
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <member name="T:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.Migration">
              A database schema migration.
        <member name="F:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.Migration.BeginPseudoMigrationName">
              The name of a pseudo-migration that runs before any others.
        <member name="F:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.Migration.EndPseudoMigrationName">
              The name of a pseudo-migration that runs after any others.
        <member name="M:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.Migration.#ctor(System.String)">
              Initializes a new <see cref="T:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.Migration" /> instance with the specified
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
              <paramref name="name" /> is <see langword="null" />.
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
              <paramref name="name" /> is the empty string.
        <member name="P:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.Migration.Name">
              Gets the name of the migration.
        <member name="P:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.Migration.IsPseudo">
              Gets whether the migration is a <c>_Begin</c> or <c>_End</c>
        <member name="P:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.Migration.Path">
              Gets or sets the full path <c>_Main.sql</c> file of the migration, or
              <see langword="null" /> if no path is known. The default value is
              <see langword="null" />.
        <member name="P:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.Migration.Hash">
              Gets or sets the hash computed from the SQL content of the migration.
              The default value is the empty string.
        <member name="P:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.Migration.State">
              Gets or sets the application state of the migration. The default
              value is <see cref="F:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationState.NotApplied" />.
        <member name="P:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.Migration.HasChanged">
              Gets or sets whether the migration has changed after it was deployed.
              The default value is <see langword="false" />.
        <member name="P:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.Migration.Pre">
              Gets the migration content for the <b>Pre</b> phase.
        <member name="P:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.Migration.Core">
              Gets the migration content for the <b>Core</b> phase.
        <member name="P:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.Migration.Post">
              Gets the migration content for the <b>Post</b> phase.
        <member name="P:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.Migration.DependsOn">
              Gets or sets references to migrations that must be applied completely
              before any phase of the current migration. The default value is an
              empty array.
        <member name="P:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.Migration.Item(PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationPhase)">
              Gets the content for the specified phase.
            <param name="phase">
              The phase for which to get the content.
              The content for <paramref name="phase" />.
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
              <paramref name="phase" /> is not a valid <see cref="T:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationPhase" />.
        <member name="P:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.Migration.LatestAppliedPhase">
              Gets the latest phase of the migration that has been applied to a
              target database, or <see langword="null" /> if the migration has not
              been applied in any phase.
        <member name="M:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.Migration.IsAppliedThrough(PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationPhase)">
              Checks whether the migration has been applied through the specified
            <param name="phase">
              The phase to check.
        <member name="M:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.Migration.ToString">
            <summary>Returns a string that represents the current object.</summary><returns>A string that represents the current object.</returns>
        <member name="T:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationComparer">
              A comparer that determines the deployment order of migrations.
              This comparer orders migrations by <see cref="P:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.Migration.Name" /> using
              case-insensitive ordinal comparison, with the special pseudo-migrations
              <c>_Begin</c> and <c>_End</c> at the beginning and end, respectively.
        <member name="F:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationComparer.Instance">
              Gets the singleton instance of <see cref="T:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationComparer" />.
        <member name="M:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationComparer.Compare(PSql.Deploy.Migrations.Migration,PSql.Deploy.Migrations.Migration)">
            <summary>Compares two objects and returns a value indicating whether one is less than, equal to, or greater than the other.</summary><param name="x">The first object to compare.</param><param name="y">The second object to compare.</param><returns>A signed integer that indicates the relative values of <paramref name="x" /> and <paramref name="y" />, as shown in the following table.
  Less than zero
 <paramref name="x" /> is less than <paramref name="y" />.
 <paramref name="x" /> equals <paramref name="y" />.
  Greater than zero
 <paramref name="x" /> is greater than <paramref name="y" />.</returns>
        <member name="T:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationContent">
              Migration content for a particular phase.
        <member name="P:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationContent.Sql">
              Gets the SQL script, or <see langword="null" /> if no script is known.
              The default value is <see langword="null" />.
        <member name="P:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationContent.IsRequired">
              Gets whether execution is required (i.e. cannot be skipped).
              The default value is <see langword="false" />.
              Execution is required if <see cref="P:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationContent.Sql" /> contains authored SQL.
