
class PhpExtension
    The type of the PHP extension

    [ValidateLength(1, [int]::MaxValue)]
    The state of the PHP extension

    [ValidateLength(1, [int]::MaxValue)]
    The name of the PHP extension

    [ValidateLength(1, [int]::MaxValue)]
    The handle of the PHP extension

    [ValidateLength(1, [int]::MaxValue)]
    The version of the PHP extension (empty string if not available)


    The PHP version for which this extension is designed for


    The OS architecture (x86 or x64)


    Is this a thread-safe extension?


    The full path to the extension file (empty string if not available)


    Initialize the instance.
    Keys for $data:
    - Type: required
    - State: required
    - Name: required
    - Handle: required
    - PhpVersion: required
    - Architecture: required
    - ThreadSafe: required
    - Version: optional
    - Filename: optional

    hidden PhpExtension([hashtable] $data)
        $this.Type = $data.Type
        $this.State = $data.State
        $this.Name = $data.Name
        $this.Handle = $data.Handle
        $this.PhpVersion = $data.PhpVersion
        $this.Architecture = $data.Architecture
        if ($data.ThreadSafe -eq 0 -or $data.ThreadSafe -eq $false) {
            $this.ThreadSafe = $false
        } elseif ($data.ThreadSafe -eq 1 -or $data.ThreadSafe -eq $true) {
            $this.ThreadSafe = $true
        } else {
            throw 'Invalid ThreadSafe value'
        $this.Version = ''
        if ($data.ContainsKey('Version') -and $null -ne $data.Version) {
            $this.Version = $data.Version
        $this.Filename = ''
        if ($data.ContainsKey('Filename') -and $null -ne $data.Filename) {
            $this.Filename = $data.Filename