
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

function List-ExtraKeys($baseHash, $otherHash) {
    $extra_keys = @()
    $otherHash.Keys | ForEach-Object {
        if ( -not $baseHash.ContainsKey($_)) {
            $extra_keys += $_

    return $extra_keys

Describe "It - Caller scoped tests" {
    It "should pass if assertions pass" {
        $test = 'something'
        $test | should be "something"

    $result = $null
        It "no test block"
        $result = $_

    It "throws if no test block given" {
        $result | Should Not Be $null

    $result = $null
        It "empty test block" { }
        $result = $_

    It "won't throw if success test block given" {
        $result | Should Be $null

InModuleScope Pester {
    Describe "It - Module scoped tests" {
        It "records the correct stack line number of failed tests" {
            #the $script scriptblock below is used as a position marker to determine
            #on which line the test failed.
            try{"something" | should be "nothing"}catch{ $ex=$_} ; $script={}
            $result = Get-PesterResult $script 0 $ex
            $result.Stacktrace | should match "at line: $($script.startPosition.StartLine) in "