.SYNOPSIS Allows packages to be tagged so their deployments will always be prioritized. .DESCRIPTION To tag a package, add a Step (any Type will work), and set the Title to "Always Prioritized". I recommend disabling the Step so it doesn't slow down deployments. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS None. .EXAMPLE Enable-PdqPackageAlwaysPrioritized Adds a trigger to your database. #> function Enable-PdqPackageAlwaysPrioritized { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # The path to the currently active database will be retrieved by default. # You can use this parameter if you wish to run this function against a different database. [String]$DatabasePath, # Deletes the trigger from your database. [Switch]$RemoveTrigger ) Write-Warning 'This function must be run after every PDQ Deploy update.' $TriggerName = 'prioritize_tagged_packages' $TriggerQuery = @" CREATE TRIGGER $TriggerName AFTER INSERT ON DeploymentComputers WHEN NEW.DeploymentId IN ( SELECT DeploymentId FROM Deployments INNER JOIN PackageSteps USING (PackageDefinitionId) WHERE PackageSteps.Title = 'Always Prioritized' ) BEGIN UPDATE DeploymentComputers SET Prioritized = datetime('now') WHERE DeploymentComputerId = NEW.DeploymentComputerId ; END; "@ Try { $CloseConnection = Open-PdqSqlConnection -Product 'Deploy' -DatabasePath $DatabasePath # Prioritization was introduced in Assert-PdqMinimumVersion -Product 'Deploy' -MinimumVersion '' $null = Invoke-SqlUpdate -Query "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS $TriggerName" -ConnectionName 'Deploy' Write-Verbose "Trigger $TriggerName was deleted, if it existed." if ( $RemoveTrigger ) { Break } $null = Invoke-SqlUpdate -Query $TriggerQuery -ConnectionName 'Deploy' Write-Verbose "Trigger $TriggerName created." Write-Host '' Write-Host 'Success! Please run the following to learn how to tag packages:' Write-Host 'Get-Help Enable-PdqPackageAlwaysPrioritized' } Finally { Close-PdqSqlConnection -Product 'Deploy' -CloseConnection $CloseConnection } } |