
Retrieves PDQ data from the clipboard.
When you copy items in PDQ (Packages, Collections, etc.), they exist in a special section of the clipboard.
To access these special sections, you have to call a .NET method with their format name.
I created Get-PdqClipboardFormat to translate easy names (Package, Collection, etc.) into these format names.
After these special sections are accessed, the data they contain (XML, JSON) must be converted.
Get-PdqClipboardData -Format 'Package'
Retrieves a Package from the clipboard and outputs the converted data.

function Get-PdqClipboardData {

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        # See Get-PdqClipboardFormat for a list of formats.

    $FormatData = Get-PdqClipboardFormat $Format

    # Retrieve the PDQ data from the clipboard.
    $ClipboardData = [System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard]::GetData($FormatData.Name)
    # Convert the clipboard data to a PowerShell object.
    switch ( $FormatData.Type ) {
        'JSON' {
            $ClipboardData | ConvertFrom-Json
        'XML' {
