
# PSc8y Module

#Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

#region script variables

$script:IsWindows = (-not (Get-Variable -Name IsWindows -ErrorAction Ignore)) -or $IsWindows
$script:IsLinux = (Get-Variable -Name IsLinux -ErrorAction Ignore) -and $IsLinux
$script:IsMacOS = (Get-Variable -Name IsMacOS -ErrorAction Ignore) -and $IsMacOS
$script:IsCoreCLR = $PSVersionTable.ContainsKey('PSEdition') -and $PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Core'
$script:Dependencies = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "Dependencies"
$script:Templates = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "Templates"


#region Private Functions
Function Format-CommandParameter {
            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 0
        [object] $ParameterList
    $Parameters = @{}

    $ParameterList = (Get-Command -Name $CommandName).Parameters

    # Grab each parameter value, using Get-Variable
    foreach ($Name in ($ParameterList.Keys -notmatch "^Raw$")) {
        $iParam = Get-Variable -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue;

        if ($iParam.Value -is [Switch]) {
            if ($iParam.Value.IsPresent -and $iParam) {
                $Parameters[$Name] = $true
        } elseif ($iParam.Value -is [hashtable]) {
            $Parameters[$Name] = "{0}" -f ((ConvertTo-Json $iParam.Value -Depth 100 -Compress) -replace '"', '\"')
        } elseif ($iParam.Value -is [datetime]) {
            $Parameters[$Name] = Format-Date $iParam.Value
        } else {
            if ("$iParam" -notmatch "^$") {
                $Parameters[$Name] = $iParam.Value


Function Format-ConfirmationMessage {
Format the confirmation message from a cmdlet name and input object

            Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            Position = 0)]
        [string] $Name,

            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 1)]
        [object[]] $inputObject,

        [string] $IgnorePrefix = ""

    Process {
        $parts = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList;

        # Remove fully qualified module name
        $Name = $Name -replace "^\w+\\", ""

        foreach ($item in ($Name -csplit '(?=[A-Z\-])')) {
            if ($item -eq "-" -or $item -eq "" -or $item -eq $IgnorePrefix) {
            $item = $item -replace "^-", ""
            if ($parts.Count -eq 0) {
                $null = $parts.Add($item);
            } else {
                $null = $parts.Add("$item".ToLowerInvariant());

        foreach ($item in $inputObject) {
            if ($item -is [string]) {
                if ($item.StartsWith("{")) {
                    $item = ConvertFrom-Json $item -Depth 100 -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if ($ -and $ {
                $null = $parts.Add(("[{1} ({0})]" -f $, $
            } elseif ($ {
                $null = $parts.Add(("[{0}]" -f $
            } elseif ($item) {
                $null = $parts.Add("[{0}]" -f $item)
            } else {
                # Don't add anything

        $parts -join " "

Function Get-ClientOutputOption {
            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 0)]

    Process {
        $ConvertToPS = $BoundParameters["AsHashTable"] `
            -or $BoundParameters["AsPSObject"]
        $UsePowershellTypes = $BoundParameters["Select"]

            ConvertToPS = $ConvertToPS
            UsePowershellTypes = $UsePowershellTypes

Function Get-NestedProperty {
            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 0
        [object[]] $InputObject,

            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 1
        [string] $Name

    if (!$Name) {

    $Output = $InputObject

    foreach ($part in ($Name -split "\.")) {
        if ($null -eq $Output.$part -and $null -eq $Output.$part.Count) {
            $Output = $null
        $Output = $Output.$part

Function New-ClientArgument {
    Run a Cumulocity client command using the c8y binary. Only intended for internal usage only

    The command is a wrapper around the c8y binary which is used to send the rest request to Cumulocity.

    The result will also be parsed, and Powershell type information will be added to the result set, so
    only relevant information is shown.

        # Parameters which should be passed to the c8y binary
        # The full parameter name should be used (i.e. --header, and not -H)
        [hashtable] $Parameters,

        # Command
        [string] $Command,

        # List of names to exclude when parsing the parameters
        [string[]] $Exclude

    Process {

        $c8yargs = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
        $BoundParameters = @{} + $Parameters

        # strip automatic variables
        $BoundParameters.Keys -match "(Verbose|WhatIf|WhatIfFormat|Variable|Action|Buffer|Debug|AsHashtable|AsPSObject)$" | ForEach-Object {

        # Exclude select keys
        if ($Exclude -and $Exclude.Count -gt 0) {
            foreach ($key in (@() + $BoundParameters.Keys)) {
                if ($Exclude -contains $key) {

        # A change in powershell handling of quoting was introduced in Powershell >= 7.3
        # This complicates a few things...
        # See issue for more details:
        $NeedsQuotes = ($null -eq $PSNativeCommandArgumentPassing) -or ($PSNativeCommandArgumentPassing -ne 'Standard')

        foreach ($iKey in $BoundParameters.Keys) {
            $Value = $BoundParameters[$iKey]

            if ($null -ne $Value) {
                $key = $iKey[0].ToString().ToLowerInvariant() + $iKey.SubString(1)

                switch ($Value) {
                    # boolean
                    { $Value -is [bool] -and $Value } {
                        $null = $c8yargs.AddRange(@("--${key}"))

                    { $Value -is [switch] } {
                        if ($Value) {
                            $null = $c8yargs.AddRange(@("--${key}"))
                        } else {
                            $null = $c8yargs.AddRange(@("--${key}=false"))

                    { $Value -is [int] } {
                        $null = $c8yargs.AddRange(@("--${key}=$Value"))

                    # json like values
                    { $key -eq "data" -or $Value -is [hashtable] -or $Value -is [PSCustomObject] } {
                        $ArgValue = ConvertTo-JsonArgument $Value
                        # due to cli parsing, data needs to be sent using "="
                        $null = $c8yargs.AddRange(@("--${key}", $ArgValue))

                    { $Value -is [array] } {
                        $items = Expand-Id $Value
                        if ($items.Count -eq 1) {

                            $null = $c8yargs.Add("--${key}=$($items -join ',')")

                        } elseif ($items.Count -gt 1) {
                            if ($NeedsQuotes) {
                                $null = $c8yargs.Add("--${key}=`"$($items -join ',')`"")
                            } else {
                                $null = $c8yargs.Add("--${key}=$($items -join ',')")

