
    PScribo uses styles to apply specific formatting to document objects, e.g. sections, paragraphs and tables.
    Styles need to be defined before any formatting can be applied within a document (with exception of Paragraphs).
    Each style permits the setting of the font to use, the font size and color etc. Paragraphs permit styling without
    defining an explicit style. For example, you can specify specify the -Bold switch on a paragraph without having to
    define a separate style.
    PScribo uses a standard set of styles for a document and creates these styles automatically for you. The following
    styles are automatically defined:
        Normal - 11pt text style (DEFAULT).
        Title - Large 28pt title text style.
        TOC - Style used for the Table of Contents heading.
        Heading1 - 16pt heading level 1 text style.
        Heading2 - 14pt heading level 2 text style.
        Heading3 - 12pt heading level 3 text style.
        TableDefaultHeading - Table heading row style.
        TableDefaultRow - Table row style.
        TableDefaultAltRow - Table alternating row style.
    You are able to alter these styles to suit your requirements with the 'Style' cmdlet. You can override the default
    "Normal" style with a 12pt Arial font like so:
        Import-Module -Name PScribo
        Document 'Example Report' {
            <# Override the default "Normal" style #>
            Style -Name 'Normal' -Size 12 -Font 'Arial'
            Paragraph 'PScribo demonstration document'
    You are also able to define your own custom styles. Here is an example of defining a new "Custom1" style and
    applying the styling to a paragraph:
        Import-Module -Name PScribo
        Document 'Example Report' {
            <# Create the new "Custom1" style #>
            Style -Name 'Custom1' -Size 14 -Font 'Segoe UI' -Color Black -Bold
            <# Apply the "Custom1" style to a paragraph #>
            Paragraph 'PScribo demonstration document' -Style 'Custom1'
    When defining a custom style, the -Default switch can be used to set the style as the default paragraph/section
    style. The default style is applied unless the style is explicitly indicated on an object.
        Import-Module -Name PScribo
        Document 'Example Report' {
            <# Set the "Custom1" style as the default style #>
            Style -Name 'Custom1' -Size 14 -Font 'Segoe UI' -Color Black -Bold -Default
            Paragraph 'PScribo demonstration document'
    There can only be a single default style defined within a PScribo document.
    Table styles are a combination of individual styles with some additional formatting options specific to tables,
    i.e. borders and padding. A table style can specify a style for the heading row, a default row style and an optional
    alternating row style. The individual styles used by within a table style must first be defined with the 'Style'
    cmdlet before they can be used within 'TableStyle'.
    Just like individual document styles, you are able to create your own table styles, override the built-in style and
    set a different table style as the "default". PScribo creates a default table style that is applied to all tables
    by default:
        TableDefault - Default table style that uses the TableDefaultHeading, TableDefaultRow and TableDefaultAltRow
    If you define multiple styles with the same name, the last style definition is applied to references to that style.