
    Resolves an TypeConstraintAST to a CommandInfo
    Resolves an TypeConstraintAST to one or more CommandInfo Objects.

# Get the name of the transpiler.
$transpilerStepName  = 
    if ($this.TypeName.IsGeneric) {
    } else {
$decamelCase = [Regex]::new('(?<=[a-z])(?=[A-Z])')
    # If a Transpiler exists by that name, it will be returned first.
    Get-Transpiler -TranspilerName $transpilerStepName
    # Then, any periods in the attribute name will be converted to slashes,
    $fullCommandName = $transpilerStepName -replace '\.','\' -replace 
        '_','-' # and any underscores to dashes.

    # Then, the first CamelCased code will have a - injected in between the CamelCase.
    $fullCommandName = $decamelCase.Replace($fullCommandName, '-', 1)
    # Now we will try to find the command.
    $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($fullCommandName, 'All')