
function TestSSH {
    Param (
        [string]$OSGuess = "Windows",

        [pscustomobject]$RemoteHostNetworkInfo, # This must be a pscustomobject with properties HostName, FQDN, Domain, IPAddressList, and PingSuccess

        [ValidatePattern("\\")] # Must be in format <RemoteHostName>\<User>

        [ValidatePattern("\\")] # Must be in format <DomainShortName>\<User>





    if ($OSGuess -eq "Windows") {
        if ($LocalUserName) {
            $FullUserName = $LocalUserName
        if ($DomainUserName) {
            $FullUserName = $DomainUserName

        if ($RemoteHostNetworkInfo.FQDN -match "unknown") {
            $HostNameValue = @(
                $RemoteHostNetworkInfo.IPAddressList | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "^169"}
        else {
            $HostNameValue = $RemoteHostNetworkInfo.FQDN

        # This is basically what we're going for with the below string manipulation:
        # & pwsh -c {Invoke-Command -HostName zerowin16sshb -KeyFilePath "$HOME\.ssh\" -ScriptBlock {[pscustomobject]@{Output = "ConnectionSuccessful"}} | ConvertTo-Json}
        $PwshRemoteScriptBlockStringArray = @(
            ' Output = "ConnectionSuccessful"'
        ) | foreach {" $_"}
        $PwshRemoteScriptBlockString = $PwshRemoteScriptBlockStringArray -join "`n"
        [System.Collections.ArrayList]$PwshInvCmdStringArray = @(
        if ($PublicCertPath) {
            $null = $PwshInvCmdStringArray.Add('-KeyFilePath')
            $null = $PwshInvCmdStringArray.Add("'$PublicCertPath'")
        $null = $PwshInvCmdStringArray.Add('-HideComputerName')
        $null = $PwshInvCmdStringArray.Add("-ScriptBlock {`n$PwshRemoteScriptBlockString`n}")
        $null = $PwshInvCmdStringArray.Add('|')
        $null = $PwshInvCmdStringArray.Add('ConvertTo-Json')
        $PwshInvCmdString = $PwshInvCmdStringArray -join " "
        $PwshCmdStringArray = @(
            '"' + $(Get-Command pwsh).Source + '"'
            "-c {$PwshInvCmdString}"
        $PwshCmdString = $PwshCmdStringArray -join " "

        if ($OutputTracker) {
            if ($OutputTracker.Keys -contains "PwshCmdString") {
                $OutputTracker.PwshCmdString = $PwshCmdString
            else {

        $null = Start-AwaitSession
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
        $null = Send-AwaitCommand '$host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "PSAwaitSession"'
        $PSAwaitProcess = $($(Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "powershell"}) | Sort-Object -Property StartTime -Descending)[0]
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
        $null = Send-AwaitCommand "`$env:Path = '$env:Path'"
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
        $null = Send-AwaitCommand -Command $([scriptblock]::Create($PwshCmdString))
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 5

        # This will either not prompt at all, prompt to accept the RemoteHost's RSA Host Key, or prompt for a password
        $SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt = Receive-AwaitResponse

        [System.Collections.ArrayList]$CheckForExpectedResponses = @()
        $null = $CheckForExpectedResponses.Add($SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt)
        $Counter = 0
        while (![bool]$($($CheckForExpectedResponses -split "`n") -match [regex]::Escape("Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?")) -and
        ![bool]$($($CheckForExpectedResponses -split "`n") -match [regex]::Escape("'s password:")) -and 
        ![bool]$($($CheckForExpectedResponses -split "`n") -match "^}") -and $Counter -le 10
        ) {
            $SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt = Receive-AwaitResponse
            $null = $CheckForExpectedResponses.Add($SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt)
            if ($CheckResponsesOutput -match "must be greater than zero" -or $CheckResponsesOutput[-1] -notmatch "[a-zA-Z]") {
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
        if ($Counter -eq 11) {
            New-UDInputAction -Toast "SSH failed! Please check your credentials." -Duration 10000
            Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm"
            $CheckResponsesOutput = $CheckForExpectedResponses

            if ($OutputTracker) {
                if ($PUDRSSyncHT.Keys -contains "CheckResponsesOutput") {
                    $PUDRSSyncHT.CheckResponsesOutput = $CheckResponsesOutput
                else {

        $CheckResponsesOutput = $CheckForExpectedResponses | foreach {$_ -split "`n"}
        if ($OutputTracker) {
            if ($PUDRSSyncHT.Keys -contains "CheckResponsesOutput") {
                $PUDRSSyncHT.CheckResponsesOutput = $CheckResponsesOutput
            else {

