
function Get-Extension
        Gets Extensions
        Gets Extensions.

        Extensions can be found in:

        * Any module that includes -ExtensionModuleName in it's tags.
        * The directory specified in -ExtensionPath
        * Commands that meet the naming criteria

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSReviewUnusedParameter", "", Justification="PSScriptAnalyzer cannot handle nested scoping")]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidAssignmentToAutomaticVariable", "", Justification="Desired for scenario")]
    # If provided, will look beneath a specific path for extensions.

    # If set, will clear caches of extensions, forcing a refresh.

    # If provided, will get extensions that extend a given command
    [Alias('ThatExtends', 'For')]

    # The regular expression used to determine if a script is an extension.
    # By default, '(extension|ext|ex|x)\.ps1$'
    [Alias('ExtensionNameRegEx', 'ExtensionPatterns')]
    $ExtensionPattern = '(?>extension|ext|ex|x)\.ps1$',

    The name of an extension.
    By default, this will match any extension command whose name, displayname, or aliases exactly match the name.

    If the extension has an Alias with a regular expression literal (```'/Expression/'```) then the -ExtensionName will be valid if that regular expression matches.


    If provided, will treat -ExtensionName as a wildcard.
    This will return any extension whose name, displayname, or aliases are like the -ExtensionName.

    If the extension has an Alias with a regular expression literal (```'/Expression/'```) then the -ExtensionName will be valid if that regular expression matches.


    If provided, will treat -ExtensionName as a regular expression.
    This will return any extension whose name, displayname, or aliases match the -ExtensionName.
    If the extension has an Alias with a regular expression literal (```'/Expression/'```) then the -ExtensionName will be valid if that regular expression matches.


    # The extension module. If provided, this will have to prefix the ExtensionNameRegex

    # A list of extension module aliases.

    # The extension type name.

    # If set, will return the dynamic parameters object of all the extensions for a given command.

    # If set, will return if the extension could run.

    # If set, will return if the extension could accept this input from the pipeline.

    # If set, will run the extension. If -Stream is passed, results will be directly returned.
    # By default, extension results are wrapped in a return object.

    # If set, will stream output from running the extension.
    # By default, extension results are wrapped in a return object.

    # If set, will return the dynamic parameters of all extensions for a given command, using the provided DynamicParameterSetName.
    # Implies -DynamicParameter.

    # If provided, will return the dynamic parameters of all extensions for a given command, with all positional parameters offset.
    # Implies -DynamicParameter.
    $DynamicParameterPositionOffset = 0,

    # If set, will return the dynamic parameters of all extensions for a given command, with all mandatory parameters marked as optional.
    # Implies -DynamicParameter. Does not actually prevent the parameter from being Mandatory on the Extension.

    # If set, will require a [Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()] attribute to be considered an extension.

    # If set, will require a [Management.Automation.Cmdlet] attribute to be considered an extension.
    # This attribute can associate the extension with one or more commands.

    # If set, will validate this input against [ValidateScript], [ValidatePattern], [ValidateSet], and [ValidateRange] attributes found on an extension.

    # If set, will validate this input against all [ValidateScript], [ValidatePattern], [ValidateSet], and [ValidateRange] attributes found on an extension.
    # By default, if any validation attribute returned true, the extension is considered validated.

    # The name of the parameter set. This is used by -CouldRun and -Run to enforce a single specific parameter set.

    # The parameters to the extension. Only used when determining if the extension -CouldRun.
    $Parameter = [Ordered]@{},

    # If set, will output a steppable pipeline for the extension.
    # Steppable pipelines allow you to control how begin, process, and end are executed in an extension.
    # This allows for the execution of more than one extension at a time.

    # If set, will output the help for the extensions

    begin {
        #region Define Inner Functions
        function WhereExtends {


            process {
                if ($ExtensionName) {
                    $ExtensionCommandAliases = @($ExtensionCommand.Attributes.AliasNames)
                    $ExtensionCommandAliasRegexes = @($ExtensionCommandAliases -match '^/' -match '/$')
                    if ($ExtensionCommandAliasRegexes) {
                        $ExtensionCommandAliases = @($ExtensionCommandAliases -notmatch '^/' -match '/$')
                    :CheckExtensionName do {
                        foreach ($exn in $ExtensionName) {
                            if ($like) {
                                if (($extensionCommand -like $exn) -or
                                    ($extensionCommand.DisplayName -like $exn) -or
                                    ($ExtensionCommandAliases -like $exn)) { break CheckExtensionName }
                            elseif ($match) {
                                if (($ExtensionCommand -match $exn) -or
                                    ($extensionCommand.DisplayName -match $exn) -or
                                    ($ExtensionCommandAliases -match $exn)) { break CheckExtensionName }
                            elseif (($ExtensionCommand -eq $exn) -or
                                ($ExtensionCommand.DisplayName -eq $exn) -or
                                ($ExtensionCommandAliases -eq $exn)) { break CheckExtensionName }
                            elseif ($ExtensionCommandAliasRegexes) {
                                foreach ($extensionAliasRegex in $ExtensionCommandAliasRegexes) {                            
                                    $extensionAliasRegex = [Regex]::New($extensionAliasRegex -replace '^/' -replace '/$', 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace')
                                    if ($extensionAliasRegex -and $extensionAliasRegex.IsMatch($exn)) {
                                        break CheckExtensionName

