
        The New-Runspace function creates a Runspace that executes the specified ScriptBlock in the background
        and posts results to a Global Variable called $global:RSSyncHash.
        See .SYNOPSIS
    .PARAMETER RunspaceName
        This parameter is MANDATORY.
        This parameter takes a string that represents the name of the new Runspace that you are creating. The name
        is represented as a key in the $global:RSSyncHash variable called: <RunspaceName>Result
    .PARAMETER ScriptBlock
        This parameter is MANDATORY.
        This parameter takes a scriptblock that will be executed in the new Runspace.
    .PARAMETER MirrorCurrentEnv
        This parameter is OPTIONAL, however, it is set to $True by default.
        This parameter is a switch. If used, all variables, functions, and Modules that are loaded in your
        current scope will be forwarded to the new Runspace.
        You can prevent the New-Runspace function from automatically mirroring your current environment by using
        this switch like: -MirrorCurrentEnv:$False
        This parameter is OPTIONAL.
        This parameter is a switch. If used, the main PowerShell thread will wait for the Runsapce to return
        output before proceeeding.
        # Open a PowerShell Session, source the function, and -
        PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> $GetProcessResults = Get-Process
        # In the below, Runspace1 refers to your current interactive PowerShell Session...
        PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> Get-Runspace
        Id Name ComputerName Type State Availability
        -- ---- ------------ ---- ----- ------------
        1 Runspace1 localhost Local Opened Busy
        # The below will create a 'Runspace Manager Runspace' (if it doesn't already exist)
        # to manage all other new Runspaces created by the New-Runspace function.
        # Additionally, it will create the Runspace that actually runs the -ScriptBlock.
        # The 'Runspace Manager Runspace' disposes of new Runspaces when they're
        # finished running.
        PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> New-RunSpace -RunSpaceName PSIds -ScriptBlock {$($GetProcessResults | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "powershell"}).Id}
        # The 'Runspace Manager Runspace' persists just in case you create any additional
        # Runspaces, but the Runspace that actually ran the above -ScriptBlock does not.
        # In the below, 'Runspace2' is the 'Runspace Manager Runspace.
        PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> Get-Runspace
        Id Name ComputerName Type State Availability
        -- ---- ------------ ---- ----- ------------
        1 Runspace1 localhost Local Opened Busy
        2 Runspace2 localhost Local Opened Busy
        # You can actively identify (as opposed to infer) the 'Runspace Manager Runspace'
        # by using one of three Global variables created by the New-Runspace function:
        PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> $global:RSJobCleanup.PowerShell.Runspace
        Id Name ComputerName Type State Availability
        -- ---- ------------ ---- ----- ------------
        2 Runspace2 localhost Local Opened Busy
        # As mentioned above, the New-RunspaceName function creates three Global
        # Variables. They are $global:RSJobs, $global:RSJobCleanup, and
        # $global:RSSyncHash. Your output can be found in $global:RSSyncHash.
        PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> $global:RSSyncHash
        Name Value
        ---- -----
        PSIdsResult @{Done=True; Errors=; Output=System.Object[]}
        ProcessedJobRecords {@{Name=PSIdsHelper; PSInstance=System.Management.Automation.PowerShell; Runspace=System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.Loca...
        PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> $global:RSSyncHash.PSIdsResult
        Done Errors Output
        ---- ------ ------
        True {1300, 2728, 2960, 3712...}
        PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> $global:RSSyncHash.PSIdsResult.Output
        # Important Note: You don't need to worry about passing variables / functions /
        # Modules to the Runspace. Everything in your current session/scope is
        # automatically forwarded by the New-Runspace function:
        PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> function Test-Func {'This is Test-Func output'}
        PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> New-RunSpace -RunSpaceName FuncTest -ScriptBlock {Test-Func}
        PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> $global:RSSyncHash
        Name Value
        ---- -----
        FuncTestResult @{Done=True; Errors=; Output=This is Test-Func output}
        PSIdsResult @{Done=True; Errors=; Output=System.Object[]}
        ProcessedJobRecords {@{Name=PSIdsHelper; PSInstance=System.Management.Automation.PowerShell; Runspace=System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.Loca...
        PS C:\Users\zeroadmin> $global:RSSyncHash.FuncTestResult.Output
        This is Test-Func output

function New-RunSpace {
    Param (


        [switch]$MirrorCurrentEnv = $True,


    #region >> Helper Functions

    function NewUniqueString {
        if (!$ArrayOfStrings -or $ArrayOfStrings.Count -eq 0 -or ![bool]$($ArrayOfStrings -match "[\w]")) {
        else {
            $OriginalString = $PossibleNewUniqueString
            $Iteration = 1
            while ($ArrayOfStrings -contains $PossibleNewUniqueString) {
                $AppendedValue = "_$Iteration"
                $PossibleNewUniqueString = $OriginalString + $AppendedValue

