# file src\functions\Pester.SafeCommands.ps1 # Tried using $ExecutionState.InvokeCommand.GetCmdlet() here, but it does not trigger module auto-loading the way # Get-Command does. Since this is at import time, before any mocks have been defined, that's probably acceptable. # If someone monkeys with Get-Command before they import Pester, they may break something. # The -All parameter is required when calling Get-Command to ensure that PowerShell can find the command it is # looking for. Otherwise, if you have modules loaded that define proxy cmdlets or that have cmdlets with the same # name as the safe cmdlets, Get-Command will return null. $safeCommandLookupParameters = @{ CommandType = 'Cmdlet' ErrorAction = 'Stop' All = $true } $Get_Command = Get-Command Get-Command -CommandType Cmdlet -ErrorAction 'Stop' $script:SafeCommands = @{ 'Get-Command' = $Get_Command 'Add-Member' = & $Get_Command -Name Add-Member -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Add-Type' = & $Get_Command -Name Add-Type -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Compare-Object' = & $Get_Command -Name Compare-Object -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Export-ModuleMember' = & $Get_Command -Name Export-ModuleMember -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Core @safeCommandLookupParameters 'ForEach-Object' = & $Get_Command -Name ForEach-Object -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Core @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Format-Table' = & $Get_Command -Name Format-Table -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Get-Alias' = & $Get_Command -Name Get-Alias -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Get-ChildItem' = & $Get_Command -Name Get-ChildItem -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Get-Content' = & $Get_Command -Name Get-Content -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Get-Date' = & $Get_Command -Name Get-Date -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Get-Item' = & $Get_Command -Name Get-Item -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Get-ItemProperty' = & $Get_Command -Name Get-ItemProperty -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Get-Location' = & $Get_Command -Name Get-Location -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Get-Member' = & $Get_Command -Name Get-Member -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Get-Module' = & $Get_Command -Name Get-Module -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Core @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Get-PSDrive' = & $Get_Command -Name Get-PSDrive -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Get-PSCallStack' = & $Get_Command -Name Get-PSCallStack -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Get-Unique' = & $Get_Command -Name Get-Unique -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Get-Variable' = & $Get_Command -Name Get-Variable -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Group-Object' = & $Get_Command -Name Group-Object -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Import-LocalizedData' = & $Get_Command -Name Import-LocalizedData -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Import-Module' = & $Get_Command -Name Import-Module -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Core @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Join-Path' = & $Get_Command -Name Join-Path -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Measure-Object' = & $Get_Command -Name Measure-Object -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'New-Item' = & $Get_Command -Name New-Item -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters 'New-ItemProperty' = & $Get_Command -Name New-ItemProperty -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters 'New-Module' = & $Get_Command -Name New-Module -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Core @safeCommandLookupParameters 'New-Object' = & $Get_Command -Name New-Object -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'New-PSDrive' = & $Get_Command -Name New-PSDrive -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters 'New-Variable' = & $Get_Command -Name New-Variable -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Out-Host' = & $Get_Command -Name Out-Host -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Core @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Out-File' = & $Get_Command -Name Out-File -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Out-Null' = & $Get_Command -Name Out-Null -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Core @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Out-String' = & $Get_Command -Name Out-String -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Pop-Location' = & $Get_Command -Name Pop-Location -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Push-Location' = & $Get_Command -Name Push-Location -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Remove-Item' = & $Get_Command -Name Remove-Item -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Remove-PSBreakpoint' = & $Get_Command -Name Remove-PSBreakpoint -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Remove-PSDrive' = & $Get_Command -Name Remove-PSDrive -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Remove-Variable' = & $Get_Command -Name Remove-Variable -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Resolve-Path' = & $Get_Command -Name Resolve-Path -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Select-Object' = & $Get_Command -Name Select-Object -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Set-Alias' = & $Get_Command -Name Set-Alias -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Set-Content' = & $Get_Command -Name Set-Content -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Set-Location' = & $Get_Command -Name Set-Location -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Set-PSBreakpoint' = & $Get_Command -Name Set-PSBreakpoint -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Set-StrictMode' = & $Get_Command -Name Set-StrictMode -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Core @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Set-Variable' = & $Get_Command -Name Set-Variable -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Sort-Object' = & $Get_Command -Name Sort-Object -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Split-Path' = & $Get_Command -Name Split-Path -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Start-Sleep' = & $Get_Command -Name Start-Sleep -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Test-Path' = & $Get_Command -Name Test-Path -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Where-Object' = & $Get_Command -Name Where-Object -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Core @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Write-Error' = & $Get_Command -Name Write-Error -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Write-Host' = & $Get_Command -Name Write-Host -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Write-Progress' = & $Get_Command -Name Write-Progress -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Write-Verbose' = & $Get_Command -Name Write-Verbose -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters 'Write-Warning' = & $Get_Command -Name Write-Warning -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility @safeCommandLookupParameters } # Not all platforms have Get-WmiObject (Nano or PSCore 6.0.0-beta.x on Linux) # Get-CimInstance is preferred, but we can use Get-WmiObject if it exists # Moreover, it shouldn't really be fatal if neither of those cmdlets # exist if (($cim = & $Get_Command -Name Get-CimInstance -Module CimCmdlets -CommandType Cmdlet -ErrorAction Ignore)) { $script:SafeCommands['Get-CimInstance'] = $cim } elseif (($wmi = & $Get_Command -Name Get-WmiObject -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management -CommandType Cmdlet -ErrorAction Ignore)) { $script:SafeCommands['Get-WmiObject'] = $wmi } elseif (($unames = & $Get_Command -Name uname -CommandType Application -ErrorAction Ignore)) { $script:SafeCommands['uname'] = if ($null -ne $unames -and 0 -lt @($unames).Count) { $unames[0] } if (($ids = & $Get_Command -Name id -CommandType Application -ErrorAction Ignore)) { $script:SafeCommands['id'] = if ($null -ne $ids -and 0 -lt @($ids).Count) { $ids[0] } } } else { Write-Warning "OS Information retrieval is not possible, reports will contain only partial system data" } # little sanity check to make sure we don't blow up a system with a typo up there # (not that I've EVER done that by, for example, mapping New-Item to Remove-Item...) foreach ($keyValuePair in $script:SafeCommands.GetEnumerator()) { if ($keyValuePair.Key -ne $keyValuePair.Value.Name) { throw "SafeCommands entry for $($keyValuePair.Key) does not hold a reference to the proper command." } } # file src\Pester.Types.ps1 if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 6) { Add-Type -Path "$PSScriptRoot/bin/netstandard2.0/Pester.dll" } else { Add-Type -Path "$PSScriptRoot/bin/net452/Pester.dll" } # file src\Pester.State.ps1 $script:AssertionOperators = [Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,object]]([StringComparer]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) $script:AssertionAliases = [Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,object]]([StringComparer]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) $script:AssertionDynamicParams = [Pester.Factory]::CreateRuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary() $script:DisableScopeHints = $true # file src\Pester.Utility.ps1 function or { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] $DefaultValue, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $InputObject ) if ($InputObject) { $InputObject } else { $DefaultValue } } # looks for a property on object that might be null function tryGetProperty { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position = 0)] $InputObject, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] $PropertyName ) if ($null -eq $InputObject) { return } $InputObject.$PropertyName # this would be useful if we looked for property that might not exist # but that is not the case so-far. Originally I implemented this incorrectly # so I will keep this here for reference in case I was wrong the second time as well # $property = $InputObject.PSObject.Properties.Item($PropertyName) # if ($null -ne $property) { # $property.Value # } } function trySetProperty { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position = 0)] $InputObject, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] $PropertyName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)] $Value ) if ($null -eq $InputObject) { return } $InputObject.$PropertyName = $Value } # combines collections that are not null or empty, but does not remove null values # from collections so e.g. combineNonNull @(@(1,$null), @(1,2,3), $null, $null, 10) # returns 1, $null, 1, 2, 3, 10 function combineNonNull ($Array) { foreach ($i in $Array) { $arr = @($i) if ($null -ne $i -and $arr.Length -gt 0) { foreach ($a in $arr) { $a } } } } filter selectNonNull { param($Collection) @(foreach ($i in $Collection) { if ($i) { $i } }) } function any ($InputObject) { # inlining version $(<# any #> if (-not ($s = $InputObject)) { return $false } else { @($s).Length -gt 0 }) # if (-not $InputObject) { # return $false # } # @($InputObject).Length -gt 0 } function none ($InputObject) { -not (any $InputObject) } function defined { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name ) # gets a variable via the provider and returns it's value, the name is slightly misleading # because it indicates that the variable is not defined when it is null, but that is fine # the call to the provider is slightly more expensive (at least it seems) so this should be # used only when we want a value that we will further inspect, and we don't want to add the overhead of # first checking that the variable exists and then getting it's value like here: # defined v & hasValue v & $v.Name -eq "abc" $ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue($Name) } function notDefined { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name ) # gets a variable via the provider and returns it's value, the name is slightly misleading # because it indicates that the variable is not defined when it is null, but that is fine # the call to the provider is slightly more expensive (at least it seems) so this should be # used only when we want a value that we will further inspect $null -eq ($ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue($Name)) } function sum ($InputObject, $PropertyName, $Zero) { if (none $InputObject.Length) { return $Zero } $acc = $Zero foreach ($i in $InputObject) { $acc += $i.$PropertyName } $acc } function tryGetValue { [CmdletBinding()] param( $Hashtable, $Key ) if ($Hashtable.ContainsKey($Key)) { # do not enumerate so we get the same thing back # even if it is a collection $PSCmdlet.WriteObject($Hashtable.