
    Validates Script Blocks
    Validates Script Blocks for a number of common scenarios.

    } | .>PipeScript

    } | .>PipeScript

    } | .>PipeScript

    $val = $_
    if (
        ($val.Parent -is [Management.Automation.Language.AttributedExpressionAst]) -and 
        ($val.Parent.Attribute.TypeName.Name -in 'ValidateScriptBlock')
    ) {
        return $true
    return $false
# If set, will validate that ScriptBlock is "safe".
# This will attempt to recreate the Script Block as a datalanguage block and execute it.

# If set, will ensure that the [ScriptBlock] only has parameters

# If set, will ensure that the [ScriptBlock] has no named blocks.

# If set, will ensure that the [ScriptBlock] has no parameters.

    $validTypeList = [System.String],[System.String[]],[System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex],
    $thisType = $_.GetType()
    $IsTypeOk =
        $(@( foreach ($validType in $validTypeList) {
            if ($_ -as $validType) {
    if (-not $isTypeOk) {
        throw "Unexpected type '$(@($thisType)[0])'. Must be 'string','string[]','regex','commandinfo','commandinfo[]'."
    return $true

    $validTypeList = [System.String],[System.String[]],[System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex],
    $thisType = $_.GetType()
    $IsTypeOk =
        $(@( foreach ($validType in $validTypeList) {
            if ($_ -as $validType) {
    if (-not $isTypeOk) {
        throw "Unexpected type '$(@($thisType)[0])'. Must be 'string','string[]','regex','commandinfo','commandinfo[]'."
    return $true

# If set, will ensure that the script block contains types in this list.
# Passing -IncludeType without -ExcludeType will make -ExcludeType default to *.
$validTypeList = [System.String],[System.String[]],[System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex],[System.Type],[System.Type[]]
$thisType = $_.GetType()
$IsTypeOk =
    $(@( foreach ($validType in $validTypeList) {
        if ($_ -as $validType) {
if (-not $isTypeOk) {
    throw "Unexpected type '$(@($thisType)[0])'. Must be 'string','string[]','regex','type','type[]'."
return $true

# If set, will ensure that the script block does not use the types in this list.
# Passing -IncludeType without -ExcludeType will make -ExcludeType default to *.
$validTypeList = [System.String],[System.String[]],[System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex],[System.Type],[System.Type[]]
$thisType = $_.GetType()
$IsTypeOk =
    $(@( foreach ($validType in $validTypeList) {
        if ($_ -as $validType) {
if (-not $isTypeOk) {
    throw "Unexpected type '$(@($thisType)[0])'. Must be 'string','string[]','regex','type','type[]'."
return $true

# If set, will ensure that the ScriptBlock does not contain any loops.

# If set, will ensure that the ScriptBlock does not contain any do or while loops.

# One or more AST conditions to validate.
# If no results are found or the condition throws, the script block will be considered invalid.
[Alias('AstConditions', 'IfAst')]

# A VariableExpression. If provided, the Validation attributes will apply to this variable.

process {

$validateScripts = @(
    if ($DataLanguage) {
    if ($_ -isnot [ScriptBlock]) { return $true }
    $sbCopy = "data { $_ }"
    try {
        $dataOutput = & ([ScriptBlock]::Create($sbCopy))
        return $true
    } catch {

    if ($ParameterOnly) {
    if ($_ -isnot [ScriptBlock]) { return $true }
    $statementCount = 0
    $statementCount += $_.Ast.DynamicParamBlock.Statements.Count
    $statementCount += $_.Ast.BeginBlock.Statements.Count
    $statementCount += $_.Ast.ProcessBlock.Statements.Count
    $statementCount += $_.Ast.EndBlock.Statements.Count
    if ($statementCount) {
        throw "ScriptBlock should have no statements"
    } else {
        return $true

    if ($NoBlock) {
    if ($_ -isnot [ScriptBlock]) { return $true }
    if ($_.Ast.DynamicParamBlock -or $_.Ast.BeginBlock -or $_.Ast.ProcessBlock) {
        throw "ScriptBlock should not have any named blocks"
    return $true
    if ($NoParameter) {
    if ($_ -isnot [ScriptBlock]) { return $true }
    if ($_.Ast.ParamBlock.Parameters.Count) {
        throw "ScriptBlock should not have parameters"
    return $true


