
Import-Module PScribo -Force;

Document -Name 'PScribo Example 3' {
        By default, a PScribo document will default to an A4 page size. The default top and bottom
        pages margins are configured at 25.4mm (or 1 inch). The default left and right page margins
        are set at 19.05mm (or 3/4 inch).
        You can override the defaults with the 'GlobalOption' cmdlet/keyword. The following sets the
        page size to US Letter.

    GlobalOption -PageSize Letter

        The page margins are specified in points (pt). The follow cmdlet sets all page margins to
        12.7mm (or 0.5 inch).

    GlobalOption -Margin 36

        The top and bottom page margins can be set independently from the left and right margin. The
        following configures the top/bottom page margin to 19.05mm (3/4 inch) and the left/right page
        margin to 12.7mm (0.5 inch).

    GlobalOption -MarginTopAndBottom 54 -MarginLeftAndRight 36

        Multiple options can be specified in a single call to 'GlobalOption', e.g. setting the
        page size and margins like so:

    GlobalOption -PageSize Letter -MarginTopAndBottom 54 -MarginLeftAndRight 36

} | Export-Document -Format Html -Path ~\Desktop