
function Invoke-PipeScript {
        Invokes PipeScript or PowerShell ScriptBlocks, commands, and syntax.
        Runs PipeScript.

        Invoke-PipeScript can run any PowerShell or PipeScript ScriptBlock or Command.

        Invoke-PipeScript can accept any -InputObject, -Parameter(s), and -ArgumentList.

        These will be passed down to the underlying command.

        Invoke-PipeScript can also use a number of Abstract Syntax Tree elements as command input:

        |AST Type |Description |
        |AttributeAST |Runs Attributes |
        |TypeConstraintAST |Runs Type Constraints |
        |InvokeMemberExpressionAst|Runs Member Invocation Expressions |

    [Alias('ips', '.>')]
    # The input object. This will be piped into the underlying command.
    # If no -Command is provided and -InputObject is a [ScriptBlock]
    # The Command that will be run.
        $PotentialCommand = $_
        if ($null -eq $PotentialCommand)         { return $false }
        if ($PotentialCommand -is [ScriptBlock]) { return $true }
        if ($PotentialCommand -is [string])      { return $true }
        if ($PotentialCommand -is [Management.Automation.CommandInfo]) { return $true }
        if ($PotentialCommand.GetType().Namespace -eq 'System.Management.Automation.Language' -and
            $PotentialCommand.GetType().Name -in 'AttributeAST', 'TypeExpressionAST','InvokeMemberExpressionAst') {
            return $true
        return $false
    [Alias('ScriptBlock','CommandName', 'CommandInfo', 'AttributeSyntaxTree','TypeConstraint')]
    # A collection of named parameters. These will be directly passed to the underlying script.
    $Parameter = [Ordered]@{},

    # A list of positional arguments. These will be directly passed to the underlying script or command.
    $ArgumentList = @(),

    # If this is not set, when a transpiler's parameters do not take a [ScriptBlock], ScriptBlock values will be evaluated.
    # This can be a very useful capability, because it can enable dynamic transpilation.
    # If this is set, will make ScriptBlockAst values will be run within data language, which significantly limits their capabilities.

    begin {
        # First, check to see if we already cached a list of type accelerators
        if (-not $script:TypeAcceleratorsList) {
            # If we didn't, do that now.
            $script:TypeAcceleratorsList = [PSObject].Assembly.GetType("System.Management.Automation.TypeAccelerators")::Get.Keys
        function TranspileOutput {


            begin {
                $astReplacements  = [Ordered]@{}
                $textReplacements = [Ordered]@{}

            process {
                if ($PipeScriptOutput -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
                    $astReplacementCount  = $astReplacements.Count
                    $textReplacementCount = $textReplacements.Count 
                    foreach ($kv in $PipeScriptOutput.GetEnumerator()) {
                        if ($kv.Key -is [Management.Automation.Language.Ast]) {
                            $astReplacements[$kv.Key] = $kv.Value
                        } elseif ($kv.Key -match '^\d,\d$') {
                            $textReplacements["$($kv.Key)"] = $[kv.Value
                    if ($astReplacementCount -eq $astReplacements.Count -and 
                        $textReplacementCount -eq $textReplacements.Count) {
                } else {

            end {
                if ($OriginalInputObject -is [scriptblock] -and $astReplacements.Count -or $textReplacements.Count) {
                    Update-PipeScript -ScriptBlock $OriginalInputObject -AstReplacement $astReplacements -TextReplacement $textReplacements
                } elseif ($OriginalInputObject -is [string] -and $textReplacements.Count) {
                    Update-PipeScript -Text $OriginalInputObject -TextReplacement $textReplacements
        function TypeConstraintToArguments (
        ) {
            begin {
                $TypeNameArgs = @()
                $TypeNameParams = @{}
            process {

                if ($TypeName.IsGeneric) {
                    $TypeNameParams[$typeName.Name] = 
                        $typeName.GenericArguments |
                } elseif (-not $TypeName.IsArray) {
                    $TypeNameArgs += $TypeName.Name
            end {
                    ArgumentList = $TypeNameArgs
                    Parameter    = $TypeNameParams


    process {
        if ($InputObject -is [scriptblock] -and -not $psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Command')) {
            $Command = $InputObject
            $InputObject = $null
            $null = $psBoundParameters.Remove('InputObject')

        if ($InputObject -is [IO.FileInfo] -and -not $psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Command')) {
            $Command = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($InputObject.FullName, 'All')
            $InputObject = $null
            $null = $psBoundParameters.Remove('InputObject')

        if (-not $Command) {
            Write-Error "Must provide -Command, or pipe in a [ScriptBlock] or [IO.FileInfo]"

        $InvokePipeScriptParameters = [Ordered]@{} + $psBoundParameters

        # If the command is a ```[ScriptBlock]```
        if ($Command -is [scriptblock]) 
            # Attempt to transpile it.
            $transpilationErrors   = @()
            $TranspiledScriptBlock = $Command | .>Pipescript -ErrorVariable TranspilationErrors
            if (-not $TranspiledScriptBlock) {  # If we could not transpile it
                Write-Error "Command {$command} could not be transpiled" # error out.