                    { $Value -match " " -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Value) } {
                        if ($NeedsQuotes) {
                            $null = $c8yargs.Add("--${key}=`"$Value`"")
                        } else {
                            $null = $c8yargs.Add("--${key}=$Value")

                    default {
                        if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Value)) {
                            $null = $c8yargs.Add("--${key}=$Value")

        if ($DebugPreference -ne "SilentlyContinue") {
            $null = $c8yargs.Add("--debug")

        if (-Not $Parameters.ContainsKey("Dry") -and $WhatIfPreference) {
            $null = $c8yargs.Add("--dry")

        if (-Not $Parameters.ContainsKey("DryFormat") -and $Parameters["WhatIfFormat"]) {
            $null = $c8yargs.Add(("--dryFormat={0}" -f $Parameters["WhatIfFormat"]))

        # Always use verbose as information is extracted from it
        if ($VerbosePreference) {
            $null = $c8yargs.Add("--verbose")

        if ($Parameters["WithTotalPages"] -or $Parameters["WithTotalElements"]) {
            $null = $c8yargs.Add("--raw")

        # Allow empty pipes (only in powershell as it handles empty pipes in the cmdlets)
        # This simplifies logic on the powershell side, rather than dynamically checking if there is really piped
        # input or not
        $null = $c8yargs.Add("--allowEmptyPipe")


Function New-DynamicParam {
            Helper function to simplify creating dynamic parameters
            Helper function to simplify creating dynamic parameters
            Example use cases:
                Include parameters only if your environment dictates it
                Include parameters depending on the value of a user-specified parameter
                Provide tab completion and intellisense for parameters, depending on the environment
            Please keep in mind that all dynamic parameters you create will not have corresponding variables created.
               One of the examples illustrates a generic method for populating appropriate variables from dynamic parameters
               Alternatively, manually reference $PSBoundParameters for the dynamic parameter value
            Credit to
                Added logic to make option set optional
                Added logic to add RuntimeDefinedParameter to existing DPDictionary
                Added a little comment based help
            Credit to BM for alias and type parameters and their handling
        .PARAMETER Name
            Name of the dynamic parameter
        .PARAMETER Type
            Type for the dynamic parameter. Default is string
        .PARAMETER Alias
            If specified, one or more aliases to assign to the dynamic parameter
        .PARAMETER ValidateSet
            If specified, set the ValidateSet attribute of this dynamic parameter
        .PARAMETER Mandatory
            If specified, set the Mandatory attribute for this dynamic parameter
        .PARAMETER ParameterSetName
            If specified, set the ParameterSet attribute for this dynamic parameter
        .PARAMETER Position
            If specified, set the Position attribute for this dynamic parameter
        .PARAMETER ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName
            If specified, set the ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName attribute for this dynamic parameter
        .PARAMETER HelpMessage
            If specified, set the HelpMessage for this dynamic parameter
        .PARAMETER DPDictionary
            If specified, add resulting RuntimeDefinedParameter to an existing RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary (appropriate for multiple dynamic parameters)
            If not specified, create and return a RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary (appropriate for a single dynamic parameter)
            See final example for illustration
            function Show-Free
                DynamicParam {
                    $options = @( gwmi win32_volume | %{$_.driveletter} | sort )
                    New-DynamicParam -Name Drive -ValidateSet $options -Position 0 -Mandatory
                    #have to manually populate
                    $drive = $
                    $vol = gwmi win32_volume -Filter "driveletter='$drive'"
                    "{0:N2}% free on {1}" -f ($vol.Capacity / $vol.FreeSpace),$drive
            } #Show-Free
            Show-Free -Drive <tab>
        # This example illustrates the use of New-DynamicParam to create a single dynamic parameter
        # The Drive parameter ValidateSet populates with all available volumes on the computer for handy tab completion / intellisense
        # I found many cases where I needed to add more than one dynamic parameter
        # The DPDictionary parameter lets you specify an existing dictionary
        # The block of code in the Begin block loops through bound parameters and defines variables if they don't exist
            Function Test-DynPar{
                    [string[]]$x = $Null
                    #Create the RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                    $Dictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                    New-DynamicParam -Name AlwaysParam -ValidateSet @( gwmi win32_volume | %{$_.driveletter} | sort ) -DPDictionary $Dictionary
                    #Add dynamic parameters to $dictionary
                    if($x -eq 1)
                        New-DynamicParam -Name X1Param1 -ValidateSet 1,2 -mandatory -DPDictionary $Dictionary
                        New-DynamicParam -Name X1Param2 -DPDictionary $Dictionary
                        New-DynamicParam -Name X3Param3 -DPDictionary $Dictionary -Type DateTime
                        New-DynamicParam -Name OtherParam1 -Mandatory -DPDictionary $Dictionary
                        New-DynamicParam -Name OtherParam2 -DPDictionary $Dictionary
                        New-DynamicParam -Name OtherParam3 -DPDictionary $Dictionary -Type DateTime
                    #return RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                    #This standard block of code loops through bound parameters...
                    #If no corresponding variable exists, one is created
                        #Get common parameters, pick out bound parameters not in that set
                        Function _temp { [cmdletbinding()] param() }
                        $BoundKeys = $PSBoundParameters.keys | Where-Object { (get-command _temp | select -ExpandProperty parameters).Keys -notcontains $_}
                        foreach($param in $BoundKeys)
                            if (-not ( Get-Variable -name $param -scope 0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) )
                                New-Variable -Name $Param -Value $PSBoundParameters.$param
                                Write-Verbose "Adding variable for dynamic parameter '$param' with value '$($PSBoundParameters.$param)'"
                    #Appropriate variables should now be defined and accessible
                        Get-Variable -scope 0
        # This example illustrates the creation of many dynamic parameters using New-DynamicParam
            # You must create a RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary object ($dictionary here)
            # To each New-DynamicParam call, add the -DPDictionary parameter pointing to this RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
            # At the end of the DynamicParam block, return the RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
            # Initialize all bound parameters using the provided block or similar code
            PowerShell Language

        $Type = [string],
        $Alias = @(),
            if(-not ( $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary] -or -not $_) )
                Throw "DPDictionary must be a System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary object, or not exist"
        $DPDictionary = $false
        #Create attribute object, add attributes, add to collection
            $ParamAttr = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
            $ParamAttr.ParameterSetName = $ParameterSetName
                $ParamAttr.Mandatory = $True
            if($Position -ne $null)
                $ParamAttr.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True
                $ParamAttr.HelpMessage = $HelpMessage
            $AttributeCollection = New-Object 'Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]'
        #param validation set if specified
                $ParamOptions = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute -ArgumentList $ValidateSet
        #Aliases if specified
            if($Alias.count -gt 0) {
                $ParamAlias = New-Object System.Management.Automation.AliasAttribute -ArgumentList $Alias
        #Create the dynamic parameter
            $Parameter = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter -ArgumentList @($Name, $Type, $AttributeCollection)
        #Add the dynamic parameter to an existing dynamic parameter dictionary, or create the dictionary and add it
                $DPDictionary.Add($Name, $Parameter)
                $Dictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
                $Dictionary.Add($Name, $Parameter)