    #endregion >> Helper Functions

    #region >> Runspace Prep

    # Create Global Variable Names that don't conflict with other exisiting Global Variables
    $ExistingGlobalVariables = Get-Variable -Scope Global
    $DesiredGlobalVariables = @("RSSyncHash","RSJobCleanup","RSJobs")
    if ($ExistingGlobalVariables.Name -notcontains 'RSSyncHash') {
        $GlobalRSSyncHashName = NewUniqueString -PossibleNewUniqueString "RSSyncHash" -ArrayOfStrings $ExistingGlobalVariables.Name
        Invoke-Expression "`$global:$GlobalRSSyncHashName = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})"
        $globalRSSyncHash = Get-Variable -Name $GlobalRSSyncHashName -Scope Global -ValueOnly
    else {
        $GlobalRSSyncHashName = 'RSSyncHash'

        # Also make sure that $RunSpaceName is a unique key in $global:RSSyncHash
        if ($RSSyncHash.Keys -contains $RunSpaceName) {
            $RSNameOriginal = $RunSpaceName
            $RunSpaceName = NewUniqueString -PossibleNewUniqueString $RunSpaceName -ArrayOfStrings $RSSyncHash.Keys
            if ($RSNameOriginal -ne $RunSpaceName) {
                Write-Warning "The RunspaceName '$RSNameOriginal' already exists. Your new RunspaceName will be '$RunSpaceName'"

        $globalRSSyncHash = $global:RSSyncHash
    if ($ExistingGlobalVariables.Name -notcontains 'RSJobCleanup') {
        $GlobalRSJobCleanupName = NewUniqueString -PossibleNewUniqueString "RSJobCleanup" -ArrayOfStrings $ExistingGlobalVariables.Name
        Invoke-Expression "`$global:$GlobalRSJobCleanupName = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})"
        $globalRSJobCleanup = Get-Variable -Name $GlobalRSJobCleanupName -Scope Global -ValueOnly
    else {
        $GlobalRSJobCleanupName = 'RSJobCleanup'
        $globalRSJobCleanup = $global:RSJobCleanup
    if ($ExistingGlobalVariables.Name -notcontains 'RSJobs') {
        $GlobalRSJobsName = NewUniqueString -PossibleNewUniqueString "RSJobs" -ArrayOfStrings $ExistingGlobalVariables.Name
        Invoke-Expression "`$global:$GlobalRSJobsName = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::Synchronized([System.Collections.ArrayList]::new())"
        $globalRSJobs = Get-Variable -Name $GlobalRSJobsName -Scope Global -ValueOnly
    else {
        $GlobalRSJobsName = 'RSJobs'
        $globalRSJobs = $global:RSJobs
    $GlobalVariables = @($GlobalSyncHashName,$GlobalRSJobCleanupName,$GlobalRSJobsName)
    #Write-Host "Global Variable names are: $($GlobalVariables -join ", ")"

    # Prep an empty pscustomobject for the RunspaceNameResult Key in $globalRSSyncHash
    $globalRSSyncHash."$RunspaceName`Result" = [pscustomobject]@{}

    #endregion >> Runspace Prep

    ##### BEGIN Runspace Manager Runspace (A Runspace to Manage All Runspaces) #####

    $globalRSJobCleanup.Flag = $True

    if ($ExistingGlobalVariables.Name -notcontains 'RSJobCleanup') {
        #Write-Host '$global:RSJobCleanup does NOT already exists. Creating New Runspace Manager Runspace...'
        $RunspaceMgrRunspace = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace()
        if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -ne "Core") {
            $RunspaceMgrRunspace.ApartmentState = "STA"
        $RunspaceMgrRunspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"

