
.VERSION 1.6.4
.GUID ae5930b7-9160-4a4f-9b65-88a1574eb06e
.AUTHOR @ryan_c_butler
.COMPANYNAME Techdrabble.com
.TAGS Citrix PVS Replicate vDisk Import Export
.LICENSEURI https://github.com/ryancbutler/XDReplicate/blob/master/License.txt
.PROJECTURI https://github.com/ryancbutler/XDReplicate
02-28-17: Initial release
05-09-17: Added "Site" option to only replicate specific site.
07-27-17: Added 'JustAdmin' switch to only replicate to single server
07-27-17: Added 'disk' argument to copy specific disk
08-28-17: Updated for PS gallery

   Keep PVS vDisks and versioning consistent across multiple PVS sites and additional PVS farms
   Checks for vDisks and versioning and will export XML if required. Script will then robocopy all vDisk files out to all PVS servers. Once copied script will import and set versioning to match local server.
   Twitter: ryan_c_butler
   Website: Techdrabble.com
   Requires: Powershell v3 or greater and Citrix PVS snapins
   If module fails to import run the following command. %systemroot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\installutil.exe "C:\Program Files\Citrix\Provisioning Services Console\Citrix.PVS.SnapIn.dll"
   PVS Server hostnames that have access to additonal farms.
   Local Disk Store Path (same path must exist on all servers)
    Doesn't copy any files to other servers.
    Specific Disk to copy and import
    Copies and imports to only admin servers listed
   .\PVSReplicate.ps1 -StorePath "E:\teststore"
   Copies and imports disks and versions to all PVS farm servers accessible via localhost and uses the vDisk store at "E:\teststore" for robocopy.
   .\PVSReplicate.ps1 -StorePath "E:\teststore" -Site "MySite" -Disk "MYDISK"
   Copies and imports "MYDISK" ONLY to all servers in "MYSITE"
   .\PVSReplicate.ps1 -StorePath "E:\teststore" -Site "MySite" -PVSServers "PVSFARM01" -JUSTADMIN
   Copies and imports disks and versions from MYSITE to PVSFARM01 server ONLY. (Images must be replicated from PVSFARM01)
   .\PVSReplicate.ps1 -StorePath "E:\teststore" -PVSServers "PVSFARM01","PVSFARM02"
   Copies and imports disks and versions to all PVS farm servers accessible via localhost, PVSFARM01, PVSFARM02 and uses the vDisk store at "E:\teststore" for robocopy.
   .\PVSReplicate.ps1 -StorePath "E:\teststore" -PVSServers "PVSFARM01","PVSFARM02" -Site "General"
   Copies and imports disks and versions to all PVS farm servers in 'General' site accessible via localhost, PVSFARM01, PVSFARM02 and uses the vDisk store at "E:\teststore" for robocopy.
   .\PVSReplicate.ps1 -StorePath "E:\teststore","E:\teststore2" -PVSServers "PVSFARM01","PVSFARM02"
   Copies and imports disk versions to all PVS farm servers accessible via localhost, PVSFARM01, PVSFARM02 and uses the vDisk store at "E:\teststore" and "E:\teststore2" for robocopy.
   .\PVSReplicate.ps1 -nocopy
   Imports disks and versions on all PVS farm servers accessible via localhost for each server. Does not perform any robocopy



if(!$nocopy -and ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($storepaths)))
    throw "Need Store Path! Otherwise run with -nocopy switch"

if($nocopy -and -not ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($storepaths)))
    throw "-nocopy switch does need storepath"

    $site = $null

import-module "C:\Program Files\Citrix\Provisioning Services Console\Citrix.PVS.SnapIn.dll"
#Builds server array
$adminservers = @($env:computername)
if($PVSServers.Count -gt 0)
    $adminservers += $PVSServers
#Uses robocopy to mirror local disk store
function copy-vhds ($localstorepath,$disk,$justadmin,$adminserver) {
        if($adminserver -ne $env:computername)
        $pvsservers = Get-PvsServer -ServerName $adminserver
        write-host "Skipping local..."
        $pvsservers = $null
        if($site -ne $null)
        $pvsservers = Get-PvsServer -sitename $site|where{$_.name -ne $env:computername}
        $pvsservers = Get-PvsServer|where{$_.name -ne $env:computername}
    foreach ($pvsserver in $pvsservers)
        write-host $pvsserver.Name
                $remotestorepath = "\\" + $pvsserver.Name + "\" + ($localstorepath.Replace(":",'$')) + "\"
                if(test-path $remotestorepath)
                write-host $remotestorepath
                Robocopy $localstorepath $remotestorepath /mir /w:5 /r:3 /xf *.lok /xd WriteCache
                write-host "Path not found skipping..." -ForegroundColor Red
                $remotestorepath = "\\" + $pvsserver.Name + "\" + ($localstorepath.Replace(":",'$')) + "\"
                if(test-path $remotestorepath)
                write-host $remotestorepath
                $diskn = "$($disk)*"
                Robocopy $localstorepath $remotestorepath $diskn /w:5 /r:3 /xf *.lok
                write-host "Path not found skipping..." -ForegroundColor Red

