
    Defines a variable
    Defines a variable using a value provided at build time.

# The value to define.
# When this value is provided within an attribute as a ScriptBlock, the ScriptBlock will be run at build time.

# The variable the definition will be applied to.
[Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName='VariableAST', ValueFromPipeline)]

# The name of the variable. If define is applied as an attribute of a variable, this does not need to be provided.

begin {
    function EmbedString {
        param($str) {
            if ($val.Contains('$')) {
                if ($val -match '[\r\n]') {
                    '"@' + [Environment]::NewLine + $val.Replace('"', '`"') + [Environment]::NewLine + '@"'
                } else {
                    '"' + $val.Replace('"', '`"') + '"'
            } else {
                if ($val -match '[\r\n]') {
                    "'@" + [Environment]::NewLine + $val.Replace("'", "''") + [Environment]::NewLine + "@'"
                } else {
                    "'" + $val.Replace("'", "''") + "'"

process {
    # Get the value we want to define
    $definedValue = 
        # A null will become
        if ($value -eq $null) {
            '$null' # $null
        # a string
        elseif ($value -is [string]) {
            EmbedString $value # will be embedded
        # a boolean
        elseif ($value -is [bool]) {
            if ($value) {
                '$true' # will become $true
            else {
                '$false' # or $false
        # a primitive
        elseif ($value.GetType().IsPrimitive) {
            # will be embedded and typecast
        # a [ScriptBlock]
        elseif ($value -is [ScriptBlock]) {
            "{$value}" # will be embedded within {}
        # a [timespan]
        elseif ($value -is [Timespan]) {
            # can be cast from it's stringified value
        # a [DateTime]
        elseif ($value -is [DateTime]) {
            # can be cast from a standardized string value
        # Otherwise,
        else {
            # embed the variable as JSON
$($value | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100)
'@ | ConvertFrom-Json"


    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ScriptBlock') {
        if (-not $VariableName) {
            Write-Error "Must provide a -VariableName"

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'VariableAst') {
        [ScriptBlock]::Create('$' + $VariableAst.VariablePath.ToString() + ' = ' + $definedValue)
    elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ScriptBlock') {
        $blockName  =
            if ($ScriptBlock.Ast.DynamicParamBlock) {
            } elseif ($scriptblock.Ast.beignBlock.Statements) {
            } elseif ($scriptBlock.Ast.processblock.Statements) {
            } else { ''}
        $toCreate = 
            if ($blockName) {
                "$blockName {`$$VariableName =$definedValue }"
            else {
                "param() `$$VariableName = $definedValue"
        [scriptblock]::Create($toCreate), $scriptblock | Join-PipeScript