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

function Use-CallerPreference
    Sets the PowerShell preference variables in a module's function based on the callers preferences.
    Script module functions do not automatically inherit their caller's variables, including preferences set by common parameters. This means if you call a script with switches like `-Verbose` or `-WhatIf`, those that parameter don't get passed into any function that belongs to a module.
    When used in a module function, `Use-CallerPreference` will grab the value of these common parameters used by the function's caller:
     * ErrorAction
     * Debug
     * Confirm
     * InformationAction
     * Verbose
     * WarningAction
     * WhatIf
    This function should be used in a module's function to grab the caller's preference variables so the caller doesn't have to explicitly pass common parameters to the module function.
    This function is adapted from the [`Get-CallerPreference` function written by David Wyatt](
    There is currently a [bug in PowerShell]( that causes an error when `ErrorAction` is implicitly set to `Ignore`. If you use this function, you'll need to add explicit `-ErrorAction $ErrorActionPreference` to every function/cmdlet call in your function. Please vote up this issue so it can get fixed.
    Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState
    Demonstrates how to set the caller's common parameter preference variables in a module function.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        # The module function's `$PSCmdlet` object. Requires the function be decorated with the `[CmdletBinding()]` attribute.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        # The module function's `$ExecutionContext.SessionState` object. Requires the function be decorated with the `[CmdletBinding()]` attribute.
        # Used to set variables in its callers' scope, even if that caller is in a different script module.

    Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest'

    # List of preference variables taken from the about_Preference_Variables and their common parameter name (taken from about_CommonParameters).
    $commonPreferences = @{
                              'ErrorActionPreference' = 'ErrorAction';
                              'DebugPreference' = 'Debug';
                              'ConfirmPreference' = 'Confirm';
                              'InformationPreference' = 'InformationAction';
                              'VerbosePreference' = 'Verbose';
                              'WarningPreference' = 'WarningAction';
                              'WhatIfPreference' = 'WhatIf';

    foreach( $prefName in $commonPreferences.Keys )
        $parameterName = $commonPreferences[$prefName]

        # Don't do anything if the parameter was passed in.
        if( $Cmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey($parameterName) )

        $variable = $Cmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.Get($prefName)
        # Don't do anything if caller didn't use a common parameter.
        if( -not $variable )

        if( $SessionState -eq $ExecutionContext.SessionState )
            if ($variable.Value -ne "") {
                Set-Variable -Scope 1 -Name $variable.Name -Value $variable.Value -Force -Confirm:$false -WhatIf:$false
            if ($variable.Value -ne "") {
                $SessionState.PSVariable.Set($variable.Name, $variable.Value)


#Requires -Version 5.0
        Writes messages to the information stream, optionally with
        color when written to the host.
        An alternative to Write-Host which will write to the information stream
        and the host (optionally in colors specified) but will honor the
        $InformationPreference of the calling context.
        In PowerShell 5.0+ Write-Host calls through to Write-Information but
        will _always_ treats $InformationPreference as 'Continue', so the caller
        cannot use other options to the preference variable as intended.

Function Write-InformationColored {
        # Message data
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Object] $MessageData,

        # Foreground color
        [System.ConsoleColor] $ForegroundColor, # Make sure we use the current colours by default

        # Background color
        [System.ConsoleColor] $BackgroundColor,

        # Do not append a newline character
        [Switch] $NoNewline,

        # Show the information on the host by default. This will set -InformationAction to continue
        # so that the message is displayed on the console
        [switch] $ShowHost,

        # Tags to add to the information
        [string[]] $Tags

    $msg = [System.Management.Automation.HostInformationMessage]@{
        Message         = $MessageData
        ForegroundColor = $ForegroundColor
        BackgroundColor = $BackgroundColor
        NoNewline       = $NoNewline.IsPresent

    $options = @{
        MessageData = $msg
        Tags = $Tags

    if ($ShowHost) {
        $options["InformationAction"] = "Continue"

    Write-Information @options


#region Public Functions
# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Add-DeviceChild {
Assign child

Assign an existing managed object as a child to an existing managed object


PS> Add-DeviceChild -Id $ -Child $ -ChildType addition

Add a related managed object as a child addition to an existing managed object


        # Managed object id where the child will be assigned to (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,

        # Managed object that will be assigned as a child (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,

        # Child relationship type (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Create", "Template"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "devices children assign"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = "application/"
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Child `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y devices children assign $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Child `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y devices children assign $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Add-DeviceGroupChild {
Assign child

Assign an existing managed object as a child to an existing managed object


PS> Add-DeviceGroupChild -Id $ -Child $ -ChildType addition

Add a related managed object as a child addition to an existing managed object


        # Managed object id where the child will be assigned to (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,

        # Managed object that will be assigned as a child (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,

        # Child relationship type (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Create", "Template"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "devicegroups children assign"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = "application/"
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Child `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y devicegroups children assign $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Child `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y devicegroups children assign $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Add-ManagedObjectChild {
Assign child

Assign an existing managed object as a child to an existing managed object


PS> Add-ManagedObjectChild -Id $ -Child $ -ChildType addition

Add a related managed object as a child addition to an existing managed object


        # Managed object id where the child will be assigned to (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,

        # Managed object that will be assigned as a child (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,

        # Child relationship type (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Create", "Template"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "inventory children assign"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = "application/"
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Child `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y inventory children assign $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Child `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y inventory children assign $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Add-RoleToGroup {
Add role to user group

Add a role to an existing user group


PS> Add-RoleToGroup -Group "${NamePattern}*" -Role "*ALARM_*"

Add a role to a group using wildcards

PS> Get-RoleCollection -PageSize 100 | Where-Object Name -like "*ALARM*" | Add-RoleToGroup -Group "${NamePattern}*"

Add a role to a group using wildcards (using pipeline)


        # Group ID (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        # User role id (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,

        # Tenant
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Create", "Template"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "userroles addRoleToGroup"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Role `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y userroles addRoleToGroup $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Role `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y userroles addRoleToGroup $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Add-RoleToUser {
Add Role to user