#Checks through disks and exports XML if a new version exists or override present
function export-alldisks($specdisk) {
    Set-PvsConnection -Server $env:computername -PassThru|out-null
    $pvsserversite = Get-PvsServer -ServerName $env:computername
    $pvssite = get-pvssite -SiteName $pvsserversite.SiteName
        write-host "Checking Site: $($pvssite.Name)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        $stores = Get-PvsStore|where{$_.SiteName -eq $pvssite.Name}

            foreach ($store in $stores)
            write-host "Checking Store: $($store.Name)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            $testpath = "\\" + $pvssite.DiskUpdateServerName + "\" + (($store.Path).Replace(":",'$')) + "\"
            $disks = Get-PvsDiskLocator -SiteName $pvssite.Name -StoreName $store.Name
                foreach($diskinfo in $disks)
                    write-host "Checking Disk versions for: $($diskinfo.name)"
                        $xmlpath = $testpath + $diskinfo.name + ".xml"
                        if(test-path -Path $xmlpath)
                        write-host "XML FILE FOUND. Now Checking versions." -ForegroundColor yellow
                        $diskxml = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument
                        $xmlversion = ($diskxml.versionManifest.version|Sort-Object versionnumber -Descending|select -First 1).versionnumber
                        $overridexml = ($diskxml.versionManifest.version|where{$_.access -eq 3}).versionnumber
                            $diskversion = ($diskinfo|Get-PvsDiskVersion|where{$_.CanPromote -eq $false}|Sort-Object version -Descending|select -First 1).version
                            $overridedisk = ($diskinfo|Get-PvsDiskVersion|where{$_.Access -eq 3}).version
                            write-host "Disk Version: $($diskversion) XMLVersion: $($xmlversion)"
                            Write-host "Selected Version: $($overridedisk) XMLOverride: $($overridexml)"
                                if($diskversion -ne $xmlversion -or $overridedisk -ne $overridexml -or ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($diskxml.versionManifest.startingVersion)))
                                write-host "Exporting vdisk" -ForegroundColor gray
                                $diskinfo|Export-PvsDisk -Version $diskversion
                                write-host "Versions match." -ForegroundColor Green
                        write-host "XML File not found. Exporting vDisk." -ForegroundColor gray
                        $diskversion = ($diskinfo|Get-PvsDiskVersion|where{$_.CanPromote -eq $false}|Sort-Object version -Descending|select -First 1).version
                        $diskinfo|Export-PvsDisk -Version $diskversion
        $diskinfo = Get-PvsDiskLocator -SiteName $pvssite.Name|where{$_.name -eq $specdisk}
            if ($diskinfo -is [object])
            $diskversion = ($diskinfo|Get-PvsDiskVersion|where{$_.CanPromote -eq $false}|Sort-Object version -Descending|select -First 1).version
            $diskinfo|Export-PvsDisk -Version $diskversion
#Checks through imported disks and checks for new versions or overrides
function import-versions ($site,$specdisk) {
    if($site -ne $null)
    $pvssites = Get-PvsSite -SiteName $site
    $pvssites = get-pvssite
    foreach($pvssite in $pvssites)
        write-host "Checking Site: $($pvssite.Name)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        $stores = Get-PvsStore|where{$_.SiteName -eq $pvssite.Name}
        foreach ($store in $stores)
        write-host "Checking Store: $($store.Name)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        $testpath = "\\" + $pvssite.DiskUpdateServerName + "\" + (($store.Path).Replace(":",'$')) + "\"
            $disks = Get-PvsDiskLocator -SiteName $pvssite.Name -StoreName $store.Name
            $disks = Get-PvsDiskLocator -SiteName $pvssite.Name|where{$_.name -eq $specdisk}
                foreach($diskinfo in $disks)
                    write-host "Checking Disk versions for: $($diskinfo.name)"
                        $xmlpath = $testpath + $diskinfo.name + ".xml"
                        if(test-path -Path $xmlpath)
                        write-host "XML FILE FOUND" -ForegroundColor Green
                        $diskxml = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument
                        $xmlversion = ($diskxml.versionManifest.version|Sort-Object versionnumber -Descending|select -First 1).versionnumber
                        $overridexml = ($diskxml.versionManifest.version|where{$_.access -eq 3}).versionnumber
                            $diskversion = ($diskinfo|Get-PvsDiskVersion|where{$_.CanPromote -eq $false}|Sort-Object version -Descending|select -First 1).version
                            $overridedisk = ($diskinfo|Get-PvsDiskVersion|where{$_.Access -eq 3}).version
                            write-host "Disk Version: $($diskversion) XMLVersion: $($xmlversion)"
                            Write-host "Disk Selected Version: $($overridedisk) XMLOverride: $($overridexml)"
                                if($diskversion -lt $xmlversion -AND -not ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($diskxml.versionManifest.startingVersion)))
                                write-host "Importing new version(s)" -ForegroundColor DarkGray|Sort-Object version -Descending
                                write-host "Versions match OR Disk version is greater. Skipping..." -ForegroundColor Green

