
function Language.JSON {
        JSON PipeScript Language Definition.
        Allows PipeScript to generate JSON.

        Multiline comments blocks like ```/*{}*/``` will be treated as blocks of PipeScript.

        String output from these blocks will be embedded directly. All other output will be converted to JSON.

        Multiline comments can be preceeded or followed by 'empty' syntax, which will be ignored.

        * ```null```
        * ```""```
        * ```{}```
        * ```[]```
        Invoke-PipeScript {
            a.json template "{
            procs : null/*{Get-Process | Select Name, ID}*/

$this = $myInvocation.MyCommand
if (-not $this.Self) {
$languageDefinition = New-Module {

    $FilePattern = '\.json$'

    # We start off by declaring a number of regular expressions:
    $startComment = '/\*' # * Start Comments ```\*```
    $endComment   = '\*/' # * End Comments ```/*```
    $Whitespace   = '[\s\n\r]{0,}'
    # * IgnoredContext ```String.empty```, ```null```, blank strings and characters
    $IgnoredContext = "(?<ignore>(?>$('null', '""', '\{\}', '\[\]' -join '|'))\s{0,}){0,1}"
    $StartPattern = "(?<PSStart>${IgnoredContext}${startComment}\{$Whitespace)"    
    $EndPattern   = "(?<PSEnd>$Whitespace\}${endComment}\s{0,}${IgnoredContext})"

    $ForeachObject = {
        $in = $_
        if (($in -is [string]) -or 
            ($in.GetType -and $in.GetType().IsPrimitive)) {
        } else {
            ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 -InputObject $in

    # The interpreter for a JSON file is Import-JSON (a function in PipeScript)
    $Interpreter = $(
        $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('Import-JSON', 'Function')
    $LanguageName = 'JSON'
    Export-ModuleMember -Variable * -Function * -Alias *
} -AsCustomObject