.SYNOPSIS Converts a Variable name from one type to another. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS System.String .EXAMPLE Convert-PdqVariableType -Name 'ServerIp' -Type 'Custom' @(ServerIp) #> function Convert-PdqVariableType { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] # The Variable name you would like to convert to a different type. # Make sure to use single quotes with System Variables, otherwise PowerShell will throw an error! # '$(Date)' [String]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('Bare', 'Custom', 'System')] # The type of Variable you would like to convert $Name to. [String]$Type ) switch ($Type) { 'Bare' { $Name -replace '[$@()]' } 'Custom' { "@($Name)" } 'System' { "`$($Name)" } } } |