                    } while ($false)
                if ($Command -and $ExtensionCommand.Extends -contains $command) {
                    $commandExtended = $ext
                    return $ExtensionCommand
                elseif (-not $command) {
                    return $ExtensionCommand
        function ConvertToExtension($toExtension) {
            process {
            $in = if ($toExtension) {
            } else { $_ }
            $extCmd =
                if ($in -is [Management.Automation.CommandInfo]) {
                elseif ($in -is [IO.FileInfo]) {
                    if ($in.LastWriteTime -gt $script:ExtensionsFileTimes[$in.Fullname]) {
                        $script:ExtensionsFileTimes[$in.Fullname] = $in.LastWriteTime
                        $script:ExtensionsFromFiles[$in.Fullname] = 
                            $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($in.fullname, 'ExternalScript,Application')
                    } elseif ($script:ExtensionsFromFiles[$in.Fullname])  {
                        return $script:ExtensionsFromFiles[$in.Fullname]
                else {
                    $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($in, 'Alias,Function,ExternalScript,Application')

            $extMethods    = $extCmd.PSObject.Methods
            $extProperties = $extCmd.PSObject.Properties

            #region .GetExtendedCommands
            if (-not $extMethods['GetExtendedCommands']) {
                $extMethods.Add([psscriptmethod]::new('GetExtendedCommands', {
                $extendedCommandNames = @(
                    foreach ($attr in $this.ScriptBlock.Attributes) {
                        if ($attr -isnot [Management.Automation.CmdletAttribute]) { continue }
                            ($attr.VerbName -replace '\s') + '-' + ($attr.NounName -replace '\s')
                        ) -replace '^\-' -replace '\-$'                        
                if (-not $extendedCommandNames) {
                    $this.PSObject.Properties.Add([psnoteproperty]::new('.Extends', @()), $true)
                    $this.PSObject.Properties.Add([psnoteproperty]::new('.ExtensionCommands', @()), $true)                    
                if (-not $CommandList) {
                    $commandList = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommands('*','Function,Alias,Cmdlet', $true)
                $extends = @{}
                :nextCommand foreach ($loadedCmd in $commandList) {
                    foreach ($extensionCommandName in $extendedCommandNames) {
                        if ($extensionCommandName -and $loadedCmd.Name -match $extensionCommandName) {
                            $extends[$loadedCmd.Name] = $loadedCmd
                            continue nextCommand

                if (-not $extends.Count) {
                    $extends = $null
                $this.PSObject.Properties.Add([psnoteproperty]::new('.Extends', @($extends.Keys)), $true)
                $this.PSObject.Properties.Add([psnoteproperty]::new('.ExtensionCommands', @($extends.Values)), $true)                
                }), $true)
            #endregion .GetExtendedCommands

            #region .Extends
            if (-not $extProperties['Extends']) {
                $extProperties.Add([psscriptproperty]::new('Extends', {
                    if (-not $this.'.Extends') {
                            $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommands('*','Function,Alias,Cmdlet', $true)
                    return $this.'.Extends'
            #endregion .Extends

            #region .ExtensionCommands
            if (-not $extProperties['ExtensionCommands']) {
                $extProperties.Add([psscriptproperty]::new('ExtensionCommands', {
                    if (-not $this.'.ExtensionCommands') {
                            $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommands('*','Function,Alias,Cmdlet', $true)
                    return $this.'.ExtensionCommands'
                }), $true)
            #endregion .ExtensionCommands

            $inheritanceLevel = [ComponentModel.InheritanceLevel]::Inherited

            #region .BlockComments
            if(-not $extProperties['BlockComments']) {
                $extProperties.Add([psscriptproperty]::New('BlockComments', {
                    \<\# # The opening tag
                        (?:.|\s)+?(?=\z|\#>) # anything until the closing tag
                    \#\> # the closing tag
, 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace', '00:00:01').Matches($this.ScriptBlock)
                }), $true)
            #endregion .BlockComments