        # Make sure we didn't already throw an error
        if ($CheckResponsesOutput -match "background process reported an error") {
            $TrySSHExe = $True

        #region >> Make Sure Await Module Is Working
        if ($CheckResponsesOutput -match "must be greater than zero" -or $CheckResponsesOutput[-1] -notmatch "[a-zA-Z]") {
            try {
                $null = Stop-AwaitSession
            catch {
                if ($PSAwaitProcess.Id -eq $PID) {
                    Write-Error "The PSAwaitSession never spawned! Halting!"
                    $global:FunctionResult = "1"
                else {
                    Stop-Process -Id $PSAwaitProcess.Id
                    while ([bool]$(Get-Process -Id $PSAwaitProcess.Id -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
                        Write-Verbose "Waiting for Await Module Process Id $($PSAwaitProcess.Id) to end..."
                        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

            $null = Start-AwaitSession
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
            $null = Send-AwaitCommand '$host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "PSAwaitSession"'
            $PSAwaitProcess = $($(Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "powershell"}) | Sort-Object -Property StartTime -Descending)[0]
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
            $null = Send-AwaitCommand "`$env:Path = '$env:Path'"
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
            $null = Send-AwaitCommand -Command $([scriptblock]::Create($PwshCmdString))
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 5

            # This will either not prompt at all, prompt to accept the RemoteHost's RSA Host Key, or prompt for a password
            $SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt = Receive-AwaitResponse

            [System.Collections.ArrayList]$CheckForExpectedResponses = @()
            $null = $CheckForExpectedResponses.Add($SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt)
            $Counter = 0
            while ($SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt -notmatch [regex]::Escape("Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?") -and
            $SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt -notmatch [regex]::Escape("'s password:") -and 
            $SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt -notmatch "^}" -and $Counter -le 10
            ) {
                $SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt = Receive-AwaitResponse
                $null = $CheckForExpectedResponses.Add($SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt)
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
            if ($Counter -eq 11) {
                New-UDInputAction -Toast "SSH failed! Please check your credentials." -Duration 10000
                Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm"
                $CheckResponsesOutput = $CheckForExpectedResponses
                if ($OutputTracker) {
                    if ($PUDRSSyncHT.Keys -contains "CheckResponsesOutput") {
                        $PUDRSSyncHT.CheckResponsesOutput = $CheckResponsesOutput
                    else {

            $CheckResponsesOutput = $CheckForExpectedResponses | foreach {$_ -split "`n"}
            if ($OutputTracker) {
                if ($PUDRSSyncHT.Keys -contains "CheckResponsesOutput") {
                    $PUDRSSyncHT.CheckResponsesOutput = $CheckResponsesOutput
                else {
        if ($CheckResponsesOutput -match "must be greater than zero" -or $CheckResponsesOutput[-1] -notmatch "[a-zA-Z]") {
            New-UDInputAction -Toast "Something went wrong with the PowerShell Await Module! Halting!" -Duration 10000
            Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm"

            try {
                $null = Stop-AwaitSession
            catch {
                if ($PSAwaitProcess.Id -eq $PID) {
                    Write-Error "The PSAwaitSession never spawned! Halting!"
                    $global:FunctionResult = "1"
                else {
                    Stop-Process -Id $PSAwaitProcess.Id
                    while ([bool]$(Get-Process -Id $PSAwaitProcess.Id -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
                        Write-Verbose "Waiting for Await Module Process Id $($PSAwaitProcess.Id) to end..."
                        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1


        #endregion >> Make Sure Await Module Is Working

        if ($CheckResponsesOutput -match [regex]::Escape("Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?")) {
            $null = Send-AwaitCommand "yes"
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
            # This will either not prompt at all or prompt for a password
            $SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt = Receive-AwaitResponse

            [System.Collections.ArrayList]$CheckExpectedSendYesOutput = @()
            $null = $CheckExpectedSendYesOutput.Add($SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt)
            $Counter = 0
            while (![bool]$($($CheckExpectedSendYesOutput -split "`n") -match [regex]::Escape("'s password:")) -and 
            ![bool]$($($CheckExpectedSendYesOutput -split "`n") -match "^}") -and $Counter -le 10
            ) {
                $SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt = Receive-AwaitResponse
                $null = $CheckExpectedSendYesOutput.Add($SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt)
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
            if ($Counter -eq 11) {
                New-UDInputAction -Toast "SSH failed! Please check your credentials." -Duration 10000
                Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm"

