
Import-Module PScribo -Force;

$example5 = Document -Name 'PScribo Example 5' {
        Rather than specifying styling options on individual paragraphs, PScribo supports defining (or
        overriding the default styles) with your own. Creating your own style is easy - just use the
        'Style' cmdlet.
        The following command creates a new style called 'Funky':

    Style -Name 'Funky' -Font Arial -Size 16 -Color Pink -Align Right

        The style can then easily be applied to a paragraph by specifying the -Style parameter.

    Paragraph 'This paragraph is styled with the "Funky" style!' -Style Funky

        If no style is specified, the default is used. You can override the default style (called "Normal")
        by defining your own style with the same name:

    Style -Name 'Normal' -Font Tahoma -Size 12 -Color 000;
    Paragraph 'This paragraph will be styled with the custom "Normal" style defined earlier.'
$example5 | Export-Document -Format Html -Path ~\Desktop