
Retrieves Console User sessions from the Deploy or Inventory database.
Get-PdqConsoleUserSession -Product 'Deploy'
Outputs all Console User sessions from Deploy.
Get-PdqConsoleUserSession -Product 'Inventory' -Total
Outputs the total number of Console User sessions from Inventory.

function Get-PdqConsoleUserSession {

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Deploy', 'Inventory')]
        # The PDQ application you would like to execute this function against.

        # A list of usernames you would like to search for.

        # Output the total number of sessions instead of the sessions themselves.

        # The path to the currently active database will be retrieved by default.
        # You can use this parameter if you wish to run this function against a different database.

    $TotalSessions = 0
    $FoundUserNames = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[String]

    Get-PdqDatabaseData -Product $Product -Table 'ConsoleUserSessions' -DatabasePath $DatabasePath | ForEach-Object {

        $ConsoleUserSession = $_

        $FoundUserName = $ConsoleUserSession.UserName
        if ( $FoundUserName.Contains('\') ) {

            $FoundUserName = ($FoundUserName -split '\\')[1]


        if ( (-not $UserName) -or ($FoundUserName -in $UserName) ) {
            # Split CSV fields into arrays.
            $ConsoleUserSession.CLI = $ConsoleUserSession.CLI -split ','
            $ConsoleUserSession.Console = $ConsoleUserSession.Console -split ','

            # Concatenate the session arrays, then remove empty entries.
            $AllSessions = $ConsoleUserSession.CLI + $ConsoleUserSession.Console | Where-Object { $_ }
            # Deduplicate the list, then count how many are left.
            $SessionCount = (($AllSessions | Group-Object).Name).Count

            if ( $Total ) {

                $TotalSessions += $SessionCount

            } else {

                # Add Sessions as a property, then output the object.
                $ConsoleUserSession | Add-Member -MemberType 'NoteProperty' -Name 'Sessions' -Value $SessionCount -PassThru



    foreach ( $DesiredUserName in $UserName ) {

        if ( $DesiredUserName -notin $FoundUserNames ) {

            throw "No Console User sessions were found for: $DesiredUserName"



    if ( $Total ) {


