
function Get-PhpAvailableVersion
    Gets the list of available versions.
    .Parameter State
    The release state (can be 'Release', 'Archive', 'QA', or 'Snapshot').
    .Parameter Reload
    Force the reload of the list.
    Get-PhpAvailableVersion -State Release

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, HelpMessage = 'The release state (can be ''Release'' or ''Archive'' or ''QA'' or ''Snapshot'')')]
        [ValidateSet('Release', 'QA', 'Archive', 'Snapshot')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Force the reload of the list')]
    begin {
        $result = $null
    process {
        $listVariableName = "AVAILABLEVERSIONS_$State".ToUpper()
        if (-Not $Reload) {
            $result = Get-Variable -Name $listVariableName -ValueOnly -Scope Script
        if ($null -eq $result) {
            $result = @()
            $urlList = Get-Variable -Name "URL_LIST_$State" -ValueOnly -Scope Script
            switch ($State) {
                $Script:RELEASESTATE_SNAPSHOT {
                    function Get-ArtifactFlag([bool]$threadSafe, [string][ValidateSet('x86', 'x64')]$architecture) {
                        if ($architecture -eq 'x86') {
                            if ($threadSafe) {
                                return 1
                            return 2
                        if ($threadSafe) {
                            return 4
                        return 8
                    Write-Verbose "Fetching snapshots version list from $urlList"
                    foreach ($versionLink in (Get-WebResource -Uri $urlList).Links) {
                        if (-not($versionLink | Get-Member -Name 'HREF')) {
                        $match = $versionLink.Href | Select-String -Pattern '/(master|php-\d+\.\d+)/?$'
                        if ($null -eq $match) {
                        $versionSlug = $match.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value
                        $snapshotsUrl = [Uri]::new([Uri]$urlList, $versionLink.Href).AbsoluteUri.TrimEnd('/')
                        Now we parse the rXXXXXX folders, starting from the last one.
                        We look for PHP .zip files in each folder, looking for the 4 versions (thread safe/non threadsafe, x86/x64).
                        Once we find all the 4 versions, we stop parsing the rXXXXXX folders.

                        $missingArtifactFlags = 0
                        $missingArtifactFlags = $missingArtifactFlags -bor (Get-ArtifactFlag $false 'x86')
                        $missingArtifactFlags = $missingArtifactFlags -bor (Get-ArtifactFlag $false 'x64')
                        $missingArtifactFlags = $missingArtifactFlags -bor (Get-ArtifactFlag $true 'x86')
                        $missingArtifactFlags = $missingArtifactFlags -bor (Get-ArtifactFlag $true 'x64')
                        Write-Verbose "Fetching snapshots build list for $versionSlug from $snapshotsUrl"
                        $buildLinks = (Get-WebResource -Uri "$snapshotsUrl/").Links
                        for ($buildLinkIndex = $buildLinks.Count - 1; $buildLinkIndex -ge 0 -and $missingArtifactFlags -ne 0; $buildLinkIndex--) {
                            $buildLink = $buildLinks[$buildLinkIndex]
                            if (-not($buildLink | Get-Member -Name 'HREF')) {
                            $match = $buildLink.Href | Select-String -Pattern '/(r[0-9a-f]{7,})/?$'
                            if ($null -eq $match) {
                            $artifactsUrl = [Uri]::new([Uri]"$snapshotsUrl/", $buildLink.Href).AbsoluteUri.TrimEnd('/')
                            Write-Verbose "Fetching snapshots artifact list from $artifactsUrl"
                            foreach ($artifactsLink in (Get-WebResource -Uri "$artifactsUrl/").Links) {
                                if (-not($artifactsLink | Get-Member -Name 'HREF')) {
                                $artifactUrl = [Uri]::new([Uri]"$artifactsUrl/", $artifactsLink.HREF).AbsoluteUri
                                if (-not($artifactUrl -match $Script:RX_ZIPARCHIVE_SNAPSHOT)) {
                                $artifactVersion = Get-PhpVersionFromUrl -Url $artifactUrl -ReleaseState $State
                                $artifactFlag = Get-ArtifactFlag $artifactVersion.ThreadSafe $artifactVersion.Architecture
                                if (($artifactFlag -band $missingArtifactFlags) -eq 0) {
                                $result += $artifactVersion
                                $missingArtifactFlags = $missingArtifactFlags -band -bnot $artifactFlag
                    if ($true) {
                        $result += Get-PhpVersionFromUrl -Url '' -ReleaseState $State
                        $result += Get-PhpVersionFromUrl -Url '' -ReleaseState $State
                        $result += Get-PhpVersionFromUrl -Url '' -ReleaseState $State
                        $result += Get-PhpVersionFromUrl -Url '' -ReleaseState $State
                default {
                    $webResponse = Get-WebResource -Uri $urlList
                    foreach ($link in $webResponse.Links | Where-Object -Property 'Href' -Match ('/' + $Script:RX_ZIPARCHIVE + '$')) {
                        $result += Get-PhpVersionFromUrl -Url $link.Href -ReleaseState $State -PageUrl $urlList
            Set-Variable -Scope Script -Name $listVariableName -Value $result -Force
    end {