
function Template.Function.js {

        Template for a JavaScript `function`
        Template for a `function` in JavaScript.
        Template.Function.js -Name "Hello" -Body "return 'hello'"

    # The name of the function.

    # The body of the function.

    # If set, the function will be marked as async

    # If set, the function will be marked as static

    # If set, the function will be marked as a generator.
    # This can be implied by calling this with the alias Template.Generator.js

    process {
        if ($body -match '^\{') {
            $body = $body -replace '^\s{0,}\{' -replace '\}\s{0,}$'
        switch -Regex ($MyInvocation.InvocationName) {
            "generator" {
                $generator = $true
            "function" {
$(if ($async) { "async "}$(if ($static) {"static "}))function$(if ($generator) { '*'}) $(if ($name) { $name})($($argument -join ',')) {
    $($Body -join (';' + [Environment]::newLine + ' '))

            default {
$(if ($async) { "async "}$(if ($static) {"static "})) $(if ($name) { $name})$(if ($generator) { '*'})($($argument -join ',')) {
    $($Body -join (';' + [Environment]::newLine + ' '))

