
    Makes Output from a PowerShell function Explicit.
    Makes a PowerShell function explicitly output.

    All statements will be assigned to $null, unless they explicitly use Write-Output or echo.

    If Write-Output or echo is used, the command will be replaced for more effecient output.
    Invoke-PipeScript {
        "This Will Not Output"
        Write-Output "This Will Output"
            echo "Output"
    } | .>PipeScript

# The ScriptBlock that will be transpiled.

process {
    # Search the ScriptBlock for
    $pipelines = $ScriptBlock.Ast.FindAll({
        # all pipelines
        if ($ast -isnot [System.Management.Automation.Language.PipelineAst]) {
            return $false
        # (as long as they are not the child or grandchild of Command, Assignment, or Return statements)
        $ignoreTypes = 'CommandAst', 'AssignmentStatementAst', 'ReturnStatementAst'
        $pipelineParent = $ast.Parent
        $pipelineGrandParent = $ast.Parent.Parent
        if ($pipelineParent -and $pipelineParent.GetType().Name -in $ignoreTypes) {
            return $false
        if ($pipelineGrandParent -and $pipelineGrandParent.GetType().Name -in $ignoreTypes) {
            return $false
        return $true
    }, $false)

    $astReplacements = [Ordered]@{}
    foreach ($pipeline in $pipelines) {        
        $nullify = $pipeline.PipelineElements[-1] -isnot [Management.Automation.Language.CommandAst]
        if (-not $nullify) {
            $cmdName = $pipeline.PipelineElements[-1].CommandElements[0].Value
            $isOutputCmdName = '^(?>Out|Write|Show|Format)'
            $resolvedAlias = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($cmdName, 'Alias')
            $nullify = 
                $cmdName -notmatch $isOutputCmdName -and
                $resolvedAlias.Definition -notmatch $isOutputCmdName
            $isWriteOutput = $cmdName -in 'Write-Output', 'echo', 'write'
            if ($isWriteOutput) {
                if ($pipeline.PipelineElements.Count -gt 1) {                    
                    $strPipeline = "$pipeline"
                    $restOfPipeline = $strPipeline.Substring(0,
                        $strPipeline.Length - $pipeline.PipelineElements[-1].ToString().Length)
                    $astReplacements[$pipeline] = [ScriptBlock]::Create($restOfPipeline.TrimEnd().TrimEnd('|'))
                } else {
                    $ce = $pipeline.PipelineElements[0].CommandElements
                    $astReplacements[$pipeline] = [ScriptBlock]::Create($ce[1..($ce.Count - 1)] -join ' ')

        if ($nullify) {
            $astReplacements[$pipeline] =  [ScriptBlock]::Create("`$null = $pipeline")

    Update-PipeScript -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -AstReplacement $astReplacements    