            $CheckSendYesOutput = $CheckExpectedSendYesOutput | foreach {$_ -split "`n"}
            if ($OutputTracker) {
                if ($PUDRSSyncHT.Keys -contains "CheckSendYesOutput") {
                    $PUDRSSyncHT.CheckResponsesOutput = $CheckSendYesOutput
                else {
            if ($CheckSendYesOutput -match [regex]::Escape("'s password:")) {
                if ($LocalPassword) {
                    $null = Send-AwaitCommand $LocalPassword
                if ($DomainPassword) {
                    $null = Send-AwaitCommand $DomainPassword
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 3

                $SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt = Receive-AwaitResponse

                [System.Collections.ArrayList]$JsonOutputPrep = @()
                $null = $JsonOutputPrep.Add($SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt)
                $Counter = 0
                while (![bool]$($($JsonOutputPrep -split "`n") -match "^}") -and $Counter -le 10) {
                    $SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt = Receive-AwaitResponse
                    if (![System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt)) {
                        $null = $JsonOutputPrep.Add($SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt)
                    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
                if ($Counter -eq 10) {
                    if ($OutputTracker) {
                        if ($PUDRSSyncHT.Keys -contains "JsonOutputPrepA") {
                            $PUDRSSyncHT.JsonOutputPrepA = $JsonOutputPrep
                        else {

                    New-UDInputAction -Toast "SSH failed! Please check your credentials." -Duration 10000
                    Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm"

                [System.Collections.ArrayList]$JsonOutputPrep = $($JsonOutputPrep | foreach {$_ -split "`n"}) | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "^PS "}
                if (![bool]$($JsonOutputPrep[0] -match "^{")) {
                    $null = $JsonOutputPrep.Insert(0,'{')
        elseif ($CheckResponsesOutput -match [regex]::Escape("'s password:")) {
            if ($LocalPassword) {
                $null = Send-AwaitCommand $LocalPassword
            if ($DomainPassword) {
                $null = Send-AwaitCommand $DomainPassword
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 3

            $SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt = Receive-AwaitResponse

            [System.Collections.ArrayList]$JsonOutputPrep = @()
            $null = $JsonOutputPrep.Add($SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt)
            $Counter = 0
            while (![bool]$($($JsonOutputPrep -split "`n") -match "^}") -and $Counter -le 10) {
                $SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt = Receive-AwaitResponse
                if (![System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt)) {
                    $null = $JsonOutputPrep.Add($SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt)
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
            if ($Counter -eq 10) {
                if ($OutputTracker) {
                    if ($PUDRSSyncHT.Keys -contains "JsonOutputPrepB") {
                        $PUDRSSyncHT.JsonOutputPrepB = $JsonOutputPrep
                    else {

                New-UDInputAction -Toast "SSH failed! Please check your credentials." -Duration 10000
                Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm"

            [System.Collections.ArrayList]$JsonOutputPrep = $($JsonOutputPrep | foreach {$_ -split "`n"}) | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "^PS "}
            if (![bool]$($JsonOutputPrep[0] -match "^{")) {
                $null = $JsonOutputPrep.Insert(0,'{')
        else {
            [System.Collections.ArrayList]$JsonOutputPrep = $($CheckResponsesOutput | foreach {$_ -split "`n"}) | Where-Object {
                $_ -notmatch "^PS " -and ![System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)
            $EndOfInputLineContent = $JsonOutputPrep -match [regex]::Escape("ConvertTo-Json}")
            $JsonOutputIndex = $JsonOutputPrep.IndexOf($EndOfInputLineContent) + 1

            [System.Collections.ArrayList]$JsonOutputPrep = $JsonOutputPrep[$JsonOutputIndex..$($JsonOutputPrep.Count-1)]

            if (![bool]$($JsonOutputPrep[0] -match "^{")) {
                $null = $JsonOutputPrep.Insert(0,'{')

        if (!$TrySSHExe) {
            $IndexesOfOpenBracket = for ($i=0; $i -lt $JsonOutputPrep.Count; $i++) {
                if ($JsonOutputPrep[$i] -match "^{") {
            $LastIndexOfOpenBracket = $($IndexesOfOpenBracket | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum
            $IndexesOfCloseBracket = for ($i=0; $i -lt $JsonOutputPrep.Count; $i++) {
                if ($JsonOutputPrep[$i] -match "^}") {
            $LastIndexOfCloseBracket = $($IndexesOfCloseBracket | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum
            [System.Collections.ArrayList]$JsonOutputPrep = $JsonOutputPrep[$LastIndexOfOpenBracket..$LastIndexOfCloseBracket] | foreach {$_ -split "`n"}
            if (![bool]$($JsonOutputPrep[0] -match "^{")) {
                $null = $JsonOutputPrep.Insert(0,'{')

            if ($OutputTracker) {
                if ($PUDRSSyncHT.Keys -contains "JsonOutputPrepC") {
                    $PUDRSSyncHT.JsonOutputPrepC = $JsonOutputPrep
                else {

