
    Exports the license from the specified Microsoft Dynamics NAV database.
    Exports the license from the specified Microsoft Dynamics NAV database.
    The license is stored in the $ndo$tenantproperty table in the database.
    The conversion from a BLOB to a binary file is handled by the bcp tool, which is part of the SQL Server Management Tools.
    For more information, see
.PARAMETER DatabaseServer
    Specifies the SQL Server database server.
.PARAMETER DatabaseInstance
    Specifies the SQL Server instance.
.PARAMETER LicenseFilePath
    Specifies the location where the license information must be exported to.
.PARAMETER DatabaseName
    Specifies the database containing the table with the license information that must be exported.

function Export-NAVLicenseFromApplicationDatabase

            [string]$DatabaseInstance = "",


        Write-Verbose "Export license from the application database of $DatabaseName"
        Export-NAVLicense -DatabaseServer $DatabaseServer -DatabaseInstance $DatabaseInstance -LicenseFilePath $LicenseFilePath -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -TableName '$ndo$dbproperty'

function Export-NAVLicenseFromTenantDatabase
            [string]$DatabaseInstance = "",


        Write-Verbose "Export license from the tenant database of $DatabaseName"
        Export-NAVLicense -DatabaseServer $DatabaseServer -DatabaseInstance $DatabaseInstance -LicenseFilePath $LicenseFilePath -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -TableName '$ndo$tenantproperty'

function Export-NAVLicenseFromMaster

            [string]$DatabaseInstance = "",

        Write-Verbose "Export license from the master database of $DatabaseServer\$DatabaseInstance"
        Export-NAVLicense -DatabaseServer $DatabaseServer -DatabaseInstance $DatabaseInstance -LicenseFilePath $LicenseFilePath -DatabaseName 'master' -TableName '$ndo$srvproperty'

function Export-NAVLicense

            [string]$DatabaseInstance = "",



        if(!(Test-Path -Path $LicenseFilePath -IsValid))
            Write-Error "Destination license file path $LicenseFilePath is not valid"

        $licenseDirectory = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($LicenseFilePath)
        if(!(Test-Path $licenseDirectory -PathType Container))
            New-Item -Path $licenseDirectory -ItemType Container | Out-Null

        if(!(Test-Path -Path $LicenseFilePath -PathType Leaf))
            New-Item -Path $LicenseFilePath -ItemType File | Out-Null

        $SqlServerInstance = Get-SqlServerInstance $DatabaseServer $DatabaseInstance

        if(!(Test-LicenseExistsInTable -SqlServerInstance $SqlServerInstance -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -TableName $TableName))

        # Generate a format file for the license column content to be exported later on
        $FormatFilePath = (Join-Path $licenseDirectory "licenseFormat.fmt")
        if(Get-Item $FormatFilePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
            Remove-Item -Path $FormatFilePath | Out-Null

        # Try extract the format from the master table
        $ExtractFormatArguments = "`"`[`$ndo`$srvproperty`"`] format nul -T -n -f `"$FormatFilePath`" -T -S $SqlServerInstance -d master"
        Start-ProcessWithErrorHandling -FilePath "bcp" -ArgumentList $ExtractFormatArguments

        # If there are errors (the SQL Server instance does not have the master table), create the exported format
        if(!(Test-Path -Path $FormatFilePath))
            # Create the format to extract the license file, since it could not be extracted from the master table
            $sqlVersion = Invoke-Sqlcmd "select left(cast(serverproperty('productversion') as varchar), 4)" -ServerInstance $SqlServerInstance

            $stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] $FormatFilePath

            $stream.WriteLine("1 SQLIMAGE 0 0 "" 1 license """);

        # Modify the file to have 0 for prefix length, instead of 4
        (Get-Content $FormatFilePath) `
            | Foreach { $_ -Replace "1 SQLIMAGE 4", "1 SQLIMAGE 0" } `
            | Set-Content $FormatFilePath;

        # Extract the license
        $ArgumentList = "`"SELECT license FROM [$TableName`]`" queryout ""$LicenseFilePath"" -T -S $SqlServerInstance -d `"$DatabaseName`" -f `"$FormatFilePath`""            
        Start-ProcessWithErrorHandling -FilePath "bcp" -ArgumentList "$ArgumentList"

        if(Get-Item $FormatFilePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
            Remove-Item -Path $FormatFilePath | Out-Null

        return $LicenseFilePath

function Test-LicenseExistsInTable


        $CurrentLocation = Get-Location

            if(!(Test-TableExistsInSQL -SqlServerInstance $SqlServerInstance -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -TableName $TableName))
                return $false;

            # Check the license column exists
            $licenseColumnExists = Invoke-Sqlcmd "IF EXISTS(SELECT * from sys.columns where Name = N'license' and Object_ID = Object_ID(N'$TableName')) SELECT 1 as res else select 0 as res" -ServerInstance $SqlServerInstance -Database $DatabaseName     
            if($licenseColumnExists.res -eq 0)
                Write-Verbose "Table [$DatabaseName].[$TableName] does not contain column 'license'."
                return $false

            # Check the license column is not empty
            $licenseFieldIsNull = Invoke-Sqlcmd "IF EXISTS (SELECT license from [$DatabaseName].[dbo].[$TableName] WHERE license is NULL) SELECT 1 as res else select 0 as res" -ServerInstance $SqlServerInstance -Database $DatabaseName     
            if($licenseFieldIsNull.res -eq 1)
                Write-Verbose "Table [$DatabaseName].[$TableName] does not contain license information."
                return $false

            return $true
            Set-Location $CurrentLocation

function Test-TableExistsInSQL


        $tableExists = Invoke-Sqlcmd "IF EXISTS (SELECT 1
        WHERE TABLE_NAME='$TableName')
        SELECT 1 AS res ELSE SELECT 0 AS res;"
 -ServerInstance $SqlServerInstance -Database $DatabaseName

        if($tableExists.res -eq 0)
            Write-Verbose "Table [$DatabaseName].[dbo].$TableName was not found in SQL Server $SqlServerInstance"
            return $false

        return $true

Export-ModuleMember -Function Export-NAVLicense, Export-NAVLicenseFromApplicationDatabase, Export-NAVLicenseFromTenantDatabase, Export-NAVLicenseFromMaster, Test-LicenseExistsInTable