = $
            } elseif ($null -ne $iObject.deviceId) {
                $currentID = $iObject.deviceId
            } elseif ($null -ne $ {
                $currentID = $

            # Allow for matching integer or strings types, hence the the quotes around the $currentID variable
            if ("$currentID" -match "^[0-9]+$")