$Key, $false) } } function tryAddValue { [CmdletBinding()] param( $Hashtable, $Key, $Value ) if (-not $Hashtable.ContainsKey($Key)) { $null = $Hashtable.Add($Key, $Value) } } function getOrUpdateValue { [CmdletBinding()] param( $Hashtable, $Key, $DefaultValue ) if ($Hashtable.ContainsKey($Key)) { # do not enumerate so we get the same thing back # even if it is a collection $PSCmdlet.WriteObject($Hashtable.$Key, $false) } else { $Hashtable.Add($Key, $DefaultValue) # do not enumerate so we get the same thing back # even if it is a collection $PSCmdlet.WriteObject($DefaultValue, $false) } } function tryRemoveKey ($Hashtable, $Key) { if ($Hashtable.ContainsKey($Key)) { $Hashtable.Remove($Key) } } function Merge-Hashtable ($Source, $Destination) { foreach ($p in $Source.GetEnumerator()) { # only add non existing keys so in case of conflict # the framework name wins, as if we had explicit parameters # on a scriptblock, then the parameter would also win if (-not $Destination.ContainsKey($p.Key)) { $Destination.Add($p.Key, $p.Value) } } } function Merge-HashtableOrObject ($Source, $Destination) { if ($Source -isnot [Collections.IDictionary] -and $Source -isnot [PSObject]) { throw "Source must be a Hashtable, IDictionary or a PSObject." } if ($Destination -isnot [PSObject]) { throw "Destination must be a PSObject." } $sourceIsPSObject = $Source -is [PSObject] $sourceIsDictionary = $Source -is [Collections.IDictionary] $destinationIsPSObject = $Destination -is [PSObject] $destinationIsDictionary = $Destination -is [Collections.IDictionary] $items = if ($sourceIsDictionary) { $Source.GetEnumerator() } else { $Source.PSObject.Properties } foreach ($p in $items) { if ($null -eq $Destination.PSObject.Properties.Item($p.Key)) { $Destination.PSObject.Properties.Add([Pester.Factory]::CreateNoteProperty($p.Key, $p.Value)) } else { if ($p.Value -is [hashtable] -or $p.Value -is [PSObject]) { Merge-HashtableOrObject -Source $p.Value -Destination $Destination.($p.Key) } else { $Destination.($p.Key) = $p.Value } } } } function Write-PesterDebugMessage { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Default")] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [ValidateSet("Filter", "Skip", "Runtime", "RuntimeCore", "Mock", "MockCore", "Discovery", "DiscoveryCore", "SessionState", "Timing", "TimingCore", "Plugin", "PluginCore", "CodeCoverage")] [String[]] $Scope, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, ParameterSetName = "Default")] [String] $Message, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, ParameterSetName = "Lazy")] [ScriptBlock] $LazyMessage, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] $ErrorRecord ) if (-not $PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { throw "This should never happen. All calls to Write-PesterDebugMessage should be wrapped in `if` to avoid perfomace hit of allocating the message and calling the function. Inspect the call stack to know where this call came from. This can also happen if `$PesterPreference is different from the `$PesterPreference that utilities see because of incorrect scoping." } $messagePreference = $PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessagesFrom.Value $any = $false foreach ($s in $Scope) { if ($any) { break } foreach ($p in $messagePreference) { if ($s -like $p) { $any = $true break } } } if (-not $any) { return } $color = if ($null -ne $ErrorRecord) { "Red" } else { switch ($Scope) { "Filter" { "Cyan" } "Skip" { "Cyan" } "Runtime" { "DarkGray" } "RuntimeCore" { "Cyan" } "Mock" { "DarkYellow" } "Discovery" { "DarkMagenta" } "DiscoveryCore" { "DarkMagenta" } "SessionState" { "Gray" } "Timing" { "Gray" } "TimingCore" { "Gray" } "PluginCore" { "Blue" } "Plugin" { "Blue" } "CodeCoverage" { "Yellow" } default { "Cyan" } } } # this evaluates a message that is expensive to produce so we only evaluate it # when we know that we will write it. All messages could be provided as scriptblocks # but making a script block is slightly more expensive than making a string, so lazy approach # is used only when the message is obviously expensive, like folding the whole tree to get # count of found tests #TODO: remove this, it was clever but the best performance is achieved by putting an if around the whole call which is what I do in hopefully all places, that way the scriptblock nor the string are allocated if ($null -ne $LazyMessage) { $Message = (&$LazyMessage) -join "`n" } & $script:SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor $color "${Scope}: $Message " if ($null -ne $ErrorRecord) { & $script:SafeCommands['Write-Host'] -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor $color "$ErrorRecord" } } function Fold-Block { param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] $Block, $OnBlock = {}, $OnTest = {}, $Accumulator ) process { foreach ($b in $Block) { $Accumulator = & $OnBlock $Block $Accumulator foreach ($test in $Block.Tests) { $Accumulator = &$OnTest $test $Accumulator } foreach ($b in $Block.Blocks) { Fold-Block -Block $b -OnTest $OnTest -OnBlock $OnBlock -Accumulator $Accumulator } } } } function Fold-Container { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] $Container, $OnContainer = {}, $OnBlock = {}, $OnTest = {}, $Accumulator ) process { foreach ($c in $Container) { $Accumulator = & $OnContainer $c $Accumulator foreach ($block in $c.Blocks) { Fold-Block -Block $block -OnBlock $OnBlock -OnTest $OnTest -Accumulator $Accumulator } } } } function Fold-Run { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] $Run, $OnRun = {}, $OnContainer = {}, $OnBlock = {}, $OnTest = {}, $Accumulator ) process { foreach ($r in $Run) { $Accumulator = & $OnRun $r $Accumulator foreach ($container in $r.Containers) { Fold-Container -Container $container -OnContainer $OnContainer -OnBlock $OnBlock -OnTest $OnTest -Accumulator $Accumulator } } } } # file src\Pester.Runtime.psm1 # instances $flags = [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]'Instance,NonPublic' $script:SessionStateInternalProperty = [System.Management.Automation.SessionState].GetProperty('Internal', $flags) $script:ScriptBlockSessionStateInternalProperty = [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock].GetProperty('SessionStateInternal', $flags) $script:ScriptBlockSessionStateProperty = [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock].GetProperty("SessionState", $flags) if (notDefined PesterPreference) { $PesterPreference = [PesterConfiguration]::Default } else { $PesterPreference = [PesterConfiguration] $PesterPreference } $state = [PSCustomObject] @{ # indicate whether or not we are currently # running in discovery mode se we can change # behavior of the commands appropriately Discovery = $false CurrentBlock = $null CurrentTest = $null Plugin = $null PluginConfiguration = $null Configuration = $null TotalStopWatch = $null UserCodeStopWatch = $null FrameworkStopWatch = $null Stack = [Collections.Stack]@() ExpandName = { param([string]$Name, [HashTable]$Data) $n = $Name foreach ($pair in $Data.GetEnumerator()) { $n = $n -replace "<$($pair.Key)>", "$($pair.Value)" } $n } } function Reset-TestSuiteState { # resets the module state to the default if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Resetting all state to default." } $state.Discovery = $false $state.Plugin = $null $state.PluginConfiguration = $null $state.Configuration = $null $state.CurrentBlock = $null $state.CurrentTest = $null $state.Stack.Clear() Reset-TestSuiteTimer } function Reset-PerContainerState { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $RootBlock ) if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Resetting per container state." } $state.CurrentBlock = $RootBlock $state.Stack.Clear() } function Find-Test { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSObject[]] $BlockContainer, $Filter, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Management.Automation.SessionState] $SessionState ) if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope DiscoveryCore "Running just discovery." } $found = Discover-Test -BlockContainer $BlockContainer -Filter $Filter -SessionState $SessionState foreach ($f in $found) { ConvertTo-DiscoveredBlockContainer -Block $f } } function ConvertTo-DiscoveredBlockContainer { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Block ) # takes a root block and converts it to a discovered block container # that we can publish from Find-Test, because keeping everything a block makes the internal # code simpler $container = $Block.BlockContainer $content = tryGetProperty $container Content $type = tryGetProperty $container Type # TODO: Add other properties that are relevant to found tests $b = $Block | &$SafeCommands['Select-Object'] -ExcludeProperty @( "Parent" "Name" "Tag" "First" "Last" "StandardOutput" "Passed" "Skipped" "Executed" "Path", "StartedAt", "Duration", "Aggregated*" ) -Property @( @{n = "Content"; e = { $content } } @{n = "Type"; e = { $type } }, '*' ) $b } function ConvertTo-ExecutedBlockContainer { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Block ) foreach ($b in $Block) { [Pester.Container]::CreateFromBlock($b) } } # endpoint for adding a block that contains tests # or other blocks function New-Block { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock, [String[]] $Tag = @(), [HashTable] $FrameworkData = @{ }, [Switch] $Focus, [String] $Id, [Switch] $Skip ) # Switch-Timer -Scope Framework # $overheadStartTime = $state.FrameworkStopWatch.Elapsed # $blockStartTime = $state.UserCodeStopWatch.Elapsed $state.Stack.Push($Name) $path = @( <# Get full name #> $history = $state.Stack.ToArray(); [Array]::Reverse($history); $history) if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Entering path $($path -join '.')" } $block = $null $previousBlock = $state.CurrentBlock if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope DiscoveryCore "Adding block $Name to discovered blocks" } # new block $block = [Pester.Block]::Create() $block.Name = $Name $block.Path = $Path $block.Tag = $Tag $block.ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock $block.FrameworkData = $FrameworkData $block.Focus = $Focus $block.Id = $Id $block.Skip = $Skip # we attach the current block to the parent, and put it to the parent # lists $block.Parent = $state.CurrentBlock $state.CurrentBlock.Order.Add($block) $state.CurrentBlock.Blocks.Add($block) # and then make it the new current block $state.CurrentBlock = $block try { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope DiscoveryCore "Discovering in body of block $Name" } & $ScriptBlock if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope DiscoveryCore "Finished discovering in body of block $Name" } } finally { $state.CurrentBlock = $previousBlock $null = $state.Stack.Pop() if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Left block $Name" } } } function Invoke-Block ($previousBlock) { Switch-Timer -Scope Framework $overheadStartTime = $state.FrameworkStopWatch.Elapsed $blockStartTime = $state.UserCodeStopWatch.Elapsed if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Entering path $($path -join '.')" } foreach ($item in $previousBlock.Order) { if ('Test' -eq $item.ItemType) { Invoke-TestItem -Test $item } else { $block = $item $state.CurrentBlock = $block try { if (-not $block.ShouldRun) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Block '$($block.Name)' is excluded from run, returning" } continue } $block.ExecutedAt = [DateTime]::Now $block.Executed = $true if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Executing body of block '$($block.Name)'" } # TODO: no callbacks are provided because we are not transitioning between any states, # it might be nice to add a parameter to indicate that we run in the same scope # so we can avoid getting and setting the scope on scriptblock that already has that # scope, which is _potentially_ slow because of reflection, it would also allow # making the transition callbacks mandatory unless the parameter is provided $frameworkSetupResult = Invoke-ScriptBlock ` -OuterSetup @( if ($block.First) { $state.Plugin.OneTimeBlockSetupStart } ) ` -Setup @( $state.Plugin.EachBlockSetupStart ) ` -Context @{ Context = @{ # context that is visible to plugins Block = $block Test = $null Configuration = $state.PluginConfiguration } } if ($frameworkSetupResult.Success) { # this craziness makes one extra scope that is bound to the user session state # and inside of it the Invoke-Block is called recursively. Ultimately this invokes all blocks # in their own scope like this: # & { # block 1 # . block 1 setup # & { # block 2 # . block 2 setup # & { # block 3 # . block 3 setup # & { # test one # . test 1 setup # . test1 # } # } # } # } $sb = { param($______pester_invoke_block_parameters) & $______pester_invoke_block_parameters.Invoke_Block -previousBlock $______pester_invoke_block_parameters.Block } $sessionStateInternal = $script:ScriptBlockSessionStateInternalProperty.GetValue($block.ScriptBlock, $null) $script:ScriptBlockSessionStateInternalProperty.SetValue($sb, $SessionStateInternal) $result = Invoke-ScriptBlock ` -ScriptBlock $sb ` -OuterSetup $( if (-not (Is-Discovery) -and (-not $Block.Skip)) { @($previousBlock.EachBlockSetup) + @($block.OneTimeTestSetup) }) ` -OuterTeardown $( if (-not (Is-Discovery) -and (-not $Block.Skip)) { @($block.OneTimeTestTeardown) + @($previousBlock.EachBlockTeardown) } ) ` -Context @{ ______pester_invoke_block_parameters = @{ Invoke_Block = ${function:Invoke-Block} Block = $block } } ` -ReduceContextToInnerScope ` -MoveBetweenScopes ` -Configuration $state.Configuration $block.OwnPassed = $result.Success $block.StandardOutput = $result.StandardOutput $block.ErrorRecord = $result.ErrorRecord if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Finished executing body of block $Name" } } $frameworkEachBlockTeardowns = @($state.Plugin.EachBlockTeardownEnd ) $frameworkOneTimeBlockTeardowns = @( if ($block.Last) { $state.Plugin.OneTimeBlockTeardownEnd } ) # reverse the teardowns so they run in opposite order to setups [Array]::Reverse($frameworkEachBlockTeardowns) [Array]::Reverse($frameworkOneTimeBlockTeardowns) # setting those values here so they are available for the teardown # BUT they are then set again at the end of the block to make them accurate # so the value on the screen vs the value in the object is slightly different # with the value in the result being the correct one $block.UserDuration = $state.UserCodeStopWatch.Elapsed - $blockStartTime $block.FrameworkDuration = $state.FrameworkStopWatch.Elapsed - $overheadStartTime $frameworkTeardownResult = Invoke-ScriptBlock ` -Teardown $frameworkEachBlockTeardowns ` -OuterTeardown $frameworkOneTimeBlockTeardowns ` -Context @{ Context = @{ # context that is visible to plugins Block = $block Test = $null Configuration = $state.PluginConfiguration } } if (-not $frameworkSetupResult.Success -or -not $frameworkTeardownResult.Success) { Assert-Success -InvocationResult @($frameworkSetupResult, $frameworkTeardownResult) -Message "Framework failed" } } finally { $state.CurrentBlock = $previousBlock if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Left block $Name" } $block.UserDuration = $state.UserCodeStopWatch.Elapsed - $blockStartTime $block.FrameworkDuration = $state.FrameworkStopWatch.Elapsed - $overheadStartTime if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Timing "Block duration $($block.UserDuration.TotalMilliseconds)ms" Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Timing "Block framework duration $($block.FrameworkDuration.TotalMilliseconds)ms" Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Leaving path $($path -join '.')" } } } } } # endpoint for adding a test function New-Test { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock, [String[]] $Tag = @(), [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Data = @{ }, [String] $Id, [Switch] $Focus, [Switch] $Skip ) if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope DiscoveryCore "Entering test $Name" } if ($state.CurrentBlock.IsRoot) { throw "Test cannot be directly in the root." } # avoid managing state by not pushing to the stack only to pop out in finally # simply concatenate the arrays $path = @(<# Get full name #> $history = $state.Stack.ToArray(); [Array]::Reverse($history); $history + $name) if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Entering path $($path -join '.')" } $test = [Pester.Test]::Create() $test.Id = $Id $test.ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock $test.Name = $Name $test.Path = $path $test.Tag = $Tag $test.Focus = $Focus $test.Skip = $Skip $test.Data = $Data $test.FrameworkData.Runtime.Phase = 'Discovery' # add test to current block lists $state.CurrentBlock.Tests.Add($Test) $state.CurrentBlock.Order.Add($Test) if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope DiscoveryCore "Added test '$Name'" } } function Invoke-TestItem { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Test ) # keep this at the top so we report as much time # of the actual test run as possible $overheadStartTime = $state.FrameworkStopWatch.Elapsed $testStartTime = $state.UserCodeStopWatch.Elapsed Switch-Timer -Scope Framework if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Entering test $($Test.Name)" } try { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Entering path $($Test.Path -join '.')" } $Test.FrameworkData.Runtime.Phase = 'Execution' Set-CurrentTest -Test $Test if (-not $Test.ShouldRun) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Test is excluded from run, returning" } return } $Test.ExecutedAt = [DateTime]::Now $Test.Executed = $true $Test.ExpandedName = & $state.ExpandName -Name $Test.Name -Data $Test.Data $block = $Test.Block if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Running test '$($Test.Name)'." } # no callbacks are provided because we are not transitioning between any states $frameworkSetupResult = Invoke-ScriptBlock ` -OuterSetup @( if ($Test.First) { $state.Plugin.OneTimeTestSetupStart } ) ` -Setup @( $state.Plugin.EachTestSetupStart ) ` -Context @{ Context = @{ # context visible to Plugins Block = $block Test = $Test Configuration = $state.PluginConfiguration } } if ($Test.Skip) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { $path = $Test.Path -join '.' Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Skip "($path) Test is skipped." } # setting the test as passed here, this is by choice # skipped test are ultimately passed tests that were not executed # I expect that if someone works with the raw result object and # filters on .Passed -eq $false they should get the count of failed tests # not failed + skipped. It might be wise to revert those booleans to "enum" # because they are exclusive, but keeping the info in the object stupid # and aggregating it as needed was also a design choice $Test.Passed = $true $Test.Skipped = $true $Test.FrameworkData.Runtime.ExecutionStep = 'Finished' } else { if ($frameworkSetupResult.Success) { # TODO: use PesterContext as the name, or some other better reserved name to avoid conflicts $context = @{ # context visible in test Context = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $t.Name; Path = $t.Path } } # user provided data are merged with Pester provided context # Merge-Hashtable -Source $Test.Data -Destination $context foreach ($p in $Test.Data.GetEnumerator()) { # only add non existing keys so in case of conflict # the framework name wins, as if we had explicit parameters # on a scriptblock, then the parameter would also win if (-not $context.ContainsKey($p.Key)) { $context.Add($p.Key, $p.Value) } } # recurse up Recurse-Up $Block { param ($b) $b.EachTestSetup } $i = $Block $eachTestSetups = while ($null -ne $i) { $i.EachTestSetup $i = $i.Parent } # recurse up Recurse-Up $Block { param ($b) $b.EachTestTeardown } $i = $Block $eachTestTeardowns = while ($null -ne $i) { $i.EachTestTeardown $i = $i.Parent } $result = Invoke-ScriptBlock ` -Setup @( if ($null -ne $eachTestSetups -and 0 -lt @($eachTestSetups).Count) { # we collect the child first but want the parent to run first [Array]::Reverse($eachTestSetups) @( { $Test.FrameworkData.Runtime.ExecutionStep = 'EachTestSetup' }) + @($eachTestSetups) } # setting the execution info here so I don't have to invoke change the # contract of Invoke-ScriptBlock to accept multiple -ScriptBlock, because # that is not needed, and would complicate figuring out in which session # state we should run. # this should run every time. { $Test.FrameworkData.Runtime.ExecutionStep = 'Test' } ) ` -ScriptBlock $Test.ScriptBlock ` -Teardown @( if ($null -ne $eachTestTeardowns -and 0 -lt @($eachTestTeardowns).Count) { @( { $Test.FrameworkData.Runtime.ExecutionStep = 'EachTestTeardown' }) + @($eachTestTeardowns) } ) ` -Context $context ` -ReduceContextToInnerScope ` -MoveBetweenScopes ` -NoNewScope ` -Configuration $state.Configuration $Test.FrameworkData.Runtime.ExecutionStep = 'Finished' if ($Result.ErrorRecord.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq 'PesterTestSkipped') { #Same logic as when setting a test block to skip if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { $path = $Test.Path -join '.' Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Skip "($path) Test is skipped." } $Test.Passed = $true $Test.Skipped = $true } else { $Test.Passed = $result.Success } $Test.StandardOutput = $result.StandardOutput $Test.ErrorRecord = $result.ErrorRecord } } # setting those values here so they are available for the teardown # BUT they are then set again at the end of the block to make them accurate # so the value on the screen vs the value in the object is slightly different # with the value in the result being the correct one $Test.UserDuration = $state.UserCodeStopWatch.Elapsed - $testStartTime $Test.FrameworkDuration = $state.FrameworkStopWatch.Elapsed - $overheadStartTime $frameworkEachTestTeardowns = @( $state.Plugin.EachTestTeardownEnd ) $frameworkOneTimeTestTeardowns = @(if ($Test.Last) { $state.Plugin.OneTimeTestTeardownEnd }) [array]::Reverse($frameworkEachTestTeardowns) [array]::Reverse($frameworkOneTimeTestTeardowns) $frameworkTeardownResult = Invoke-ScriptBlock ` -Teardown $frameworkEachTestTeardowns ` -OuterTeardown $frameworkOneTimeTestTeardowns ` -Context @{ Context = @{ # context visible to Plugins Test = $Test Block = $block Configuration = $state.PluginConfiguration } } if (-not $frameworkTeardownResult.Success -or -not $frameworkTeardownResult.Success) { throw $frameworkTeardownResult.ErrorRecord[-1] } } finally { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Leaving path $($Test.Path -join '.')" } $state.CurrentTest = $null if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Left test $($Test.Name)" } # keep this at the end so we report even the test teardown in the framework overhead for the test $Test.UserDuration = $state.UserCodeStopWatch.Elapsed - $testStartTime $Test.FrameworkDuration = $state.FrameworkStopWatch.Elapsed - $overheadStartTime if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Timing -Message "Test duration $($Test.UserDuration.TotalMilliseconds)ms" Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Timing -Message "Framework duration $($Test.FrameworkDuration.TotalMilliseconds)ms" } } } # endpoint for adding a setup for each test in the block function New-EachTestSetup { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock ) if (Is-Discovery) { $state.CurrentBlock.EachTestSetup = $ScriptBlock } } # endpoint for adding a teardown for each test in the block function New-EachTestTeardown { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock ) if (Is-Discovery) { $state.CurrentBlock.EachTestTeardown = $ScriptBlock } } # endpoint for adding a setup for all tests in the block function New-OneTimeTestSetup { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock ) if (Is-Discovery) { $state.CurrentBlock.OneTimeTestSetup = $ScriptBlock } } # endpoint for adding a teardown for all tests in the block function New-OneTimeTestTeardown { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock ) if (Is-Discovery) { $state.CurrentBlock.OneTimeTestTeardown = $ScriptBlock } } # endpoint for adding a setup for each block in the current block function New-EachBlockSetup { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock ) if (Is-Discovery) { $state.CurrentBlock.EachBlockSetup = $ScriptBlock } } # endpoint for adding a teardown for each block in the current block function New-EachBlockTeardown { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock ) if (Is-Discovery) { $state.CurrentBlock.EachBlockTeardown = $ScriptBlock } } # endpoint for adding a setup for all blocks in the current block function New-OneTimeBlockSetup { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock ) if (Is-Discovery) { $state.CurrentBlock.OneTimeBlockSetup = $ScriptBlock } } # endpoint for adding a teardown for all clocks in the current block function New-OneTimeBlockTeardown { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock ) if (Is-Discovery) { $state.CurrentBlock.OneTimeBlockTeardown = $ScriptBlock } } function Get-CurrentBlock { [CmdletBinding()] param() $state.CurrentBlock } function Get-CurrentTest { [CmdletBinding()] param() $state.CurrentTest } function Set-CurrentBlock { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Block ) $state.CurrentBlock = $Block } function Set-CurrentTest { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Test ) $state.CurrentTest = $Test } function Is-Discovery { $state.Discovery } function Discover-Test { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSObject[]] $BlockContainer, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Management.Automation.SessionState] $SessionState, $Filter ) $totalDiscoveryDuration = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Discovery -Message "Starting test discovery in $(@($BlockContainer).Length) test containers." } $steps = $state.Plugin.DiscoveryStart if ($null -ne $steps -and 0 -lt @($steps).Count) { Invoke-PluginStep -Plugins $state.Plugin -Step DiscoveryStart -Context @{ BlockContainers = $BlockContainer Configuration = $state.PluginConfiguration } -ThrowOnFailure } $state.Discovery = $true $found = foreach ($container in $BlockContainer) { $perContainerDiscoveryDuration = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Discovery "Discovering tests in $($container.Item)" } # this is a block object that we add so we can capture # OneTime* and Each* setups, and capture multiple blocks in a # container $root = [Pester.Block]::Create() $root.Name = "Root" $root.IsRoot = $true $root.Path = "Path" $root.First = $true $root.Last = $true Reset-PerContainerState -RootBlock $root $steps = $state.Plugin.ContainerDiscoveryStart if ($null -ne $steps -and 0 -lt @($steps).Count) { Invoke-PluginStep -Plugins $state.Plugin -Step ContainerDiscoveryStart -Context @{ BlockContainer = $container Configuration = $state.PluginConfiguration } -ThrowOnFailure } $null = Invoke-BlockContainer -BlockContainer $container -SessionState $SessionState [PSCustomObject] @{ Container = $container Block = $root } $steps = $state.Plugin.ContainerDiscoveryEnd if ($null -ne $steps -and 0 -lt @($steps).Count) { Invoke-PluginStep -Plugins $state.Plugin -Step ContainerDiscoveryEnd -Context @{ BlockContainer = $container Block = $root Duration = $perContainerDiscoveryDuration.Elapsed Configuration = $state.PluginConfiguration } -ThrowOnFailure } $root.DiscoveryDuration = $perContainerDiscoveryDuration.Elapsed if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Discovery -LazyMessage { "Found $(@(View-Flat -Block $root).Count) tests in $([int]$root.DiscoveryDuration.TotalMilliseconds) ms" } Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope DiscoveryCore "Discovery done in this container." } } if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Discovery "Processing discovery result objects, to set root, parents, filters etc." } # focusing is removed from the public api # # if any tests / block in the suite have -Focus parameter then all filters are disregarded # # and only those tests / blocks should run # $focusedTests = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]@() # foreach ($f in $found) { # Fold-Container -Container $f.Block ` # -OnTest { # # add all focused tests # param($t) # if ($t.Focus) { # $focusedTests.Add("$(if($null -ne $t.ScriptBlock.File) { $t.ScriptBlock.File } else { $t.ScriptBlock.Id }):$($t.ScriptBlock.StartPosition.StartLine)") # } # } ` # -OnBlock { # param($b) if ($b.Focus) { # # add all tests in the current block, no matter if they are focused or not # Fold-Block -Block $b -OnTest { # param ($t) # $focusedTests.Add("$(if($null -ne $t.ScriptBlock.File) { $t.ScriptBlock.File } else { $t.ScriptBlock.Id }):$($t.ScriptBlock.StartPosition.StartLine)") # } # } # } # } # if ($focusedTests.Count -gt 0) { # if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { # Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Discovery -LazyMessage { "There are some ($($focusedTests.Count)) focused tests '$($(foreach ($p in $focusedTests) { $p -join "." }) -join ",")' running just them." } # } # $Filter = New-FilterObject -Line $focusedTests # } foreach ($f in $found) { # this takes non-trivial time, measure how long it takes and add it to the discovery # so we get more accurate total time $sw = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() PostProcess-DiscoveredBlock -Block $f.Block -Filter $Filter -BlockContainer $f.Container -RootBlock $f.Block $overhead = $sw.Elapsed $f.Block.DiscoveryDuration += $overhead # Write-Host "disc $($f.Block.DiscoveryDuration.totalmilliseconds) $($overhead.totalmilliseconds) ms" #TODO $f.Block } $steps = $state.Plugin.DiscoveryEnd if ($null -ne $steps -and 0 -lt @($steps).Count) { Invoke-PluginStep -Plugins $state.Plugin -Step DiscoveryEnd -Context @{ BlockContainers = $found.Block AnyFocusedTests = $focusedTests.Count -gt 0 FocusedTests = $focusedTests Duration = $totalDiscoveryDuration.Elapsed Configuration = $state.PluginConfiguration } -ThrowOnFailure } if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Discovery "Test discovery finished." } } function Run-Test { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSObject[]] $Block, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Management.Automation.SessionState] $SessionState ) $state.Discovery = $false foreach ($rootBlock in $Block) { $blockStartTime = $state.UserCodeStopWatch.Elapsed $overheadStartTime = $state.FrameworkStopWatch.Elapsed Switch-Timer -Scope Framework if (-not $rootBlock.ShouldRun) { ConvertTo-ExecutedBlockContainer -Block $rootBlock continue } # this resets the timers so keep that before measuring the time Reset-PerContainerState -RootBlock $rootBlock $rootBlock.Executed = $true $rootBlock.ExecutedAt = [DateTime]::now $steps = $state.Plugin.ContainerRunStart if ($null -ne $steps -and 0 -lt @($steps).Count) { Invoke-PluginStep -Plugins $state.Plugin -Step ContainerRunStart -Context @{ Block = $rootBlock Configuration = $state.PluginConfiguration } -ThrowOnFailure } try { # if ($null -ne $rootBlock.OneTimeBlockSetup) { # throw "One time block setup is not supported in root (directly in the block container)." #} # if ($null -ne $rootBlock.EachBlockSetup) { # throw "Each block setup is not supported in root (directly in the block container)." # } if ($null -ne $rootBlock.EachTestSetup) { throw "Each test setup is not supported in root (directly in the block container)." } if ( $null -ne $rootBlock.EachTestTeardown ` -or $null -ne $rootBlock.OneTimeTestTeardown #` #-or $null -ne $rootBlock.OneTimeBlockTeardown ` #-or $null -ne $rootBlock.EachBlockTeardown ` ) { throw "Teardowns are not supported in root (directly in the block container)." } $rootSetupResult = $null if ($null -ne $rootBlock.OneTimeTestSetup) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "One time setup from root block is executing" } $rootSetupResult = Invoke-ScriptBlock ` -OuterSetup @( # if ($rootBlock.ShouldRun) { # todo: should this always run? $rootBlock.OneTimeTestSetup # } ) ` -ReduceContextToInnerScope ` -MoveBetweenScopes } if ($null -ne $rootSetupResult -and -not $rootSetupResult.Success) { & $SafeCommands["Write-Error"] -ErrorRecord $rootSetupResult.ErrorRecord[0] -ErrorAction 'Stop' } $null = Invoke-Block -previousBlock $rootBlock $rootBlock.OwnPassed = $true } catch { $rootBlock.OwnPassed = $false $rootBlock.ErrorRecord.Add($_) } PostProcess-ExecutedBlock -Block $rootBlock $result = ConvertTo-ExecutedBlockContainer -Block $rootBlock $result.FrameworkDuration = $state.FrameworkStopWatch.Elapsed - $overheadStartTime $result.UserDuration = $state.UserCodeStopWatch.Elapsed - $blockStartTime $steps = $state.Plugin.ContainerRunEnd if ($null -ne $steps -and 0 -lt @($steps).Count) { Invoke-PluginStep -Plugins $state.Plugin -Step ContainerRunEnd -Context @{ Result = $result Block = $rootBlock Configuration = $state.PluginConfiguration } -ThrowOnFailure } # set this again so the plugins have some data but that we also include the plugin invocation to the # overall time to keep the actual timing correct $result.FrameworkDuration = $state.FrameworkStopWatch.Elapsed - $overheadStartTime $result.UserDuration = $state.UserCodeStopWatch.Elapsed - $blockStartTime if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Timing "Container duration $($result.UserDuration.TotalMilliseconds)ms" Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Timing "Container framework duration $($result.FrameworkDuration.TotalMilliseconds)ms" } $result } } function Invoke-PluginStep { # [CmdletBinding()] param ( [PSObject[]] $Plugins, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Start', 'DiscoveryStart', 'ContainerDiscoveryStart', 'BlockDiscoveryStart', 'TestDiscoveryStart', 'TestDiscoveryEnd', 'BlockDiscoveryEnd', 'ContainerDiscoveryEnd', 'DiscoveryEnd', 'RunStart', 'ContainerRunStart', 'OneTimeBlockSetupStart', 'EachBlockSetupStart', 'OneTimeTestSetupStart', 'EachTestSetupStart', 'EachTestTeardownEnd', 'OneTimeTestTeardownEnd', 'EachBlockTeardownEnd', 'OneTimeBlockTeardownEnd', 'ContainerRunEnd', 'RunEnd', 'End')] [String] $Step, $Context = @{ }, [Switch] $ThrowOnFailure ) # there are actually two ways to invoke plugin steps, this unified cmdlet that allows us to run the steps # in isolation, and then another where we are using Invoke-ScriptBlock directly when we need the plugin to run # for example as a teardown step of a test. # switch-timer framework $state.UserCodeStopWatch.Stop() $state.FrameworkStopWatch.Start() if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { $sw = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() } $pluginsWithGivenStep = @(foreach ($p in $Plugins) { if ($null -ne $p.$Step) { $p } }) if ($null -eq $pluginsWithGivenStep -or 0 -eq @($pluginsWithGivenStep).Count) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope PluginCore "No plugins with step $Step were provided" } return } # this is end step, we should run all steps no matter if some failed, and we should run them in opposite direction # only do this if there is more than 1, to avoid the "expensive" -like check and reverse $isEndStep = 1 -lt $pluginsWithGivenStep.Count -and $Step -like "*End" if (-not $isEndStep) { [Array]::Reverse($pluginsWithGivenStep) } $err = [Collections.Generic.List[Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]]@() $failed = $false # the plugins expect -Context and then the actual context in it # this was a choice at the start of the project to make it easy to see # what is available, not sure if a good choice $ctx = @{ Context = $Context } $standardOutput = foreach ($p in $pluginsWithGivenStep) { if ($failed -and -not $isEndStep) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Plugin "Skipping $($p.Name) step $Step because some previous plugin failed" } continue } try { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { $stepSw = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() $hasContext = 0 -lt $Context.Count $c = if ($hasContext) { $Context | & $script:SafeCommands['Out-String'] } Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Plugin "Running $($p.Name) step $Step $(if ($hasContext) { "with context: $c" } else { "without any context"})" } do { & $p.$Step @ctx } while ($false) if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Plugin "Success $($p.Name) step $Step in $($stepSw.ElapsedMilliseconds) ms" } } catch { $failed = $true $err.Add($_) if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Plugin "Failed $($p.Name) step $Step in $($stepSw.ElapsedMilliseconds) ms" -ErrorRecord $_ } } } if ($ThrowOnFailure) { if ($failed) { $r = [Pester.InvocationResult]::Create((-not $failed), $err, $standardOutput) Assert-Success $r -Message "Invoking step $step failed" } else { # do nothing, especially don't create or return the result object } } else { $r = [Pester.InvocationResult]::Create((-not $failed), $err, $standardOutput) return $r } } function Assert-Success { # [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSObject[]] $InvocationResult, [String] $Message = "Invocation failed" ) $rc = 0 $anyFailed = $false foreach ($r in $InvocationResult) { $ec = 0 if ($null -ne $r.ErrorRecord -and $r.ErrorRecord.Length -gt 0) { & $SafeCommands["Write-Host"] -ForegroundColor Red "Result $($rc++):" $anyFailed = $true foreach ($e in $r.ErrorRecord) { & $SafeCommands["Write-Host"] -ForegroundColor Red "Error $($ec++):" & $SafeCommands["Write-Host"] -ForegroundColor Red (Out-String -InputObject $e ) & $SafeCommands["Write-Host"] -ForegroundColor Red (Out-String -InputObject $e.ScriptStackTrace) } } if ($anyFailed) { throw $Message } } } function Invoke-ScriptBlock { param( [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock, [ScriptBlock[]] $OuterSetup, [ScriptBlock[]] $Setup, [ScriptBlock[]] $Teardown, [ScriptBlock[]] $OuterTeardown, $Context = @{ }, # define data to be shared in only in the inner scope where e.g eachTestSetup + test run but not # in the scope where OneTimeTestSetup runs, on the other hand, plugins want context # in all scopes [Switch] $ReduceContextToInnerScope, # # setup, body and teardown will all run (be-dotsourced into) # # the same scope # [Switch] $SameScope, # will dot-source the wrapper scriptblock instead of invoking it # so in combination with the SameScope switch we are effectively # running the code in the current scope [Switch] $NoNewScope, [Switch] $MoveBetweenScopes, [ScriptBlock] $OnUserScopeTransition = $null, [ScriptBlock] $OnFrameworkScopeTransition = $null, $Configuration ) # filter nulls, inlined to avoid overhead of combineNonNull and selectNonNull $OuterSetup = if ($null -ne $OuterSetup -and 0 -lt $OuterSetup.Count) { foreach ($i in $OuterSetup) { if ($null -ne $i) { $i } } } $Setup = if ($null -ne $Setup -and 0 -lt $Setup.Count) { foreach ($i in $Setup) { if ($null -ne $i) { $i } } } $Teardown = if ($null -ne $Teardown -and 0 -lt $Teardown.Count) { foreach ($i in $Teardown) { if ($null -ne $i) { $i } } } $OuterTeardown = if ($null -ne $OuterTeardown -and 0 -lt $OuterTeardown.Count) { foreach ($i in $OuterTeardown) { if ($null -ne $i) { $i } } } # this is what the code below does # . $OuterSetup # & { # try { # # import setup to scope # . $Setup # # executed the test code in the same scope # . $ScriptBlock # } finally { # . $Teardown # } # } # . $OuterTeardown $wrapperScriptBlock = { # THIS RUNS (MOST OF THE TIME) IN USER SCOPE, BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU PUBLISH AND CONSUME! param($______parameters) if (-not $______parameters.NoNewScope) { # a child runner that will not create a new scope will force itself into the current scope # and overwrite our params in the inner scope (denoted by & { below), keep a second reference to it # so we can use it for Teardowns and to forward errors that happened after test teardown $______parametersForward = $______parameters } try { if ($______parameters.ContextInOuterScope) { $______outerSplat = $______parameters.Context if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Setting context variables" } foreach ($______current in $______outerSplat.GetEnumerator()) { if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Setting context variable '$($______current.Key)' with value '$($______current.Value)'" } $ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Set($______current.Key, $______current.Value) } $______current = $null } else { $______outerSplat = @{ } } if ($null -ne $______parameters.OuterSetup -and $______parameters.OuterSetup.Length -gt 0) { if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Running outer setups" } foreach ($______current in $______parameters.OuterSetup) { if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Running outer setup { $______current }" } $______parameters.CurrentlyExecutingScriptBlock = $______current . $______current @______outerSplat } $______current = $null $______parameters.OuterSetup = $null if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Done running outer setups" } } else { if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "There are no outer setups" } } & { try { if (-not $______parameters.ContextInOuterScope) { $______innerSplat = $______parameters.Context if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Setting context variables" } foreach ($______current in $______innerSplat.GetEnumerator()) { if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Setting context variable '$ ($______current.Key)' with value '$($______current.Value)'" } $ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Set($______current.Key, $______current.Value) } $______current = $null } else { $______innerSplat = $______outerSplat } if ($null -ne $______parameters.Setup -and $______parameters.Setup.Length -gt 0) { if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Running inner setups" } foreach ($______current in $______parameters.Setup) { if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Running inner setup { $______current }" } $______parameters.CurrentlyExecutingScriptBlock = $______current . $______current @______innerSplat } $______current = $null $______parameters.Setup = $null if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Done running inner setups" } } else { if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "There are no inner setups" } } if ($null -ne $______parameters.ScriptBlock) { if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Running scriptblock { $($______parameters.ScriptBlock) }" } $______parameters.CurrentlyExecutingScriptBlock = $______parameters.ScriptBlock . $______parameters.ScriptBlock @______innerSplat if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Done running scriptblock" } } else { if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "There is no scriptblock to run" } } } catch { $______parameters.ErrorRecord.Add($_) if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Fail running setups or scriptblock" -ErrorRecord $_ } } finally { if ($null -ne $______parameters.Teardown -and $______parameters.Teardown.Length -gt 0) { if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Running inner teardowns" } foreach ($______current in $______parameters.Teardown) { try { if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Running inner teardown { $______current }" } $______parameters.CurrentlyExecutingScriptBlock = $______current . $______current @______innerSplat if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Done running inner teardown" } } catch { $______parameters.ErrorRecord.Add($_) if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Fail running inner teardown" -ErrorRecord $_ } } } $______current = $null # nulling this variable is important when we run without new scope # then $______parameters.Teardown remains set and EachBlockTeardown # runs twice $______parameters.Teardown = $null if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Done running inner teardowns" } } else { if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "There are no inner teardowns" } } } } } finally { if ($null -ne $______parameters.OuterTeardown -and $______parameters.OuterTeardown.Length -gt 0) { if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Running outer teardowns" } foreach ($______current in $______parameters.OuterTeardown) { try { if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Running outer teardown { $______current }" } $______parameters.CurrentlyExecutingScriptBlock = $______current . $______current @______outerSplat if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Done running outer teardown" } } catch { if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Fail running outer teardown" -ErrorRecord $_ } $______parameters.ErrorRecord.Add($_) } } $______parameters.OuterTeardown = $null $______current = $null if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "Done running outer teardowns" } } else { if ($______parameters.EnableWriteDebug) { &$______parameters.WriteDebug "There are no outer teardowns" } } if ($______parameters.NoNewScope -and $ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('______parametersForward')) { $______parameters = $______parametersForward } } } if ($MoveBetweenScopes -and $null -ne $ScriptBlock) { $SessionStateInternal = $script:ScriptBlockSessionStateInternalProperty.GetValue($ScriptBlock, $null) # attach the original session state to the wrapper scriptblock # making it invoke in the same scope as $ScriptBlock $script:ScriptBlockSessionStateInternalProperty.SetValue($wrapperScriptBlock, $SessionStateInternal, $null) } $writeDebug = if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { { param($Message, [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] $ErrorRecord) Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope "RuntimeCore" $Message -ErrorRecord $ErrorRecord } } #$break = $true $err = $null try { $parameters = @{ ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock OuterSetup = $OuterSetup Setup = $Setup Teardown = $Teardown OuterTeardown = $OuterTeardown CurrentlyExecutingScriptBlock = $null ErrorRecord = [Collections.Generic.List[Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]]@() Context = $Context ContextInOuterScope = -not $ReduceContextToInnerScope EnableWriteDebug = $PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value WriteDebug = $writeDebug Configuration = $Configuration NoNewScope = $NoNewScope } # here we are moving into the user scope if the provided # scriptblock was bound to user scope, so we want to take some actions # typically switching between user and framework timer. There are still tiny pieces of # framework code running in the scriptblock but we can safely ignore those becasue they are # just logging, so the time difference is miniscule. # The code might also run just in framework scope, in that case the callback can remain empty, # eg when we are invoking framework setup. if ($MoveBetweenScopes) { # switch-timer to user scope inlined $state.UserCodeStopWatch.Start() $state.FrameworkStopWatch.Stop() if ($null -ne $OnUserScopeTransition) { & $OnUserScopeTransition } } do { $standardOutput = if ($NoNewScope) { . $wrapperScriptBlock $parameters } else { & $wrapperScriptBlock $parameters } # if the code reaches here we did not break #$break = $false } while ($false) } catch { $err = $_ } if ($MoveBetweenScopes) { # switch-timer to framework scope inlined $state.UserCodeStopWatch.Stop() $state.FrameworkStopWatch.Start() if ($null -ne $OnFrameworkScopeTransition) { & $OnFrameworkScopeTransition } } if ($err) { $parameters.ErrorRecord.Add($err) } $r = [Pester.InvocationResult]::Create((0 -eq $parameters.ErrorRecord.Count), $parameters. ErrorRecord, $standardOutput) return $r } function Reset-TestSuiteTimer { if ($null -eq $state.TotalStopWatch) { $state.TotalStopWatch = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() } if ($null -eq $state.UserCodeStopWatch) { $state.UserCodeStopWatch = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() } if ($null -eq $state.FrameworkStopWatch) { $state.FrameworkStopWatch = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() } $state.TotalStopWatch.Restart() $state.FrameworkStopWatch.Restart() $state.UserCodeStopWatch.Reset() } function Switch-Timer { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet("Framework", "UserCode")] $Scope ) # perf: optimizing away parameter and validate set, and $Scope as int or bool within an if, only brings about 1/3 saving (about 60 ms per 1000 calls) # not worth it for the moment if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { if ($state.UserCodeStopWatch.IsRunning) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope TimingCore "Switching from UserCode to $Scope" } if ($state.FrameworkStopWatch.IsRunning) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope TimingCore "Switching from Framework to $Scope" } Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope TimingCore -Message "UserCode total time $($state.UserCodeStopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)ms" Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope TimingCore -Message "Framework total time $($state.FrameworkStopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)ms" } switch ($Scope) { "Framework" { # running in framework code adds time only to the overhead timer $state.UserCodeStopWatch.Stop() $state.FrameworkStopWatch.Start() } "UserCode" { $state.UserCodeStopWatch.Start() $state.FrameworkStopWatch.Stop() } default { throw [ArgumentException]"" } } } function Test-ShouldRun { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Item, $Filter ) # see for description of how this filtering works $result = @{ Include = $false Exclude = $false Explicit = $false } $anyIncludeFilters = $false $fullDottedPath = $Item.Path -join "." if ($null -eq $Filter) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Filter "($fullDottedPath) $($Item.ItemType) is included, because there is no filters." } $result.Include = $true return $result } $parent = if ('Test' -eq $Item.ItemType) { $Item.Block } elseif ('Block' -eq $Item.ItemType) { # no need to check if we are root, we will not run these rules on Root block $Item.Parent } if ($parent.Exclude) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Filter "($fullDottedPath) $($Item.ItemType) is excluded, because it's parent is excluded." } $result.Exclude = $true return $result } # item is excluded when any of the exclude tags match $tagFilter = $Filter.ExcludeTag if ($tagFilter -and 0 -ne $tagFilter.Count) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Filter "($fullDottedPath) There is '$($tagFilter -join ", ")' exclude tag filter." } foreach ($f in $tagFilter) { foreach ($t in $Item.Tag) { if ($t -like $f) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Filter "($fullDottedPath) $($Item.ItemType) is excluded, because it's tag '$t' matches exclude tag filter '$f'." } $result.Exclude = $true return $result } } } if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Filter "($fullDottedPath) $($Item.ItemType) did not match the exclude tag filter, moving on to the next filter." } } # - place exclude filters above this line and include below this line $lineFilter = $Filter.Line # use File for saved files or Id for ScriptBlocks without files # this filter has the ability to set the test to "explicit" so we can run # the test even if it is marked as skipped run this include as first so we figure it out # in one place and check if parent was included after this one to short circuit the other # filters in case parent already knows that it will run $line = "$(if ($Item.ScriptBlock.File) { $Item.ScriptBlock.File } else { $Item.ScriptBlock.Id }):$($Item.ScriptBlock.StartPosition.StartLine)" -replace '\\', '/' if ($lineFilter -and 0 -ne $lineFilter.Count) { $anyIncludeFilters = $true foreach ($l in $lineFilter -replace '\\', '/') { if ($l -eq $line) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Filter "($fullDottedPath) $($Item.ItemType) is included, because its path:line '$line' matches line filter '$lineFilter'." } # if ('Test' -eq $Item.ItemType ) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Filter "($fullDottedPath) $($Item.ItemType) is explicitly included, because it matched line filter, and will run even if -Skip is specified on it. Any skipped children will still be skipped." } $result.Explicit = $true # } $result.Include = $true return $result } } } if ($parent.Include) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Filter "($fullDottedPath) $($Item.ItemType) is included, because its parent is included." } $result.Include = $true return $result } # test is included when it has tags and the any of the tags match $tagFilter = $Filter.Tag if ($tagFilter -and 0 -ne $tagFilter.Count) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Filter "($fullDottedPath) There is '$($tagFilter -join ", ")' include tag filter." } $anyIncludeFilters = $true if ($null -eq $Item.Tag -or 0 -eq $Item.Tag) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Filter "($fullDottedPath) $($Item.ItemType) has no tags, moving to next include filter." } } else { foreach ($f in $tagFilter) { foreach ($t in $Item.Tag) { if ($t -like $f) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Filter "($fullDottedPath) $($Item.ItemType) is included, because it's tag '$t' matches tag filter '$f'." } $result.Include = $true return $result } } } } } $allPaths = $Filter.FullName if ($allPaths -and 0 -ne $allPaths) { $anyIncludeFilters = $true foreach ($p in $allPaths) { if ($fullDottedPath -like $p) { $include = $true break } } if ($include) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Filter "($fullDottedPath) $($Item.ItemType) is included, because it matches fullname filter '$include'." } $result.Include = $true return $result } else { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Filter "($fullDottedPath) $($Item.ItemType) does not match the dotted path filter, moving to next include filter." } } } if ($anyIncludeFilters) { if ('Test' -eq $Item.ItemType) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Filter "($fullDottedPath) $($Item.ItemType) did not match any of the include filters, it will not be included in the run." } } elseif ('Block' -eq $Item.ItemType) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Filter "($fullDottedPath) $($Item.ItemType) did not match any of the include filters, but it will still be included in the run, it's children will determine if it will run." } } else { throw "Item type $($Item.ItemType) is not supported in filter." } } else { if ('Test' -eq $Item.ItemType) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Filter "($fullDottedPath) $($Item.ItemType) will be included in the run, because there were no include filters so all tests are included unless they match exclude rule." } $result.Include = $true } # putting the bool in both to avoid string comparison elseif ('Block' -eq $Item.ItemType) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Filter "($fullDottedPath) $($Item.ItemType) will be included in the run, because there were no include filters, and will let its children to determine whether or not it should run." } } else { throw "Item type $($Item.ItemType) is not supported in filter." } return $result } return $result } function Invoke-Test { #[CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSObject[]] $BlockContainer, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Management.Automation.SessionState] $SessionState, $Filter, $Plugin, $PluginConfiguration, $Configuration ) # set the incoming value for all the child scopes # TODO: revisit this because this will probably act weird as we jump between session states $PesterPreference = $Configuration $state.Plugin = $Plugin $state.PluginConfiguration = $PluginConfiguration $state.Configuration = $Configuration # # TODO: this it potentially unreliable, because supressed errors are written to Error as well. And the errors are captured only from the caller state. So let's use it only as a useful indicator during migration and see how it works in production code. # # finding if there were any non-terminating errors during the run, user can clear the array, and the array has fixed size so we can't just try to detect if there is any difference by counts before and after. So I capture the last known error in that state and try to find it in the array after the run # $originalErrors = $SessionState.PSVariable.Get("Error").Value # $originalLastError = $originalErrors[0] # $originalErrorCount = $originalErrors.Count $found = Discover-Test -BlockContainer $BlockContainer -Filter $Filter -SessionState $SessionState # $errs = $SessionState.PSVariable.Get("Error").Value # $errsCount = $errs.Count # if ($errsCount -lt $originalErrorCount) { # # it would be possible to detect that there are 0 errors, in the array and continue, # # but this still indicates the user code is running where it should not, so let's throw anyway # throw "Test discovery failed. The error count ($errsCount) after running discovery is lower than the error count before discovery ($originalErrorCount). Is some of your code running outside Pester controlled blocks and it clears the `$error array by calling `$error.Clear()?" # } # if ($originalErrorCount -lt $errsCount) { # # probably the most usual case, there are more errors then there were before, # # so some were written to the screen, this also runs when the user cleared the # # array and wrote more errors than there originally were # $i = $errsCount - $originalErrorCount # } # else { # # there is equal amount of errors, the array was probably full and so the original # # error shifted towards the end of the array, we try to find it and see how many new # # errors are there # for ($i = 0 ; $i -lt $errsLength; $i++) { # if ([object]::referenceEquals($errs[$i], $lastError)) { # break # } # } # } # if (0 -ne $i) { # throw "Test discovery failed. There were $i non-terminating errors during test discovery. This indicates that some of your code is invoked outside of Pester controlled blocks and fails. No tests will be run." # } Run-Test -Block $found -SessionState $SessionState } function PostProcess-DiscoveredBlock { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Block, $Filter, $BlockContainer, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $RootBlock ) # pass array of blocks rather than 1 block to cross the function boundary # as few times as we can foreach ($b in $Block) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { $path = $b.Path -join "." } # traverses the block structure after a block was found and # link childs to their parents, filter blocks and tests to # determine which should run, and mark blocks and tests # as first or last to know when one time setups & teardowns should run $b.IsRoot = $b -eq $RootBlock $b.Root = $RootBlock $b.BlockContainer = $BlockContainer $tests = $b.Tests if ($b.IsRoot) { $b.Explicit = $false $b.Exclude = $false $b.Include = $false $b.ShouldRun = $true } else { $shouldRun = (Test-ShouldRun -Item $b -Filter $Filter) $b.Explicit = $shouldRun.Explicit if (-not $shouldRun.Exclude -and -not $shouldRun.Include) { $b.ShouldRun = $true } elseif ($shouldRun.Include) { $b.ShouldRun = $true } elseif ($shouldRun.Exclude) { $b.ShouldRun = $false } else { throw "Unknown combination of include exclude $($shouldRun)" } $b.Include = $shouldRun.Include -and -not $shouldRun.Exclude $b.Exclude = $shouldRun.Exclude } $parentBlockIsSkipped = (-not $b.IsRoot -and $b.Parent.Skip) if ($b.Skip) { if ($b.Explicit) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Skip "($path) Block was marked as skipped, but will not be skipped because it was explicitly requested to run." } $b.Skip = $false } else { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Skip "($path) Block is skipped." } $b.Skip = $true } } elseif ($parentBlockIsSkipped) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Skip "($path) Block is skipped because a parent block was skipped." } $b.Skip = $true } $blockShouldRun = $false if ($tests.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($t in $tests) { $t.Block = $b if ($t.Block.Exclude) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { $path = $t.Path -join "." Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Filter "($path) Test is excluded because parent block was excluded." } $t.ShouldRun = $false } else { # run the exlude filters before checking if the parent is included # otherwise you would include tests that could match the exclude rule $shouldRun = (Test-ShouldRun -Item $t -Filter $Filter) $t.Explicit = $shouldRun.Explicit if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { $path = $t.Path -join "." } if (-not $shouldRun.Include -and -not $shouldRun.Exclude) { $t.ShouldRun = $false } elseif ($shouldRun.Include) { $t.ShouldRun = $true } elseif ($shouldRun.Exclude) { $t.ShouldRun = $false } else { throw "Unknown combination of ShouldRun $ShouldRun" } } if ($t.Skip) { if ($t.ShouldRun -and $t.Explicit) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Skip "($path) Test was marked as skipped, but will not be skipped because it was explicitly requested to run." } $t.Skip = $false } else { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Skip "($path) Test is skipped." } $t.Skip = $true } } elseif ($b.Skip) { if ($t.ShouldRun -and $t.Explicit) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Skip "($path) Test was marked as skipped, because its parent was marked as skipped, but will not be skipped because it was explicitly requested to run." } $t.Skip = $false } else { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Skip "($path) Test is skipped because a parent block was skipped." } $t.Skip = $true } } } # if we determined that the block should run we can still make it not run if # none of it's children will run if ($b.ShouldRun) { $testsToRun = foreach ($t in $tests) { if ($t.ShouldRun) { $t } } if ($testsToRun -and 0 -ne $testsToRun.Count) { $testsToRun[0].First = $true $testsToRun[-1].Last = $true $blockShouldRun = $true } } } $childBlocks = $b.Blocks $anyChildBlockShouldRun = $false if ($childBlocks.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($cb in $childBlocks) { $cb.Parent = $b } # passing the array as a whole to cross the function boundary as few times as I can PostProcess-DiscoveredBlock -Block $childBlocks -Filter $Filter -BlockContainer $BlockContainer -RootBlock $RootBlock $childBlocksToRun = foreach ($cb in $childBlocks) { if ($cb.ShouldRun) { $cb } } $anyChildBlockShouldRun = $childBlocksToRun -and 0 -ne $childBlocksToRun.Count if ($anyChildBlockShouldRun) { $childBlocksToRun[0].First = $true $childBlocksToRun[-1].Last = $true } } $shouldRunBasedOnChildren = $blockShouldRun -or $anyChildBlockShouldRun if ($b.ShouldRun -and -not $shouldRunBasedOnChildren) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Filter "($($b.Path -join '.')) Block was marked as Should run based on filters, but none of its tests or tests in children blocks were marked as should run. So the block won't run." } } $b.ShouldRun = $shouldRunBasedOnChildren } } function PostProcess-ExecutedBlock { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $Block ) # traverses the block structure after a block was executed and # and sets the failures correctly so the aggreagatted failures # propagate towards the root so if a child test fails it's block # aggregated result should be marked as failed process { foreach ($b in $Block) { $thisBlockFailed = -not $b.OwnPassed $b.OwnTotalCount = 0 $b.OwnFailedCount = 0 $b.OwnPassedCount = 0 $b.OwnSkippedCount = 0 $b.OwnNotRunCount = 0 $testDuration = [TimeSpan]::Zero foreach ($t in $b.Tests) { $testDuration += $t.Duration $b.OwnTotalCount++ if (-not $t.ShouldRun) { $b.OwnNotRunCount++ } elseif ($t.ShouldRun -and $t.Skipped) { $b.OwnSkippedCount++ } elseif (($t.Executed -and -not $t.Passed) -or ($t.ShouldRun -and -not $t.Executed)) { # TODO: this condition works but needs to be revisited. when the parent fails the test is marked as failed, because it should have run but it did not,and but there is no error in the test result, in such case all tests should probably add error or a flag that indicates that the parent failed, or a log or something, but error is probably the best $b.OwnFailedCount++ } elseif ($t.Executed -and $t.Passed) { $b.OwnPassedCount++ } else { throw "Test '$($t.Name)' is in invalid state. $($t | Format-List -Force * | Out-String)" } } $anyTestFailed = 0 -lt $b.OwnFailedCount $childBlocks = $b.Blocks $anyChildBlockFailed = $false $aggregatedChildDuration = [TimeSpan]::Zero if (none $childBlocks) { # one thing to consider here is what happens when a block fails, in the current # excecution model the block can fail when a setup or teardown fails, with failed # setup it is easy all the tests in the block are considered failed, with teardown # not so much, when all tests pass and the teardown itself fails what should be the result? # todo: there are two concepts mixed with the "own", because the duration and the test counts act differently. With the counting we are using own as "the count of the tests in this block", but with duration the "own" means "self", that is how long this block itself has run, without the tests. This information might not be important but this should be cleared up before shipping. Same goes with the relation to failure, ownPassed means that the block itself passed (that is no setup or teardown failed in it), even though the underlying tests might fail. $b.OwnDuration = $b.Duration - $testDuration $b.Passed = -not ($thisBlockFailed -or $anyTestFailed) # we have no child blocks so the own counts are the same as the total counts $b.TotalCount = $b.OwnTotalCount $b.FailedCount = $b.OwnFailedCount $b.PassedCount = $b.OwnPassedCount $b.SkippedCount = $b.OwnSkippedCount $b.NotRunCount = $b.OwnNotRunCount } else { # when we have children we first let them process themselves and # then we add the results together (the recusion could reach to the parent and add the totals) # but that is difficult with the duration, so this way is less error prone PostProcess-ExecutedBlock -Block $childBlocks foreach ($child in $childBlocks) { # check that no child block failed, the Passed is aggregate failed, so it will be false # when any test fails in the child, or if the block itself fails if (-not $child.Passed) { $anyChildBlockFailed = $true } $aggregatedChildDuration += $child.Duration $b.TotalCount += $child.TotalCount $b.PassedCount += $child.PassedCount $b.FailedCount += $child.FailedCount $b.SkippedCount += $child.SkippedCount $b.NotRunCount += $child.NotRunCount } # then we add counts from this block to the counts from the children blocks $b.TotalCount += $b.OwnTotalCount $b.PassedCount += $b.OwnPassedCount $b.FailedCount += $b.OwnFailedCount $b.SkippedCount += $b.OwnSkippedCount $b.NotRunCount += $b.OwnNotRunCount $b.Passed = -not ($thisBlockFailed -or $anyTestFailed -or $anyChildBlockFailed) $b.OwnDuration = $b.Duration - $testDuration - $aggregatedChildDuration } } } } function Where-Failed { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $Block ) $Block | View-Flat | where { $_.ShouldRun -and (-not $_.Executed -or -not $_.Passed) } } function View-Flat { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $Block ) begin { $tests = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]@() } process { # TODO: normally I would output to pipeline but in fold there is accumulator and so it does not output foreach ($b in $Block) { Fold-Container $b -OnTest { param($t) $tests.Add($t) } } } end { $tests } } function flattenBlock ($Block, $Accumulator) { $Accumulator.Add($Block) if ($Block.Blocks.Count -eq 0) { return $Accumulator } foreach ($bl in $Block.Blocks) { flattenBlock -Block $bl -Accumulator $Accumulator } $Accumulator } function New-FilterObject { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [String[][]] $FullName, [String[]] $Tag, [String[]] $ExcludeTag, [String[]] $Line ) [PSCustomObject] @{ FullName = $FullName Tag = $Tag ExcludeTag = $ExcludeTag Line = $Line } } function New-PluginObject { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Name, [Hashtable] $Configuration, [ScriptBlock] $Start, [ScriptBlock] $DiscoveryStart, [ScriptBlock] $ContainerDiscoveryStart, [ScriptBlock] $BlockDiscoveryStart, [ScriptBlock] $TestDiscoveryStart, [ScriptBlock] $TestDiscoveryEnd, [ScriptBlock] $BlockDiscoveryEnd, [ScriptBlock] $ContainerDiscoveryEnd, [ScriptBlock] $DiscoveryEnd, [ScriptBlock] $RunStart, [scriptblock] $ContainerRunStart, [ScriptBlock] $OneTimeBlockSetupStart, [ScriptBlock] $EachBlockSetupStart, [ScriptBlock] $OneTimeTestSetupStart, [ScriptBlock] $EachTestSetupStart, [ScriptBlock] $EachTestTeardownEnd, [ScriptBlock] $OneTimeTestTeardownEnd, [ScriptBlock] $EachBlockTeardownEnd, [ScriptBlock] $OneTimeBlockTeardownEnd, [ScriptBlock] $ContainerRunEnd, [ScriptBlock] $RunEnd, [ScriptBlock] $End ) [PSCustomObject] @{ Name = $Name Configuration = $Configuration Start = $Start DiscoveryStart = $DiscoveryStart ContainerDiscoveryStart = $ContainerDiscoveryStart BlockDiscoveryStart = $BlockDiscoveryStart TestDiscoveryStart = $TestDiscoveryStart TestDiscoveryEnd = $TestDiscoveryEnd BlockDiscoveryEnd = $BlockDiscoveryEnd ContainerDiscoveryEnd = $ContainerDiscoveryEnd DiscoveryEnd = $DiscoveryEnd RunStart = $RunStart ContainerRunStart = $ContainerRunStart OneTimeBlockSetupStart = $OneTimeBlockSetupStart EachBlockSetupStart = $EachBlockSetupStart OneTimeTestSetupStart = $OneTimeTestSetupStart EachTestSetupStart = $EachTestSetupStart EachTestTeardownEnd = $EachTestTeardownEnd OneTimeTestTeardownEnd = $OneTimeTestTeardownEnd EachBlockTeardownEnd = $EachBlockTeardownEnd OneTimeBlockTeardownEnd = $OneTimeBlockTeardownEnd ContainerRunEnd = $ContainerRunEnd RunEnd = $RunEnd End = $End PSTypeName = 'Plugin' } } function Invoke-BlockContainer { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $BlockContainer, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Management.Automation.SessionState] $SessionState ) switch ($BlockContainer.Type) { "ScriptBlock" { & $BlockContainer.Item } "File" { Invoke-File -Path $BlockContainer.Item.PSPath -SessionState $SessionState } default { throw [System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException]"" } } } function New-BlockContainerObject { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "ScriptBlock")] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Path")] [String] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "File")] [System.IO.FileInfo] $File ) $type, $item = switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "ScriptBlock" { "ScriptBlock", $ScriptBlock } "Path" { "File", (Get-Item $Path) } "File" { "File", $File } default { throw [System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException]"" } } $c = [Pester.ContainerInfo]::Create() $c.Type = $type $c.Item = $item return $c } function New-DiscoveredBlockContainerObject { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $BlockContainer, [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Block ) [PSCustomObject] @{ Type = $BlockContainer.Type Item = $BlockContainer.Item # I create a Root block to keep the discovery unaware of containers, # but I don't want to publish that root block because it contains properties # that do not make sense on container level like Name and Parent, # so here we don't want to take the root block but the blocks inside of it # and copy the rest of the meaningful properties Blocks = $Block.Blocks } } function Invoke-File { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Management.Automation.SessionState] $SessionState ) $sb = { param ($private:p) . $private:p } # set the original session state to the wrapper scriptblock # making it invoke in the caller session state # TODO: heat this up if we want to keep the first test running accuately $SessionStateInternal = $script:SessionStateInternalProperty.GetValue($SessionState, $null) $script:ScriptBlockSessionStateInternalProperty.SetValue($sb, $SessionStateInternal, $null) & $sb $Path } function Import-Dependency { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Dependency, # [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Management.Automation.SessionState] $SessionState ) if ($Dependency -is [ScriptBlock]) { . $Dependency } else { # when importing a file we need to # dot source it into the user scope, the path has # no bound session state, so simply dot sourcing it would # import it into module scope # instead we wrap it into a scriptblock that we attach to user # scope, and dot source the file, that will import the functions into # that script block, and then we dot source it again to import it # into the caller scope, effectively defining the functions there $sb = { param ($p) . $($p; Remove-Variable -Scope Local -Name p) } $flags = [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]'Instance,NonPublic' $SessionStateInternal = $SessionState.GetType().GetProperty('Internal', $flags).GetValue($SessionState, $null) # attach the original session state to the wrapper scriptblock # making it invoke in the caller session state $sb.GetType().GetProperty('SessionStateInternal', $flags).SetValue($sb, $SessionStateInternal, $null) # dot source the caller bound scriptblock which imports it into user scope . $sb $Dependency } } function Add-FrameworkDependency { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Dependency ) # adds dependency that is dotsourced during discovery & execution # this should be rarely needed, but is useful when you wrap Pester pieces # into your own functions, and want to have them available during both # discovery and execution if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Adding framework dependency '$Dependency'" } Import-Dependency -Dependency $Dependency -SessionState $SessionState } function Add-Dependency { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Dependency, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Management.Automation.SessionState] $SessionState ) # adds dependency that is dotsourced after discovery and before execution if (-not (Is-Discovery)) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Adding run-time dependency '$Dependency'" } Import-Dependency -Dependency $Dependency -SessionState $SessionState } } function Anywhere { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock ) # runs piece of code during execution, useful for backwards compatibility # when you have stuff laying around inbetween describes and want to run it # only during execution and not twice. works the same as Add-Dependency, but I name # it differently because this is a bad-practice mitigation tool and should probably # write a warning to make you use Before* blocks instead if (-not (Is-Discovery)) { if ($PesterPreference.Debug.WriteDebugMessages.Value) { Write-PesterDebugMessage -Scope Runtime "Invoking free floating piece of code" } Import-Dependency $ScriptBlock } } function New-ParametrizedTest () { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock, [String[]] $Tag = @(), # do not use [hashtable[]] because that throws away the order if user uses [ordered] hashtable [System.Collections.IDictionary[]] $Data = @{ }, [Switch] $Focus, [Switch] $Skip ) # we don't need to switch the timer, all the code that runs during discovery is "overhead" # Switch-Timer -Scope Framework # TODO: there used to be counter, that was added to the id, seems like I am missing TestGroup on the test cases, so I can reconcile them back if they were generated from testcases # $counter = 0 # using the start line of the scriptblock as the id of the test so we can join multiple testcases together, this should be unique enough because it only needs to be unique for the current block, so the way to break this would be to inline multiple tests, but that is unlikely to happen. When it happens just use StartLine:StartPosition $id = $ScriptBlock.StartPosition.StartLine foreach ($d in $Data) { # $innerId = if (-not $hasExternalId) { $null } else { "$Id-$(($counter++))" } New-Test -Id $id -Name $Name -Tag $Tag -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -Data $d -Focus:$Focus -Skip:$Skip } } function Recurse-Up { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $InputObject, [ScriptBlock] $Action ) $i = $InputObject $level = 0 while ($null -ne $i) { &$Action $i $level-- $i = $i.Parent } } function ConvertTo-HumanTime { param ([TimeSpan]$TimeSpan) if ($TimeSpan.Ticks -lt [timespan]::TicksPerSecond) { "$([int]($TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds))ms" } else { "$([int]($TimeSpan.TotalSeconds))s" } } # initialize internal state Reset-TestSuiteState # file src\TypeClass.psm1 function Is-Value ($Value) { $Value = $($Value) $Value -is [ValueType] -or $Value -is [string] -or $value -is [scriptblock] } function Is-Collection ($Value) { # check for value types and strings explicitly # because otherwise it does not work for decimal # so let's skip all values we definitely know # are not collections if ($Value -is [ValueType] -or $Value -is [string]) { return $false } -not [object]::ReferenceEquals($Value, $($Value)) } function Is-ScriptBlock ($Value) { $Value -is [ScriptBlock] } function Is-DecimalNumber ($Value) { $Value -is [float] -or $Value -is [single] -or $Value -is [double] -or $Value -is [decimal] } function Is-Hashtable ($Value) { $Value -is [hashtable] } function Is-Dictionary ($Value) { $Value -is [System.Collections.IDictionary] } function Is-Object ($Value) { # here we need to approximate that that object is not value # or any special category of object, so other checks might # need to be added -not ($null -eq $Value -or (Is-Value -Value $Value) -or (Is-Collection -Value $Value)) } # file src\Format.psm1 function Format-Collection ($Value, [switch]$Pretty) { $Limit = 10 $separator = ', ' if ($Pretty) { $separator = ",`n" } #$count = $Value.Count #$trimmed = $count -gt $Limit '@(' + (($Value | Select -First $Limit | % { Format-Nicely -Value $_ -Pretty:$Pretty }) -join $separator ) + <# $(if ($trimmed) {' +' + [string]($count-$limit)}) + #> ')' } function Format-Object ($Value, $Property, [switch]$Pretty) { if ($null -eq $Property) { $Property = $Value.PSObject.Properties | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name } $valueType = Get-ShortType $Value $valueFormatted = ([string]([PSObject]$Value | Select-Object -Property $Property)) if ($Pretty) { $margin = " " $valueFormatted = $valueFormatted ` -replace '^@{', "@{`n$margin" ` -replace '; ', ";`n$margin" ` -replace '}$', "`n}" ` } $valueFormatted -replace "^@", $valueType } function Format-Null { '$null' } function Format-String ($Value) { if ('' -eq $Value) { return '<empty>' } "'$Value'" } function Format-Date ($Value) { $Value.ToString('o') } function Format-Boolean ($Value) { '$' + $Value.ToString().ToLower() } function Format-ScriptBlock ($Value) { '{' + $Value + '}' } function Format-Number ($Value) { [string]$Value } function Format-Hashtable ($Value) { $head = '@{' $tail = '}' $entries = $Value.Keys | sort | foreach { $formattedValue = Format-Nicely $Value.