Add a role to an existing user


PS> Add-RoleToUser -User $ -Role "ROLE_ALARM_READ"

Add a role (ROLE_ALARM_READ) to a user

PS> Add-RoleToUser -User "customUser_*" -Role "*ALARM_*"

Add a role to a user using wildcards

PS> Get-RoleCollection -PageSize 100 | Where-Object Name -like "*ALARM*" | Add-RoleToUser -User "customUser_*"

Add a role to a user using wildcards (using pipeline)


        # User prefix or full username (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        # User role id

        # Tenant
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Create", "Template"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "userroles addRoleToUser"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Role `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y userroles addRoleToUser $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Role `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y userroles addRoleToUser $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Add-UserToGroup {
Add user to group

Add an existing user to a group


PS> Add-UserToGroup -Group $ -User $

Add a user to a user group


        # Group ID (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        # User id (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,

        # Tenant
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Create", "Template"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "userreferences addUserToGroup"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $User `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y userreferences addUserToGroup $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $User `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y userreferences addUserToGroup $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Approve-DeviceRequest {
Approve device request

Approve a new device request. Note: a device can only be approved if the platform has received a request for device credentials.


PS> Approve-DeviceRequest -Id $

Approve a new device request


        # Device identifier (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,

        # Status of registration
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Update", "Template"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "deviceregistration approve"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y deviceregistration approve $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y deviceregistration approve $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Copy-Application {
Copy application

A POST request to the 'clone' resource creates a new application based on an already existing one.

The properties are copied to the newly created application. For name, key and context path a 'clone' prefix is added in order to be unique.

If the target application is hosted and has an active version, the new application will have the active version with the same content.

The response contains a representation of the newly created application.



PS> Copy-Application -Id $

Copy an existing application


        # Application id (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Create", "Template"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "applications copy"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y applications copy $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y applications copy $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Disable-Application {
Unsubscribe application

Disable/unsubscribe an application from a tenant


PS> Disable-Application -Tenant t12345 -Application myMicroservice

Disable an application of a tenant


        # Application id (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,

        # Tenant id. Defaults to current tenant (based on credentials)
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Delete"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "tenants disableApplication"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = ""
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Application `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y tenants disableApplication $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Application `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y tenants disableApplication $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Disable-Microservice {
unsubscribe microservice

Disable (unsubscribe) a microservice from the current tenant


PS> Disable-Microservice -Id $

Disable (unsubscribe) to a microservice


        # Microservice id (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,

        # Tenant id
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Delete"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "microservices disable"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = ""
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y microservices disable $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y microservices disable $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Enable-Application {
Subscribe application

Enable/subscribe an application to a tenant


PS> Enable-Application -Tenant t12345 -Application myMicroservice

Enable an application of a tenant


        # Application id (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,

        # Tenant id. Defaults to current tenant (based on credentials)
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Create", "Template"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "tenants enableApplication"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Application `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y tenants enableApplication $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Application `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y tenants enableApplication $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Enable-Microservice {
subscribe to microservice

Enabling (subscribing) a microservice will activate the application in the tenant


PS> Enable-Microservice -Id $

Enable (subscribe) to a microservice


        # Microservice id (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,

        # Tenant id
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Create", "Template"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "microservices enable"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y microservices enable $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y microservices enable $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Find-ByTextManagedObjectCollection {
Find managed object by text collection

Find a collection of managedObjects which match a given text value


PS> Find-ByTextManagedObjectCollection -Text $

Find a list of managed objects by text

PS> Find-ByTextManagedObjectCollection -Text $

Find managed objects which contain the text 'myText' (using pipeline)


        # managed objects containing a text value starting with the given text (placeholder {text}). Text value is any alphanumeric string starting with a latin letter (A-Z or a-z). (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,

        # ManagedObject type.

        # ManagedObject fragment type.

        # Don't include the child devices names in the response. This can improve the API response because the names don't need to be retrieved

        # Determines if children with ID and name should be returned when fetching the managed object. Set it to false to improve query performance.

        # When set to true, the returned result will contain the total number of children in the respective objects (childAdditions, childAssets and childDevices)

        # When set to true it returns additional information about the groups to which the searched managed object belongs. This results in setting the assetParents property with additional information about the groups.

        # Include a flat list of all parents and grandparents of the given object
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get", "Collection"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "inventory findByText"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = "application/"
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Text `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y inventory findByText $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Text `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y inventory findByText $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Find-DeviceServiceCollection {
Find services

Find services of any device


PS> Find-DeviceServiceCollection

Find all services (from any device)


        # Additional query filter

        # Filter by service type e.g. systemd

        # Filter by name

        # Filter by service status (custom values allowed)

        # Order by. e.g. _id asc or name asc or desc

        # Don't include the child devices names in the response. This can improve the API response because the names don't need to be retrieved

        # Determines if children with ID and name should be returned when fetching the managed object. Set it to false to improve query performance.

        # When set to true, the returned result will contain the total number of children in the respective objects (childAdditions, childAssets and childDevices)

        # When set to true it returns additional information about the groups to which the searched managed object belongs. This results in setting the assetParents property with additional information about the groups.

        # Include a flat list of all parents and grandparents of the given object
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get", "Collection"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "devices services find"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = "application/"
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            c8y devices services find $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            c8y devices services find $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Find-ManagedObjectCollection {
Find managed object collection

Get a collection of managedObjects based on the Cumulocity query language


PS> Find-ManagedObjectCollection -Query "name eq 'roomUpperFloor_*'"

Find all managed objects with their names starting with 'roomUpperFloor_'


        # ManagedObject query

        # String template to be used when applying the given query. Use %s to reference the query/pipeline input

        # Order by. e.g. _id asc or name asc or desc

        # Filter by name

        # Filter by type

        # Only include agents

        # Filter by fragment type

        # Filter by owner

        # Filter by c8y_Availability.status

        # Filter c8y_Availability.lastMessage to a specific date

        # Filter c8y_Availability.lastMessage from a specific date

        # Filter to a specific date

        # Filter from a specific date

        # Filter by group inclusion

        # Only include devices (deprecated)

        # Don't include the child devices names in the response. This can improve the API response because the names don't need to be retrieved

        # Determines if children with ID and name should be returned when fetching the managed object. Set it to false to improve query performance.

        # When set to true, the returned result will contain the total number of children in the respective objects (childAdditions, childAssets and childDevices)

        # When set to true it returns additional information about the groups to which the searched managed object belongs. This results in setting the assetParents property with additional information about the groups.

        # Include a flat list of all parents and grandparents of the given object
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get", "Collection"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "inventory find"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = "application/"
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Query `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y inventory find $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Query `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y inventory find $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-Agent {
Get agent

Get an agent's managed object representation


PS> Get-Agent -Id $

Get agent by id

PS> Get-Agent -Id $

Get agent by name


        # Agent ID (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,

        # Don't include the child devices names in the response. This can improve the API response because the names don't need to be retrieved

        # Determines if children with ID and name should be returned when fetching the managed object. Set it to false to improve query performance.

        # When set to true, the returned result will contain the total number of children in the respective objects (childAdditions, childAssets and childDevices)

        # When set to true it returns additional information about the groups to which the searched managed object belongs. This results in setting the assetParents property with additional information about the groups.

        # Include a flat list of all parents and grandparents of the given object
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "agents get"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y agents get $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y agents get $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-AgentCollection {
Get agent collection

Get a collection of agents based on filter parameters


PS> Get-AgentCollection -Name "sensor*" -Type myType

Get a collection of agents with type "myType", and their names start with "sensor"


        # Additional query filter

        # String template to be used when applying the given query. Use %s to reference the query/pipeline input

        # Order by. e.g. _id asc or name asc or desc

        # Filter by name

        # Filter by type

        # Filter by fragment type

        # Filter by owner

        # Filter by c8y_Availability.status

        # Filter c8y_Availability.lastMessage to a specific date

        # Filter c8y_Availability.lastMessage from a specific date

        # Filter to a specific date

        # Filter from a specific date

        # Filter by group inclusion

        # Don't include the child devices names in the response. This can improve the API response because the names don't need to be retrieved

        # Determines if children with ID and name should be returned when fetching the managed object. Set it to false to improve query performance.

        # When set to true, the returned result will contain the total number of children in the respective objects (childAdditions, childAssets and childDevices)

        # When set to true it returns additional information about the groups to which the searched managed object belongs. This results in setting the assetParents property with additional information about the groups.

        # Include a flat list of all parents and grandparents of the given object
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get", "Collection"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "agents list"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = "application/"
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Query `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y agents list $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Query `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y agents list $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-Alarm {
Get alarm

Get an alarm by its id


PS> Get-Alarm -Id {{ NewAlarm }}

Get alarm


        # Alarm id (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "alarms get"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y alarms get $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y alarms get $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-AlarmCollection {
Get alarm collection

Get a collection of alarms based on filter parameters


PS> Get-AlarmCollection -Severity MAJOR -PageSize 100

Get alarms with the severity set to MAJOR

PS> Get-AlarmCollection -DateFrom "-10m" -Status ACTIVE

Get active alarms which occurred in the last 10 minutes

PS> Get-DeviceCollection -Name $ | Get-AlarmCollection -Status ACTIVE

Get active alarms from a device (using pipeline)


        # Source device id.

        # Start date or date and time of alarm occurrence.

        # End date or date and time of alarm occurrence.

        # Alarm type.

        # Comma separated alarm statuses, for example ACTIVE,CLEARED.

        # Alarm severity, for example CRITICAL, MAJOR, MINOR or WARNING.

        # When set to true only resolved alarms will be removed (the one with status CLEARED), false means alarms with status ACTIVE or ACKNOWLEDGED.

        # When set to true also alarms for related source devices will be included in the request. When this parameter is provided a source must be specified.

        # When set to true also alarms for related source devices will be removed. When this parameter is provided also source must be defined.

        # Start date or date and time of the alarm creation. Version >= 10.11

        # End date or date and time of the alarm creation. Version >= 10.11

        # Start date or date and time of the last update made. Version >= 10.11

        # End date or date and time of the last update made. Version >= 10.11
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get", "Collection"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "alarms list"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = "application/"
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Device `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y alarms list $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Device `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y alarms list $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-AlarmCount {
Retrieve the total number of alarms

Count the total number of active alarms on your tenant


PS> Get-AlarmCount -Severity MAJOR

Get number of active alarms with the severity set to MAJOR

PS> Get-AlarmCount -DateFrom "-10m" -Status ACTIVE

Get number of active alarms which occurred in the last 10 minutes

PS> Get-AlarmCount -DateFrom "-10m" -Status ACTIVE -Device $

Get number of active alarms which occurred in the last 10 minutes on a device

PS> Get-Device -Id $ | Get-AlarmCount -DateFrom "-10m"

Get number of alarms from a list of devices using pipeline


        # Source device id.

        # Start date or date and time of alarm occurrence.

        # End date or date and time of alarm occurrence.

        # Alarm type.

        # Comma separated alarm statuses, for example ACTIVE,CLEARED.

        # Alarm severity, for example CRITICAL, MAJOR, MINOR or WARNING.

        # When set to true only resolved alarms will be removed (the one with status CLEARED), false means alarms with status ACTIVE or ACKNOWLEDGED.

        # When set to true also alarms for related source devices will be included in the request. When this parameter is provided a source must be specified.

        # When set to true also alarms for related source devices will be removed. When this parameter is provided also source must be defined.
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "alarms count"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "text/plain"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Device `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y alarms count $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Device `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y alarms count $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-AllTenantUsageSummaryStatistics {
Get all tenant usage summary statistics

Get collection of tenant usage statistics summary


PS> Get-AllTenantUsageSummaryStatistics

Get tenant summary statistics for all tenants

PS> Get-AllTenantUsageSummaryStatistics -DateFrom "-30d"

Get tenant summary statistics collection for the last 30 days

PS> Get-AllTenantUsageSummaryStatistics -DateFrom "-10d" -DateTo "-9d"

Get tenant summary statistics collection for the last 10 days, only return until the last 9 days


        # Start date or date and time of the statistics.

        # End date or date and time of the statistics.
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "tenantstatistics listSummaryAllTenants"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/json"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            c8y tenantstatistics listSummaryAllTenants $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            c8y tenantstatistics listSummaryAllTenants $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-Application {
Get application

Get an existing application


PS> Get-Application -Id $

Get an application by id

PS> Get-Application -Id $

Get an application by name


        # Application id (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "applications get"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y applications get $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y applications get $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-ApplicationBinaryCollection {
Get application binaries

A list of all binaries related to the given application will be returned


PS> Get-ApplicationBinaryCollection -Id $

List all of the binaries related to a Hosted (web) application

PS> Get-Application $ | Get-ApplicationBinaryCollection

List all of the binaries related to a Hosted (web) application (using pipeline)


        # Application id (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get", "Collection"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "applications listApplicationBinaries"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = "application/"
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y applications listApplicationBinaries $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y applications listApplicationBinaries $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-ApplicationCollection {
Get application collection

Get a collection of applications by a given filter


PS> Get-ApplicationCollection -PageSize 100

Get applications


        # Application type

        # The name of the application.

        # The ID of the tenant that owns the applications.

        # The ID of a tenant that is subscribed to the applications but doesn't own them.

        # The ID of a tenant that is subscribed to the applications.

        # The ID of a user that has access to the applications.

        # The ID of a tenant that either owns the application or is subscribed to the applications.

        # When set to true, the returned result contains applications with an applicationVersions field that is not empty. When set to false, the result will contain applications with an empty applicationVersions field.