            #region .GetHelpField
            if (-not $extMethods['GetHelpField']) {
                $extMethods.Add([psscriptmethod]::New('GetHelpField', {
                    $fieldNames = 'synopsis','description','link','example','inputs', 'outputs', 'parameter', 'notes'
                    foreach ($block in $this.BlockComments) {                
                        foreach ($match in [Regex]::new("
                            \.(?<Field>$Field) # Field Start
                            [\s-[\r\n]]{0,} # Optional Whitespace
                            [\r\n]+ # newline
                                [\r\n]{0,}\s{0,}\.(?>$($fieldNames -join '|'))|
                            ))) # Anything until the next .field or end of the comment block
, 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace', [Timespan]::FromSeconds(1)).Matches(
                            )) {                        
                            $match.Groups["Content"].Value -replace '[\s\r\n]+$'
                }), $true)
            #endregion .GetHelpField

            #region .InheritanceLevel
            if (-not $extProperties['InheritanceLevel']) {
                $extProperties.Add([PSNoteProperty]::new('InheritanceLevel', $inheritanceLevel), $true)
            #endregion .InheritanceLevel

            #region .DisplayName
            if (-not $extProperties['DisplayName']) {
                    'DisplayName', {
                        if ($this.'.DisplayName') {
                            return $this.'.DisplayName'
                        if ($this.ScriptBlock.Attributes) {
                            foreach ($attr in $this.ScriptBlock.Attributes) {
                                if ($attr -is [ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute]) {
                                    $this | Add-Member NoteProperty '.DisplayName' $attr.DisplayName -Force
                                    return $attr.DisplayName
                        $this | Add-Member NoteProperty '.DisplayName' $this.Name
                        return $this.Name
                    }, {
                        $this | Add-Member NoteProperty '.DisplayName' $args -Force
                ), $true)

                    '.DisplayName', "$($extCmd.Name -replace $extensionFullRegex)"
                ), $true)
            #endregion .DisplayName
            #region .Attributes
            if (-not $extProperties['Attributes']) {
                    'Attributes', {$this.ScriptBlock.Attributes}
                ), $true)
            #endregion .Attributes

            #region .Category
            if (-not $extProperties['Category']) {
                    'Category', {
                        foreach ($attr in $this.ScriptBlock.Attributes) {
                            if ($attr -is [Reflection.AssemblyMetaDataAttribute] -and
                                $attr.Key -eq 'Category') {
                            elseif ($attr -is [ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute]) {
                ), $true)
            #endregion .Category

            #region .Rank
            if (-not $extProperties['Rank']) {
                    'Rank', {
                        foreach ($attr in $this.ScriptBlock.Attributes) {
                            if ($attr -is [Reflection.AssemblyMetaDataAttribute] -and
                                $attr.Key -in 'Order', 'Rank') {
                                return $attr.Value -as [int]
                        return 0
                ), $true)
            #endregion .Rank
            #region .Metadata
            if (-not $extProperties['Metadata']) {
                    'Metadata', {
                        $Metadata = [Ordered]@{}
                        foreach ($attr in $this.ScriptBlock.Attributes) {
                            if ($attr -is [Reflection.AssemblyMetaDataAttribute]) {
                                if ($Metadata[$attr.Key]) {
                                    $Metadata[$attr.Key] = @($Metadata[$attr.Key]) + $attr.Value
                                } else {
                                    $Metadata[$attr.Key] = $attr.Value
                        return $Metadata
                ), $true)
            #endregion .Metadata

            #region .Description
            if (-not $extProperties['Description']) {
                    'Description', { @($this.GetHelpField("Description"))[0] -replace '^\s+' }
                ), $true)
            #endregion .Description

            #region .Synopsis
            if (-not $extProperties['Synopsis']) {
                'Synopsis', { @($this.GetHelpField("Synopsis"))[0] -replace '^\s+' }), $true)
            #endregion .Synopsis

            #region .Examples
            if (-not $extProperties['Examples']) {
                    'Examples', { $this.GetHelpField("Example") }), $true)
            #endregion .Examples

            #region .Links
            if (-not $extProperties['Links']) {
                    'Links', { $this.GetHelpField("Link") }), $true
            #endregion .Links

            #region .Validate
            if (-not $extProperties['Validate']) {
                $extMethods.Add([psscriptmethod]::new('Validate', {
                        # input being validated
                        # If set, will require all [Validate] attributes to be valid.
                        # If not set, any input will be valid.