                $null =
                    New-Event -SourceIdentifier 'PipeScript.Transpilation.Failed' -MessageData ([PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{
                        Command = $command
                        Error = $transpilationErrors                        
            # If it could not be transpiled into a [ScriptBlock] or [ScriptBlock[]]
            if ($transpiledScriptBlock -isnot [ScriptBlock] -and -not ($TranspiledScriptBlock -as [scriptblock[]])) {
                # error out.
                Write-Error "Command {$command} could not be transpiled into [ScriptBlock]s"
            # Walk thru each resulting transpiled ScriptBlock
            foreach ($transpiledScript in $transpiledScriptBlock) {
                # If we had an input object
                if ($InputObject) {
                    # pipe it to the transpiled script.
                    $InputObject | & $transpiledScript @Parameter @ArgumentList
                } else {
                    # Otherwise, call the transpiled script.
                    & $transpiledScript @Parameter @ArgumentList
        # If the command is a string,
        elseif ($Command -is [string])
            # determine if it is the name of a command.
            $resolvedCommand = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($Command, 'All')
            # If it is, recursively reinvoke.
            if ($resolvedCommand) {
                $InvokePipeScriptParameters.Command = $resolvedCommand
                Invoke-PipeScript @InvokePipeScriptParameters
            } else {

                # If it was not a resolved command, attempt to create a [ScriptBlock].
                try {
                    $Command = [ScriptBlock]::Create($command)
                } catch {
                    $ex = $_  # If we could not, error out.
                    Write-Error "[string] -Command could not be made into a [ScriptBlock]: $ex"

                # If we could, recursively reinvoke.
                if ($command -is [ScriptBlock]) {
                    $InvokePipeScriptParameters.Command = $command
                    Invoke-PipeScript @InvokePipeScriptParameters                

        # If the command is a ```[Management.Automation.CommandInfo]```
        elseif ($command -is [Management.Automation.CommandInfo]) 
            # Determine if the Command is a SourceGenerator.
            $IsSourceGenerator = '\.ps1{0,1}\.(?<ext>[^.]+$)' # if it matches the regex designating a SourceGenerator
            # If the command was not a source generator
            if ($Command.Source -notmatch $IsSourceGenerator ) {
                # invoke it normally.
                if ($InputObject) {
                    $InputObject | & $Command @Parameter @ArgumentList | TranspileOutput -OriginalInputObject $InputObject
                } else {
                    & $Command @Parameter @ArgumentList | TranspileOutput -OriginalInputObject $InputObject

            # If the command was a source generator
            else {
                # predetermine the output path
                $outputPath = $($Command.Source -replace $IsSourceGenerator, '.${ext}')
                # and attempt to find a transpiler.
                $foundTranspiler = Get-Transpiler -CouldPipe $Command -ValidateInput $Command -ErrorAction Ignore

                # Push into the location of the file, so the current working directory will be accurate for any inline scripts.
                Push-Location ($command.Source | Split-Path)

                # Get the output from the source generator.
                $pipescriptOutput =
                    if ($foundTranspiler) { # If we found transpilers
                        foreach ($ft in $foundTranspiler)  {                            
                            # run them.

                            $null =
                                New-Event -SourceIdentifier 'PipeScript.SourceGenerator.Start' -MessageData ([PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{
                                    Transpiler = $ft.ExtensionCommand
                                    SourcePath = $command.Source

                            $transpilerOutput = $command | & $ft.ExtensionCommand

                            $null =
                                New-Event -SourceIdentifier 'PipeScript.SourceGenerator.Stop' -MessageData ([PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{
                                    Transpiler       = $ft.ExtensionCommand
                                    TranspilerOutput = $transpilerOutput
                                    SourcePath       = $command.Source
                            $transpilerOutput = 
                                # If the transpiler returned a [ScriptBlock]
                                if ($transpilerOutput -is [Scriptblock]) {
                                    # recursively invoke.
                                    $InvokePipeScriptParameters.Command = $transpilerOutput
                                    Invoke-PipeScript @InvokePipeScriptParameters
                                } else {
                                    # otherwise, return the output of the transpiler.
                            # If the transpiler had output,
                            if ($transpilerOutput) {
                                $transpilerOutput # use that output
                                break             # and stop processing additional transpilers.
                    } else {
                        # If we did not find a transpiler, treat the source code as PipeScript/PowerShell.
                        $fileScriptBlock =
                            # If there was no .ScriptBlock on the command.
                            if (-not $Command.ScriptBlock) {
                                # read the file as text
                                $fileText = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($Command.Source)
                                # and attempt to create a script block
                                try {
                                    [scriptblock]::Create($fileText) | .>Pipescript
                                } catch {
                                    $ex = $_
                                    Write-Error "[CommandInfo] -Command could not be made into a [ScriptBlock]: $ex"                                    
                            } else {                                                                                                        
                                $Command.ScriptBlock | .>Pipescript

