
Copyright 2015 Brandon Olin
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

function New-PasswordStateRandomPassword {
            Generate a random password from PasswordState.
            Generate a random password from PasswordState.
        .PARAMETER ApiKey
            The password generator API key.
        .PARAMETER UseV6Api
            PasswordState versions prior to v7 did not support passing the API key in a HTTP header
            but instead expected the API key to be passed as a query parameter. This switch is used for
            backwards compatibility with older PasswordState versions.
        .PARAMETER Quantity
            The quantity of passwords to generate.
        .PARAMETER AlphaSpecial
            Include Alphanumerics and special characters.
        .PARAMETER WordPhrases
            Include word phrases - a random word will be generated.
        .PARAMETER MinLength
            Minimum length for alphanumercis and special characters.
        .PARAMETER MaxLength
            Maximum length for alphanumercis and special characters.
        .PARAMETER LowerCase
            Include lowercase characters.
        .PARAMETER UpperCase
            Include uppercase characters.
        .PARAMETER Numeric
            Include numeric characters.
        .PARAMETER HigherAlphaRatio
            Include higher ratio of alphanumerics vs special characters.
        .PARAMETER AmbiguousChars
            Include ambiguous characters - such as I, l, and 1.
        .PARAMETER SpecialChars
            Include special characters.
        .PARAMETER SpecialCharList
            List of special characters - such as !#$%^&*+/=_-.
        .PARAMETER BracketChars
            Include brackets.
        .PARAMETER BracketCharsList
            List of brackets - such as [](){}<>.
        .PARAMETER NumberOfWords
            The number of words to include.
        .PARAMETER NumberOfWords
            Maximum word length to generate.
        .PARAMETER MaxWordLength
            Maximum word length to generate.
        .PARAMETER PrefexAppend
            P to Prefix the Word, A to Append and I to Insert.
        .PARAMETER SeperateWords
            Separate the generated Words with S for Spaces, D for Dashes and N for No Separation.
        .PARAMETER GeneratorId
            Password generate policy Id from PasswordState.
            New-PasswordStateRandomPassword -Quantity 10
            New-PasswordStateRandomPassword -Quantity 10 -WordPhrases $false -MinLength 20
            New-PasswordStateRandomPassword -WordPhrases $false -MinLength 20 -UpperCase $true -LowerCase $false
            New-PasswordStateRandomPassword -MinLength 20 -NumberOfWords 2

    [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


        [string]$Endpoint = (_GetDefault -Option 'api_endpoint'),

        [int]$Quantity = 1,

        [bool]$AlphaSpecial = $true,

        [bool]$WordPhrases = $true,

        [int]$MinLength = 8,


        [bool]$LowerCase = $true,

        [bool]$UpperCase = $true,

        [bool]$Numeric = $true,

        [bool]$HigherAlphaRatio = $true,

        [bool]$AmbiguousChars = $false,

        [bool]$SpecialChars = $true,

        [string]$SpecialCharList = '',

        [bool]$BracketChars = $false,

        [string]$BracketCharsList = '',

        [int]$NumberOfWords = 3,

        [int]$MaxWordLength = 8,


        [string]$SeperateWords = 'D',

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UseGenerator', Mandatory = $true)]

    $headers = @{}
    #$headers['Accept'] = "application/$Format"
    $params = "?Qty=$Quantity"
    if (-not $PsBoundParameters.ContainsKey('GeneratorId')) {
        $params += "&IncludeAlphaSpecial=$AlphaSpecial&IncludeWordPhrases=$WordPhrases&minLength=$MinLength&maxLength=$MaxLength"
        $params += "&lowerCaseChars=$LowerCase&upperCaseChars=$UpperCase&numericChars=$Numeric&higherAlphaRatio=$HigherAlphaRatio"
        $params += "&ambiguousChars=$AmbiguousChars&specialChars=$SpecialChars&specialCharsText=$SpecialCharList&bracketChars=$BracketChars"
        $params += "&bracketCharsText=$BracketCharsList&NumberOfWords=$NumberOfWords&MaxWordLength=$MaxWordLength&PrefixAppend=$PrefexAppend&SeparateWords=$SeperateWords"
    } else {
        $params += "&PasswordGeneratorID=$GeneratorId"

    if (-Not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('UseV6Api')) {
        $headers['APIKey'] = $ApiKey.GetNetworkCredential().password    
        $uri = "$Endpoint/generatepassword/$params"
    } else {
        $uri = "$Endpoint/generatepassword/$params" + "&apikey=$($ApiKey.GetNetworkCredential().password)"
    If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Creating new random password using params:`n$($params | ConvertTo-Json)")) {
        $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Get -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $headers
        return $result