                    foreach ($attr in $this.ScriptBlock.Attributes) {
                        if ($attr -is [Management.Automation.ValidateScriptAttribute]) {
                            try {
                                $_ = $this = $psItem = $ValidateInput
                                $isValidInput = . $attr.ScriptBlock
                                if ($isValidInput -and -not $AllValid) { return $true}
                                if (-not $isValidInput -and $AllValid) {
                                    if ($ErrorActionPreference -eq 'ignore') {
                                        return $false
                                    } elseif ($AllValid) {
                                        throw "'$ValidateInput' is not a valid value."
                            } catch {
                                if ($AllValid) {
                                    if ($ErrorActionPreference -eq 'ignore') {
                                        return $false
                                    } else {
                        elseif ($attr -is [Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute]) {
                            if ($ValidateInput -notin $attr.ValidValues) {
                                if ($AllValid) {
                                    if ($ErrorActionPreference -eq 'ignore') {
                                        return $false
                                    } else {
                                        throw "'$ValidateInput' is not a valid value. Valid values are '$(@($attr.ValidValues) -join "','")'"
                            } elseif (-not $AllValid) {
                                return $true
                        elseif ($attr -is [Management.Automation.ValidatePatternAttribute]) {
                            $matched = [Regex]::new($attr.RegexPattern, $attr.Options, [Timespan]::FromSeconds(1)).Match("$ValidateInput")
                            if (-not $matched.Success) {
                                if ($allValid) {
                                    if ($ErrorActionPreference -eq 'ignore') {
                                        return $false
                                    } else {
                                        throw "'$ValidateInput' is not a valid value. Valid values must match the pattern '$($attr.RegexPattern)'"
                            } elseif (-not $AllValid) {
                                return $true
                        elseif ($attr -is [Management.Automation.ValidateRangeAttribute]) {
                            if ($null -ne $attr.MinRange -and $validateInput -lt $attr.MinRange) {
                                if ($AllValid) {
                                    if ($ErrorActionPreference -eq 'ignore') {
                                        return $false
                                    } else {
                                        throw "'$ValidateInput' is below the minimum range [ $($attr.MinRange)-$($attr.MaxRange) ]"
                            elseif ($null -ne $attr.MaxRange -and $validateInput -gt $attr.MaxRange) {
                                if ($AllValid) {
                                    if ($ErrorActionPreference -eq 'ignore') {
                                        return $false
                                    } else {
                                        throw "'$ValidateInput' is above the maximum range [ $($attr.MinRange)-$($attr.MaxRange) ]"
                            elseif (-not $AllValid) {
                                return $true

                    if ($AllValid) {
                        return $true
                    } else {
                        return $false
                }), $true)
            #endregion .Validate

            #region .HasValidation
            if (-not $extProperties['HasValidation']) {
                $extProperties.Add([psscriptproperty]::new('HasValidation', {
                    foreach ($attr in $this.ScriptBlock.Attributes) {
                        if ($attr -is [Management.Automation.ValidateScriptAttribute] -or
                            $attr -is [Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute] -or 
                            $attr -is [Management.Automation.ValidatePatternAttribute] -or 
                            $attr -is [Management.Automation.ValidateRangeAttribute]) {
                            return $true                        

                    return $false
                }), $true)
            #endregion .HasValidation

            #region .GetDynamicParameters
            if (-not $extMethods['GetDynamicParameters']) {
                $extMethods.Add([PSScriptMethod]::new('GetDynamicParameters', {




                    $ExtensionDynamicParameters = [Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary]::new()
                    $Extension = $this
                    $ExtensionMetadata = $Extension -as [Management.Automation.CommandMetaData]
                    if (-not $ExtensionMetadata) { return $ExtensionDynamicParameters }

                    :nextDynamicParameter foreach ($in in @(($Extension -as [Management.Automation.CommandMetaData]).Parameters.Keys)) {
                        $attrList = [Collections.Generic.List[Attribute]]::new()
                        $validCommandNames = @()
                        foreach ($attr in $extension.Parameters[$in].attributes) {
                            if ($attr -isnot [Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]) {
                                # we can passthru any non-parameter attributes
                                if ($attr -is [Management.Automation.CmdletAttribute] -and $commandList) {
                                    $validCommandNames += (
                                        ($attr.VerbName -replace '\s') + '-' + ($attr.NounName -replace '\s')
                                    ) -replace '^\-' -replace '\-$'
                            } else {
                                # but parameter attributes need to copied.
                                $attrCopy = [Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]::new()
                                # (Side note: without a .Clone, copying is tedious.)
                                foreach ($prop in $attrCopy.GetType().GetProperties('Instance,Public')) {
                                    if (-not $prop.CanWrite) { continue }
                                    if ($null -ne $attr.($prop.Name)) {
                                        $attrCopy.($prop.Name) = $attr.($prop.Name)

                                $attrCopy.ParameterSetName =
                                    if ($ParameterSetName) {
                                    else {
                                        $defaultParamSetName =
                                            foreach ($extAttr in $Extension.ScriptBlock.Attributes) {
                                                if ($extAttr.DefaultParameterSetName) {
                                        if ($attrCopy.ParameterSetName -ne '__AllParameterSets') {
                                        elseif ($defaultParamSetName) {
                                        elseif ($this -is [Management.Automation.FunctionInfo]) {
                                        } elseif ($this -is [Management.Automation.ExternalScriptInfo]) {

                                if ($NoMandatory -and $attrCopy.Mandatory) {
                                    $attrCopy.Mandatory = $false

