
    json schema protocol
    Converts a json schema to PowerShell.

    $commandAst = $_

    if ($commandAst.CommandElements.Count -eq 1) { return $false }
    # If neither command element contained a URI
    if (-not ($commandAst.CommandElements[1].Value -match '^https{0,1}://')) {
        return $false
    return ($commandAst.CommandElements[0].Value -in 'schema', 'jsonschema')
# The URI.

# The Command's Abstract Syntax Tree

$ScriptBlock = {},

# One or more property prefixes to remove.
# Properties that start with this prefix will become parameters without the prefix.
[Alias('Remove Property Prefix')]

# One or more properties to ignore.
# Properties whose name or description is like this keyword will be ignored.
[Alias('Ignore Property', 'IgnoreProperty','SkipProperty', 'Skip Property')]

# One or more properties to include.
# Properties whose name or description is like this keyword will be included.
[Alias('Include Property')]

# If set, will not mark a parameter as required, even if the schema indicates it should be.
[Alias('NoMandatoryParameters','No Mandatory Parameters', 'NoMandatories', 'No Mandatories')]

begin {
    # First we declare a few filters we will reuse.

    # One resolves schema definitions.
    # The inputObject is the schema.
    # The arguments are the path within the schema.
    filter resolveSchemaDefinition
        $in = $_.'$defs'
        $schemaPath = $args -replace '^#' -replace '^/' -replace '^\$defs' -split '[/\.]' -ne ''
        foreach ($sp in $schemaPath) {
            $in = $in.$sp

    # Another converts property names into schema parameter names.
    filter getSchemaParameterName {
        $parameterName = $_
        # If we had any prefixes we wished to remove, now is the time.
        if ($RemovePropertyPrefix) {            
            $parameterName = $parameterName -replace "^(?>$(@($RemovePropertyPrefix) -join '|'))"
            if ($property.Name -like 'Experimental.*') {
                $null = $null
        # Any punctuation followed by a letter should be removed and replaced with an Uppercase letter.
        $parameterName = [regex]::Replace($parameterName, "\p{P}(\p{L})", {
        }) -replace '\p{P}'
        # And we should force the first letter to be uppercase.
        $parameterName.Substring(0,1).ToUpper() + $parameterName.Substring(1)

    # If we have not cached the schema uris, create a collection for it.
    if (-not $script:CachedSchemaUris) {
        $script:CachedSchemaUris = @{}

    $myCmd = $MyInvocation.MyCommand

process {
    # If we are being invoked as a protocol
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Protocol') {
        # we will parse our input as a sentence.
        $mySentence = $commandAst.AsSentence($MyInvocation.MyCommand)
        # Walk thru all mapped parameters in the sentence
        $myParams = [Ordered]@{} + $PSBoundParameters
        foreach ($paramName in $mySentence.Parameters.Keys) {
            if (-not $myParams.Contains($paramName)) { # If the parameter was not directly supplied
                $myParams[$paramName] = $mySentence.Parameters[$paramName] # grab it from the sentence.
                foreach ($myParam in $myCmd.Parameters.Values) {
                    if ($myParam.Aliases -contains $paramName) { # set any variables that share the name of an alias
                        $ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Set($myParam.Name, $mySentence.Parameters[$paramName])
                # and set this variable for this value.
                $ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Set($paramName, $mySentence.Parameters[$paramName])

    # We will try to cache the schema URI at a given scope.
    $script:CachedSchemaUris[$SchemaUri] = $schemaObject = 
        if (-not $script:CachedSchemaUris[$SchemaUri]) {
            Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $SchemaUri
        } else {

    # If we do not have a schema object, error out.
    if (-not $schemaObject) {
        Write-Error "Could not get Schema from '$schemaUri'"

    # If the object does not look have a JSON schema, error out.
    if (-not $schemaObject.'$schema') {
        Write-Error "'$schemaUri' is not a JSON Schema"

    # If we do not have a URI fragment or there are no properties
    if (-not $SchemaUri.Fragment -and -not $ {        
        Write-Error "No root properties defined and no definition specified"
        return # error out.

    # Resolve the schema object we want to generate.
    $schemaDefinition = 
        if (-not $ -and $SchemaUri.Fragment) {
            $schemaObject | resolveSchemaDefinition $SchemaUri.Fragment            
        } else {

    # Start off by carrying over the description.
    $newPipeScriptSplat = @{
        description = $schemaDefinition.description                

