
Retrieves and decodes your PDQ license(s).
Retrieves and decodes the Deploy and Inventory licenses from the registry.
Get-PdqLicense -Product 'Deploy' -Format 'Raw'
Retrieves your Deploy license from the registry without decoding it.
Get-PdqLicense -License (Get-Clipboard)
Retrieves a PDQ license from your clipboard and decodes it.

function Get-PdqLicense {

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Product')]
    param (
        [ValidateSet('Deploy', 'Inventory')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Product')]
        # The PDQ application whose license you would like to retrieve.
        [String[]]$Product = ('Deploy', 'Inventory'),

        # The license(s) you would like to decode, if you don't want to retrieve them from the registry.
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'License')]

        [ValidateSet('Object', 'Raw', 'RawMiddle', 'XML')]
        # How you would like the license(s) to be formatted.
        [String]$Format = 'Object'

    function Exit-AfterFormatting {

        param (

        if ( $Format -eq $FormatToTest ) {




    $Licenses = @()

    if ( $License ) {

        # Flatten multi-line licenses, such as those from emails.
        if ( $License[0] -eq '--- START LICENSE ---' ) {

            $TempLicenses = @()

            foreach ( $Line in $License ) {
                if ( $Line -eq '--- START LICENSE ---' ) {

                    $TempLicense = $Line

                } else {

                    $TempLicense += $Line


                if ( $Line -eq '--- END LICENSE ---' ) {

                    $TempLicenses += $TempLicense



            $License = $TempLicenses


        foreach ( $SuspiciousLicense in $License ) {

            if ( -not $SuspiciousLicense.StartsWith('--- START LICENSE ---') ) {

                throw 'Licenses must start with: --- START LICENSE ---'


            if ( -not $SuspiciousLicense.EndsWith('--- END LICENSE ---') ) {

                throw 'Licenses must end with: --- END LICENSE ---'


            $Licenses += $SuspiciousLicense


    } else {

        foreach ( $ProductName in $Product ) {

            try {

                $Licenses += Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Admin Arsenal\PDQ $ProductName" -Name 'License'
                $Count ++

            } catch {

                Write-Warning "Unable to find your PDQ $ProductName license"



        if ( -not $Count ) {

            throw 'Unable to find any licenses in the registry.'


    foreach ( $LicenseRaw in $Licenses ) {

        Exit-AfterFormatting $Format 'Raw' $LicenseRaw

        # Get the main part of the license.
        $LicenseMiddle = ($LicenseRaw -split "---")[2]

        Exit-AfterFormatting $Format 'RawMiddle' $LicenseMiddle

        # Decode base64.
        $LicenseDecoded = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($LicenseMiddle))

        Exit-AfterFormatting $Format 'XML' $LicenseDecoded

        # Convert the XML string into a PowerShell object, and output it.

