
    Yaml Template Transpiler.
    Allows PipeScript to generate Yaml.

    Because Yaml does not support comment blocks, PipeScript can be written inline inside of specialized Yaml string.

    PipeScript can be included in a multiline Yaml string with the Key PipeScript and a Value surrounded by {}
    .> {
        $yamlContent = @'
PipeScript: |

  - PipeScript: |
  - PipeScript: |
        @(@{a='b'}, @{c='d'})
  - PipeScript: |
        @{a='b'}, @{c='d'}

    .> .\HelloWorld.ps1.yaml

# The command information. This will include the path to the file.

# If set, will return the information required to dynamically apply this template to any text.

# A dictionary of parameters.

# A list of arguments.

begin {
    # We start off by declaring a number of regular expressions:
    # Create a splat containing arguments to the core inline transpiler
    $Splat      = [Ordered]@{
        ReplacePattern  = [Regex]::new('
        (?<Indent>\s{0,}) # Capture the indentation level
        (?<InList>-\s)? # Determine if we are in a list
        PipeScript # Then match the key Pipescript
        :\s\| # followed by a whitespace and pipe character
        (?>\r\n|\n){1,} # Match one or more newlines
        (\k<Indent>)\s{2} # The ScriptBlock must be indented at least two spaces
        (?(InList)\s{2}) # (four if it is a list)
        \{ # Then we need to match the opening brace
        (?<PipeScript> # And we finally start matching our Script
          (?:.|\s){0,}?(?= # This is zero or more characters until
              \z| # The end of the string OR
              (\k<Indent>)\s{2} # A Matching pair or quad of indentation.
              \} # followed by a closing brace.
        (\k<Indent>)\s{2} # To complete the match, we check indentation once more
, 'IgnorePatternWhitespace,IgnoreCase')

process {
    # If we have been passed a command
    if ($CommandInfo) {
        # add parameters related to the file.
        $Splat.SourceFile = $commandInfo.Source -as [IO.FileInfo]
        $Splat.SourceText = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($commandInfo.Source)
    if ($Parameter) { $splat.Parameter = $Parameter }
    if ($ArgumentList) { $splat.ArgumentList = $ArgumentList }
    $Splat.ForeachObject = {
        begin {
            $yamlOut = [Collections.Queue]::new()
        process {
        end {
            if ($yamlOut.Count -eq 1) {
                $yamlOut = $yamlOut[0]
            } else {
                $isList = $true
            @(foreach ($yo in $yamlOut) {
                if ($yo -is [string]) {

                if ($yo -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
                    $yo = [PSCustomObject]$yo
                $yamlObject = [PSCustomObject]::new($yo)
                $yamlLines  = @((Out-String -InputObject $yamlObject -Width 1kb).Trim() -split '(?>\r\n|\n)')
                $isList     = $yamlLines[0] -match '^-\s'
                $inList     = $match.Groups["InList"].Value -as [bool]
                $yamlIndent = ' ' * ($match.Groups["Indent"].Length -as [int])
                @(for ($yamlLineNumber = 0; $yamlLineNumber -lt $yamlLines.Length; $yamlLineNumber++) {
                    $yamlLine = $yamlLines[$yamlLineNumber]                    
                    $(if ($inList -and -not $isList) {
                        if (-not $yamlLineNumber) {
                            $yamlIndent + '- '
                        } else {
                            $yamlIndent + ' '
                    } else {
                    }) + $yamlLine
                }) -join [Environment]::NewLine
            }) -join [Environment]::Newline
    # If we are being used within a keyword,
    if ($AsTemplateObject) {
        $splat # output the parameters we would use to evaluate this file.
    } else {
        # Otherwise, call the core template transpiler
        .>PipeScript.Template @Splat # and output the changed file.