
function Parse-ShouldArgs([array] $shouldArgs) {
    if ($null -eq $shouldArgs) { $shouldArgs = @() }

    $parsedArgs = @{
        PositiveAssertion = $true
        ExpectedValue = $null

    $assertionMethodIndex = 0
    $expectedValueIndex   = 1

    if ($shouldArgs.Count -gt 0 -and $shouldArgs[0].ToLower() -eq "not") {
        $parsedArgs.PositiveAssertion = $false
        $assertionMethodIndex += 1
        $expectedValueIndex   += 1

    if ($assertionMethodIndex -lt $shouldArgs.Count)
        $parsedArgs.AssertionMethod = "Pester$($shouldArgs[$assertionMethodIndex])"
        throw 'You cannot call Should without specifying an assertion method.'

    if ($expectedValueIndex -lt $shouldArgs.Count)
        $parsedArgs.ExpectedValue = $shouldArgs[$expectedValueIndex]

    return $parsedArgs

function Get-TestResult($shouldArgs, $value) {
    $assertionMethod = $shouldArgs.AssertionMethod
    $command = & $SafeCommands['Get-Command'] $assertionMethod -CommandType Function -ErrorAction $script:IgnoreErrorPreference

    if ($null -eq $command)
        $assertionMethod = $assertionMethod -replace '^Pester'
        throw "'$assertionMethod' is not a valid Should operator."

    $testResult = (& $assertionMethod $value $shouldArgs.ExpectedValue)

    if ($shouldArgs.PositiveAssertion) {
        return -not $testResult

    return $testResult

function Get-FailureMessage($shouldArgs, $value) {
    $failureMessageFunction = "$($shouldArgs.AssertionMethod)FailureMessage"
    if (-not $shouldArgs.PositiveAssertion) {
        $failureMessageFunction = "Not$failureMessageFunction"

    return (& $failureMessageFunction $value $shouldArgs.ExpectedValue)
function New-ShouldErrorRecord ([string] $Message, [string] $File, [string] $Line, [string] $LineText) {
    $exception = & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] Exception $Message
    $errorID = 'PesterAssertionFailed'
    $errorCategory = [Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidResult
    # we use ErrorRecord.TargetObject to pass structured information about the error to a reporting system.
    $targetObject = @{Message = $Message; File = $File; Line = $Line; LineText = $LineText}
    $errorRecord = & $SafeCommands['New-Object'] Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, $errorID, $errorCategory, $targetObject
    return $errorRecord

function Should {
        Should is a command that provides assertion convenience methods for comparing objects and throwing test
        failures when test expectations fail. Should is used inside It blocks of a Pester test script.
        For a detailed description see about_Should or

    begin {
        Assert-DescribeInProgress -CommandName Should
        $parsedArgs = Parse-ShouldArgs $args

    end {
        do {
            $value = $input.Current

            $testFailed = Get-TestResult $parsedArgs $value

            if ($testFailed) {
                $lineText = $MyInvocation.Line.TrimEnd("`n")
                $line = $MyInvocation.ScriptLineNumber
                $file = $MyInvocation.ScriptName

                $failureMessage = Get-FailureMessage $parsedArgs $value

                throw ( New-ShouldErrorRecord -Message $failureMessage -File $file -Line $line -LineText $lineText)
        } until ($input.MoveNext() -eq $false)