
function New-SlackTextObject {
        Returns a Slack Text Object.
        This function returns a Slack Text Object (markdown or plaint text) as a PSCustomObject ready to combine with other Slack Block Objects,
        ConvertTo-Json, and send to Slack.
    .PARAMETER type
        The formatting to use for this text object. Can be one of plain_textor mrkdwn.
    .PARAMETER text
        The text for the block. This field accepts any of the standard text formatting markup when type is mrkdwn.
    .PARAMETER emoji
        Indicates whether emojis in a text field should be escaped into the colon emoji format. This field is only usable when type is plain_text.
    .PARAMETER verbatim
        When set to false (as is default) URLs will be auto-converted into links, conversation names will be link-ified,
        and certain mentions will be automatically parsed. Using a value of true will skip any preprocessing of this nature,
        although you can still include manual parsing strings. This field is only usable when type is mrkdwn.
        New-SlackTextObject -type "plain_text" -text "Hello there."
        New-SlackTextObjext -type "mrkdwn" -text "*Hello* _there_." -emoji $false



        $emoji = $true,
        $verbatim = $false

    $SlackTextObject = [pscustomobject]@{
        type = $type
        text = $text

    if($type -eq "plain_text"){
        $SlackTextObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "emoji" -NotePropertyValue $emoji
    elseif($type -eq "mrkdwn"){
        $SlackTextObject | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "verbatim" -NotePropertyValue $verbatim
    return $SlackTextObject