                                if ($PositionOffset -and $attr.Position -ge 0) {
                                    $attrCopy.Position += $PositionOffset

                        if ($commandList -and $validCommandNames) {
                            :CheckCommandValidity do {
                                foreach ($vc in $validCommandNames) {
                                    if ($commandList -match $vc) { break CheckCommandValidity }
                                continue nextDynamicParameter
                            } while ($false)
                        $ExtensionDynamicParameters.Add($in, [Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new(


                }), $true)
            #endregion .GetDynamicParameters

            #region .IsParameterValid
            if (-not $extMethods['IsParameterValid']) {
            $extMethods.Add([PSScriptMethod]::new('IsParameterValid', {
                param([Parameter(Mandatory)]$ParameterName, [PSObject]$Value)

                if ($this.Parameters.Count -ge 0 -and 
                ) {
                    foreach ($attr in $this.Parameters[$parameterName].Attributes) {
                        $_ = $value
                        if ($attr -is [Management.Automation.ValidateScriptAttribute]) {
                            $result = try { . $attr.ScriptBlock } catch { $null }
                            if ($result -ne $true) {
                                return $false
                        elseif ($attr -is [Management.Automation.ValidatePatternAttribute] -and 
                                (-not [Regex]::new($attr.RegexPattern, $attr.Options, '00:00:05').IsMatch($value))
                            ) {
                                return $false
                        elseif ($attr -is [Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute] -and 
                                $attr.ValidValues -notcontains $value) {
                                    return $false
                        elseif ($attr -is [Management.Automation.ValidateRangeAttribute] -and (
                            ($value -gt $attr.MaxRange) -or ($value -lt $attr.MinRange)
                        )) {
                            return $false
                return $true
            }), $true)
            #endregion .IsParameterValid
            #region .CouldPipe
            if (-not $extMethods['CouldPipe']) {
            $extMethods.Add([PSScriptMethod]::new('CouldPipe', {

                :nextParameterSet foreach ($paramSet in $this.ParameterSets) {
                    if ($ParameterSetName -and $paramSet.Name -ne $ParameterSetName) { continue }
                    $params = @{}
                    $mappedParams = [Ordered]@{} # Create a collection of mapped parameters
                    # Walk thru each parameter of this command
                    :nextParameter foreach ($myParam in $paramSet.Parameters) {
                        # If the parameter is ValueFromPipeline
                        if ($myParam.ValueFromPipeline) {
                            $potentialPSTypeNames = @($myParam.Attributes.PSTypeName) -ne ''
                            if ($potentialPSTypeNames)  {                                
                                foreach ($potentialTypeName in $potentialPSTypeNames) {
                                    if ($potentialTypeName -and $InputObject.pstypenames -contains $potentialTypeName) {
                                        $mappedParams[$myParam.Name] = $params[$myParam.Name] = $InputObject
                                        continue nextParameter
                            # and we have an input object
                            elseif ($null -ne $inputObject -and
                                    # of the exact type
                                    $myParam.ParameterType -eq $inputObject.GetType() -or
                                    # (or a subclass of that type)
                                    $inputObject.GetType().IsSubClassOf($myParam.ParameterType) -or
                                    # (or an inteface of that type)
                                    ($myParam.ParameterType.IsInterface -and $InputObject.GetType().GetInterface($myParam.ParameterType))
                            ) {
                                # then map the parameter.
                                $mappedParams[$myParam.Name] = $params[$myParam.Name] = $InputObject
                    # Check for parameter validity.
                    foreach ($mappedParamName in @($mappedParams.Keys)) {
                        if (-not $this.IsParameterValid($mappedParamName, $mappedParams[$mappedParamName])) {
                    if ($mappedParams.Count -gt 0) {
                        return $mappedParams
            }), $true)
            #endregion .CouldPipe

            #region .CouldPipeType
            if (-not $extMethods['CouldPipeType']) {
            $extMethods.Add([PSScriptMethod]::new('CouldPipeType', {

                foreach ($paramSet in $this.ParameterSets) {
                    if ($ParameterSetName -and $paramSet.Name -ne $ParameterSetName) { continue }
                    # Walk thru each parameter of this command
                    foreach ($myParam in $paramSet.Parameters) {
                        # If the parameter is ValueFromPipeline
                        if ($myParam.ValueFromPipeline -and (
                                $myParam.ParameterType -eq $Type -or
                                # (or a subclass of that type)
                                $Type.IsSubClassOf($myParam.ParameterType) -or
                                # (or an inteface of that type)
                                ($myParam.ParameterType.IsInterface -and $Type.GetInterface($myParam.ParameterType))
                        ) {
                            return $true
                    return $false
            }), $true)
            #endregion .CouldPipeType