        # Prepare to Receive the Child Runspace Info to the RunspaceManagerRunspace

        $globalRSJobCleanup.PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript({

            ##### BEGIN Runspace Manager Runspace Helper Functions #####

            # Load the functions we packed up
            $FunctionsForSBUse | foreach { Invoke-Expression $_ }

            ##### END Runspace Manager Runspace Helper Functions #####

            # Routine to handle completed Runspaces
            $ProcessedJobRecords = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
            $SyncHash.ProcessedJobRecords = $ProcessedJobRecords
            while ($JobCleanup.Flag) {
                if ($jobs.Count -gt 0) {
                    $Counter = 0
                    foreach($job in $jobs) { 
                        if ($ProcessedJobRecords.Runspace.InstanceId.Guid -notcontains $job.Runspace.InstanceId.Guid) {
                            $job | Export-CliXml "$HOME\job$Counter.xml" -Force
                            $CollectJobRecordPrep = Import-CliXML -Path "$HOME\job$Counter.xml"
                            Remove-Item -Path "$HOME\job$Counter.xml" -Force
                            $null = $ProcessedJobRecords.Add($CollectJobRecordPrep)

                        if ($job.AsyncHandle.IsCompleted -or $job.AsyncHandle -eq $null) {
                            $job.AsyncHandle = $null
                            $job.PSInstance = $null

                    # Determine if we can have the Runspace Manager Runspace rest
                    $temparray = $jobs.clone()
                    $temparray | Where-Object {
                        $_.AsyncHandle.IsCompleted -or $_.AsyncHandle -eq $null
                    } | foreach {

                    if ($temparray.Count -eq 0 -or $temparray.AsyncHandle.IsCompleted -notcontains $False) {
                        $JobCleanup.Flag = $False

                    Start-Sleep -Seconds 5

                    # Optional -
                    # For realtime updates to a GUI depending on changes in data within the $globalRSSyncHash, use
                    # a something like the following (replace with $RSSyncHash properties germane to your project)
                    if ($RSSyncHash.WPFInfoDatagrid.Items.Count -ne 0 -and $($RSSynchash.IPArray.Count -ne 0 -or $RSSynchash.IPArray -ne $null)) {
                        if ($RSSyncHash.WPFInfoDatagrid.Items.Count -ge $RSSynchash.IPArray.Count) {
                            Update-Window -Control $RSSyncHash.WPFInfoPleaseWaitLabel -Property Visibility -Value "Hidden"


        # Start the RunspaceManagerRunspace
        $globalRSJobCleanup.PowerShell.Runspace = $RunspaceMgrRunspace
        $globalRSJobCleanup.Thread = $globalRSJobCleanup.PowerShell.BeginInvoke()

    ##### END Runspace Manager Runspace #####

    ##### BEGIN New Generic Runspace #####

    $GenericRunspace = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace()
    if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -ne "Core") {
        $GenericRunspace.ApartmentState = "STA"
    $GenericRunspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"

    # Pass the $globalRSSyncHash to the Generic Runspace so it can read/write properties to it and potentially
    # coordinate with other runspaces

    # Pass $globalRSJobCleanup and $globalRSJobs to the Generic Runspace so that the Runspace Manager Runspace can manage it

    # Pass all other notable environment characteristics
    if ($MirrorCurrentEnv) {
        [System.Collections.ArrayList]$SetEnvStringArray = @()

        $VariablesNotToForward = @('globalRSSyncHash','RSSyncHash','globalRSJobCleanUp','RSJobCleanup',

        $Variables = Get-Variable
        foreach ($VarObj in $Variables) {
            if ($VariablesNotToForward -notcontains $VarObj.Name) {
                try {
                catch {
                    Write-Verbose "Skipping `$$($VarObj.Name)..."

        # Set Environment Variables
        $EnvVariables = Get-ChildItem Env:\
        if ($PSBoundParameters['EnvironmentVariablesToForward'] -and $EnvironmentVariablesToForward -notcontains '*') {
            $EnvVariables = foreach ($VarObj in $EnvVariables) {
                if ($EnvironmentVariablesToForward -contains $VarObj.Name) {
        $SetEnvVarsPrep = foreach ($VarObj in $EnvVariables) {
            if ([char[]]$VarObj.Name -contains '(' -or [char[]]$VarObj.Name -contains ' ') {
                $EnvStringArr = @(
                    'try {'
                    $(' ${env:' + $VarObj.Name + '} = ' + "@'`n$($VarObj.Value)`n'@")
                    'catch {'
                    " Write-Verbose 'Unable to forward environment variable $($VarObj.Name)'"
            else {
                $EnvStringArr = @(
                    'try {'
                    $(' $env:' + $VarObj.Name + ' = ' + "@'`n$($VarObj.Value)`n'@")
                    'catch {'
                    " Write-Verbose 'Unable to forward environment variable $($VarObj.Name)'"
            $EnvStringArr -join "`n"
        $SetEnvVarsString = $SetEnvVarsPrep -join "`n"