                        if (-not $fileScriptBlock) { return }
                        if ($command.Source -match '\.psm{0,1}1{0,1}$') {
                        } else {
                            $InvokePipeScriptParameters.Command = $fileScriptBlock
                            Invoke-PipeScript @InvokePipeScriptParameters

                # Now that the source generator has finished running, we can Pop-Location.
                # If the source generator outputted a byte[]
                if ($pipeScriptOutput -as [byte[]]) {
                    # Save the content to $OutputPath as bytes.
                    [IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($outputPath, $pipescriptOutput -as [byte[]])
                    # Then output the file.
                    Get-Item -LiteralPath $outputPath

                # If the source generator outputted file
                elseif ($pipeScriptOutput -is [IO.FileInfo]) {
                    # directly return the file.

                # If the source generator returned an array
                elseif ($pipescriptOutput -is [Object[]]) {
                    # See if the array is only files.
                    $allFiles = @(foreach ($pso in $pipescriptOutput) {
                        if ($pso -isnot [IO.FileInfo]) { $false; break }
                        else { $true }

                    # If it was all files.
                    if (-not ($allFiles -ne $true)) {
                        $pipeScriptOutput # return them
                    } else {                           
                        # Otherwise, join the content by a space
                        $pipescriptOutput -join ' ' | 
                            Set-Content -LiteralPath $outputPath # save it to the output path
                        Get-Item -LiteralPath $outputPath # and return the file.

                # If the source generator returned any other type
                else {
                    $pipescriptOutput |
                        Set-Content -LiteralPath $outputPath # save it to the output path
                    Get-Item -LiteralPath $outputPath # and return the file.

        # If the -Command is an ```[Management.Automation.Language.AttributeAST]```
        elseif ($command -is [Management.Automation.Language.AttributeAST])
            $AttributeSyntaxTree = $command

            # Check that the AttributeSyntaxTree is not a real type (return if it is)
            $attributeType = $AttributeSyntaxTree.TypeName.GetReflectionType()
            if ($attributeType) { return }

            # Check that the typename is not [Ordered] (return if it is).
            if ($AttributeSyntaxTree.TypeName.Name -eq 'ordered') { return }

            # Create a collection for stringified arguments.
            $stringArguments = @()
            # Get the name of the transpiler.
            $transpilerStepName  = 
                if ($AttributeSyntaxTree.TypeName.IsGeneric) {
                } else {

            # See if we could find a transpiler that fits.
            $foundTranspiler  = 
                if ($InputObject) {
                    Get-Transpiler -TranspilerName "$transpilerStepName" -CouldPipe $InputObject | 
                    Select-Object -ExpandProperty ExtensionCommand
                } else {
                    Get-Transpiler -TranspilerName "$transpilerStepName"
            # Collect all of the arguments of the attribute, in the order they were specified.
            $argsInOrder = @(
                @($AttributeSyntaxTree.PositionalArguments) + @($AttributeSyntaxTree.NamedArguments) | Sort-Object { $_.Extent.StartOffset})

            # Now we need to map each of those arguments into either named or positional arguments.
            foreach ($attributeArg in $argsInOrder) {
                # Named arguments are fairly straightforward:
                if ($attributeArg -is [Management.Automation.Language.NamedAttributeArgumentAst]) {
                    $argName = $attributeArg.ArgumentName
                    $argAst  = $attributeArg.Argument
                    $parameter[$argName] =
                        if ($argName -eq $argAst) { # If the argument is the name,
                            $true # treat it as a [switch] parameter.
                        # If the argument value was an ScriptBlockExpression
                        elseif ($argAst -is [Management.Automation.Language.ScriptBlockExpressionAST]) {
                            # Turn it into a [ScriptBlock]
                            $argScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create($argAst.Extent.ToString() -replace '^\{' -replace '\}$')
                            # If the Transpiler had a parameter that took a [ScriptBlock] or [ScriptBlock[]]
                            if ($foundTranspiler.parameters.$argName.ParameterType -eq [ScriptBlock] -or 
                                $foundTranspiler.parameters.$argName.ParameterType -eq [ScriptBlock[]]) {
                                $argScriptBlock # pass the [ScriptBlock] directly.
                            # Now here is where things get a bit more interesting:
                            # If the parameter type _was not_ a [ScriptBlock], we can evaluate the [ScriptBlock] to create a real value
                            # If we want to do this "safely", we can pass -SafeScriptBlockAttributeEvaluation
                            elseif ($SafeScriptBlockAttributeEvaluation) {
                                # Which will run the [ScriptBlock] inside of a data block, thus preventing it from running commands.
                                & ([ScriptBlock]::Create("data {$argScriptBlock}"))
                            } else {
                                # Otherwise, we want to run the [ScriptBlock] directly.
                                & ([ScriptBlock]::Create("$argScriptBlock"))
                        elseif ($argAst.Value) {
                        else {
                } else {
                    # If we are a positional parameter, for the moment:
                    if ($parameter.Count) {
                        # add it to the last named parameter.
                        $parameter[@($parameter.Keys)[-1]] = @() + $parameter[@($parameter.Keys)[-1]] + $attributeArg.Value.ToString()
                    } else {
                        # Or add it to the list of string arguments.
                        $stringArguments += "$($attributeArg.Value)"

