
function Use-PipeScript
        Uses PipeScript Transpilers
        Runs an individual PipeScript Transpiler.
        This command must be used by it's smart aliases (for example ```.>PipeScript```).
        { "Hello World" } | .>PipeScript # Returns an unchanged ScriptBlock, because there was nothing to run.


    dynamicParam {
        # If we didn't have a Converter library, create one.
        if (-not $PipeScriptConverters) { $script:PipeScriptConverters = @{} }

        $myInv = $MyInvocation
        # Then, determine what the name of the pattern in the library would be.
        $NameRegex = '[=\.\<\>@\$\!\*]+(?<Name>[\p{L}\p{N}\-\.\+]+)[=\.\<\>@\$\!\*]{0,}'

        $mySafeName =
            if ('.', '&' -contains $myInv.InvocationName -and
                    $myInv.Line.Substring($MyInvocation.OffsetInLine) -match
                ) -or (
                    $myInv.Line.Substring($MyInvocation.OffsetInLine) -match
                $myInv.InvocationName -replace $NameRegex, '${Name}'

        # Find the Converter in the library.
        $converter = Get-Transpiler | Where-Object DisplayName -eq $mySafeName 
        # return $Converter.GetDynamicParameters()

    begin {
        $steppablePipelines = 
            @(if (-not $mySafeName -and $psBoundParameters['Name']) {
                $names = $psBoundParameters['Name']
                $null  = $psBoundParameters.Remove('Name')
                foreach ($cmd in $script:PipeScriptConverters[$names]) {
                    $steppablePipeline = {& $cmd @PSBoundParameters }.GetSteppablePipeline($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin)
                    $null = $steppablePipeline.Begin($PSCmdlet)
                $psBoundParameters['Name'] = $names

    process {
        if (-not $mySafeName -and -not $steppablePipelines) {            
            Write-Error "Must call Use-Pipescript with one of it's aliases."
        elseif ($steppablePipelines) {
            $in = $_
            foreach ($sp in $steppablePipelines) {
        $paramCopy = [Ordered]@{} + $psBoundParameters
        & $Converter @paramCopy

    end {
        foreach ($sp in $steppablePipelines) {