            $FinalJson = $JsonOutputPrep | foreach {if (![System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)) {$_.Trim()}}

            if ($OutputTracker) {
                if ($PUDRSSyncHT.Keys -contains "FinalJson") {
                    $PUDRSSyncHT.FinalJson = $FinalJson
                else {

            try {
                $SSHCheckAsJson = $FinalJson | ConvertFrom-Json
                $script:SSHCheckAsJson = $SSHCheckAsJson
            catch {
                New-UDInputAction -Toast $_.Exception.Message -Duration 10000
                Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm"

        try {
            $null = Stop-AwaitSession
        catch {
            if ($PSAwaitProcess.Id -eq $PID) {
                Write-Error "The PSAwaitSession never spawned! Halting!"
                $global:FunctionResult = "1"
            else {
                Stop-Process -Id $PSAwaitProcess.Id
                while ([bool]$(Get-Process -Id $PSAwaitProcess.Id -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
                    Write-Verbose "Waiting for Await Module Process Id $($PSAwaitProcess.Id) to end..."
                    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

        if ($SSHCheckAsJson.Output -ne "ConnectionSuccessful") {
            $TrySSHExe = $True
            New-UDInputAction -Toast "SSH via PowerShell Core 'Invoke-Command' failed!" -Duration 10000
            Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm"

    if ($OSGuess -eq "Linux" -or $TrySSHExe) {
        if ($LocalUserName) {
            $FullUserName = $($LocalUserName -split "\\")[-1]
        if ($DomainUserName) {
            $DomainNameShort = $($DomainUserName -split "\\")[0]
            $FullUserName = $($DomainUserName -split "\\")[-1]

        $HostNameValue = $RHostIP = @(
            $RemoteHostNetworkInfo.IPAddressList | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch "^169"}

        # This is what we're going for:
        # $test = ssh -t pdadmin@ "echo 'ConnectionSuccessful'"

        [System.Collections.ArrayList]$SSHCmdStringArray = @(
        if ($Preferred_PSRemotingCredType -eq "SSHCertificate") {
            $null = $SSHCmdStringArray.Add("-i")
            $null = $SSHCmdStringArray.Add("'" + $PublicCertPath + "'")
        $null = $SSHCmdStringArray.Add("-t")
        if ($LocalUserName -and $LocalPassword) {
            $null = $SSHCmdStringArray.Add("$FullUserName@$RHostIP")
        if ($DomainUserName -and $DomainPassword) {
            $null = $SSHCmdStringArray.Add("$FullUserName@$DomainNameShort@$RHostIP")
        $null = $SSHCmdStringArray.Add("`"echo 'ConnectionSuccessful'`"")
        $SSHCmdString = $SSHCmdStringArray -join " "

        if ($OutputTracker) {
            if ($PUDRSSyncHT.Keys -contains "SSHCmdString") {
                $PUDRSSyncHT.SSHCmdString = $SSHCmdString
            else {

        $null = Start-AwaitSession
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
        $null = Send-AwaitCommand '$host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "PSAwaitSession"'
        $PSAwaitProcess = $($(Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "powershell"}) | Sort-Object -Property StartTime -Descending)[0]
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
        $null = Send-AwaitCommand "`$env:Path = '$env:Path'"
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
        $null = Send-AwaitCommand -Command $([scriptblock]::Create($SSHCmdString))
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 5

        # This will either not prompt at all, prompt to accept the RemoteHost's RSA Host Key, or prompt for a password
        $SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt = Receive-AwaitResponse

        [System.Collections.ArrayList]$CheckForExpectedResponses = @()
        $null = $CheckForExpectedResponses.Add($SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt)
        $Counter = 0
        while (![bool]$($($CheckForExpectedResponses -split "`n") -match [regex]::Escape("Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?")) -and
        ![bool]$($($CheckForExpectedResponses -split "`n") -match [regex]::Escape("'s password:")) -and 
        ![bool]$($($CheckForExpectedResponses -split "`n") -match "^}") -and $Counter -le 10
        ) {
            $SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt = Receive-AwaitResponse
            $null = $CheckForExpectedResponses.Add($SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt)
            if ($CheckResponsesOutput -match "must be greater than zero" -or $CheckResponsesOutput[-1] -notmatch "[a-zA-Z]") {
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
        if ($Counter -eq 11) {
            New-UDInputAction -Toast "SSH failed! Please check your credentials." -Duration 10000
            Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm"
            $CheckResponsesOutput = $CheckForExpectedResponses
            if ($OutputTracker) {
                if ($PUDRSSyncHT.Keys -contains "CheckResponsesOutput") {
                    $PUDRSSyncHT.CheckResponsesOutput = $CheckResponsesOutput
                else {