                    # We _should_ get more intelligent over time here.
                    # See [the GitHub Issue]( for more details.

            # If we have found a transpiler, run it.
            if ($foundTranspiler) {
                $ArgumentList += $stringArguments
                if ($InputObject) {
                    $inputObject |
                        & $foundTranspiler @ArgumentList @Parameter |
                        TranspileOutput -OriginalInputObject $InputObject
                } else {
                    & $foundTranspiler @ArgumentList @Parameter
            elseif ($(
                $realCommandExists = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand(($transpilerStepName -replace '_','-'), 'All')
            )) {
                if ($inputObject) {
                    $canPipe = foreach ($param in $realCommandExists.Parameters.Values) {
                        if ($param.Attributes.ValueFromPipeline -and $inputObject -is $param.ParameterType) {
                    if ($canPipe) {
                        $inputObject |
                            & $realCommandExists @Parameter @ArgumentList |
                            TranspileOutput -OriginalInputObject $InputObject
                    } else {
                        & $realCommandExists @Parameter @ArgumentList
                } else {
                    & $realCommandExists @Parameter @ArgumentList
            elseif ($script:TypeAcceleratorsList -notcontains $transpilerStepName -and $transpilerStepName -notin 'Ordered') {
                        [exception]::new("Unable to find a transpiler for [$TranspilerStepName]")


        # If the -Command is an ```[Management.Automation.Language.TypeConstraintAST]```
        elseif ($command -is [Management.Automation.Language.TypeConstraintAst]) {
            $TypeConstraint = $command
            # Determine if the -Command is a real type.
            $realType = $Command.TypeName.GetReflectionType()
            if ($realType) {
                # If it is, return.
            # Next, make sure it's not ```[ordered]``` (return it if is)
            if ($command.TypeName.Name -eq 'ordered') { return}
            # Determine the name of the transpiler step.
            $transpilerStepName  = 
                # If the typename is generic, the generic arguments will be treated as positional arguments
                if ($command.TypeName.IsGeneric) {   
                    $command.TypeName.TypeName.Name # and the name will the root typename.
                } else {
                    $command.TypeName.Name  # Otherwise, the step will have no positional arguments, and it's name is the typename.
            # Attempt to find the transpiler
            $foundTranspiler  = 
                if ($InputObject) {
                    # If we had an -InputObject, be sure we can pipe it in.
                    Get-Transpiler -TranspilerName "$transpilerStepName" | Where-Object { $_ | Get-Transpiler -CouldPipe $InputObject }
                } else {
                    # Otherwise, just get the step by name.
                    Get-Transpiler -TranspilerName "$transpilerStepName"

            # If the TypeName was generic, treat the generic parameters as arguments
            # ```[t[n,a]]``` would pass two positional parameters, n and a.
            # ```[t[a[b,c],d[e]]]``` would pass two named parameters @{a='b,'c';d='e'}
            if ($TypeConstraint.TypeName.IsGeneric) {
                $TypeConstraint.TypeName.GenericArguments | 
                TypeConstraintToArguments | 
                ForEach-Object {
                    if ($_.ArgumentList) {
                        $ArgumentList += $_.ArgumentList
                    if ($_.Parameter.Count) {
                        $parameter += $_.Parameter

            if ($foundTranspiler) {
                if ($InputObject) {
                    $inputObject | & $foundTranspiler @ArgumentList @Parameter | TranspileOutput -OriginalInputObject $InputObject
                } else {
                    & $foundTranspiler @ArgumentList @Parameter | TranspileOutput -OriginalInputObject $InputObject
            } else {
                Write-Error "Could not find Transpiler '$TranspilerStepName'"
