When 'I (?:set|initialize) the variable (?<Name>[\w:]+) to "(?<Value>[^"]+)"' { param($Name, $Value) switch($Name) { "One" { $One = $Value } "Two" { $Two = $Value } "Script:Two" { $Script:Two = $Value } } } Given 'I initialize variables One and (?<Script>.+:)?Two to "Uno" and "Dos"' { param($Script) $One = "Uno" if($Script) { $Script:Two = "Dos" } else { $Two = "Dos" } } Then 'the variable ([\w:]+) should be "([^"]+)"' { param($Name, $Value) $Result = switch($Name) { "One" { $One } "Two" { $Two } "Script:Two" { $Script:Two } } $Result | Should Be $Value } Then "the variable ([\w:]+) should not exist" { param($Name) switch($Name) { "One" { Test-Path Variable:One | Should Be $False } "Two" { Test-Path Variable:Two | Should Be $False } "Script:Two" { Test-Path Variable:Script:Two | Should Be $False } } } BeforeEachFeature { Remove-Variable One -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Variable Two -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Variable Two -Scope Script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } # Not using this BACKGROUND Given anymore, we're using a BeforeEachFeature instead # That way we only clear the variable at the beginning of the test Given "I ensure variables ([\w:]+) and ([\w:]+) are not set" { param( [Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments=$True)] [string[]]$names ) foreach($name in $Names) { Remove-Variable -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } |