<# .SYNOPSIS Calculates how long it took for each deployment in PDQ Deploy to start. .NOTES This is a script I wrote when I was working at PDQ. There was a bug that caused deployments to take a long time to start. That bug was fixed, but I figured I may as well publish this script in case it is useful again in the future. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject System.Object[] .EXAMPLE Measure-PdqDeploymentStartDelay Reads the PDQ Deploy database from the default location, then outputs how long each deployment took to start. #> function Measure-PdqDeploymentStartDelay { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # The path to the currently active database will be retrieved by default. # You can use this parameter if you wish to run this function against a different database. [String]$DatabasePath ) $DeploymentComputers = @{} $TargetCounts = @{} Try { $CloseConnection = Open-PdqSqlConnection -Product 'Deploy' -DatabasePath $DatabasePath $DeploymentsQuery = 'SELECT DeploymentId, Created FROM Deployments ORDER BY DeploymentId DESC;' $Deployments = Invoke-SqlQuery -Query $DeploymentsQuery -ConnectionName 'Deploy' # $TargetCounts is a hashtable whose Key is DeploymentId, # and Value is the Started value of the target that started first. # This is faster than filtering every record from DeploymentComputers in each loop. $DeploymentComputersQuery = 'SELECT DeploymentId, Started FROM DeploymentComputers;' Invoke-SqlQuery -Query $DeploymentComputersQuery -ConnectionName 'Deploy' -Stream | ForEach-Object { # I had to go with DepId instead of DeploymentId because I was getting a really strange error. # "Cannot overwrite variable DeploymentId because the variable has been optimized." [UInt64]$DepId = $_.DeploymentId $TargetCounts.$DepId ++ # -as accepts null values, casting to [DateTime] does not. $Started = $_.Started -as 'DateTime' if ( $_.Started ) { # Look for the lowest (earliest) Started value, or the first Started value of this deployment. if ( ($Started -lt $DeploymentComputers.$DepId) -or (-not $DeploymentComputers.$DepId) ) { $DeploymentComputers.$DepId = $Started } } } } Finally { Close-PdqSqlConnection -Product 'Deploy' -CloseConnection $CloseConnection } ForEach ( $Deployment in $Deployments ) { [UInt64]$DeploymentId = $Deployment.DeploymentId [DateTime]$DeploymentStart = $Deployment.Created $FirstComputer = $DeploymentComputers.$DeploymentId # Make sure at least 1 record was found. if ( -not $FirstComputer ) { Write-Verbose "No viable records for DeploymentId $DeploymentId" Continue } $Delay = ($FirstComputer - $DeploymentStart).TotalSeconds [PSCustomObject]@{ DeploymentId = $DeploymentId TargetCount = $TargetCounts.$DeploymentId Delay = $Delay } } } |