            #region .CouldRun
            if (-not $extMethods['CouldRun']) {
            $extMethods.Add([PSScriptMethod]::new('CouldRun', {
                param([Collections.IDictionary]$params, [string]$ParameterSetName)

                :nextParameterSet foreach ($paramSet in $this.ParameterSets) {
                    if ($ParameterSetName -and $paramSet.Name -ne $ParameterSetName) { continue }
                    $mappedParams = [Ordered]@{} # Create a collection of mapped parameters
                    $mandatories  =  # Walk thru each parameter of this command
                        @(foreach ($myParam in $paramSet.Parameters) {
                            if ($params.Contains($myParam.Name)) { # If this was in Params,
                                $mappedParams[$myParam.Name] = $params[$myParam.Name] # then map it.
                            } else {
                                foreach ($paramAlias in $myParam.Aliases) { # Otherwise, check the aliases
                                    if ($params.Contains($paramAlias)) { # and map it if the parameters had the alias.
                                        $mappedParams[$myParam.Name] = $params[$paramAlias]
                            if ($myParam.IsMandatory) { # If the parameter was mandatory,
                                $myParam.Name # keep track of it.

                    # Check for parameter validity.
                    foreach ($mappedParamName in @($mappedParams.Keys)) {
                        if (-not $this.IsParameterValid($mappedParamName, $mappedParams[$mappedParamName])) {
                    foreach ($mandatoryParam in $mandatories) { # Walk thru each mandatory parameter.
                        if (-not $mappedParams.Contains($mandatoryParam)) { # If it wasn't in the parameters.
                            continue nextParameterSet
                    return $mappedParams
                return $false
            }), $true)
            #endregion .CouldRun

            # Decorate our return (so that it can be uniquely extended)
            if (-not $ExtensionTypeName) {
                $ExtensionTypeName = 'Extension'
            if ($extCmd.pstypenames -notcontains $ExtensionTypeName) {            

        function OutputExtension {
            begin {
                $allDynamicParameters = [Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary]::new()
            process {
                $extCmd = $_

                # When we're outputting an extension, we start off assuming that it is valid.
                $IsValid = $true
                if ($ValidateInput) { # If we have a particular input we want to validate
                    try {
                        # Check if it is valid
                        if (-not $extCmd.Validate($ValidateInput, $AllValid)) {
                            $IsValid = $false # and then set IsValid if it is not.
                    } catch {
                        Write-Error $_    # If we encountered an exception, write it out
                        $IsValid = $false # and set is $IsValid to false.

                # If we're requesting dynamic parameters (and the extension is valid)
                if ($IsValid -and 
                    ($DynamicParameter -or $DynamicParameterSetName -or $DynamicParameterPositionOffset -or $NoMandatoryDynamicParameter)) {
                    # Get what the dynamic parameters of the extension would be.
                    $extensionParams = $extCmd.GetDynamicParameters($DynamicParameterSetName, 
                        $NoMandatoryDynamicParameter, $CommandName)
                    # Then, walk over each extension parameter.
                    foreach ($kv in $extensionParams.GetEnumerator()) {
                        # If the $CommandExtended had a built-in parameter, we cannot override it, so skip it.
                        if ($commandExtended -and ($commandExtended -as [Management.Automation.CommandMetaData]).Parameters.$($kv.Key)) {

                        # If already have this dynamic parameter
                        if ($allDynamicParameters.ContainsKey($kv.Key)) {

                            # check it's type.
                            if ($kv.Value.ParameterType -ne $allDynamicParameters[$kv.Key].ParameterType) {
                                # If the types are different, make it a PSObject (so it could be either).
                                Write-Verbose "Extension '$extCmd' Parameter '$($kv.Key)' Type Conflict, making type PSObject"
                                $allDynamicParameters[$kv.Key].ParameterType = [PSObject]

                            foreach ($attr in $kv.Value.Attributes) {
                                if ($allDynamicParameters[$kv.Key].Attributes.Contains($attr)) {
                        } else {
                            $allDynamicParameters[$kv.Key] = $kv.Value
                elseif ($IsValid -and ($CouldPipe -or $CouldRun)) {
                    if (-not $extCmd) { return }

