
New-Variable -Name PagerDutyAlertEndpoint -Value ($Env:PD_ALERT_URI ?? "") -Option ReadOnly
New-Variable -Name PagerDutyChangeEndpoint -Value ($Env:PD_CHANGE_URI ?? "") -Option ReadOnly
New-Variable -Name ContentType -Value "application/json" -Option ReadOnly

function New-PagerDutyAlert {
    param (
        # This is the 32 character Integration Key for an integration on a service or on a global ruleset.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
        [ValidateLength(32, 32)]
        # Deduplication key for correlating triggers and resolves. The maximum permitted length of this property is 255 characters.
        # A brief text summary of the event, used to generate the summaries/titles of any associated alerts. The maximum permitted length of this property is 1024 characters.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
        [ValidateLength(1, 1024)]
        # The unique location of the affected system, preferably a hostname or FQDN.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)]
        # The perceived severity of the status the event is describing with respect to the affected system. This can be Critical, Error, Warning or Info.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 3)]
        [ValidateSet("Critical", "Error", "Warning", "Info")]
        # The time at which the emitting tool detected or generated the event.
        # Component of the source machine that is responsible for the event, for example mysql or eth0.
        # Logical grouping of components of a service, for example app-stack.
        # The class/type of the event, for example ping failure or cpu load.
        # Additional details about the event and affected system.
        # List of images to include.
        # List of links to include.

    begin {


    process {
        # Validate image and link objects.
        if ($Images) {
            foreach ($image in $Images) {
                validateImageObject $image
        if ($Links) {
            foreach ($link in $Links) {
                validateLinkObject $link

        # Prepare object.
        [pscustomobject]$object = [PSCustomObject]@{
            routing_key  = $RoutingKey
            event_action = "trigger"
            dedup_key    = $DeduplicationKey
            payload      = [PSCustomObject]@{
                summary        = $Summary
                source         = $Source
                severity       = $Severity.ToLower()
                timestamp      = $Timestamp ?? (Get-Date -Format "o")
                component      = $Component
                group          = $Group
                class          = $Class
                custom_details = $CustomDetails

        if ($Images) {
            Add-Member -InputObject $object -NotePropertyName 'images' -NotePropertyValue (prepareImages $Images)

        if ($Links) {
            Add-Member -InputObject $object -NotePropertyName 'links' -NotePropertyValue (prepareLinks $Links)

        # Invoke Event API
        $result = invokeEventApi -InputObject $object -Uri $PagerDutyAlertEndpoint;

        Write-Output $result

    end {


function Confirm-PagerDutyAlert {
    param (
        # This is the 32 character Integration Key for an integration on a service or on a global ruleset.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
        [ValidateLength(32, 32)]
        # Deduplication key for correlating triggers and resolves. The maximum permitted length of this property is 255 characters.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]

    begin {


    process {
        # Prepare object.
        [pscustomobject]$object = [PSCustomObject]@{
            routing_key  = $RoutingKey
            event_action = "acknowledge"
            dedup_key    = $DeduplicationKey

        # Invoke Event API
        $result = invokeEventApi -InputObject $object -Uri $PagerDutyAlertEndpoint;

        Write-Output $result

    end {


function Resolve-PagerDutyAlert {
    param (
        # This is the 32 character Integration Key for an integration on a service or on a global ruleset.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
        [ValidateLength(32, 32)]
        # Deduplication key for correlating triggers and resolves. The maximum permitted length of this property is 255 characters.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]

    begin {


    process {
        # Prepare object.
        [pscustomobject]$object = [PSCustomObject]@{
            routing_key  = $RoutingKey
            event_action = "resolve"
            dedup_key    = $DeduplicationKey

        # Invoke Event API
        $result = invokeEventApi -InputObject $object -Uri $PagerDutyAlertEndpoint;

        Write-Output $result

    end {


function New-PagerDutyChange {
    param (
        # This is the 32 character Integration Key for an integration on a service or on a global ruleset.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
        [ValidateLength(32, 32)]
        # A brief text summary of the event, used to generate the summaries/titles of any associated alerts. The maximum permitted length of this property is 1024 characters.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
        [ValidateLength(1, 1024)]
        # The unique location of the affected system, preferably a hostname or FQDN.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)]
        # The time at which the emitting tool detected or generated the event.
        # List of links to include.

    begin {


    process {
        # Validate image and link objects.
        if ($Links) {
            foreach ($link in $Links) {
                validateLinkObject $link

        # Prepare object.
        [pscustomobject]$object = [PSCustomObject]@{
            routing_key = $RoutingKey
            payload     = [PSCustomObject]@{
                summary        = $Summary
                source         = $Source
                timestamp      = $Timestamp ?? (Get-Date -Format "o")
                custom_details = $CustomDetails

        if ($Links) {
            Add-Member -InputObject $object -NotePropertyName 'links' -NotePropertyValue (prepareLinks $Links)

        # Invoke Event API
        $result = invokeEventApi -InputObject $object -Uri $PagerDutyChangeEndpoint;

        Write-Output $result

    end {


function validateImageObject {
    param (
        # The image object to validate.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if ($ImageObject.Keys -notcontains 'src') {
        Write-Error -Exception ([System.MissingFieldException]::new("Missing key: src")) -ErrorAction Stop

    $srcValue = $ImageObject['src'].ToString();
    if ( $false -eq $srcValue.StartsWith("https://") ) {
        Write-Error -Exception ([System.ArgumentException]::new("Image must be served via https: $srcValue")) -ErrorAction Stop

function validateLinkObject {
    param (
        # The link object to validate.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if ($LinkObject.Keys -notcontains 'href') {
        Write-Error -Exception ([System.MissingFieldException]::new("Missing key: href")) -ErrorAction Stop

function prepareImages {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$imageList = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
    foreach ($obj in $ImageObjects) {
        $imageObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
            src  = $obj["src"]
            href = $obj["href"]
            alt  = $obj["alt"]
    Write-Output $imageList

function prepareLinks {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$linkList = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"
    foreach ($obj in $LinkObjects) {
        $linkObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
            href = $obj["href"]
            text = $obj["text"]
    Write-Output $linkList

function invokeEventApi {
    param (
        # Destation URI
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        # Request object
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # Send object.
    [int]$statusCode = -1;
    $json = ConvertTo-Json $InputObject;

    Write-Debug "JSON:"
    Write-Debug $json

    $rc = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Method Post -ContentType $ContentType `
        -Body $json `
        -StatusCodeVariable "statusCode" `
        -DisableKeepAlive `

    Write-Debug "Result:"
    Write-Debug $rc

    $result = [PSCustomObject]@{}

    Write-Debug "Status code: $statusCode"

    Add-Member -InputObject $result -NotePropertyName "StatusCode" -NotePropertyValue $statusCode;

    if ($result -is [psobject]) {
        Add-Member -InputObject $result -NotePropertyName "Status" -NotePropertyValue $rc.status
        Add-Member -InputObject $result -NotePropertyName "Error" -NotePropertyValue $rc.error
        Add-Member -InputObject $result -NotePropertyName "Message" -NotePropertyValue $rc.message
        Add-Member -InputObject $result -NotePropertyName "DeduplicationKey" -NotePropertyValue $rc.dedup_key
    else {
        Add-Member -InputObject $result -NotePropertyName "Payload" -NotePropertyValue $rc
    Write-Debug "Result object:"
    Write-Debug $result
    Write-Output $result

Export-ModuleMember -Function New-PagerDutyAlert, Confirm-PagerDutyAlert, Resolve-PagerDutyAlert, New-PagerDutyChange