
#Requires -Version 5.1
using namespace System.IO

function Invoke-PasmInitialize {
    param (
        # Where to create a working directory.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$Path = $PWD,

        # The name of the new directory where the Yaml templates will be placed.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$Name = 'Pasm',

        # If the target vpc already exists, overwrite 'VpcId'.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        # If the target subnets already exists, overwrite 'SubnetId'.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        # Force overwriting of template if it already exists.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    end {
        try {
            Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

            # Load helper functions
            . $($PSScriptRoot, 'Helpers', 'Helpers.ps1' -join [path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)

            $content = @'
### sample template ###
Common: # required
  Region: ap-northeast-1 # required - Cmdlet: (Get-AWSRegion -IncludeChina -IncludeGovCloud).Region
  ProfileName: default # required - Cmdlet: Get-AWSCredential -ProfileName $profileName
Resource: # required
  SecurityGroup: # not-required - One of the following must be present: 'SecurityGroup','NetworkAcl', 'PrefixList'
  - ResourceName: test-sg-01 # required
    VpcId: vpc-00000000000000000 # required
    MaxEntry: 60 # not-required - Range: 1-60
    FlowDirection: Ingress # not-required - Enum: [Pasm.Parameter.FlowDirection]
    Description: test message # required
    Rules: # required
    - Id: 1 # required
      ServiceKey: S3 # required - Cmdlet: Get-AWSPublicIpAddressRange -OutputServiceKeys
      Region: # not-required - Cmdlet: (Get-AWSRegion -IncludeChina -IncludeGovCloud).Region
      - ap-northeast-1
      IpFormat: # not-required - Enum: [Pasm.Parameter.IpFormat]
      - IPv4
      Protocol: tcp # required - Enum: [Pasm.Parameter.Protocol]
      FromPort: 80 # required - Range: 0-65535
      ToPort: 80 # required - Range: 0-65535
    - Id: 2
      ServiceKey: S3
      - ap-northeast-1
      - IPv6
      Protocol: tcp
      FromPort: 443
      ToPort: 443
  NetworkAcl: # not-required - One of the following must be present: 'SecurityGroup','NetworkAcl', 'PrefixList'
  - ResourceName: test-acl-01 # required
    VpcId: vpc-00000000000000000 # required
    MaxEntry: 20 # not-required - Range: 1-20
    FlowDirection: Ingress # not-required - Enum: [Pasm.Parameter.FlowDirection]
    EphemeralPort: Default # not-required - Enum: [Pasm.Parameter.EphemeralPort]
    RuleNumber: # not-required
      StartNumber: 100 # not-required - Range: 1-32766
      Interval: 10 # not-required - Range: 1-10
    AssociationSubnetId: # not-required
    - subnet-00000000000000000 # not-required
    - subnet-11111111111111111 # not-required
    Rules: # required
    - Id: 1 # required
      ServiceKey: S3 # required - Cmdlet: Get-AWSPublicIpAddressRange -OutputServiceKeys
      Region: # not-required - Cmdlet: (Get-AWSRegion -IncludeChina -IncludeGovCloud).Region
      - ap-northeast-1
      IpFormat: # not-required - Enum: [Pasm.Parameter.IpFormat]
      - IPv4
      Protocol: tcp # required - Enum: [Pasm.Parameter.Protocol]
      FromPort: 80 # required - Range: 0-65535
      ToPort: 80 # required - Range: 0-65535
    - Id: 2
      ServiceKey: S3
      - ap-northeast-1
      - IPv6
      Protocol: tcp
      FromPort: 443
      ToPort: 443
  PrefixList: # not-required - One of the following must be present: 'SecurityGroup','NetworkAcl', 'PrefixList'
  - ResourceName: test-pl-01 # required
    VpcId: vpc-00000000000000000 # required
    MaxEntry: 30 # not-required - Range: 1-1000
    AddressFamily: IPv4 # not-required - Enum: [Pasm.Parameter.IpFormat]
    Rules: # required
    - Id: 1 # required
      ServiceKey: S3 # required - Cmdlet: Get-AWSPublicIpAddressRange -OutputServiceKeys
      Region: # not-required - Cmdlet: (Get-AWSRegion -IncludeChina -IncludeGovCloud).Region
      - ap-northeast-1
    - Id: 2
      ServiceKey: S3
      - ap-northeast-2

            $isExistsVpcId = $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('VpcId')
            $isExistsSbnId = $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SubnetId')

            # Validation 'VpcId' and 'SubnetId'
            if ($isExistsVpcId) {
                Test-PasmVpcId -VpcId $VpcId | Out-Null
            if ($isExistsSbnId) {
                Test-PasmSubnetId -SubnetId $SubnetId | Out-Null

            # If 'VpcId' or 'SubnetId' is passed from the parameter, it will overwrite the value in the sample template
            if ($isExistsVpcId -or $isExistsSbnId) {
                $yaml = ConvertFrom-Yaml -Yaml $content -Ordered
                if ($isExistsVpcId) {
                    foreach ($resource in 'SecurityGroup', 'NetworkAcl', 'PrefixList') {
                        foreach ($r in $yaml.Resource.$resource) {
                            if ($r.Contains('VpcId')) {
                                $r.VpcId = $vpcId
                if ($isExistsSbnId) {
                    foreach ($n in $yaml.Resource.NetworkACL) {
                        if ($n.Contains('AssociationSubnetId')) {
                            $n.AssociationSubnetId = $subnetId
                $content = $yaml | ConvertTo-Yaml

            $baseDir = New-Item -Path $path -Name $name -ItemType Directory -Force
            $fileName = '{0}.yml' -f [Pasm.Template.Name]::outline
            $outputFilePath = $baseDir.FullName, $fileName -join [path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
            $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ BaseDirectory = $baseDir; TemplateFile = $fileName }

            if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $baseDir.FullName) {
                if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $outputFilePath) {
                    if (!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Force')) {
                        if ((Read-Host 'The file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (y/n)') -notin 'y', 'yes') {
                            return 'Canceled.'
                $content | Out-File -LiteralPath $outputFilePath -Force
                return $obj
        catch {
        Run the initialization process for using Pasm. It is also possible to create a Yaml template manually without using this script.
        Run the initialization process for using Pasm. It is also possible to create a Yaml template manually without using this script.
        See the following source for details:
        # Default directory name: 'Pasm'
        # Build by specifying a directory name
        Invoke-PasmInitialize -Name 'Test'
        # 'VpcId' and 'AssociationSubnetId' can be overridden with actual values
        Invoke-PasmInitialize -VpcId 'vpc-1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5' -SubnetId 'subnet-zxcvasdfqwer12345', 'subnet-poiulkjhmnbv09876'
        # To allow overwriting of an already existing template file
        Invoke-PasmInitialize -Force