                    $extensionParams = [Ordered]@{}
                    $pipelineParams = @()
                    if ($CouldPipe) {
                        $couldPipeExt = $extCmd.CouldPipe($CouldPipe)
                        if (-not $couldPipeExt) { return }
                        $pipelineParams += $couldPipeExt.Keys
                        if (-not $CouldRun) {                            
                            $extensionParams += $couldPipeExt
                        } else {
                            foreach ($kv in $couldPipeExt.GetEnumerator()) {
                                $Parameter[$kv.Key] = $kv.Value
                    if ($CouldRun) {
                        $couldRunExt = $extCmd.CouldRun($Parameter, $ParameterSetName)
                        if (-not $couldRunExt) { return }
                        $extensionParams += $couldRunExt
                        ExtensionCommand = $extCmd
                        CommandName = $CommandName
                        ExtensionInputObject = if ($CouldPipe) { $CouldPipe } else { $null }                        
                        ExtensionParameter   = $extensionParams
                        PipelineParameters   = $pipelineParams
                elseif ($IsValid -and $SteppablePipeline) {
                    if (-not $extCmd) { return }
                    if ($Parameter) {
                        $couldRunExt = $extCmd.CouldRun($Parameter, $ParameterSetName)
                        if (-not $couldRunExt) {
                            $sb = {& $extCmd }
                            $sb.GetSteppablePipeline() |
                                Add-Member NoteProperty ExtensionCommand $extCmd -Force -PassThru |
                                Add-Member NoteProperty ExtensionParameters $couldRunExt -Force -PassThru |
                                Add-Member NoteProperty ExtensionScriptBlock $sb -Force -PassThru
                        } else {
                            $sb = {& $extCmd @couldRunExt}
                            $sb.GetSteppablePipeline() |
                                Add-Member NoteProperty ExtensionCommand $extCmd -Force -PassThru |
                                Add-Member NoteProperty ExtensionParameters $couldRunExt -Force -PassThru |
                                Add-Member NoteProperty ExtensionScriptBlock $sb -Force -PassThru
                    } else {
                        $sb = {& $extCmd }
                        $sb.GetSteppablePipeline() |
                            Add-Member NoteProperty ExtensionCommand $extCmd -Force -PassThru |
                            Add-Member NoteProperty ExtensionParameters @{} -Force -PassThru |
                            Add-Member NoteProperty ExtensionScriptBlock $sb -Force -PassThru
                elseif ($IsValid -and $Run) {
                    if (-not $extCmd) { return }
                    $couldRunExt = $extCmd.CouldRun($Parameter, $ParameterSetName)
                    if (-not $couldRunExt) { return }
                    if ($extCmd.InheritanceLevel -eq 'InheritedReadOnly') { return }
                    if ($Stream) {
                        & $extCmd @couldRunExt
                    } else {
                            CommandName      = $CommandName
                            ExtensionCommand = $extCmd
                            ExtensionOutput  = & $extCmd @couldRunExt
                            Done             = $extCmd.InheritanceLevel -eq 'NotInherited'
                elseif ($IsValid -and $Help) {
                    $getHelpSplat = @{Full=$true}
                    if ($extCmd -is [Management.Automation.ExternalScriptInfo]) {
                        Get-Help $extCmd.Source @getHelpSplat
                    } elseif ($extCmd -is [Management.Automation.FunctionInfo]) {
                        Get-Help $extCmd @getHelpSplat
                elseif ($IsValid) {
                    return $extCmd
            end {
                if ($DynamicParameter) {
                    return $allDynamicParameters
        #endregion Define Inner Functions

        $extensionFullRegex =
                if ($ExtensionModule) {
                    "\.(?>$(@(@($ExtensionModule) + $ExtensionModuleAlias) -join '|'))\." + "(?>$($ExtensionPattern -join '|'))"
                } else {
                    "(?>$($ExtensionPattern -join '|'))"
            ), 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace', '00:00:01')

        #region Find Extensions
        $loadedModules = @(Get-Module)
        $myInv = $MyInvocation
        $myModuleName = if ($ExtensionModule) { $ExtensionModule } else { $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.Name }
        if ($myInv.MyCommand.Module -and $loadedModules -notcontains $myInv.MyCommand.Module) {
            $loadedModules = @($myInv.MyCommand.Module) + $loadedModules
        $getCmd    = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand

        if ($Force) {
            $script:Extensions  = $null
            $script:ExtensionsByName    = $null
            $script:AllCommands = @()
        if (-not $script:Extensions)
            $script:ExtensionsFromFiles     = [Ordered]@{}
            $script:ExtensionsFileTimes     = [Ordered]@{}
            $script:ExtensionsByName        = [Ordered]@{}
            $script:ExtensionsByDisplayName = [Ordered]@{}
            $script:ExtensionsByPattern     = [Ordered]@{}
            $script:Extensions =
                #region Find Extensions in Loaded Modules
                foreach ($loadedModule in $loadedModules) { # Walk over all modules.
                    if ( # If the module has PrivateData keyed to this module
                    ) {
                        # Determine the root of the module with private data.
                        $thisModuleRoot = [IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($loadedModule.Path)
                        # and get the extension data
                        $extensionData = $loadedModule.PrivateData.$myModuleName
                        if ($extensionData -is [Hashtable]) { # If it was a hashtable
                            foreach ($ed in $extensionData.GetEnumerator()) { # walk each key