        $null = $SetEnvStringArray.Add($SetEnvVarsString)

        # Set Modules
        $Modules = Get-Module
        if ($PSBoundParameters['ModulesToForward'] -and $ModulesToForward -notcontains '*') {
            $Modules = foreach ($ModObj in $Modules) {
                if ($ModulesToForward -contains $ModObj.Name) {

        $ModulesNotToForward = @('MiniLab')

        $SetModulesPrep = foreach ($ModObj in $Modules) {
            if ($ModulesNotToForward -notcontains $ModObj.Name) {
                $ModuleManifestFullPath = $(Get-ChildItem -Path $ModObj.ModuleBase -Recurse -File | Where-Object {
                    $_.Name -eq "$($ModObj.Name).psd1"

                $ModStringArray = @(
                    '$tempfile = [IO.Path]::Combine([IO.Path]::GetTempPath(), [IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName())'
                    "if (![bool]('$($ModObj.Name)' -match '\.WinModule')) {"
                    ' try {'
                    " Import-Module '$($ModObj.Name)' -NoClobber -ErrorAction Stop 2>`$tempfile"
                    ' }'
                    ' catch {'
                    ' try {'
                    " Import-Module '$ModuleManifestFullPath' -NoClobber -ErrorAction Stop 2>`$tempfile"
                    ' }'
                    ' catch {'
                    " Write-Warning 'Unable to Import-Module $($ModObj.Name)'"
                    ' }'
                    ' }'
                    'if (Test-Path $tempfile) {'
                    ' Remove-Item $tempfile -Force'
                $ModStringArray -join "`n"
        $SetModulesString = $SetModulesPrep -join "`n"

        $null = $SetEnvStringArray.Add($SetModulesString)
        # Set Functions
        $Functions = Get-ChildItem Function:\ | Where-Object {![System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.Name)}
        if ($PSBoundParameters['FunctionsToForward'] -and $FunctionsToForward -notcontains '*') {
            $Functions = foreach ($FuncObj in $Functions) {
                if ($FunctionsToForward -contains $FuncObj.Name) {
        $SetFunctionsPrep = foreach ($FuncObj in $Functions) {
            $FunctionText = Invoke-Expression $('@(${Function:' + $FuncObj.Name + '}.Ast.Extent.Text)')
            if ($($FunctionText -split "`n").Count -gt 1) {
                if ($($FunctionText -split "`n")[0] -match "^function ") {
                    if ($($FunctionText -split "`n") -match "^'@") {
                        Write-Warning "Unable to forward function $($FuncObj.Name) due to heredoc string: '@"
                    else {
                        'Invoke-Expression ' + "@'`n$FunctionText`n'@"
            elseif ($($FunctionText -split "`n").Count -eq 1) {
                if ($FunctionText -match "^function ") {
                    'Invoke-Expression ' + "@'`n$FunctionText`n'@"
        $SetFunctionsString = $SetFunctionsPrep -join "`n"

        $null = $SetEnvStringArray.Add($SetFunctionsString)


    $GenericPSInstance = [powershell]::Create()

    # Define the main PowerShell Script that will run the $ScriptBlock
    $null = $GenericPSInstance.AddScript({
        $SyncHash."$RunSpaceName`Result" | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Done -Value $False
        $SyncHash."$RunSpaceName`Result" | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Errors -Value $null
        $SyncHash."$RunSpaceName`Result" | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ErrorsDetailed -Value $null
        $SyncHash."$RunspaceName`Result".Errors = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
        $SyncHash."$RunspaceName`Result".ErrorsDetailed = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
        $SyncHash."$RunspaceName`Result" | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ThisRunspace -Value $($(Get-Runspace)[-1])
        [System.Collections.ArrayList]$LiveOutput = @()
        $SyncHash."$RunspaceName`Result" | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name LiveOutput -Value $LiveOutput
        $SyncHash."$RunspaceName`Result" | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name ScriptBeingRun -Value $ScriptBlock

        ##### BEGIN Generic Runspace Helper Functions #####

        # Load the environment we packed up
        if ($SetEnvStringArray) {
            foreach ($obj in $SetEnvStringArray) {
                if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($obj)) {
                    try {
                        Invoke-Expression $obj
                    catch {
                        $null = $SyncHash."$RunSpaceName`Result".Errors.Add($_)