        # Application access level for other tenants.
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get", "Collection"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "applications list"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = "application/"
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Type `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y applications list $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Type `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y applications list $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-ApplicationReferenceCollection {
Get application reference collection

Get a collection of application references on a tenant


PS> Get-ApplicationReferenceCollection -Tenant mycompany

Get a list of referenced applications on a given tenant (from management tenant)


        # Tenant id
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get", "Collection"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "tenants listReferences"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = "application/"
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Tenant `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y tenants listReferences $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Tenant `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y tenants listReferences $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-ApplicationVersion {
Get a specific version of an application

Retrieve the selected version of an application in your tenant. To select the version, use only the version or only the tag query parameter


PS> Get-ApplicationVersion -Application 1234 -Tag tag1

Get application version by tag

PS> Get-ApplicationVersion -Application 1234 -Version 1.0

Get application version by version name


        # Application

        # The version field of the application version

        # The tag of the application version
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "applications versions get"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Application `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y applications versions get $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Application `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y applications versions get $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-ApplicationVersionCollection {
Get application version collection

Get a collection of application versions by a given filter


PS> Get-ApplicationVersionCollection -Application 1234

Get application versions


        # Application
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get", "Collection"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "applications versions list"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = "application/"
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Application `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y applications versions list $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Application `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y applications versions list $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-AuditRecord {
Get audit record

Get an audit record


PS> Get-AuditRecord -Id $

Get an audit record by id


        # Audit id (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "auditrecords get"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y auditrecords get $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y auditrecords get $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-AuditRecordCollection {
Get audit record collection

Audit records contain information about modifications to other Cumulocity entities.

For example the audit records contain each operation state transition, so they can be used to check when an operation transitioned from PENDING -> EXECUTING -> SUCCESSFUL.


PS> Get-AuditRecordCollection -PageSize 100

Get a list of audit records

PS> Get-AuditRecordCollection -Source $

Get a list of audit records related to a managed object

PS> Get-Operation -Id $ | Get-AuditRecordCollection

Get a list of audit records related to an operation


        # Source Id or object containing an .id property of the element that should be detected. i.e. AlarmID, or Operation ID. Note: Only one source can be provided

        # Type

        # Username

        # Application

        # Start date or date and time of audit record occurrence.

        # End date or date and time of audit record occurrence.

        # Return the newest instead of the oldest audit records. Must be used with dateFrom and dateTo parameters
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get", "Collection"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "auditrecords list"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = "application/"
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Source `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y auditrecords list $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Source `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y auditrecords list $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-Binary {
Download binary

Download a binary stored in Cumulocity and display it on the console.

For non text based binaries or if the output should be saved to file, the output parameter should be used to write the file directly to a local file.


PS> Get-Binary -Id $

Get a binary and display the contents on the console

PS> Get-Binary -Id $ -OutputFileRaw ./download-binary1.txt

Get a binary and save it to a file


        # Inventory binary id (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "binaries get"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "*/*"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y binaries get $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y binaries get $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-BinaryCollection {
Get binary collection

Get a collection of inventory binaries. The results include the meta information about binary and not the binary itself.


PS> Get-BinaryCollection -PageSize 100

Get a list of binaries


        # The managed object IDs to search for.

        # The type of managed object to search for.

        # Username of the owner of the managed objects.

        # Search for managed objects where any property value is equal to the given one. Only string values are supported.

        # Search for a specific child addition and list all the groups to which it belongs.

        # Search for a specific child asset and list all the groups to which it belongs.

        # Search for a specific child device and list all the groups to which it belongs.
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get", "Collection"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "binaries list"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = "application/"
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Type `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y binaries list $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Type `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y binaries list $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-BulkOperation {
Get bulk operation

Get an existing bulk operation


PS> Get-BulkOperation -Id $

Get bulk operation by id


        # Bulk Operation id (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "bulkoperations get"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y bulkoperations get $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y bulkoperations get $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-BulkOperationCollection {
Get bulk operation collection

Get a collection of bulk operations


PS> Get-BulkOperationCollection

Get a list of bulk operations

PS> Get-BulkOperationCollection -DateFrom -1d

Get a list of bulk operations created in the last 1 day

PS> Get-BulkOperationCollection -Status SCHEDULED, EXECUTING

Get a list of bulk operations in the general status SCHEDULED or EXECUTING


        # Include CANCELLED bulk operations

        # Start date or date and time of the bulk operation

        # End date or date and time of the bulk operation

        # Operation status, can be one of SUCCESSFUL, FAILED, EXECUTING or PENDING.
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get", "Collection"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "bulkoperations list"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = "application/"
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            c8y bulkoperations list $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            c8y bulkoperations list $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-BulkOperationOperationCollection {
Get operations collection

Get a collection of operations related to a bulk operation


PS> Get-BulkOperationOperationCollection -Id 10 -Status PENDING

Get a list of pending operations from bulk operation with id 10

PS> Get-BulkOperationCollection | Where-Object { $_.status -eq "IN_PROGRESS" } | Get-BulkOperationOperationCollection -Status PENDING

Get all pending operations from all bulk operations which are still in progress (using pipeline)

PS> Get-BulkOperationCollection | Get-BulkOperationOperationCollection -status EXECUTING --dateTo "-10d" | Update-Operation -Status FAILED -FailureReason "Manually cancelled stale operation"

Check all bulk operations if they have any related operations still in executing state and were created more than 10 days ago, then cancel it with a custom message


        # Bulk operation id. (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,

        # Start date or date and time of operation.

        # End date or date and time of operation.

        # Operation status, can be one of SUCCESSFUL, FAILED, EXECUTING or PENDING.

        # Sort operations newest to oldest. Must be used with dateFrom and/or dateTo parameters
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get", "Collection"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "bulkoperations listOperations"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = "application/"
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y bulkoperations listOperations $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y bulkoperations listOperations $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-Configuration {
Get configuration

Get an existing configuration package (managedObject)


PS> Get-Configuration -Id $

Get a configuration package

PS> Get-ManagedObject -Id $ | Get-Configuration

Get a configuration package (using pipeline)


        # Configuration package (managedObject) id (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,

        # Don't include the child devices names in the response. This can improve the API response because the names don't need to be retrieved

        # Determines if children with ID and name should be returned when fetching the managed object. Set it to false to improve query performance.