                                $extensionCmd =
                                    if ($ed.Value -like '*.ps1') { # If the key was a .ps1 file
                                        $getCmd.Invoke( # treat it as a relative path to the .ps1
                                            [IO.Path]::Combine($thisModuleRoot, $ed.Value),
                                    } else { # Otherwise, treat it as the name of an exported command.
                                if ($extensionCmd) { # If we've found a valid extension command
                                    ConvertToExtension $extensionCmd # return it as an extension.
                    elseif ($loadedModule.PrivateData.PSData.Tags -contains $myModuleName -or $loadedModule.Name -eq $myModuleName) {
                        $loadedModuleRoot = Split-Path $loadedModule.Path
                        if ($loadedModuleRoot) {
                            foreach ($fileInModule in Get-ChildItem -Path $loadedModuleRoot -Recurse -File -Filter *.ps1) {
                                if ($fileInModule.Name -notmatch $extensionFullRegex) { continue }
                                ConvertToExtension $fileInModule
                #endregion Find Extensions in Loaded Modules

                #region Find Extensions in Loaded Commands
                $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommands('*', 'Function,Alias',$true) -match $extensionFullRegex
                #endregion Find Extensions in Loaded Commands
                ) | Select-Object -Unique | Sort-Object Rank, Name)

            foreach ($extCmd in $script:Extensions) {
                if (-not $script:ExtensionsByName[$extCmd.Name]) {
                    $script:ExtensionsByName[$extCmd.Name] = $extCmd
                else {
                    $script:ExtensionsByName[$extCmd.Name] = @($script:ExtensionsByName[$extCmd.Name]) + $extCmd
                if ($extCmd.DisplayName) {
                    if (-not $script:ExtensionsByDisplayName[$extCmd.DisplayName]) {
                        $script:ExtensionsByDisplayName[$extCmd.DisplayName] = $extCmd
                    else {
                        $script:ExtensionsByDisplayName[$extCmd.DisplayName] = @($script:ExtensionsByDisplayName[$extCmd.DisplayName]) + $extCmd
                $ExtensionCommandAliases = @($extCmd.Attributes.AliasNames)
                $ExtensionCommandAliasRegexes  = @($ExtensionCommandAliases -match '^/' -match '/$')
                $ExtensionCommandNormalAliases = @($ExtensionCommandAliases -notmatch '^/')
                if ($ExtensionCommandAliasRegexes) {
                    foreach ($extensionAliasRegex in $ExtensionCommandAliasRegexes) {
                        $regex = [Regex]::New($extensionAliasRegex -replace '^/' -replace '/$', 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace')
                        if (-not $script:ExtensionsByPattern[$regex]) {
                            $script:ExtensionsByPattern[$regex] = $extCmd
                        } else {
                            $script:ExtensionsByPattern[$regex] = @($script:ExtensionsByPattern[$regex]) + $extCmd
                if ($ExtensionCommandNormalAliases) {
                    foreach ($extensionAlias in $ExtensionCommandNormalAliases) {
                        if (-not $script:ExtensionsByName[$extensionAlias]) {
                            $script:ExtensionsByName[$extensionAlias] = $extCmd
                        } else {
                            $script:ExtensionsByName[$extensionAlias] = @($script:ExtensionsByName[$extensionAlias]) + $extCmd
        #endregion Find Extensions

    process {

        if ($ExtensionPath) {
            @(foreach ($_ in Get-ChildItem -Recurse:$($ExtensionPath -notmatch '^\.[\\/]') -Path $ExtensionPath -File) {
                if ($_.Name -notmatch $extensionFullRegex) { continue }
                if ($CommandName -or $ExtensionName) {
                    ConvertToExtension $_ |
                    . WhereExtends $CommandName
                } else {
                    ConvertToExtension $_
            }) |
                #region Install-Piecemeal -WhereObject
                # This section can be updated by using Install-Piecemeal -WhereObject
                #endregion Install-Piecemeal -WhereObject
                Sort-Object Rank, Name |
                #region Install-Piecemeal -ForeachObject
                # This section can be updated by using Install-Piecemeal -ForeachObject
                #endregion Install-Piecemeal -ForeachObject
        } elseif ($CommandName -or $ExtensionName) {
            if (-not $CommandName -and -not $like -and -not $Match) {
                foreach ($exn in $ExtensionName) {
                    if ($script:ExtensionsByName[$exn]) {
                        $script:ExtensionsByName[$exn] | OutputExtension
                    if ($script:ExtensionsByDisplayName[$exn]) {
                        $script:ExtensionsByDisplayName[$exn] | OutputExtension
                    if ($script:ExtensionsByPattern.Count) {
                        foreach ($patternAndValue in $script:ExtensionsByPattern.GetEnumerator()) {
                            if ($patternAndValue.Key.IsMatch($exn)) {
                                $patternAndValue.Value | OutputExtension
            } else {
                $script:Extensions |
                    . WhereExtends $CommandName |
        } else {
            $script:Extensions | 