                        $ErrMsg = "Problem with:`n$obj`nError Message:`n" + $($_ | Out-String)
                        $null = $SyncHash."$RunSpaceName`Result".ErrorsDetailed.Add($ErrMsg)

        ##### END Generic Runspace Helper Functions #####

        ##### BEGIN Script To Run #####

        try {
            # NOTE: Depending on the content of the scriptblock, InvokeReturnAsIs() and Invoke-Command can cause
            # the Runspace to hang. Invoke-Expression works all the time.
            #$Result = $ScriptBlock.InvokeReturnAsIs()
            #$Result = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock
            #$SyncHash."$RunSpaceName`Result" | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name SBString -Value $ScriptBlock.ToString()
            Invoke-Expression -Command $ScriptBlock.ToString() -OutVariable Result
            $SyncHash."$RunSpaceName`Result" | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Output -Value $Result
        catch {
            $SyncHash."$RunSpaceName`Result" | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Output -Value $Result

            $null = $SyncHash."$RunSpaceName`Result".Errors.Add($_)

            $ErrMsg = "Problem with:`n$($ScriptBlock.ToString())`nError Message:`n" + $($_ | Out-String)
            $null = $SyncHash."$RunSpaceName`Result".ErrorsDetailed.Add($ErrMsg)

        ##### END Script To Run #####

        $SyncHash."$RunSpaceName`Result".Done = $True

    # Start the Generic Runspace
    $GenericPSInstance.Runspace = $GenericRunspace

    if ($Wait) {
        # The below will make any output of $GenericRunspace available in $Object in current scope
        $Object = New-Object 'System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection[psobject]'
        $GenericAsyncHandle = $GenericPSInstance.BeginInvoke($Object,$Object)

        $GenericRunspaceInfo = [pscustomobject]@{
            Name            = $RunSpaceName + "Generic"
            PSInstance      = $GenericPSInstance
            Runspace        = $GenericRunspace
            AsyncHandle     = $GenericAsyncHandle
        $null = $globalRSJobs.Add($GenericRunspaceInfo)

        #while ($globalRSSyncHash."$RunSpaceName`Done" -ne $True) {
        while ($GenericAsyncHandle.IsCompleted -ne $True) {
            #Write-Host "Waiting for -ScriptBlock to finish..."
            Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 10

    else {
        $HelperRunspace = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace()
        if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -ne "Core") {
            $HelperRunspace.ApartmentState = "STA"
        $HelperRunspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"

        # Pass the $globalRSSyncHash to the Helper Runspace so it can read/write properties to it and potentially
        # coordinate with other runspaces

        # Pass $globalRSJobCleanup and $globalRSJobs to the Helper Runspace so that the Runspace Manager Runspace can manage it

        # Set any other needed variables in the $HelperRunspace

        $HelperPSInstance = [powershell]::Create()

        # Define the main PowerShell Script that will run the $ScriptBlock
        $null = $HelperPSInstance.AddScript({
            ##### BEGIN Script To Run #####

            # The below will make any output of $GenericRunspace available in $Object in current scope
            $Object = New-Object 'System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection[psobject]'
            $GenericAsyncHandle = $GenericPSInstance.BeginInvoke($Object,$Object)

            $GenericRunspaceInfo = [pscustomobject]@{
                Name            = $RunSpaceName + "Generic"
                PSInstance      = $GenericPSInstance
                Runspace        = $GenericRunspace
                AsyncHandle     = $GenericAsyncHandle
            $null = $Jobs.Add($GenericRunspaceInfo)

            #while ($SyncHash."$RunSpaceName`Done" -ne $True) {
            while ($GenericAsyncHandle.IsCompleted -ne $True) {
                #Write-Host "Waiting for -ScriptBlock to finish..."
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 10

            ##### END Script To Run #####

        # Start the Helper Runspace
        $HelperPSInstance.Runspace = $HelperRunspace
        $HelperAsyncHandle = $HelperPSInstance.BeginInvoke()

        $HelperRunspaceInfo = [pscustomobject]@{
            Name            = $RunSpaceName + "Helper"
            PSInstance      = $HelperPSInstance
            Runspace        = $HelperRunspace
            AsyncHandle     = $HelperAsyncHandle
        $null = $globalRSJobs.Add($HelperRunspaceInfo)

    ##### END Generic Runspace