    # If -IncludeCommand or -ExcludeCommand were provided
    # generate an -ASTCondition to check command inclusion.
    if ($IncludeCommand -or $ExcludeCommand) {        
        if (-not $ExcludeCommand) {
            $ExcludeCommand = '*'
        if (-not $IncludeCommand -and $ExcludeCommand -eq '*') {
            $AstCondition += {
if ($ast -is [Management.Automation.Language.CommandAst]) {
    throw "AST cannot contain commands"
return $true}
        else {
            $AstCondition += [ScriptBlock]::Create(@"
`$included = $(
    if (-not $IncludeCommand) { '$null' }
    @($(foreach ($inc in $IncludeCommand) {
    if ($inc -is [string]) {
        "'$($inc -replace "'","''")'"
    elseif ($inc -is [Management.Automation.CommandInfo]) {
        "'$($inc.Name -replace "'","''")'"
    elseif ($inc -is [regex]) {
})) -join ',')
`$excluded = $(@(
    if (-not $ExcludeCommand) { '$null' }
    $(foreach ($exc in $ExcludeCommand) {
    if ($exc -is [string]) {
        "'$($exc -replace "'","''")'"
    elseif ($exc -is [Management.Automation.CommandInfo]) {
        "'$($exc.Name -replace "'","''")'"
    elseif ($exc -is [regex]) {
})) -join ',')
if (`$ast -is [Management.Automation.Language.CommandAst]) {
    `$astCommandName = `$ast.CommandElements[0].Value
$(if ($IncludeCommand) {
    foreach ($inc in $included) {
        if ($inc -is [string] -and $astCommandName -like $inc) {
            return $true
        elseif ($inc -is [Regex] -and $astCommandName -match $inc) {
            return $true
    $throwMessage = "$astCommandName is not allowed"
    foreach ($exc in $excluded) {
        if ($exc -is [string] -and $astCommandName -like $exc) {
            throw $throwMessage
        elseif ($exc -is [regex] -and $astCommandName -match $exc) {
            throw $throwMessage

return `$true

    # If -IncludeType or -ExcludeType were provided
    if ($IncludeType -or $ExcludeType) {        
        if (-not $ExcludeType) {
            $ExcludeType = '*'
        if (-not $IncludeType -and $ExcludeType -eq '*') {
            $AstCondition += {
if ($ast -is [Management.Automation.Language.TypeExpressionAst]) {
    throw "AST cannot contain types"
return $true}
        else {
            $AstCondition += [ScriptBlock]::Create(@"
`$included = $(
    if (-not $IncludeType) { '$null' }
    @($(foreach ($inc in $IncludeType) {
    if ($inc -is [string]) {
        "'$($inc -replace "'","''")'"
    elseif ($inc -is [type]) {
        "[$($inc.FullName -replace '^System\.')]"
    elseif ($inc -is [regex]) {
})) -join ',')
`$excluded = $(@(
    if (-not $ExcludeType) { '$null' }
    $(foreach ($exc in $ExcludeType) {
    if ($exc -is [string]) {
        "'$($exc -replace "'","''")'"
    elseif ($exc -is [type]) {
        "[$($exc.FullName -replace '^System\.')]"
    elseif ($exc -is [regex]) {
})) -join ',')
if (`$ast -is [Management.Automation.Language.TypeExpressionAst] -or
    `$ast -is [Management.Automation.Language.TypeConstraintAst]) {
    $astType = $ast.TypeName
    $reflectionType = if ($astType) {
$(if ($IncludeType) {
    foreach ($inc in $included) {
        if ($inc -is [string] -and $astType -like $inc) {
            return $true
        elseif ($inc -is [Regex] -and $astType -match $inc) {
            return $true
        elseif ($inc -is [type]){
            if ($inc -eq $reflectionType) { return $true}
            if ($inc.IsSubclassOf($reflectionType) -or $reflectionType.IsSubclassOf($inc)) {
                return $true
            if ($inc.IsInterface -and $reflectionType.getInterFace($inc)) {
                return $true
            if ($reflectionType.IsInterface -and $inc.getInterFace($reflectionType)) {
                return $true
    $throwMessage = "[$($ast.Typename)] is not allowed"
    foreach ($exc in $excluded) {
        if ($exc -is [string] -and $astType -like $exc) {
            throw $throwMessage
        elseif ($exc -is [regex] -and $astType -match $exc) {
            throw $throwMessage
        elseif ($exc -is [type]) {
            if ($ecx -eq $reflectionType) {
                throw $throwMessage
            elseif ($exc.IsSubclassOf($reflectionType) -or $reflectionType.IsSubclassOf($exc)) {
                throw $throwMessage
            elseif ($exc.IsInterface -and $reflectionType.getInterFace($exc)) {
                throw $throwMessage
            elseif ($reflectionType.IsInterface -and $exc.getInterFace($reflectionType)) {
                throw $throwMessage

return `$true

    if ($NoLoop) {
        $AstCondition += {
if ($ast -is [Management.Automation.Language.LoopStatementAst]) {
    throw "ScriptBlock cannot contain loops"
return $true
    } elseif ($NoWhileLoop) {
        $AstCondition += {
if ($ast -is [Management.Automation.Language.LoopStatementAst] -and 
    $ast.GetType().Name -match '(?>do|while)') {
    throw "ScriptBlock cannot contain $($ast.GetType().Name)"
return $true
    if ($AstCondition) {
    if (`$_ -isnot [ScriptBlock]) { return `$true }
    `$astConditions = {$($AstCondition -join '} , {')}
    `$scriptBlockAst = `$_.Ast
    foreach (`$astCondition in `$astConditions) {
        `$foundResults = `$scriptBlockAst.FindAll(`$astCondition, `$true)
        if (-not `$foundResults) { return `$false}
    return `$true

    if (-not $validateScripts) { return }

$($validateScripts -join [Environment]::NewLine)$(
    if ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Parameter') {
    } else {
        '$' + $VariableAST.variablePath.ToString()