$_ "$_=$formattedValue" } $head + ( $entries -join '; ') + $tail } function Format-Dictionary ($Value) { $head = 'Dictionary{' $tail = '}' $entries = $Value.Keys | sort | foreach { $formattedValue = Format-Nicely $Value.$_ "$_=$formattedValue" } $head + ( $entries -join '; ') + $tail } function Format-Nicely ($Value, [switch]$Pretty) { if ($null -eq $Value) { return Format-Null -Value $Value } if ($Value -is [bool]) { return Format-Boolean -Value $Value } if ($Value -is [string]) { return Format-String -Value $Value } if ($Value -is [DateTime]) { return Format-Date -Value $Value } if ($value -is [Type]) { return '[' + (Format-Type -Value $Value) + ']' } if (Is-DecimalNumber -Value $Value) { return Format-Number -Value $Value } if (Is-ScriptBlock -Value $Value) { return Format-ScriptBlock -Value $Value } if (Is-Value -Value $Value) { return $Value } if (Is-Hashtable -Value $Value) { # no advanced formatting of objects in the first version, till I balance it return [string]$Value #return Format-Hashtable -Value $Value } if (Is-Dictionary -Value $Value) { # no advanced formatting of objects in the first version, till I balance it return [string]$Value #return Format-Dictionary -Value $Value } if (Is-Collection -Value $Value) { return Format-Collection -Value $Value -Pretty:$Pretty } # no advanced formatting of objects in the first version, till I balance it return [string]$Value # Format-Object -Value $Value -Property (Get-DisplayProperty $Value) -Pretty:$Pretty } function Sort-Property ($InputObject, [string[]]$SignificantProperties, $Limit = 4) { $properties = @($InputObject.PSObject.Properties | where { $_.Name -notlike "_*"} | select -expand Name | sort) $significant = @() $rest = @() foreach ($p in $properties) { if ($significantProperties -contains $p) { $significant += $p } else { $rest += $p } } #todo: I am assuming id, name properties, so I am just sorting the selected ones by name. (@($significant | sort) + $rest) | Select -First $Limit } function Get-DisplayProperty ($Value) { Sort-Property -InputObject $Value -SignificantProperties 'id', 'name' } function Get-ShortType ($Value) { if ($null -ne $value) { $type = Format-Type $Value.GetType() # PSCustomObject serializes to the whole type name on normal PS but to # just PSCustomObject on PS Core $type ` -replace "^System\." ` -replace "^Management\.Automation\.PSCustomObject$", "PSObject" ` -replace "^PSCustomObject$", "PSObject" ` -replace "^Object\[\]$", "collection" ` } else { Format-Type $null } } function Format-Type ([Type]$Value) { if ($null -eq $Value) { return '<none>' } [string]$Value } # file src\Pester.RSpec.ps1 function Find-File { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String[]] $Path, [String[]] $ExcludePath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $Extension ) $files = foreach ($p in $Path) { if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($p)) { continue } if ((& $script:SafeCommands['Test-Path'] $p)) { $item = Get-Item $p if ($item.PSIsContainer) { # this is an existing directory search it for tests file Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $p -Filter "*$Extension" -File continue } if ("FileSystem" -ne $item.PSProvider.Name) { # item is not a directory and exists but is not a file so we are not interested continue } if (".ps1" -ne $item.Extension) { Write-Error "Script path '$p' is not a ps1 file." -ErrorAction Stop } # this is some file, we don't care if it is just a .ps1 file or .Tests.ps1 file Add-Member -Name UnresolvedPath -Type NoteProperty -Value $p -InputObject $item $item continue } # this is a path that does not exist so let's hope it is # a wildcarded path that will resolve to some files Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $p -Filter "*$Extension" -File } Filter-Excluded -Files $files -ExcludePath $ExcludePath | where { $_ } } function Filter-Excluded ($Files, $ExcludePath) { if ($null -eq $ExcludePath -or @($ExcludePath).Length -eq 0) { return @($Files) } foreach ($file in @($Files)) { # normalize backslashes for cross-platform ease of use $p = $file.FullName -replace "/","\" $excluded = $false foreach ($exclusion in (@($ExcludePath) -replace "/","\")) { if ($excluded) { continue } if ($p -like $exclusion) { $excluded = $true } } if (-not $excluded) { $file } } } function Add-RSpecTestObjectProperties { param ($TestObject) # adds properties that are specific to RSpec to the result object # this includes figuring out the result # formatting the failure message and stacktrace $TestObject.Result = if ($TestObject.Skipped) { "Skipped" } elseif ($TestObject.Passed) { "Passed" } elseif ($TestObject.ShouldRun -and (-not $TestObject.Executed -or -not $TestObject.Passed)) { "Failed" } else { "NotRun" } foreach ($e in $TestObject.ErrorRecord) { $r = ConvertTo-FailureLines $e $e.PSObject.Properties.Add([Pester.Factory]::CreateNoteProperty("DisplayErrorMessage", [string]($r.Message -join [Environment]::NewLine))) $e.PSObject.Properties.Add([Pester.Factory]::CreateNoteProperty("DisplayStackTrace", [string]($r.Trace -join [Environment]::NewLine))) } } function Add-RSpecBlockObjectProperties ($BlockObject) { foreach ($e in $BlockObject.ErrorRecord) { $r = ConvertTo-FailureLines $e $e.PSObject.Properties.Add([Pester.Factory]::CreateNoteProperty("DisplayErrorMessage", [string]($r.Message -join [Environment]::NewLine))) $e.PSObject.Properties.Add([Pester.Factory]::CreateNoteProperty("DisplayStackTrace", [string]($r.Trace -join [Environment]::NewLine))) } } function PostProcess-RspecTestRun ($TestRun) { Fold-Run $Run -OnTest { param($t) ## decorate # we already added the RSpec properties as part of the plugin ### summarize $TestRun.Tests.Add($t) switch ($t.Result) { "NotRun" { $null = $TestRun.NotRun.Add($t) } "Passed" { $null = $TestRun.Passed.Add($t) } "Failed" { $null = $TestRun.Failed.Add($t) } "Skipped" { $null = $TestRun.Skipped.Add($t) } default { throw "Result $($t.Result) is not supported."} } } -OnBlock { param ($b) ## decorate # we already processed errors in the plugin step to make the available for reporting $b.Result = if ($b.Skip) { "Skipped" } elseif ($b.Passed) { "Passed" } elseif ($b.ShouldRun -and (-not $b.Executed -or -not $b.Passed)) { "Failed" } else { "NotRun" } ## sumamrize # a block that has errors would write into failed blocks so we can report them # later we can filter this to only report errors from AfterAll if (0 -lt $b.ErrorRecord.Count) { $TestRun.FailedBlocks.Add($b) } } -OnContainer { param ($b) ## decorate # here we add result $b.result = if ($b.Skipped) { "Skipped" } elseif ($b.Passed) { "Passed" } elseif ($b.ShouldRun -and (-not $b.Executed -or -not $b.Passed)) { "Failed" } else { "NotRun" } foreach ($e in $b.ErrorRecord) { $r = ConvertTo-FailureLines $e $e.PSObject.Properties.Add([Pester.Factory]::CreateNoteProperty("DisplayErrorMessage", [string]($r.Message -join [Environment]::NewLine))) $e.PSObject.Properties.Add([Pester.Factory]::CreateNoteProperty("DisplayStackTrace", [string]($r.Trace -join [Environment]::NewLine))) } ## summarize if (0 -lt $b.ErrorRecord.Count) { $TestRun.FailedContainers.Add($b) } $TestRun.Duration += $b.Duration $TestRun.UserDuration += $b.UserDuration $TestRun.FrameworkDuration += $b.FrameworkDuration $TestRun.DiscoveryDuration += $b.DiscoveryDuration } $TestRun.PassedCount = $TestRun.Passed.Count $TestRun.FailedCount = $TestRun.Failed.Count $TestRun.SkippedCount = $TestRun.Skipped.Count $TestRun.NotRunCount = $TestRun.NotRun.Count $TestRun.TotalCount = $TestRun.Tests.Count $TestRun.FailedBlocksCount = $TestRun.FailedBlocks.Count $TestRun.FailedContainersCount = $TestRun.FailedContainers.Count $TestRun.Result = if (0 -lt ($TestRun.FailedCount + $TestRun.FailedBlocksCount + $TestRun.FailedContainersCount)) { "Failed" } else { "Passed" } } function Get-RSpecObjectDecoratorPlugin () { New-PluginObject -Name "RSpecObjectDecoratorPlugin" ` -EachTestTeardownEnd { param ($Context) # TODO: consider moving this into the core if those results are just what we need, but look first at Gherkin and how many of those results are RSpec specific and how many are Gherkin specific #TODO: also this is a plugin because it needs to run before the error processing kicks in, this mixes concerns here imho, and needs to be revisited, because the error writing logic is now dependent on this plugin Add-RSpecTestObjectProperties $Context.Test } -EachBlockTeardownEnd { param($Context) #TODO: also this is a plugin because it needs to run before the error processing kicks in (to be able to report correctly formatted errors on scrren in case teardown failure), this mixes concerns here imho, and needs to be revisited, because the error writing logic is now dependent on this plugin Add-RSpecBlockObjectProperties $Context.Block } } function New-PesterConfiguration { [CmdletBinding()] param() [PesterConfiguration]@{} } function Remove-RSpecNonPublicProperties ($run){ # $runProperties = @( # 'Configuration' # 'Containers' # 'ExecutedAt' # 'FailedBlocksCount' # 'FailedCount' # 'NotRunCount' # 'PassedCount' # 'PSBoundParameters' # 'Result' # 'SkippedCount' # 'TotalCount' # 'Duration' # ) # $containerProperties = @( # 'Blocks' # 'Content' # 'ErrorRecord' # 'Executed' # 'ExecutedAt' # 'FailedCount' # 'NotRunCount' # 'PassedCount' # 'Result' # 'ShouldRun' # 'Skip' # 'SkippedCount' # 'Duration' # 'Type' # needed because of nunit export path expansion # 'TotalCount' # ) # $blockProperties = @( # 'Blocks' # 'ErrorRecord' # 'Executed' # 'ExecutedAt' # 'FailedCount' # 'Name' # 'NotRunCount' # 'PassedCount' # 'Path' # 'Result' # 'ScriptBlock' # 'ShouldRun' # 'Skip' # 'SkippedCount' # 'StandardOutput' # 'Tag' # 'Tests' # 'Duration' # 'TotalCount' # ) # $testProperties = @( # 'Data' # 'ErrorRecord' # 'Executed' # 'ExecutedAt' # 'ExpandedName' # 'Id' # needed because of grouping of data driven tests in nunit export # 'Name' # 'Path' # 'Result' # 'ScriptBlock' # 'ShouldRun' # 'Skip' # 'Skipped' # 'StandardOutput' # 'Tag' # 'Duration' # ) Fold-Run $run -OnRun { param($i) # $ps = $i.PsObject.Properties.Name # foreach ($p in $ps) { # if ($p -like 'Plugin*') { # $i.PsObject.Properties.Remove($p) # } # } $i.PluginConfiguration = $null $i.PluginData = $null $i.Plugins = $null } -OnContainer { param($i) # $ps = $i.PsObject.Properties.Name # foreach ($p in $ps) { # if ($p -like 'Own*') { # $i.PsObject.Properties.Remove($p) # } # } # $i.FrameworkData = $null # $i.PluginConfiguration = $null # $i.PluginData = $null # $i.Plugins = $null } -OnBlock { param($i) # $ps = $i.PsObject.Properties.Name # foreach ($p in $ps) { # if ($p -eq 'FrameworkData' -or $p -like 'Own*' -or $p -like 'Plugin*') { # $i.PsObject.Properties.Remove($p) # } # } $i.FrameworkData = $null $i.PluginData = $null } -OnTest { param($i) # $ps = $i.PsObject.Properties.Name # foreach ($p in $ps) { # if ($p -eq 'FrameworkData' -or $p -like 'Plugin*') { # $i.PsObject.Properties.Remove($p) # } # } $i.FrameworkData = $null $i.PluginData = $null } } # file src\Pester.ps1 function Assert-ValidAssertionName { param([string]$Name) if ($Name -notmatch '^\S+$') { throw "Assertion name '$name' is invalid, assertion name must be a single word." } } function Assert-ValidAssertionAlias { param([string[]]$Alias) if ($Alias -notmatch '^\S+$') { throw "Assertion alias '$string' is invalid, assertion alias must be a single word." } } function Add-ShouldOperator { <# .SYNOPSIS Register a Should Operator with Pester .DESCRIPTION This function allows you to create custom Should assertions. .EXAMPLE function BeAwesome($ActualValue, [switch] $Negate) { [bool] $succeeded = $ActualValue -eq 'Awesome' if ($Negate) { $succeeded = -not $succeeded } if (-not $succeeded) { if ($Negate) { $failureMessage = "{$ActualValue} is Awesome" } else { $failureMessage = "{$ActualValue} is not Awesome" } } return New-Object psobject -Property @{ Succeeded = $succeeded FailureMessage = $failureMessage } } Add-ShouldOperator -Name BeAwesome ` -Test $function:BeAwesome ` -Alias 'BA' PS C:\> "bad" | should -BeAwesome {bad} is not Awesome .PARAMETER Name The name of the assertion. This will become a Named Parameter of Should. .PARAMETER Test The test function. The function must return a PSObject with a [Bool]succeeded and a [string]failureMessage property. .PARAMETER Alias A list of aliases for the Named Parameter. .PARAMETER SupportsArrayInput Does the test function support the passing an array of values to test. .PARAMETER InternalName If -Name is different from the actual function name, record the actual function name here. Used by Get-ShouldOperator to pull function help. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [scriptblock] $Test, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [string[]] $Alias = @()< |