                                write-host "Checking for versions to delete"
                                $staleversions = $diskinfo|Get-PvsDiskVersion|where{$_.DeleteWhenFree -eq $true}|Sort-Object -Descending
                                    foreach($staleversion in $staleversions)
                                    $stalepath = $testpath + $staleversion.DiskFileName

                                        if(test-path $stalepath)
                                        write-host "Disk file still exists. Skipping: $($staleversion.Version)..."
                                        write-host "Removing stale version: $($staleversion.version)" -ForegroundColor Gray
                                        $staleversion|remove-pvsdiskversion -DiskLocatorId $diskinfo.DiskLocatorId -Version $staleversion.version

                                if($overridedisk -ne $overridexml -and -not ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($overridexml)))
                                write-host "Setting override version to: $($overridexml)" -ForegroundColor Gray
                                $diskinfo|Set-PvsOverrideVersion -Version $overridexml
                                elseif($overridedisk -ne $overridexml -and ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($overridexml)))
                                write-host "Setting to use latest version" -ForegroundColor Gray


function test-pvsdisk ($site,$store,$name) {
    try {
    $disk = Get-PvsDiskLocator -SiteName $site -StoreName $store -DiskLocatorName $name
        return $false
return $disk

function test-pvsvhdx ($xmlfile) {

$xmldisk = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument
$found = $xmldisk.versionManifest.version|where{$_.diskfilename -like "*.vhdx"}
    return $true
    return $false

function test-private ($xmlfile) {

$xmldisk = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument
$found = ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($xmldisk.versionManifest.startingVersion))
    return $true
    return $false

function import-vdisks ($site,$specdisk,$justadmin,$pvserver) {
    if($site -ne $null)
    $pvssites = Get-PvsSite -SiteName $site
    $pvssites = get-pvssite

    foreach($pvssite in $pvssites)

        write-host "Checking Site: $($pvssite.Name)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        $stores = Get-PvsStore|where{$_.SiteName -eq $pvssite.Name}
        foreach ($store in $stores)
        write-host "Checking Store: $($store.Name)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        $testpath = "\\" + $pvserver + "\" + (($store.Path).Replace(":",'$')) + "\"
        $testpath = "\\" + $pvssite.DiskUpdateServerName + "\" + (($store.Path).Replace(":",'$')) + "\"
            if (test-path $testpath)
                write-host $testpath
                $xmls = Get-childitem -Path $testpath -Filter *.xml
                $xmls = Get-childitem -Path $testpath -Filter "$($specdisk).xml"
                foreach($xml in $xmls)
                    $disk = test-pvsdisk -site $pvssite.Name -store $store.Name -DiskLocatorName -name $xml.baseName
                        if($disk -ne $false -or (test-private $xml) -eq $true)
                        write-host "$($xml.baseName) already present or in private mode" -ForegroundColor Green
                        write-host "Importing $($xml.baseName)" -ForegroundColor Gray
                            if(test-pvsvhdx $xml)
                            write-host "VHDX found"
                            Import-PvsDisk -Name $xml.BaseName -SiteName $pvssite.Name -StoreName $store.Name -VHDX|Out-Null
                            write-host "VHD Found"
                            Import-PvsDisk -Name $xml.BaseName -SiteName $pvssite.Name -StoreName $store.Name|Out-Null



#call script functions here

export-alldisks $disk
foreach ($adminserver in $adminservers)
    write-host "Connecting to $($adminserver)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    if(Test-Connection $adminserver -Quiet -Count 2)
    Set-PvsConnection -Server $adminserver -PassThru|out-null
            foreach($storepath in $storepaths)
            write-host "Copying out $($storepath)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            copy-vhds $storepath $disk $justadmin $adminserver
        if(-not ($adminserver -like $env:computername))

        import-vdisks $site $disk $justadmin $adminserver
        import-versions $site $disk
    throw "Can't connect to server $($adminserver)"