
Calculates how long it took for each deployment in PDQ Deploy to start.

This is a script I wrote when I was working at PDQ.
There was a bug that caused deployments to take a long time to start.
That bug was fixed, but I figured I may as well publish this script in case it is useful again in the future.



Reads the PDQ Deploy database from the default location, then outputs how long each deployment took to start.

function Measure-PdqDeploymentStartDelay {

    param (
        # The path to the currently active database will be retrieved by default.
        # You can use this parameter if you wish to run this function against a different database.

    $DeploymentComputers = @{}
    $TargetCounts = @{}

    Try {

        $CloseConnection = Open-PdqSqlConnection -Product 'Deploy' -DatabasePath $DatabasePath

        $DeploymentsQuery = 'SELECT DeploymentId, Created FROM Deployments ORDER BY DeploymentId DESC;'
        $Deployments = Invoke-SqlQuery -Query $DeploymentsQuery -ConnectionName 'Deploy'

        # $TargetCounts is a hashtable whose Key is DeploymentId,
        # and Value is the Started value of the target that started first.
        # This is faster than filtering every record from DeploymentComputers in each loop.
        $DeploymentComputersQuery = 'SELECT DeploymentId, Started FROM DeploymentComputers;'
        Invoke-SqlQuery -Query $DeploymentComputersQuery -ConnectionName 'Deploy' -Stream | ForEach-Object {

            # I had to go with DepId instead of DeploymentId because I was getting a really strange error.
            # "Cannot overwrite variable DeploymentId because the variable has been optimized."
            [UInt64]$DepId = $_.DeploymentId

            $TargetCounts.$DepId ++
            # -as accepts null values, casting to [DateTime] does not.
            $Started = $_.Started -as 'DateTime'
            if ( $_.Started ) {

                # Look for the lowest (earliest) Started value, or the first Started value of this deployment.
                if ( ($Started -lt $DeploymentComputers.$DepId) -or (-not $DeploymentComputers.$DepId) ) {

                    $DeploymentComputers.$DepId = $Started



    } Finally {

        Close-PdqSqlConnection -Product 'Deploy' -CloseConnection $CloseConnection


    ForEach ( $Deployment in $Deployments ) {

        [UInt64]$DeploymentId = $Deployment.DeploymentId
        [DateTime]$DeploymentStart = $Deployment.Created
        $FirstComputer = $DeploymentComputers.$DeploymentId

        # Make sure at least 1 record was found.
        if ( -not $FirstComputer ) {

            Write-Verbose "No viable records for DeploymentId $DeploymentId"


        $Delay = ($FirstComputer - $DeploymentStart).TotalSeconds

            DeploymentId = $DeploymentId
            TargetCount  = $TargetCounts.$DeploymentId
            Delay        = $Delay