        # When set to true, the returned result will contain the total number of children in the respective objects (childAdditions, childAssets and childDevices)

        # When set to true it returns additional information about the groups to which the searched managed object belongs. This results in setting the assetParents property with additional information about the groups.

        # Include a flat list of all parents and grandparents of the given object
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "configuration get"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y configuration get $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y configuration get $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-ConfigurationCollection {
Get configuration collection

Get a collection of configuration (managedObjects) based on filter parameters


PS> Get-ConfigurationCollection

Get a list of configuration files


        # Additional query filter

        # String template to be used when applying the given query. Use %s to reference the query/pipeline input

        # Order by. e.g. _id asc or name asc or desc

        # Filter by configurationType

        # Filter by name

        # Filter by deviceType

        # Filter by description

        # Don't include the child devices names in the response. This can improve the API response because the names don't need to be retrieved

        # Determines if children with ID and name should be returned when fetching the managed object. Set it to false to improve query performance.

        # When set to true, the returned result will contain the total number of children in the respective objects (childAdditions, childAssets and childDevices)

        # When set to true it returns additional information about the groups to which the searched managed object belongs. This results in setting the assetParents property with additional information about the groups.

        # Include a flat list of all parents and grandparents of the given object
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get", "Collection"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "configuration list"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = "application/"
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Query `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y configuration list $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Query `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y configuration list $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-CurrentApplication {
Get current application

Getting the current application only works when using bootstrap credentials from an application (not user credentials)


PS> Get-CurrentApplication

Get the current application (requires using application credentials)



    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "currentapplication get"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            c8y currentapplication get $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            c8y currentapplication get $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-CurrentApplicationSubscription {
Get current application subscriptions

Requires authentication with the application bootstrap user


PS> Get-CurrentApplicationSubscription

List the current application users/subscriptions



    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get", "Collection"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "currentapplication listSubscriptions"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            c8y currentapplication listSubscriptions $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            c8y currentapplication listSubscriptions $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-CurrentTenant {
Get current tenant

Get the current tenant associated with the current session


PS> Get-CurrentTenant

Get the current tenant (based on your current credentials)



    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "currenttenant get"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            c8y currenttenant get $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            c8y currenttenant get $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-CurrentTenantApplicationCollection {
List applications in current tenant

Get the applications of the current tenant


PS> Get-CurrentTenantApplicationCollection

Get a list of applications in the current tenant



    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "currenttenant listApplications"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = "application/"
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            c8y currenttenant listApplications $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            c8y currenttenant listApplications $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-CurrentUser {
Get current user

Get the user representation associated with the current credentials used by the request


PS> Get-CurrentUser

Get the current user



    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "currentuser get"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            c8y currentuser get $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            c8y currentuser get $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-DataBrokerConnector {
Get data broker

Get an existing data broker connector


PS> Get-DataBrokerConnector -Id $

Get a data broker connector


        # Data broker connector id (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "databroker get"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y databroker get $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y databroker get $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-DataBrokerConnectorCollection {
Get data broker collection

Get a collection of existing data broker connectors


PS> Get-DataBrokerConnectorCollection

Get a list of data broker connectors



    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get", "Collection"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "databroker list"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = "application/"
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            c8y databroker list $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            c8y databroker list $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-DataHubJob {
Retrieve the status of a query job

Retrieve the status of a query given the ID of the Dremio job executing the query


PS> Get-DataHubJob -Id "22feee74-875a-561c-5508-04114bdda000"

Retrieve a datahub job


        # The unique identifier of a Dremio job (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "datahub jobs get"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/json"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y datahub jobs get $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y datahub jobs get $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-DataHubJobResult {
Retrieve the query results given the ID of the Dremio job that has executed the query

Retrieve the query results given the ID of the Dremio job that has executed the query


PS> Get-DataHubJobResult -Id "22feee74-875a-561c-5508-04114bdda000"

Retrieve a datahub job


        # The unique identifier of a Dremio job (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,

        # The offset of the paginated results
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "datahub jobs listResults"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/json"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y datahub jobs listResults $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y datahub jobs listResults $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-DataHubQueryResult {
Execute a SQL query and retrieve the results

Execute a SQL query and retrieve the results


PS> Get-DataHubQueryResult -Sql "SELECT * FROM myTenantIdDataLake.Dremio.myTenantId.alarms"

Get a list of alarms from datahub


        # The version of the high-performance API

        # The SQL query to execute

        # The maximum number of query results

        # The response format, which is either DREMIO or PANDAS. The DREMIO format is the same response format as provided by the sql endpoint of the Standard API. The PANDAS format fits to the data format the Pandas library for Python expects.
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Create", "Template"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "datahub query"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/json"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Sql `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y datahub query $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Sql `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y datahub query $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-Device {
Get device

Get an existing device


PS> Get-Device -Id $

Get device by id

PS> Get-Device -Id $

Get device by name


        # Device ID (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,

        # Don't include the child devices names in the response. This can improve the API response because the names don't need to be retrieved

        # Determines if children with ID and name should be returned when fetching the managed object. Set it to false to improve query performance.

        # When set to true, the returned result will contain the total number of children in the respective objects (childAdditions, childAssets and childDevices)

        # When set to true it returns additional information about the groups to which the searched managed object belongs. This results in setting the assetParents property with additional information about the groups.

        # Include a flat list of all parents and grandparents of the given object
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "devices get"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y devices get $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y devices get $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-DeviceAvailability {
Get device availability

Retrieve the date when a specific managed object (by a given ID) sent the last message to Cumulocity IoT.