    # Now walk thru each property in the schema
    $newPipeScriptParameters = [Ordered]@{}
    :nextProperty foreach ($property in $ {
        # Filter out excluded properties
        if ($ExcludeProperty) {
            foreach ($exc in $ExcludeProperty) {
                if ($property.Name -like $exc) { 
                    continue nextProperty
        # Filter included properties
        if ($IncludeProperty) {
            $included = foreach ($inc in $IncludeProperty) {
                if ($property.Name -like $inc) {
            if (-not $included) { continue nextProperty }
        # Convert the property into a parameter name
        $parameterName = $property.Name | getSchemaParameterName
        # Collect the parameter attributes
        $parameterAttributes = @(
            # The description comes first, as inline help
            $propertyDescription = $property.value.description
            if ($propertyDescription -match '\n') {
                " <#"
                " " + $($propertyDescription -split '(?>\r\n|\n)' -join ([Environment]::NewLine + (' ' * 4))
                " #>"
            } else {
                "# $propertyDescription"
                if ($property.value.required -and -not $NoMandatory) { "Mandatory,"}

            # Followed by the defaultBindingProperty (the name of the JSON property)

            # Keep track of if null was allowed and try to resolve the type
            $nullAllowed = $false
            $propertyTypeInfo =                 
                if ($property.value.'$ref') {
                    # If there was a reference, try to resolve it
                    $referencedType = $schemaObject | resolveSchemaDefinition $property.value.'$ref'
                    if ($referencedType) {
                } else {
                    # If there is not a oneOf, return the value
                    if (-not $property.value.'oneOf') {
                    } else {
                        # If there is oneOf, see if it's an optional null
                        $notNullOneOf = 
                            @(foreach ($oneOf in $property.value.oneOf) {
                                if ($oneOf.type -eq 'null') { 
                                    $nullAllowed = $true
                        if ($notNullOneOf.Count -eq 1) {
                            $notNullOneOf = $notNullOneOf[0]
                            if ($notNullOneOf.'$ref') {
                                $referencedType = $schemaObject | resolveSchemaDefinition $notNullOneOf.'$ref'
                                if ($referencedType) {
                            } else {
                        } else {
            # If there was a single type with an enum
            if ($propertyTypeInfo.enum) {
                $validSet = @() + $propertyTypeInfo.enum
                if ($nullAllowed) {
                    $validSet += ''

                # create a validateset.
                "[ValidateSet('$($validSet -join "','")')]"
            # If there was a validation pattern
            elseif ($propertyTypeInfo.pattern) 
                $validPattern = $propertyTypeInfo.pattern
                if ($nullAllowed) {
                    $validPattern = "(?>^\s{0}$|$validPattern)"
                $validPattern = $validPattern.Replace("'", "''")
                # declare a regex.
            # If there was a property type
            if ($propertyTypeInfo.type) { 
                # limit the input
                switch ($propertyTypeInfo.type) {
                    "string" {
                    "integer" {
                    "number" {
                    "boolean" {
                    "array" {
                    "object" {

        $parameterAttributes += "`$$parameterName"
        $newPipeScriptParameters[$parameterName] = $parameterAttributes        

    $newPipeScriptSplat.Parameter = $newPipeScriptParameters
    # If there was no scriptblock, or it was nothing but an empty param()
    if ($ScriptBlock -match '^[\s\r\n]{0,}(?:param\(\))?[\s\r\n]{0,1}$') {
        # Create a script that will create the schema object.
        $newPipeScriptSplat.Process = [scriptblock]::Create("
    `$schemaTypeName = '$("$schemauri".Replace("'","''"))'
 + {
    # Get my script block
    $myScriptBlock = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock
    # and declare an output object.
    $myParamCopy = [Ordered]@{PSTypeName=$schemaTypeName}
    # Walk over each parameter in my own AST.
    foreach ($param in $myScriptBlock.Ast.ParamBlock.Parameters) {
        # if there are not attributes, this parameter will not be mapped.
        if (-not $param.Attributes) {
        # If the parameter was not passed, this parameter will not be mapped.
        $paramVariableName = $param.Name.VariablePath.ToString()
        if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($paramVariableName)) {
        # Not walk over each attribute
        foreach ($attr in $param.Attributes) {
            # If the attribute is not a defaultbindingproperty attribute,
            if ($attr.TypeName.GetReflectionType() -ne [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingPropertyAttribute]) {
                continue # keep moving.
            # Otherwise, update our object with the value
            $propName = $($attr.PositionalArguments.value)
            $myParamCopy[$propName] = $PSBoundParameters[$paramVariableName]
            # (don't forget to turn switches into booleans)
            if ($myParamCopy[$propName] -is [switch]) {
                $myParamCopy[$propName] = $myParamCopy[$propName] -as [bool]

    # By converting our modified copy of parameters into an object
    # we should have an object that matches the schema.

    # If we are transpiling a script block
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ScriptBlock') {
        # join the existing script with the schema information
        Join-PipeScript -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock, (
            New-PipeScript @newPipeScriptSplat
    elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Protocol') 
        # Otherwise, create a script block that produces the schema.
$(New-PipeScript @newPipeScriptSplat)