              Execution is optional if <see cref="P:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationContent.Sql" /> is <see langword="null" />
              or contains only the generated SQL that marks the migration as applied.
        <member name="P:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationContent.PlannedPhase">
              Gets the actual phase in which <see cref="P:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationContent.Sql" /> is to be executed,
              or <see langword="null" /> if no phase has been planned.
              Migration content authored for the <c>Pre</c> or <c>Post</c> phases
              will be moved to the <c>Core</c> phase as required to satisfy any
              dependencies declared between migrations.
        <member name="T:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationException">
              Represents an error that occurred during database schema migration.
        <member name="M:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationException.#ctor">
            <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Exception" /> class.</summary>
        <member name="M:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationException.#ctor(System.String)">
            <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Exception" /> class with a specified error message.</summary><param name="message">The message that describes the error.</param>
        <member name="M:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
            <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Exception" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary><param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception.</param><param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (<see langword="Nothing" /> in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified.</param>
        <member name="M:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
            <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.Exception" /> class with serialized data.</summary><param name="info">The <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo" /> that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.</param><param name="context">The <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext" /> that contains contextual information about the source or destination.</param><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="info" /> is <see langword="null" />.</exception><exception cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException">The class name is <see langword="null" /> or <see cref="P:System.Exception.HResult" /> is zero (0).</exception>
        <member name="T:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationPhase">
              A database migration phase: a named moment during a deployment when
              migration scripts are prescribed to run.
        <member name="F:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationPhase.Pre">
              The <b>Pre</b>-deployment phase.
              This phase supports zero-downtime deployment scenarios. Migration
              scripts in the Pre phase run <b>before</b> application deployment,
              while the previous version of the application is running.
        <member name="F:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationPhase.Core">
              The <b>Core</b> deployment phase.
              ⚠ PSql.Deploy interprets a migration script in the Core phase as
              requiring application downtime, explicitly breaking a zero-downtime
              deployment scenario.
        <member name="F:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationPhase.Post">
              The <b>Post</b>-deployment phase.
              This phase supports zero-downtime deployment scenarios. Migration
              scripts in the Post phase run <b>after</b> application deployment,
              while the new version of the application is running.
        <member name="T:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationReference">
              A resolvable reference to a database schema migration.
        <member name="M:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationReference.#ctor(System.String)">
              Initializes a new <see cref="T:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationReference" /> instance
              referencing the specified name.
            <param name="name">
              The migration name to reference.
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
              <paramref name="name" /> is <see langword="null" />.
        <member name="P:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationReference.Name">
              Gets the referenced migration name.
        <member name="P:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationReference.Migration">
              Gets the referenced migration, or <see langword="null" /> if the
              reference has not been resolved.
        <member name="T:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationState">
              Application state of a migration.
        <member name="F:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationState.NotApplied">
              Not applied.
        <member name="F:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationState.AppliedPre">
              Applied partially, through the <c>Pre</c> phase.
        <member name="F:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationState.AppliedCore">
              Applied partially, through the <c>Core</c> phase.
        <member name="F:PSql.Deploy.Migrations.MigrationState.AppliedPost">
              Applied completely, through the <c>Post</c> phase.
        <member name="T:PSql.SqlContextParallelSet">
              A set of <see cref="T:PSql.SqlContext" /> objects to be processed in parallel.
        <member name="M:PSql.SqlContextParallelSet.#ctor">
              Initializes a new <see cref="T:PSql.SqlContextParallelSet" /> instance with
              an empty, mutable list of contexts and maximum parallelism equal to
              the number of logical processors on the current machine.
        <member name="P:PSql.SqlContextParallelSet.Name">
              Gets or sets a descriptive name for the set. The default value is
              <see langword="null" />.
        <member name="P:PSql.SqlContextParallelSet.Contexts">
              Gets or sets the list of contexts in the set. The default value is
              an empty list.
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
              Attempted to set the property to <see langword="null" />.
        <member name="P:PSql.SqlContextParallelSet.Parallelism">
              Gets or sets the maximum degree of parallelism. Must be a positive
              integer. The default value is the count of logical processors on the
              current machine.
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
              Attempted to set the property to zero or to a negative integer.