        $CheckResponsesOutput = $CheckForExpectedResponses | foreach {$_ -split "`n"}
        if ($OutputTracker) {
            if ($PUDRSSyncHT.Keys -contains "CheckResponsesOutput") {
                $PUDRSSyncHT.CheckResponsesOutput = $CheckResponsesOutput
            else {

        if ($CheckResponsesOutput -match [regex]::Escape("Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?")) {
            $null = Send-AwaitCommand "yes"
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
            # This will either not prompt at all or prompt for a password
            $SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt = Receive-AwaitResponse

            [System.Collections.ArrayList]$CheckExpectedSendYesOutput = @()
            $null = $CheckExpectedSendYesOutput.Add($SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt)
            $Counter = 0
            while (![bool]$($($CheckExpectedSendYesOutput -split "`n") -match [regex]::Escape("'s password:")) -and 
            ![bool]$($($CheckExpectedSendYesOutput -split "`n") -match "^}") -and $Counter -le 10
            ) {
                $SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt = Receive-AwaitResponse
                $null = $CheckExpectedSendYesOutput.Add($SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt)
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
            if ($Counter -eq 11) {
                New-UDInputAction -Toast "SSH failed! Please check your credentials." -Duration 10000
                Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm"

            $CheckSendYesOutput = $CheckExpectedSendYesOutput | foreach {$_ -split "`n"}
            if ($OutputTracker) {
                if ($PUDRSSyncHT.Keys -contains "CheckSendYesOutput") {
                    $PUDRSSyncHT.CheckResponsesOutput = $CheckSendYesOutput
                else {
            if ($CheckSendYesOutput -match [regex]::Escape("'s password:")) {
                if ($LocalPassword) {
                    $null = Send-AwaitCommand $LocalPassword
                if ($Domain_Password) {
                    $null = Send-AwaitCommand $DomainPassword
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 3

                $SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt = Receive-AwaitResponse

                [System.Collections.ArrayList]$SSHOutputPrep = @()
                $null = $SSHOutputPrep.Add($SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt)
                $Counter = 0
                while (![bool]$($($SSHOutputPrep -split "`n") -match "^ConnectionSuccessful") -and $Counter -le 10) {
                    $SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt = Receive-AwaitResponse
                    if (![System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt)) {
                        $null = $SSHOutputPrep.Add($SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt)
                    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
                if ($Counter -eq 10) {
                    if ($OutputTracker) {
                        if ($PUDRSSyncHT.Keys -contains "SSHOutputPrepA") {
                            $PUDRSSyncHT.SSHOutputPrepA = $SSHOutputPrep
                        else {

                    New-UDInputAction -Toast "SSH failed! Please check your credentials." -Duration 10000
                    Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm"
        elseif ($CheckResponsesOutput -match [regex]::Escape("'s password:")) {
            if ($LocalPassword) {
                $null = Send-AwaitCommand $LocalPassword
            if ($DomainPassword) {
                $null = Send-AwaitCommand $DomainPassword
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 3

            $SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt = Receive-AwaitResponse

            [System.Collections.ArrayList]$SSHOutputPrep = @()
            $null = $SSHOutputPrep.Add($SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt)
            $Counter = 0
            while (![bool]$($($SSHOutputPrep -split "`n") -match "^ConnectionSuccessful") -and $Counter -le 10) {
                $SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt = Receive-AwaitResponse
                if (![System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt)) {
                    $null = $SSHOutputPrep.Add($SuccessOrAcceptHostKeyOrPwdPrompt)
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
            if ($Counter -eq 10) {
                if ($OutputTracker) {
                    if ($PUDRSSyncHT.Keys -contains "SSHOutputPrepB") {
                        $PUDRSSyncHT.SSHOutputPrepA = $SSHOutputPrep
                    else {

                New-UDInputAction -Toast "SSH failed! Please check your credentials." -Duration 10000
                Sync-UDElement -Id "CredsForm"

            $script:SSHOutputPrep = $SSHOutputPrep