
Moves whatever you select into a Folder by reading the contents of the clipboard.
Created for
Reads the contents of your clipboard to get data about the Folders, Packages, and/or Target Lists you selected,
then the Folder you want to move them into, then updates the Path and FolderId of the items in your database.
Displays a couple of prompts, then updates your database.

function Move-PdqDeployItem {

    param (

    Write-Host ''
    Write-Host 'Copy the Folders, Packages, and/or Target Lists you would like to move.'
    Wait-PdqClipboardData -Format 'Package'
    $ItemsToMove = (Get-PdqClipboardData -Format 'Package').'AdminArsenal.Export'

    $FoldersToMove = $ItemsToMove.Folder | Select-Object Id, Name
    $TargetListsToMove = $ItemsToMove.TargetList | Select-Object Id, Name
    $PackagesToMove = $ItemsToMove.Package | Select-Object Path, Name

    # When there's only 1 of an item, its object is not an array, so you have to force it to be an array to get
    # an accurate count.
    $ItemCount = @($FoldersToMove).Count + @($TargetListsToMove).Count + @($PackagesToMove).Count
    if ( $ItemCount -eq 0 ) {

        throw 'No Folders, Packages, or Target Lists were found on the clipboard.'


    Write-Host "Copy the Folder you would like to move $ItemCount item(s) into."
    Wait-PdqClipboardData -Format 'DeployFolder'

    $DestinationFolder = (Get-PdqClipboardData -Format 'DeployFolder').'AdminArsenal.Export'.Folder
    $DestinationFolderId = $DestinationFolder.Id.value
    $DestinationFolderPath = $DestinationFolder.Path
    if ( -not $DestinationFolderId ) {

        throw 'Unable to retrieve the folder id from the clipboard.'

    if ( -not $DestinationFolderPath ) {

        throw 'Unable to retrieve the folder path from the clipboard.'

    if ( $DestinationFolderId -in $FoldersToMove.Id.value ) {

        throw 'Cannot move a Folder into itself.'


    try {

        $CloseConnection = Open-PdqSqlConnection -Product 'Deploy'

        foreach ( $Folder in $FoldersToMove ) {

            $NewPath = $DestinationFolderPath, $Folder.Name -join '\'
            $FolderId = $Folder.Id.value
            $Query = "UPDATE Folders SET (ParentId, Path) = ($DestinationFolderId, '$NewPath') WHERE FolderId = $FolderId;"
            Write-Verbose $Query
            $null = Invoke-SqlUpdate -Query $Query -ConnectionName 'Deploy'


        foreach ( $TargetList in $TargetListsToMove ) {

            $NewPath = $DestinationFolderPath, $TargetList.Name -join '\'
            $TargetListId = $TargetList.Id.value
            $Query = "UPDATE TargetLists SET (FolderId, Path) = ($DestinationFolderId, '$NewPath') WHERE TargetListId = $TargetListId;"
            Write-Verbose $Query
            $null = Invoke-SqlUpdate -Query $Query -ConnectionName 'Deploy'


        foreach ( $Package in $PackagesToMove ) {

            $PackagePath = $Package.Path
            $PackageName = $Package.Name
            $PackageIdQuery = "SELECT PackageId FROM Packages WHERE Path = '$PackagePath';"
            $PackageId = (Invoke-SqlQuery -Query $PackageIdQuery -ConnectionName 'Deploy').PackageId
            switch ( $PackageId.Count ) {

                0 {

                    throw "Unable to find a PackageId for '$PackagePath'."


                { $_ -gt 1 } {

                    throw "Multiple IDs were returned for '$PackagePath'."



            $NewPath = $DestinationFolderPath, $PackageName -join '\'
            $Query = "UPDATE Packages SET (FolderId, Path) = ($DestinationFolderId, '$NewPath') WHERE PackageId = $PackageId;"
            Write-Verbose $Query
            $null = Invoke-SqlUpdate -Query $Query -ConnectionName 'Deploy'


        Write-Host ''
        Write-Host 'Success! Please refresh the PDQ Deploy console.'

    } finally {

        Close-PdqSqlConnection -Product 'Deploy' -CloseConnection $CloseConnection