PS> Get-DeviceAvailability -Id $

Get a device's availability by id

PS> Get-DeviceAvailability -Id $

Get a device's availability by name


        # Device. (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "devices availability get"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = ""
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y devices availability get $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y devices availability get $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-DeviceCertificate {
Get trusted device certificate

Get a trusted device certificate


PS> Get-DeviceCertificate -Id abcedef0123456789abcedef0123456789

Get trusted device certificate by id/fingerprint


        # Certificate fingerprint or name

        # Tenant id
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "devicemanagement certificates get"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/json"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y devicemanagement certificates get $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y devicemanagement certificates get $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-DeviceCertificateCollection {
List device certificates

List the trusted device certificates


PS> Get-DeviceCertificateCollection

Get list of trusted device certificates


        # Tenant id
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get", "Collection"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "devicemanagement certificates list"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = "application/json"
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            c8y devicemanagement certificates list $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            c8y devicemanagement certificates list $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-DeviceChild {
Get child

Get a child of a device


PS> Get-DeviceChild -Id $ -Child $ -ChildType addition

Get an existing child managed object


        # Managed object id (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,

        # Child relationship type (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        # Child managed object id (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "devices children get"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y devices children get $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y devices children get $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-DeviceChildCollection {
Get child collection

Get a collection of child managedObjects


PS> Get-DeviceChildCollection -Id 12345 -ChildType addition

Get a list of the child additions of an existing managed object

PS> Get-ManagedObject -Id 12345 | Get-DeviceChildCollection -ChildType addition

Get a list of the child additions of an existing managed object (using pipeline)


        # Managed object id. (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,

        # Child relationship type (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        # Additional query filter

        # String template to be used when applying the given query. Use %s to reference the query/pipeline input

        # Order by. e.g. _id asc or name asc or desc

        # Determines if children with ID and name should be returned when fetching the managed object. Set it to false to improve query performance.

        # When set to true, the returned result will contain the total number of children in the respective objects (childAdditions, childAssets and childDevices)
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get", "Collection"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "devices children list"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = "application/"
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y devices children list $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y devices children list $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-DeviceCollection {
Get device collection

Get a collection of devices based on filter parameters


PS> Get-DeviceCollection -Name "sensor*" -Type myType

c8y devices list --name "sensor*" --type myType


        # Additional query filter

        # String template to be used when applying the given query. Use %s to reference the query/pipeline input

        # Order by. e.g. _id asc or name asc or desc

        # Filter by name

        # Filter by type

        # Only include agents

        # Filter by fragment type

        # Filter by owner

        # Filter by c8y_Availability.status

        # Filter c8y_Availability.lastMessage to a specific date

        # Filter c8y_Availability.lastMessage from a specific date

        # Filter to a specific date

        # Filter from a specific date

        # Filter by group inclusion

        # Don't include the child devices names in the response. This can improve the API response because the names don't need to be retrieved

        # Determines if children with ID and name should be returned when fetching the managed object. Set it to false to improve query performance.

        # When set to true, the returned result will contain the total number of children in the respective objects (childAdditions, childAssets and childDevices)

        # When set to true it returns additional information about the groups to which the searched managed object belongs. This results in setting the assetParents property with additional information about the groups.

        # Include a flat list of all parents and grandparents of the given object
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get", "Collection"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "devices list"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = "application/"
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Query `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y devices list $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Query `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y devices list $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-DeviceGroup {
Get device group

Get a device group


PS> Get-DeviceGroup -Id $

Get device group by id

PS> Get-DeviceGroup -Id $

Get device group by name


        # Device group ID (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,

        # Don't include the child devices names in the response. This can improve the API response because the names don't need to be retrieved

        # Determines if children with ID and name should be returned when fetching the managed object. Set it to false to improve query performance.

        # When set to true, the returned result will contain the total number of children in the respective objects (childAdditions, childAssets and childDevices)

        # When set to true it returns additional information about the groups to which the searched managed object belongs. This results in setting the assetParents property with additional information about the groups.

        # Include a flat list of all parents and grandparents of the given object
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "devicegroups get"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y devicegroups get $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y devicegroups get $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-DeviceGroupChild {
Get child

Get managed object child


PS> Get-DeviceGroupChild -Id $ -Child $ -ChildType addition

Get an existing child managed object


        # Managed object id (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,

        # Child relationship type (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        # Child managed object id (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "devicegroups children get"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = ""
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y devicegroups children get $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y devicegroups children get $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-DeviceGroupChildCollection {
Get child collection

Get a collection of child managedObjects


PS> Get-DeviceGroupChildCollection -Id 12345 -ChildType addition

Get a list of the child additions of an existing managed object

PS> Get-ManagedObject -Id 12345 | Get-DeviceGroupChildCollection -ChildType addition

Get a list of the child additions of an existing managed object (using pipeline)


        # Managed object id. (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,

        # Child relationship type (required)
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        # Additional query filter

        # String template to be used when applying the given query. Use %s to reference the query/pipeline input

        # Order by. e.g. _id asc or name asc or desc

        # Determines if children with ID and name should be returned when fetching the managed object. Set it to false to improve query performance.

        # When set to true, the returned result will contain the total number of children in the respective objects (childAdditions, childAssets and childDevices)
    DynamicParam {
        Get-ClientCommonParameters -Type "Get", "Collection"

    Begin {

        if ($env:C8Y_DISABLE_INHERITANCE -ne $true) {
            # Inherit preference variables
            Use-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState

        $c8yargs = New-ClientArgument -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -Command "devicegroups children list"
        $ClientOptions = Get-ClientOutputOption $PSBoundParameters
        $TypeOptions = @{
            Type = "application/"
            ItemType = "application/"
            BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters

    Process {

        if ($ClientOptions.ConvertToPS) {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y devicegroups children list $c8yargs `
            | ConvertFrom-ClientOutput @TypeOptions
        else {
            $Id `
            | Group-ClientRequests `
            | c8y devicegroups children list $c8yargs

    End {}

# Code generated from specification version 1.0.0: DO NOT EDIT
Function Get-DeviceGroupCollection {
Get device group collection

Get a collection of device groups based on filter parameters


PS> Get-DeviceGroupCollection -Name "parent*"

Get a collection of device groups with names that start with 'parent'


        # String template to be used when applying the given query. Use %s to reference the query/pipeline input

        # Order by. e.g. _id asc or name asc or desc

        # Additional query filter

        # Filter by name

        # Filter by type

        # Filter by fragment type

        # Filter by owner

        # Filter by group inclusion

        # Filter by group inclusion

        # Don't include the child devices names in the response. This can improve the API response because the names don't need to be retrieved

        # Include names of child assets (only use where necessary as it is slow for large groups)